4223 Uppsatser om Health centre - Sida 47 av 282
Nålsticksterapi eller helhetssyn : -två sätt att se på akupunktur
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.
Ungas psykiska hälsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv
The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations.
Birino AB : Arbetsprocesser - verktyg för förändring
Assignment Birino AB are aware of the fact that their work tasks can be improved. The author?s assignment is to identify one task and improve it with relevant tools.Purpose See if the authors can improve health and effectiveness by changing the work task.Method The authors have conducted qualitative interviews, a quantitative survey and an experiment to see how the change worked in practice. The data the authors have collected will then be presented with relevant theories to answer our research questions/issues.Conclusion The authors have done a work process that can be used as a tool for change and improvement of health and effectiveness. This process can be implemented in different companies and not just the company that the authors have chosen to work with. .
Vård vid livets slut : Närståendes upplevelser av omvårdnadssituationen -En litteraturstudie
BACKGROUND: Several people die every year. The numbers of deceased in Sweden were 91449 in 2008. This often brings bereavement for the relatives and in hospital with end-of-life care it can be important for the health professionals to support and also take care of the relatives. AIM: The aim of this study is to illuminate relatives? experiences of the caring situation with end-of life-care when a close relative is dying METHOD: Literature review.
Att vårda en närstående i hemmet vidlivets slut : En livsberikande erfarenhet?
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), as a consequence of atherosclerosis in the arteria of the limbs, affects one of ten Swedes older than 65. PAD can develop slowly and silently, and involves an increased risk for cardiac infarction and stroke. Measurement of the patient´s ankle blood pressure and calculation of the ankle-brachial index is an evidence-based method to discover PAD. Objective: To investigate how district nurses and general practitioners perceive this method of examination and experience possible obstacles to why it is not more commonly applied at primary health care centres. Method: Data collected by semi-structured interviews have been processed by qualitative content analysis with a manifest onset.
Arbetssätt och ätande vid ett kommunalt äldreboende
According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, about 200 000 elderly persons get some help or support with eating or nutrition problems. This was approximately 2 percent of the population. Older people in sheltered accommodation in community care were not able to manage their own nutrition. The older people were dependent on the food that was offered to them, when and how the food was served. This was a specific responsibility for the nursing staff.
Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv
Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.
Hinder och problem med metoden Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) inom primärvården i Bollnäs och Söderhamns kommun. Föreskrivarens perspektiv. - En kvalitativ intervjustudie
The purpose of this study was to examine the obstacles and problems prescribers of exercise on prescription (EoP) in primary care in Bollnäs and Söderhamn experience when using the method. It also aimed at examining if the barriers identified in previous studies also will be found in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities. A qualitative study was made and four interviews with the managers of health centers in Bollnäs and Söderhamns municipalities were completed. The only inclusion criteria was that it would be a licensed health care professional at the clinic who work with, and prescribe the EoP. A content analysis was performed, which categorized the statements made according to their content.
Six Sigma i transaktionella processer: en fallstudie vid
SKF Communication Support Centre
För att bredda användandet av Six Sigma i sin koncern har SKF introducerat Transactional Six Sigma, med avsikt att systematisera förbättringsarbetet i dess transaktionella processer, en typ av process som ofta fungerar ineffektivt. Denna studie har utförts på SKF, med syfte att bidra till ökad kunskap gällande skillnader mellan genomförandet av Six Sigma-projekt inom transaktionella processer jämfört med tillverknings-processer. Definitionen av en transaktionell process är: En horisontell sekvens av aktiviteter som transformerar en input till en output utan att fysiskt förändra eller skapa en vara, i syfte att tillfredsställa behov hos kunder eller andra intressenter. Som del av denna studie har ett Six Sigma-projekt utförts vid SKF Communication Support Centre, koncernens producent av marknadsföringsmaterial, med syfte att förbättra den färgmässiga kvaliteten på avdelningens tryckta material, det vill säga förmågan att återskapa önskad färg. För att nå projektets syfte har arbetssätt och output standardiserats.
Den teoretiska utmaningen - En undersökning om nyinstitutionalismens (o)förmåga att förklara förändring.
This thesis aims to examine the possibility of understanding social change by using new institutionalism approaches on a specific case, The case, which describes the implementation of new public management reform in the Swedish health care system, is analysed from two separate new institutionalismperspectives; the tool perspective and the symbol perspective. These approaches differ from one another in the sense that the first relies on a rational choice ontology, while the latter rather refers to a sociological tradition. In the analysis, causal explanations as well as aim related explanations are presented. Formative moments such as economic stagnation, non-socialist governments and ideological isomorfism are presented as important factors behind the reformation. By using the tool perspective, the motives of the idea spreading and reformation of the Swedish health care system, are connected to a strictly rationalbasis such as cost efficiency and quality improvements.
Att stärka individer och tillvarata resurser : -en studie vid Samhall ur ett arbetsledarperspektiv
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.
Faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen av ensamhet hos äldre personer inom kommunal omsorg bosatta i Sverige
Background: Older people are a major patient group seeking medical care in Sweden. Several of the elderly are living alone and the main reason for living alone is when the spouse passes away. Loneliness is a factor that can affect quality of life, health and wellbeing. Loneliness is an individual experience, loneliness can be self-chosen but involuntary loneliness can lead to lifelong suffering and feelings of loneliness. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight the factors affecting loneliness among elderly people within municipal care living in Sweden.
Närståendes upplevelser av palliativ vård i hemmet - en litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Att vara närstående till någon som vårdas palliativt i hemmet,
innebär ofta en förändrad livssituation och påverkar de närstående på olika
sätt. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa närståendes upplevelser av palliativ
vård i hemmet. Metod:En litteraturstudie som bygger på sex vetenskapliga
artiklar. Dessa analyserades med inspiration av Burnards (1995) modell.
Resultat: Efter genomförd analys fick författarna fram tre kategorier:
oro/rädsla, stöd och att få eller vara utan information.
Vulkanisk svaveldimma : Risken att det drabbar Sverige
In the year 1783 a fissure eruption from Laki in the southern part of Iceland produced a large amount of volcanic gases during a period of eight months. The volcanic gases and aerosols spread across the northern hem sphere due to ideal weather conditions and had a substantial impact on the environment, human health and also climate effects. This, so called dry fog, caused severe health problems, which led to death casualties, killing animals, crops and other vegetation. The consequence was a widespread famine which was aggravated by a hard and long winter in 1783/84. Analysis shows that the Icelandic volcanoes are the primary risk to produce dry fog that can affect Sweden.
Att vårdas på akuten - Patienters upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande på akutmottagningen
Till akutmottagningen kommer en stor variation av patienter med olika sorters
skador/sjukdomar. Många är oroliga över sitt tillstånd och för många är det den
första kontakten med sjukvården. Vårdpersonalens bemötande är därför av stor
betydelse. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur patienter upplever
vårdpersonalens bemötande på akutmottagningen. Metoden som användes var en
litteraturstudie med svenska och engelska vetenskapliga artiklar.