3895 Uppsatser om Hedonic pricing model - Sida 2 av 260
Egna märkesvaror i dagligvaruhandeln : - En studie om hur egna märkesvaror påverkar konsumentens impulsköp
The thesis concerns itself with studying the effects private brands has on the consumer?s impulse buying in the grocery industry, as in degree of unplanned spending and the selection process between manufacturer brands and private brands when such a purchase is performed. The study?s methodology is characterised by a qualitative approach, whereby the study acknowledges the inductive approach towards the empirical setting even though the Mehrabian-Russell model along with motivational theories serve as highlighters of relevant aspects in the empirical field. The study concludes that both the utilitarian and the hedonic consumer decide what to buy before entering the store, whereby a low degree of needs arise in the store.
Kvalitativ analys av Holmen Skogs internprissättningsmodell :
Transfer pricing has attracted considerable interest among tax authorities in recent years. One of the reasons for this is that various countries have now begun to protect their own tax bases to a greater extent than they did in the past. Sweden has introduced a law on the documentation on the grounds that the tax office to review the pricing of transactions that occur within multinational corporations. The purpose of the law is that companies should apply a transfer pricing that meet arm's length principle, which means that internal pricing reflects market prices.
The EU Commission has, together with the EU member states formed a Forum, the EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum (JTPF), since cross-border trade within groups constitute a threat to the internal market. The Forum has drawn up a code of conduct which includes a model of documentation.
Musikens påverkan på kundens köpbeteende
Servicescape is a research area within service management which processes the effect that the environment has on the service experience. The purpose of this essay is to find out how servicescape, with focus on the ?background music?, affects customer behavior in a clothing retail store. Through manipulation of the background music?s tempo the essay aim to explore to what extent this part of the servicescape a) affect the customers approach and avoidance behavior, b) is affected by customers with a hedonic or utilitarian shopping behavior, c) affects pleasure, arousal and dominance perceptions for the customer, and d) how the servicescape is perceived.Key words: Servicescape, approach-avoidance behaviour, pleasure, arousal, dominance, hedonic-utilitarian behaviour..
Beslutsmodell gällande finansieringsform samt intern prissättning av ett företags truckpark
To be competitive in the corporate climate of today it is important to have effective logistic activities. A common resource within the internal logistics is forklift trucks, which are used to lift and transport material. It becomes more and more important to decide whether to buy, lease or rent the forklifts to obtain an optimal economic situation. Many companies have issues with internal pricing. It is difficult to price products and services correctly. It is common to price the overall instead of what it really costs.The purpose of the thesis is to present a model for the acquisition of forklifts for internal logistic operations, regarding financing and internal pricing, to obtain economic effectiveness and an optimal forklift fleet size. The study focused on a specific research question, and for this purpose interviews with experts were held, observations were made and a literature study was done.
Modeller vid Portföljutvärdering: En fråga om fördelning
Syftet med denna uppsats är att med hjälp av exempel och illustrationer förklara och klargöra tillvägagångssättet för Amin och Kat?s version av Dybvig?s Pay-off Distribution Pricing Model samt Keating och Schadwick?s Omegafunktion. Vidare ämnas Pay-off Distribution Pricing Model, Omegafunktionen, Sharpekvoten, Jensen?s Alpha och Treynor-index beräknas på icke-normalfördelade distributioner i form av avkastningar på hedgefonder samt normalfördelade avkastnings-distributioner på aktiefonder. Resultaten från dessa beräkningar kommer att rankas och jämföras främst genom att söka observera likheter och olikheter.
Priset på åkermark : påverkande faktorer
The price of farmland has risen sharply in the last 20 years. This has led to discussions about what creates the value of farmland. The aim in this study was to try and find what factors are affecting the price on farmland. The area that is studied is the counties around Mälardalen during the period 2005 to 2009.The method chosen to achieve the objective is the hedonic price model. The variables are chosen after a preliminary study where a literature search has been made and a number of interviews with people in the industry.
SAS EuroBonus ? Tillgång eller skuld?: En fallstudie av hur värdet av ett lojalitetsprogram påverkar internprissättningen
This paper presents a study of Scandinavian Airlines? (SAS) frequent flyer program, EuroBonus. The study describes the transfer pricing of award seats between EuroBonus and the airlines within SAS. Furthermore, it aims to determine what effects market-based transfer pricing would have on EuroBonus, the airlines within SAS and consequently on the SAS Group. We have found that the existing transfer pricing does not provide incentives for the airlines within SAS to satisfy EuroBonus? demand for award seats.
Internprissättningsproblematiken i ljuset av förslaget om hemlandsbeskattning för europeiska koncerner
Throughout this thesis three main factors have been identified that can be out of significance for transfer pricing in multinational companies if the proposal for Home State Taxation is adopted. These factors are rules for calculation of the tax base, rules for dividing costs over periods and the tax rate. The formula for sharing profits will also become a factor that can have an impact on the European companies'incentives for transfer pricing interacting with above-mentioned factors. The effects of transfer pricing aiming at reducing the total amount of the taxation burden for a group of companies will be strongly reduced in the future if the proposal is adopted. Incentives for transfer pricing will loose importance, though not disappear altogether.
Sova med fienden: Ingredient Branding: Ett strategiskt alternativ för EMV och LMV inom dagligvaruhandeln
We have conducted a quantitative study investigating whether an Ingredient Branding collaboration between private label and national brands could be executed with success in the Swedish market. The objective was to measure the consumers? response to two products from different product categories, representing hedonic and utilitarian products. We have been able to establish that by adding a branded ingredient to a private label product, one obtains a more positive product attitude as well as a higher perceived product quality and taste. The study also shows that attitudes towards the ingredient brands were improved by the collaboration whereas the brand attitude towards the private label did not change significantly.
The Emerging Pricing Capability
The purpose of this thesis is to try to understand, with the help of existing theories and empirical findings, the parameters which are of importance in the development of the pricing capability. We have used a qualitative and abductive methodology approach. The empirical findings have been collected via semi-structured interviews which we have conducted via personal and telephone interviews. Seeing pricing as a capability within the company our theoretical framework mainly consists of the resource-based view and an article explaining and given proof how pricing can be seen as a capability. We also describe the most used pricing strategy today within business-to-business companies, the cost plus strategy.
Från engagemang till intention - En kvantitativ studie om sambanden mellan engagemang och konsumenters intention att använda detaljisters smartphone-applikationer
Smartphone applications, or apps, are an increasingly important part of omnichannel retailing. While the adoption and usage of apps for communicating with consumers has grown exponentially over the past few years, there is little academic research in this area. The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe how the involvement in a product category affects consumers' intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application during their shopping trip. Drawing upon recent IS-literature with models TAM and UTAUT, our results indicate that product category involvement constitutes an important factor on the intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application. By viewing involvement as a multidimensional construct, our study shows that the degree of hedonic and expressive value a product cateogry provides consumers with has important effects on intention, and these relationships are not moderated by consumers' age.
Paddan blir prins - när fast pris inte finns. En studie om prismodellen Pay-What-You-Want applicerad på en ny produkt.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the two new phenomena; the pricing model Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) and the launch of daily newspapers in the iPad. A quantitative study was conducted in order to examine what would happen if the PWYW-model where to be used by a daily newspaper for its iPad product, and what this would signal to consumers about the brand in terms of brand association and brand attitude. Furthermore, we have investigated which of these factors that are affecting willingness to pay in this PWYW-situation. Moreover, a secondary purpose was to test the two possible presentations of the digital newspaper in the iPad; Product and Access ? and how the results differed between these two.
Design of Production Contracts : an examination of the Findus pea production contract
The Swedish processor Findus contracts approximately 500 pea producers annually to secure the company?s supply of green peas for human consumption. A production contract, which has had roughly the same design for decades, regulates the relation between Findus and the pea producers. Agriculture is typically a risky business. The main sources of risk in agricultural production are production risk and price risk.
Köp billigt, laga dyrt! : Hyperboliska preferenser som förklaring till prissättningen på reservdelsmarknader
This paper analyses the pricing on spare parts. Empirical studies have showed that manufacturers of durable goods make an unproportional large profit on its spare parts in relation to the revenue it generates. It is first showed that according to the standard economic model the price on spare part ought to be zero since the producer include an insurance in the price of the main good. Further it is showed that moral hazard alone do not explain the pricing found in the studies. Finally an analysis of whether consumers with present-biased preferences could be a possible explanation is made.
Dokumentationskrav vid internprissättning : En analys av lagförslagen till svenska dokumentationsregler i propositionen 2005/06:169
According to the arm?s length principle, transactions between associated multinational en-terprises (MNE) shall be based on the same conditions as transactions between unrelated parties. This means that intra-group prices on cross-boarding transactions must be at arm?s length range and consistent with conditions in the open market. The arm?s length principle is expressed in article 9.1 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and Chapter 14 section 19 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.When transfer pricing between associated MNEs is not reflecting the arm?s length princi-ple, states face the possibility of losing tax revenue.