

48 Uppsatser om Hedge - Sida 3 av 4

Evaluation of Capital Structure Arbitrage in the Equity-Credit Markets

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test for the existence of Capital Structure Arbitrage oppertunities in the equity-credit markets. Methodology: The mispricing of Credit Default Swap contracts are calculated and used as input in an Equity-Credit market trading strategy. The returns are then evaluated with a modified Value-at-Risk simulation. Theoretical perspectives: A Merton-based structural model, CreditGrades, is used for credit pricing and a mispricing-convergence trading-strategy between the credit and equity markets is implemented. Empirical foundation: Daily quotes for the Credit Default Swap spread of 37 European firms were collected for a period of two years, as well as equity-prices for the same period and the previous two years, used for model calibration.

Aktielån : En studie av den svenska aktielånemarknadens utveckling

Stock lending is primarily a professional activity. The supply of stocks in the lending market comes mainly from pension funds and insurance companies, while intermediaries provide valuable services by taking positions as borrowers as well as lenders. Borrowers use stock lending for various reasons. For instance, Hedge funds usually borrow stocks to cover a short position. There has been a lot of controversy in the stock lending industry and the debate has mainly concerned its effects for the stock markets.

Aktielån : En studie av den svenska aktielånemarknadens utveckling

Stock lending is primarily a professional activity. The supply of stocks in the lending market comes mainly from pension funds and insurance companies, while intermediaries provide valuable services by taking positions as borrowers as well as lenders. Borrowers use stock lending for various reasons. For instance, Hedge funds usually borrow stocks to cover a short position. There has been a lot of controversy in the stock lending industry and the debate has mainly concerned its effects for the stock markets.

Svensk plantskoleproduktion 2003 :

This work consists of two studies. One is based on an inquiery to nurseries with production of woody plants, and the other on visits to gardencenters, primarily in Skåne but also in Stockholm. Inquieries where sent to 87 nurseries, 48 of them replied. The purpous of the inquiery was to make a thorough investigation of the ligneous production at the Swedish nurseries, what is produced and in what quantities. Within the inquiery was also a thorough look at the fruit tree production. This to be able to conclude what cultivars that are produced and how large part of that production that is certified according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV).

Häckar för Smålands inland : en översikt

Häcken är ofta ett självklart och naturligt element i en trädgård. Som trädgårds-ingenjör kan det vara svårt att välja en lämplig häck till ett gestaltningsförslag. Det krävs att vi tar hänsyn till flera parametrar, både för att häcken ska trivas men också för att kunden ska bli nöjd. Det kan därför ta mycket tid att leta upp en häck som uppfyller alla krav och önskemål som finns, tid man oftast inte har. Syftet med det här arbetet är att studera lämpliga arter för häckar till villaträdgårdar i det småländska inlandet. Arbetet har gjorts med hjälp av litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med plantskolor.

"Vill du ha mitt utförsäkrade liv?" : en studie om människors upplevelser efter att de utförsäkrats

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn?t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion.

Framtagning av en remdriven växellåda till en häcksax

The project was performed in collaboration with Husqvarna, one of the world?s leading manufacturer in the market of electric outdoor products. The report is a thesis work of a bachelor mechanical engineer program, in the field product development and design.The project is a study of the development opportunities within drive belt for a gear driven gearbox to one of Husqvarnas petrol powered Hedge trimmers. A big part of the project was also to find combinations of materials for all components in the gearbox, to reduce weight and maintain or improve the performance of the system. Belt drive was of interest to investigate as an alternative solution to the current design that can reduce wear on the system at a performance test performed in the company before the product is released to market.

Lev livet : Äldre människor berättar

Examensarbetet studerar möjligheterna att använda en statisk cross Hedge för att prissäkra etanol. Situationen som analyseras är hämtad från Lantmännen Agroetanol. Agroetanol är Sveriges största producent av etanol och driver den första anläggning i Sverige där vete omvandlas till etanol. Anläggningen är Sveriges största och byggs för närvarande ut så att kapaciteten kommer under år 2008 kommer att öka med 300 procent. Priset på spannmål har stigit dramatiskt under år 2007 samtidigt som etanolpriset har sjunkit något.

Equity Market Neutral Strategin

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka huruvida den riskjusterade avkastningen från en traditionellt förvaltad lång indexportfölj kunde ha varit högre om portföljen hade förvaltats enligt en Equity Market Neutral-strategi. Vidare ämnar undersökningen att testa huruvida de skapade portföljerna uppvisar låg korrelation, dvs marknadsneutralitet, med underliggande marknad som är förenligt med strategin. För detta ändamål används Svenska Handelsbankens Månatliga Modellportfölj mellan åren 1998-2003. Vidare är syftet att utifrån analysen av undersökningens resultat kunna dra slutsatser om det kan finnas information i traditionella långa indexportföljer, liknande Handelsbankens Modellportfölj, som kan öka den riskjusterade avkastningen men som inte utnyttjas och som skulle kunna tas till vara via implementeringen av en Equity Market Neutral strategi. Undersökningen visade att portföljerna uppvisade såväl högre absolut- som riskjusterad avkastning jämfört med modellportföljen, och låg korrelationen gentemot marknaden sett över hela den undersökta perioden.

Returflöden inom e-handel av kläder

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn?t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion.

En färdig trädgård : enkätundersökning om gruppbebyggda småhusträdgårdar

The main purpose with this master's thesis was to develop a survey with the intention to examine what expectations the JM AB:s customer had on a future garden and also to discuss if the lawn has a symbolic meaning in gardens. The lion's share of the thesis is based on a survey, aimed at people in the company's customer database. The intention was to examine what expectations they had on their future garden and if their expectations were met when they later bought a house from the company. The work also consists of interviews and visits to areas with newly built homes. I interpreted the result from my surveys as the lawn on its own being is a strong symbol for a garden and also signals a social status of the owner. To the company the pre made lawn on a role is a way of saving time and easily achieve what the customer request. The company wants to create a concept of a "preset-garden" that meets the company's vision as well as the expectations of the customer.

Swedish Hedge Funds

SYFTESyftet med uppsatsen är att analysera Svenska Hedgefonders historiska avkastning beträffande riskjusterad avkastning och korrelation mot marknaden. Vidare studeras dessa faktorer ur ett investerarperspektiv för att undersöka huruvida Svenska Hedgefonder fyller ett syfte som komplement i en marknadsportfölj. METOD Uppsatsen använder sig till största del av kvantitativ data som insamlas med hjälp av relevanta teorier. Kvalitativ data såsom intervjumaterial är ett komplement till de kvantitativa data och leder så småningom till ett större djup i analysdelen. Undersökningen gällande den historiska avkastningen för Svenska Hedgefonder är uppdelad i tre olika tidsperioder.

Lantbrukarens inställning och medvetenhet kring prissäkring

Among farmers in Sweden hedging of product prices is a relatively new way of thinking. A deregulated market and a more volatile price picture are consequences of the free market and the movements towards globalization. The effects of globalization are largely a demand- and supply driven market. These factors give the farmers incentives to stay informed and to act on their own in order to manage their price risk exposure.The overall purpose with this study is to analyze the farmers? attitudes and awareness of price hedging and to examine what type of decision processes that characterize hedging decisions.The study covers the period 2006 until 2008 and the crops oil seeds, barley (malt), milling wheat, feed wheat, oats and feed oats.

Nord Pools systempris - en studie av prispåverkande faktorer

The intention of this thesis is, from a basic statistical viewpoint, to capture the relationship between the price of electricity and a sample of factors influencing the price. The thesis also aims at investigating whether knowledge about the relationship is useful when investing on Nord Pool. Tested factors are temperature, import, price of emission rights as well as a number of hydrological factors. The investigated period stretches from year 2000 until week 32 year 2007. The relevance of each factor was also evaluated yearly as well as for shorter periods in order to get a more comprehensive view of the relationship.

Varför Säkringsredovisa? : En studie om riskhantering och derivat under IAS 39

Bakgrund: Många företag är exponerade mot ränte- och valutarisk. För att hantera de konse- kvenser som dessa kan medföra använder sig företagen av derivat. Dessa har tidiga-re inte inkluderats i företagens finansiella rapportering utan redovisats off-balance. När noterade koncerner från och med 1 januari 2005 skall tillämpa IFRS och då speciellt IAS 39 kommer denna redovisning att förändras. I standarden föreskrivs kontinuerlig omvärdering av derivat till verkligt värde vilket kommer att medföra att noterade koncerner drabbas av svängningar i de finansiella rapporterna.

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