135 Uppsatser om Hemisphere dominance - Sida 7 av 9
Betula : arter och sorter
As birch is one of the most common trees in Sweden, and probably one of the easiest for
someone who lives here to identify, it is interesting to note that most people do not know
how variable the genus is and how widely it is distributed across the northern hemisphere.
One can find birch growing at both high and low elevations, demanding different soil
conditions and preferring varying amounts of sunlight. Many people may also be surprised to
hear that the colour of the bark can vary from bight white to almost black, and different
shades of pink, orange and red can also be displayed. This, together with the astonishing
beauty of the genus, the important role as a pioneer in many ecological systems and the
difficulty in sorting out the taxonomy of the genus, constitutes the background of this thesis. The thesis is written at the Department of Landscape Development in Alnarp, Sweden with Kenneth Lorentzon, researcher at the Swedish University of Agriculture as a supervisor. The aim of this thesis is to highlight which species and cultivars within the genus Betula could be appropriate for horticultural use in Sweden.
ACL-rupturer hos fotbollstjejer ? riskfaktorer och prevention
Non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries is a serius and traumatic injury to the knee that is common in female soccer players and often force the player to quit or lower the level of activity because of lost stability in the knee or from fear to suffer a new injury. Female soccerplayers have a higher risk than their male counterparts to get an ACL rupture and especially adolescent females have a high risk. The most common causes to a non-contact ACL rupture is side-cutting manuvers and landing after jumping. Every other player with an ACL rupture develops osteoarthritis within 10-15 years from the time of injuryResults: The higher risk for females to incur a ACL rupture is due to smaller intercondylar notch, they?re in the follicular or ovulatory phase of their menstrual cycle, increased knee laxity, dominance in the quadriceps muscles, flexion in hip and valgus movement in the knee.
Irans kvinnor : Och deras möjligheter till politisk påverkan
The purpose of this study is to examine the actual political conditions that exist for the Iranian women. What is the political reality of the Iranian women and how can they exert political influence within the political system that exists in Iran today. This is done to see how the Iranian women's potential political influence affects Iran's democratic status. This will be answered through the overall research question: What opportunities do the Iranian women have to influence policy? This overall question is then split into three smaller research questions:1) What formal possibilities to political influence do the Iranian women have?2) What real possibilities to political influence do the Iranian women have?3) How have women in Iran tried to exert political influence outside the institutional framework?This will be done through a qualitative text analysis where texts concerning the Iranian women?s political influence are examined.
Hej Litteraturen! : En studie av ett läromedel i litteraturhistoria ur ett genusperspektiv
The purpose of this study is to examine, from a gender perspective, Utbildningsradions TV-program Hej Litteraturen! in the light of feminist literature studies conducted during the last twenty years. I want to examine if the feminist literature studies have had any impact on contemporary teaching material regarding the question of how much space in time is given to men versus women and which female authors are included in the literary canon. Hej Litteraturen! is a TV program produced in 2010 intended for high school teaching of literature history. By conducting a content analysis in which I divide the study in a quantitative and a qualitative component, I have investigated how much space and time is given to female writers and how they are presented. My analysis draws on use Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of the gender system. The result shows that the female authors get 37 percent of the total reference space and 42 percent of the time-space. The program has sought to describe male and female authors equally and gives them weight and relevance to the sections in a similar manner. In conclusion, Hej Litteraturen! is a tutorial which embraces parts of the criticisms that have existed in historical literature review papers in general and literary history textbooks in particular. Hej Litteraturen! has worked on gender aspects of the program and by picking up contemporary authors as reference points for literary history in the present, the program contributes not only not only in renewing the literary canon, but also in balancing out the dominance of male writers in the history of literature..
Flavours ? det smakar doft : Upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination
Inledning: Den vetenskapliga förankringen om mat och vin i kombination är låg. Upplevelsenav en måltid involverar alla de mänskliga sinnena, vilket således har gjort den svår att mäta.Hur stor roll spelar egentligen grundsmakerna och krävs det ytterligare element för att lyfta enkombination av mat och vin till högre höjder?Bakgrund: Förutom smaklökarna på tungan som bildar den grundläggande uppfattningen avdet vi stoppar i munnen, är det främst munkänsla och flavours som bidrar till helheten avsinnesupplevelsen av mat och dryck. Flavours är en kombination av det människan smakar,känner och luktar och det råder oenighet om hur stor vikten av flavours kontra grundsmakerär vid en kombination.Syfte: Författarna avsåg att undersöka vilken betydelse flavours respektive grundsmaker harför upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination.Metod och material: För att kunna besvara syftet användes kvalitativa fokusgruppintervjuersamt en kvantitativ sensorisk analys i form av Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS).Resultat: Undersökningen visade att både fokusgrupperna och TDS-panelen vargrundsmaksorienterade i deras bedömningar. Likväl belyste fokusgrupperna att flavours hadeen viktig roll i att lyfta en kombination och ge den karaktär och komplexitet.
Digitala verktyg i mellanstadiets musikundervisning : En kvalitativ undersökning av vilken uppfattning fyra musiklärare har om digitala verktyg för ljud- och musikskapande
The purpose of the essay is to draw attention to my approach in relation to a boy I choose to call Emil, and how I can increase my understanding of his behavior. I explore conceivable reasons for why he breaks down so often, especially when other children are given attention. Is he simply unusually egoistic, and to a large degree only able to see to his own interests, or am I overlooking the real reasons for his actions.In order to explain the reasons for Emil?s apparent frustration in sensitive situations, I explore the significance of attachment theory. I argue about possible effects of Emil?s parents? way of describing and guiding him, as well as how I, and my colleagues, risk fulfilling and amplifying negative expectations.As the prime reason for his repeated sense of unhappiness seems linked to a lack of empathy, I explore different ways of understanding this, as well as how I might contribute to fostering compassion.
?Pengarna finns i systemet? : Digitalt bevarande i Sveriges nationella strategi för arbetet med digitalisering och elektroniskt bevarande av kulturarvet
The aim of this two year master thesis is to analyze how digital preservation is presented as a problem in the Swedish national strategy for the digitization and digital preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage. In order to study which assumptions about digital preservation exists within the strategy I apply the discourse oriented methodological tools presented by Carol Lee Bacchi, which focuses on discerning what problem or, rather, representation of a problem exists within a specific policy. This study is a post-structuralist discourse analysis. The main focus of the study is on what assumptions and prerequisites the dominating representation of the problem is based upon and how the representation has evolved. The main material of the study consists of public investigations conducted by the Swedish state, governmental propositions and replies as well as other public documents upon which Bacci's methodological tools are applied.Results show that digital preservation is primarily interpreted as a financial problem as the national strategy and its surrounding documents stress the need of cost-efficient solutions.
Bonniers och AB Mariebergs ställning på mediemarknaden en analys av tre skilda debatter åren 1995-1998
International media groups and the freedom of speech are two issues that have been questioned during the last years when large media groups control a large amount of public-oriented information. The masters thesis at hand considers three debates that illuminate Bonniers and AB Mariebergs hereinafter referred to as the Bonnier Media Group positions on the media market. The objective of such a study is to establish in the face of the theory on hegemonia, for example from which factors the media actors deduce their argumentation when discussing the above-mentioned topic and the meaning of such a discussion in our time. The thesis also discusses whether freedom of speech and free opinion are affected by the increasing power of the Bonnier Media Group and if they, as a result, have diminished their own cultural and liberal assets, features that are firmly associated with the company. I conclude that various features have come to change the media market during the last years.
Hur publicera efter policyn? Ett antal seniora forskares förhållningssätt till open access efter Vetenskapsrådets open access-policy.
Since the 1990?s Open Access has developed into an alternative model for scientific publication. Today an increasing political interest in promoting Open Access is commonly channeled through the implementation of policies by research funders. However, in the scientific community the uptake and acceptance of the model has been of notably different character.This Master?s thesis examines the understanding of and attitudes towards open access among eight senior Swedish researchers and how these have been affected by the implementation of the Swedish Research Council?s Open Access-policy as implemented in 2010.
Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap ? en positionsbestämning. Svenska avhandlingar och uppsatser i en interpretativ innehållsanalys
The purpose of this study is to gauge the current state of Swedish library and information science research. LIS is generally defined as a cross- or multidisciplinary subject, according to some coupled with heterogenity or dichotomy within the subject. In light of Jack Meadows?s description of the scientific community growth and scientific communication, the following two research questions are formulated as basis for the study: 1. What are the current themes, what range of theories and methods are used in our research material? 2.
Kvinnors villkor i kommunalpolitiken i Karlstads kommun : sex politiker berättar
ABSTRACT Essay in political science, C-level by Chris Baldebo spring semester 2010. Tutor: Arne Larsson. ?Women?s conditions in municipal politics in the municipality of Karlstad - Six politicians tell?. The purpose of this paper is to explore women?s conditions in the municipal political work in the municipality of Karlstad.
Performance of laying hens in a cognitive bias task : effect of time since change of environment
In the debate on laying hen welfare, and specifically housing conditions, the main focushas been on physiological and behavioural measures. What is lacking is knowledge of howthe hen experiences the situation ? her state of mind.This study is an attempt to gain insight into the private mental states of former batteryhens. It uses a cognitive bias method based on spatial judgement, i.e. judgement of aambiguous stimulus placed spatially in between a reinforced and an unreinforced stimulus.This method has previously shown differences in judgement by animals in enriched versuspoor housing.
Drama - en metod för barn som inte leker?
This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.
Marknadsföring via internet : ett reklammedium i frammarsch eller mättnad?
Internet has since the beginning of the nineties gone through an enormous growth in size, and with this big increase in numbers of users, a new, lucrative advertisingmarket was created with webbased marketing. This market has grown in the same tempo, and has now reached some sort of a breakpoint. There is no doubt that internet will be a marketingmedium to count on in the future, but how will development continue to progres and what shape will it have? Will this development keep on growing in the same tempo as earlier or will we see factors that put a break on this development?With this study, I have wanted to give a picture of internet as a marketingchannel today and how it is understood by consumers, spokesmen for the bransch and branschauthoritys. Further, I have tried to give a picture of how the future could look like, judging from the data that was collected from interviews, a big poll and those written sources on the subject that are available today.To be able to give answers to my questions at issue and reach a conclusion for the partproblems that I had initially, I have made a group of interviews with spokesmen of the bransches marketing, netportal, netanalysis amongst others.
Despotism och erotik: kvinnan och religion i Montesquieus Persiska brev
This study aims to investigate how, in Montesquieu?s Persian Letters (1721), religion and religious structures are presented to influence women?s position in French society.In Persian Letters Montesquieu presents a dogmatic religious life, which proceed from a literal interpretation of the bible. Such a reading raises critical questions concerning the nature of women, and subsequently places man over woman. Persian Letters show how this male dominance gets institutionalized in marriage. The religious life depicted is also distinguished by a non-genuine religious conviction and by acts which take on a simulation form.