

4538 Uppsatser om Health benefits - Sida 56 av 303

Hur tar man tillvara på, och utvecklar, specialistkunskapen i ett IT-företag?

När IT-bubblan växte så enormt under slutet av 90-talet pumpade investerare in kapital i företagen. Mycket av pengarna gick till enorma löner, speciellt till dem som var riktigt kunniga. När bubblan sedan sprack gick många företag omkull, och de som trots allt klarade sig fick en svidande läxa och blev tvungna att tänka mer långsiktigt.Med den bakgrunden tyckte vi det var intressant att se hur IT-företag gör idag för att behålla kompetens, utan att för den skull betala astronomiska löner. Vi fokuserar därför på de aspekter som i första hand inte är av monetär karaktär, såsom en hög lön, aktier eller optioner.Uppsatsen innehåller en fallstudie av Combitech. Vi har valt att göra två intervjuer, en intervju med en chef och en intervju med en anställd.

Huvudhalscancer och livskvalitet : Patientens skattning av livskvalitet innan och efter strålbehandling

Introduction: Each year 1200-1300 patients are diagnosed with head neck cancer. Treatment that involves radiotherapy can cause severe side effects for example trismus that affects quality of life.Purpose: To study health-related quality of life in patients who have undergone radiation treatment for head and neck cancer and participated in a intervention group who received training intended to prevent trismus or in a control group who received standard treatment.Method: This is a prospective study in which data is collected from 66 patients participating in a randomized study aiming to evaluate a training program to prevent trismus. Thirty three participated in the intervention group and thirty three in the control group. Both patient groups assessed health related quality of life (HRQOL) with EORTC QLQ C30 and QLQ-H&N35, at start and end of the radiation treatment, and at 3 and 6-months after completing radiation treatment.Results: There is no difference between the intervention and control groups regarding symptoms, functional status and global health, except for intake of nutritional supplements.  For both groups almost all scales measuring HRQOL deteriorated under the radiation treatment. However, 3 and 6 months after end of radiotherapy HRQOL had improved and had returned to the baseline values.

Meningen med mötet : En studie av det mellanmänskliga mötets betydelse för medarbetarnas meningsskapande process och relationer med ledaren

Essay in political science, C-level by Mikael GranathAutumn semester 2012, Tutor: Freddy Kjellström- Ideological convergence in Swedish party politics?- An analysis of ideologies of the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Moderateparty and their healthcare and health service policies between the years of 2002 and 2010.The main purpose of this study is to examine the truthfulness in the common perception thatthe Swedish moderate party and the Swedish social democratic party are increasingly sharingthe same political views - particularly between the years of 2002 and 2010. The main researchquestion is:?Did the Swedish Moderate party and the Swedish Social Democratic partyideologically position themselves closer in the year of 2002 than they did in 2010within the health care policy area?The research design chosen for this study can be labelled as a comparative case study wherethe two political parties party programs and election manifestos that were current in the yearof 2002 and 2010 are studied. This is done to give a better view of ideological change.

Distriktssköterskors syn på sin yrkesroll : en intervjustudie

The district nurses' duties with all organisational changes, above all during the last 20 years, have been changed. Economy and listing governs which visits that to be prioritized. The aim with this study was to examine what district nurses in the primary care in Uppsala län has for view about their occupational role. The method was qualitative and the selection comprized ten district nurses in Uppsala län that were interviewed individually on the basis of a semi structured interview guide that the authors the actual created. In the wide analysis of the results could a theme, As a rubber screw in a shrinking hole and three central categories be discerned, Occupational role, Diversity and Organisation.

Vård i livets slutskede - Anhörigas upplevelse vid vård av närstående i hemmet

Människan har genom alla sekler, tagit hand om sina döende på olika sätt, allt från vård i hemmet till vård på hospice. Anhöriga hamnar i en svår situation och de upplever mycket känslor. Studiens syfte är att undersöka anhörigas upplevelser av sin situation i anslutning till en närståendes vård i hemmet vid livets slut. Metoden var att analysera tio kvalitativa artiklar som handlade om anhörigas upplevelser inom den palliativa vården. Artiklarna analyserades utifrån Burnards metod och flera kategorier växte fram.

Inköpssamarbeten mellan oberoende företag

The aim of this paper is to present a case study that increases the understanding of pooled purchasing between independent companies, but also acknowledges the importance of relationships. While previous research has established the advantages and disadvantages of pooled purchasing, our paper shows that successful relationships can render additional synergies and benefits. At the same time, one must consider the time and resources needed to create successful relationships as well as the resulting interdependencies. These implications are well established within the field of purchasing and network theories. However, the authors believe that these implications need to be more explored in regards to pooled purchasing..

En smak av svensk manlighet : Ideal och värden i sportdrycksreklam

The society of consumption exposes us to a lot of information, where advertisement constitutes an extensive part. Due to its expanding, advertisement receives a natural and obvious space in our everyday life. This study aims to investigate how social and cultural values can be mediated in advertisement. The focus has been put to ideas related to health and fitness in the advertisement of power drinks. The thesis takes social constructionism as a starting point, and combines image- and critical discourse analysis in purpose to analyze the pictures.Sociology of consumption, construction of identity, lifestyle and everyday life all constitute an essential part of my analysis.

Hur simträning påverkar hundar

Hydrotherapy is a relatively new area when it comes to treatment and prevention of different problems in dogs, but an area that is growing in popularity. In Sweden, the person who performs hydrotherapy on dogs doesn?t need veterinary education, which is the case in some other countries. What makes hydrotherapy advantageous is that water has an ability to provide an environment where injured body parts can be supported, which means that rehabilitation can start early without the risk of affecting the injury and in the same time relieve the pain for the patient. There are only a few studies of hydrotherapy on dogs and these studies focus on the physical health of the dog.

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Att mäta ankeltryck i primärvården : Distriktssköterskors och distriktsläkares uppfattningar om en undersökningsmetod och dess användning

Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), as a consequence of atherosclerosis in the arteria of the limbs, affects one of ten Swedes older than 65. PAD can develop slowly and silently, and involves an increased risk for cardiac infarction and stroke. Measurement of the patient´s ankle blood pressure and calculation of the ankle-brachial index is an evidence-based method to discover PAD. Objective: To investigate how district nurses and general practitioners perceive this method of examination and experience possible obstacles to why it is not more commonly applied at primary health care centres. Method: Data collected by semi-structured interviews have been processed by qualitative content analysis with a manifest onset.

Mötet med patienter från andra kulturer

Bakgrund: Migrationen ökar över hela världen. Sverige har, i likhet med andra länder, förvandlats från ett relativt homogent till ett multikulturellt samhälle. Varje kultur har sin syn på hälsa och sjukdom. Vårdpersonal uppger att de upplever stora svårigheter i mötet med patienter från andra kulturer. Syfte: Denna studies syfte var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter upplever mötet med patienter från andra kulturer.

Att leva med schizofreni - En litteraturstudie

Bakgrunden beskriver att det i samhället finns en stereotyp av hur människor med schizofreni är. Studien behandlar begreppen kommunikation, livsvärld, sjukdomslidande och subjektiv kropp. Tidigare studier har visat att personer som lever med schizofreni kan ha problem i det sociala samspelet. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur livsvärlden upplevs av en person med schizofreni. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie på en självbiografisk bok, skriven av en person som lever med schizofreni.

Upplevelser av sjuksköterskans roll vid diabetes typ 2 ? En litteraturstudie

Diabetes typ 2 är en av vår tids stora folksjukdomar som förväntas öka kraftigt de kommande åren. Livsstilsförändringar och egenvård är grunden i behandlingen och sjuksköterskors uppgifter är att utbilda, stödja och motivera patienterna. Syftet var att beskriva patienters och sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande roll vid diabetes typ 2. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie inkluderande åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna analyserades med innehållsanalys.

Afasi - upplevelser ur ett patientperspektiv

Det framkommer i bakgrunden att årligen drabbas cirka 30 000 människor av stroke och en tredjedel av dessa får afasi. Kommunikativt samspel är basen för ömsesidig förståelse inom vården och det är detta samspel afasidrabbade har svårt att få ta del av. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur patienter med afasi upplever sin situation i vården. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie och baserades på skönlitterära böcker författade av personer som har överlevt stroke och drabbats av afasi. Analysen genomfördes enligt Graneheim och Lundmans tolkning av innehållsanalys.

Icke-farmakologiska metoder för behandling av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid symtom demenssjukdom

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

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