

4450 Uppsatser om High stake - Sida 25 av 297

Optimism och stress : En enkätundersökning om förhållandet mellan självupplevd optimism och stress

The idea with this study is to examine if there are a connection between how optimistic people are in relation to how stressed they feel. The result from the survey is based on materials from a questionnaire has been sent to fifty persons of varying age and sexes. The questionnaire has also been sent to students from Karlstad University but also to friends and acquaintances. The data is measured with SE- and LOT-tests. The issues concerned in which scope respondents experiences themselves stressed and optimistic and how the connection is between experienced stress and optimism in relation to results on the figure tests.

Spolmaskangrepp är ett ökande problem hos värphöns

This literature review summarizes available data on infection with the parasitic roundworm, Ascaridia galli, as a cause of disease in poultry, including the consequences of a conversion to alternative production systems. Ascaridia galli has a direct life cycle with resistant eggs that survive and are easily spread in the environment, especially in systems with bedding materials where the faecal contact is high. The infection is usually subclinical but depending on the infection dose, the symptoms range from weight loss and diarrhea to mortality. Factors such as the feed composition and genetic variation among different hybrids clearly affect the establishment rate of the infection. Ascaridia galli will probably become an increasing problem, with a shift from the traditional battery cages to alternative systems where the risk of re-infection is high.

Varför handla svenskt kött? : en konsumentundersökning

The background to the work bases on the consumers view around Swedish and foreign meat products, and how the attitude around the meat products is pursued in the shops. The consumers request high meat quality and security . Many consumers value local produced and ecological meat products but the price is too high. We have done verbal interviews with consumers on three different shops, where we asked questions and had dialogues around Swedish meat products where the consumers have told us their arguments and opinions about Swedish and foreign meat. The result shows that the majority of consumers consider that it is important to know that meat is produce in Sweden.

Storage stability in a milk based UHT-beverage : effect of pH, carrageenan and storage time

The different characteristics of many food products, such as aroma and texture, changes during storage time and become undesirable. The reason is instabilities within the product which become prominent as the product ages. These changes in characteristics are quality losses caused by changes in the product?s intrinsic and extrinsic environment. The stability in UHT-milk and beverages similar to it have been studied in the past decades and a certain focus have been on age gelation which is a common defect in these type of products.

Biosensorsystem fo?r o?vervakning av vattenkvalitet

Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.

Folkhälsa och välfärd - En litteraturbaserad studie om hälsans betydelse för ekonomisk tillväxt

The interest in the significance of public health for economic growth has increasedsteadily in recent years and a clarification of this connection may be of importance forthe status of public health. Aim: The aim of this literature based study is to describewhat previous research has shown in terms of the connection between public health andeconomic growth, focusing on high-income countries. Method: The study is based ontwelve scholarly articles retrieved from four scholarly databases. Result: The resultclarify that there is a positive long-term correlation between good public health andeconomic growth in high-income countries. Good health has a positive effect onproductivity, which leads to increased economic growth.

LCHF - Low Carb High Fat : en experimentell studie av 3 veckors LCHF-kost på hälsomarkörer hos normalviktiga kvinnor

SammanfattningSyfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hurvida en LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) kost skulle kunna vara en hälsosam livsstil utifrån hur den påverkar olika hälsomarkörer hos normalviktiga personer där en viktminskning ej har eftersträvats. Frågeställningen var följande: Hur påverkar en LCHF-kost med maximalt 30 gram kolhydrater per dag under 3 veckor normalviktiga kvinnors BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), blodlipider, blodglukos, blodtryck, kroppssammansättning, midje- och höftmått samt deras kroppsvikt?Metod En experimentell studie har genomförts på 8 normalviktiga kvinnor mellan 20 och 35 år. Samtliga försökspersoners BMR, blodlipider, blodglukos, blodtryck, kroppssammansättning, midje- och höftmått samt kroppsvikt mättes vid normala levnadsförhållanden innan studiens start samt efter 3 veckor av en strikt LCHF-kost med endast 30 gram kolhydrater per dag.Resultat BMR sänktes i genomsnitt med 4,4% vilket var signifikant (P<0,05). HDL (High-density lipoproteins), LDL (Low-density lipoproteins) samt totalkolesterol höjdes signifikant (P<0,01) med 21%, 25% respektive 22%.

Effects of palmitic and stearic acids supplementation on milk yield, composition and milk lipolysis in dairy cows

When facing the fact that high yielding dairy cows has an increasing energy requirements, the practice of adding lipid supplements such as concentrates rich in palm oil and/or palm oil industry by-products become more common. Palm oil containing high levels of C16:0 causes high levels of free fatty acids (FFA) which are linked to larger milk fat globules (MFG) which affect the reaction of lipolysis resulting in rancid flavour and processing problems. Instead of using palm oil, rapeseed oil rich in C18:1 C18:2 can be used. In order to evaluate the effect of added C18:0 and C16:0 on milk lipolysis, 30 Swedish Red lactating dairy cows including 15 multiparous (MP) and 15 primiparous (PP) cows were randomly divided in three groups resulting in 3 10 cow-groups (5 PP and 5 MP cows per group) and fed one out of three concentrate mixtures: control (C), a standard concentrate mixture with no fat added; palmitate (P) as C plus the addition of palmitate methyl ester (10 % in DM basis); and stearate (St) as C plus the addition of stearate methyl ester (10 % in DM basis). Milk yield was registered, and milk samples were collected and analysed for milk composition, FFA content and size of MFG.

Recipientundersökning av Ensjön : Bedömning av sulfidmalmgruvan Enåsens eventuella påverkan på sjöns vattenkvalitet

Ensåsengruvan is a mine situated within Ljusdals municipality in central Sweden. Themine was in use from 1984 to 1991 and has since been undergoing a remediation program. Mine tailings from sulfide rich ore is a potential environmental hazard due to its tendency to cause acid waters and heavy metal leakage. Lake Ensjön is situated one kilometer from the mine area. Due to the hydrological conditions it was not expected to receive inflowing water from the mining area.

Optimering av informationsinsamlingvid prototyptillverkning

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Att förstå medborgardialoger från olika perspektiv

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.

Vuxnas läsning av ungdomslitteratur ? en påse med godis, en trettioårskris eller som vilken litteratur som helst?

I approach the subject of adult readers of young adult fiction through an analytical framework influenced by Cultural Studies, implicating that young adult fiction is caught up in a system of distinction between popular literature and high literature. I contrast this with theories that suggest that there has been a loosening of this hierarchy and that they now coexist, even borrowing features from one another. I also examine questions of ideology, namely the ideology of mass culture, the ironical attitude and the ideology of populism. I also use Andreas Huyssen?s theory of mass culture as a woman, seeing as popular literature often tends to be categorized with feminine traits.

Fokus på personalomsättning : en etnografisk studie på försäkringsbolaget Trygg-Hansasoutboundavdelning i Växjö

Master's thesis, Master of Business Administration program, School of Business ofEconomics at Linnaeus University, Management, Course code, 4FE10EAuthors: Anton Milemo and Christoffer WideénTutor: Magnus ForslundTitle: Focus on employee turnover - an ethnographic study on the insurance companyTrygg-Hansa?s outbound department in VäxjöBackground: The costs of losing employees, recruiting new people, making a selectionof potential employees and training them are all high. The costs often exceed onehundred percent of the annual salary for the otherwise vacant position. In addition to thedirect costs of employee turnover troubles, things such as work confusion, loss oforganizational memory along with strategic skills can arise. The employee turnover rateof Trygg-Hansa?s outbound department in Växjö is too high according to the officemanager.Purpose: Understand the causes of high employee turnover in a Swedish insurancecompany.Methodology: This thesis consists of an ethnographic study of a Swedish insurancecompany.

Självskattning av depression hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom : Validering av självskattningsformuläret ?Känsloläge?

AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the statistical properties of a self-assessment instrument for depression, Känsloläge, with regard to validity, reliability and factor structure. Method: The data collection method used for the study was mail questionnaires. The sample consisted of patients who had received treatment for heart failure, arrhythmic disorders or coronary heart disease at a hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. The study population consisted of 53 patients. The self assessment form?s validity was analyzed by measuring the criterion validity.

Att fråga eller inte fråga, det är frågan : En studie av frågor mellan lärare och elever under kemilektioner

This report presents the use of questions by both teachers and students in chemistry class. Both students and teachers have been observed during 24 lessons, both theoretical and practical. In addition, interviews have been made with the teachers and the students have answered a questionnaire. The result show that a high number of questions are asked, more than one per minute and that both teachers and students ask the same amount of questions. This contradicts earlier findings were teachers questions dominate.

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