

341 Uppsatser om Hartz-reform - Sida 13 av 23

New public management och den svenska gymnasieskolan : En ideologikritisk analys av Gy11-reformen kopplat till organisationskonceptet new public management

The purpose of this ideology critical study is to investigate the hidden content in the reform Gy11 and compare it with the concept new public management. After the clarification of the hidden content, we compare the structure of the organization in Swedish high schools with the structure in public sector called new public management. The main questions of this study are the following: Is it possible to see the foundation of new public management in the Swedish high schools when it comes to the views of knowledge and the formation of goals? Which similarities can we find when we look at the organization new public management and the Swedish high school?The result showed many similarities, both regarding the views of knowledge and the formations of goals. The structure of new public management has been largely implemented in the Swedish high schools and the schools now focus more on instrumental knowledge rather than universal knowledge based on understanding.This is not surprising due to the social progress.

Utförsäkrad - vad händer sen? : En kvalitativ studie om copingstrategier för individer som blivit utförsäkrade.

I Sverige finns en fungerande socialförsäkring som skall skyddavid skador och sjukdom men som sittande regering ansågbehövdes förbättras för dem som är sjukskrivna. Under 2008genomfördes en reform för att minska sjukskrivningstiderna ochmånga personer blev då utförsäkrade trots sjukdom och skada.Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur några utförsäkradehanterade beskedet och hur personerna reagerat efter att beslutetom utförsäkring verkställdes.Genom två kvalitativa intervjuer framkom hur dessa personerhanterade att trots sin sjukdom bli ?friskförklarad? och utan rätttill sjukpenning. Det transkriberade materialet analyseradesgenom att finna olika teman som blev huvudrubriker. Begreppsom blev centrala var bland annat oro för ekonomi, extern hjälpoch drivkrafter.Resultatet är att informanterna önskade att fler insatser tillkommitoch att det hade hänt mer under den långa tid som de varsjukskrivna.

När EU togs till folkhemsförsvaret - Översättningen av europeiska normer till Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Forces have gone through a remarkable change. From beingan organisation built on the notion of countering a Soviet invasion it has evolvedto focusing on small, multilateral rapid reaction capabilities to be used within theframework of the European security and defence policy, ESDP.This thesis regards the change as a process of Europeanisation. Drawing fromsociological and historical institutionalism, it is shown that the Swedish ArmedForces in the post-cold war context was path dependent and unwilling to redefineits historical raison d?être. The origin of the ESDP Europeanised the nationaldefence policy, whereas the bureaucracy was still unwilling to translate the newstructural norms.

Kartläggning av interventioner gällande munhälsa för sköra äldre personer

Fler människor lever allt längre idag än tidigare vilket ökar andelen sköra äldre i befolkningen. Sköra äldre personer har nedsatt autonomi och har ofta stort omvårdnadsbehov. Det har visat sig att många sköra äldre personer har nedsatt munhälsa och ökat tandvårdsbehov, vilket kan leda till stort fysiskt och psykiskt lidande. Det reformerade tandvårdsstödet infördes år 1999 i Sverige vilket innebar uppsökande verksamhet för att fånga upp äldre, sjuka och funktionshindrade med behov av tandvård. Det finns tecken som tyder på att denna reform inte nått ut i den utsträckning det var tänkt samt att vårdpersonal har bristfällig kunskap på området munhälsa.

Språkinlärning och Språkutveckling : I en förberedelseklass i högstadiet

Then the language learning process and the approach in a preparatory class differs itself from a general class. The methods conducted in a preparatory class are not just focused on teaching as in a more traditional method. Achieving the objectives in a preparatory class depends on the individual student and the cohesion in the group. Students have different backgrounds and knowledge level, therefore it is extremely important that the teachers use different work methods in order to achieve and to promote the students' language development. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about what education methods is being used by teachers in a preparatory class.

Kommunblocksreformen: bakomliggande orsaker samt vägen fram till genomförandet i Pajala kommunblock

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka de bakomliggande orsakerna till kommunblocksreformen (1962-74). Fallstudien har bestått av att redogöra för utvecklingen i Pajala kommunblock. Metoden som använts har varit litteraturstudier samt för fallstudien granskning av offentliga handlingar, främst protokollen förda vid samarbetsnämndens möten i Pajala kommunblock. Kommunerna fick under efterkrigstiden större uppgifter som de hade svårt att klara. Strukturförändringar gjorde att situationen till slut blev ohållbar.

Is Home State Taxation a step forward for SMEs? An SME?s ability for growth and integration in the EU after the HST tax reform

Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within the European Union are currently facing many challenges one being access to financing due to high risk and probability of default, another being cross-border taxation issues with double taxation and information asymmetry. Since the aim within the EU is to be the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world with sustainable economic growth and social cohesion it is essential that the EU operates as a single market. Despite this need, harmonization continues to be far from achieved in the area of direct taxation which also affects the integration and growth opportunities for SMEs. In the Agenda for Entrepreneurship, the Home State Taxation regime, which is based on formula apportionment, has been proposed by the Commission as one option in order to mutually recognize the different Member States? taxation systems to facilitate cross-border activities and reduce ?red-tape?.

Ansvarsfördelning i teori och praktik. En implementeringsstudie av mottagandet av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Sverige

This case study explores the question of implementation and steering in a society of governance. As an empirical example, a reform concerning the reception of separated refugee children in Sweden is used. As of the 1st of July 2006 the responsibility for providing housing for separated children lies with the local governments rather than with the Swedish Board of Migration, aiming to improve the children's situation. However, implementing this amendment has turned out to be a harder task than expected. Traditionally, the relationship between state and local actors is seen in terms of state steering or local self-government.

Faktorer som har betydelse för patientens motivering till livsstilsförändringar vid hypertoni

Fler människor lever allt längre idag än tidigare vilket ökar andelen sköra äldre i befolkningen. Sköra äldre personer har nedsatt autonomi och har ofta stort omvårdnadsbehov. Det har visat sig att många sköra äldre personer har nedsatt munhälsa och ökat tandvårdsbehov, vilket kan leda till stort fysiskt och psykiskt lidande. Det reformerade tandvårdsstödet infördes år 1999 i Sverige vilket innebar uppsökande verksamhet för att fånga upp äldre, sjuka och funktionshindrade med behov av tandvård. Det finns tecken som tyder på att denna reform inte nått ut i den utsträckning det var tänkt samt att vårdpersonal har bristfällig kunskap på området munhälsa.

What´s New?: 1978-2010 : Tre rytmiska sångpedagogers personliga berättelser kring sina upplevelser av studietiden, den första anställningen och den egna yrkesverksamheten

Under 1980- och 1990-talet examinerades musiklärare med rytmisk sång som huvudinstrument i en svensk reformerad utbildning som ansågs motsvara samhällets krav på en ?modern? musiklärare. Hur formades studenter, lärare och traditioner i denna reform? Denna kvalitativa studie fokuserar sångpedagogisk verksamhet med inriktning mot afroamerikansk tradition med syfte att undersöka rytmiska sångpedagogers upplevelser av sin verksamhet, kompetens och kunskapsutveckling i relation till sin egen utbildning och yrkespraktik. Tre sångpedagogers unika och personliga berättelser ligger till grund för studien vars resultat visar på att den mångfacetterade sångpedagogiska verksamheten bär på utmaningar som går att koppla till bland annat traditioner kring undervisning i högre utbildning, kompetens och självinsikt.

Den teoretiska utmaningen - En undersökning om nyinstitutionalismens (o)förmåga att förklara förändring.

This thesis aims to examine the possibility of understanding social change by using new institutionalism approaches on a specific case, The case, which describes the implementation of new public management reform in the Swedish health care system, is analysed from two separate new institutionalismperspectives; the tool perspective and the symbol perspective. These approaches differ from one another in the sense that the first relies on a rational choice ontology, while the latter rather refers to a sociological tradition. In the analysis, causal explanations as well as aim related explanations are presented. Formative moments such as economic stagnation, non-socialist governments and ideological isomorfism are presented as important factors behind the reformation. By using the tool perspective, the motives of the idea spreading and reformation of the Swedish health care system, are connected to a strictly rationalbasis such as cost efficiency and quality improvements.

Surfplattan som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with staff from three Egyptian NGOs in Cairo during the spring of 2013. The study examines how three Egyptian NGOs discuss the woman?s situation within the Islamic legal discourse in the contemporary Egypt. The empiric material was analysed through a theoretical framework of gender in Islam, and a discussion of the concept of human rights laws in a local context.The respondents emphasize the societies gender stereotypes as obstacles in the discussion regarding women?s rights.


The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.

En väg till medborgarnära service och närdemokrati? Förklarande utvärdering av medborgarkontoren i Lunds kommun

Neighbourhood offices were established in the municipal of Lund by a decision in the municipal council 1999. During following years four offices opened in the surrounding villages; Veberöd, Genarp, Södra Sandby and Dalby. By using a goal oriented model and making interviews I study whether the offices reaches the goals of more effective service, developed IT-support, a stronger local democracy and a better feeling for service. The offices has improved the information to the citizens and efforts have been made to strengthen the local democracy but more complex matters can not be handled at the offices today, which is a disappointment for many involved.To explain the result of the evaluation I use Vedungs ?A general theory of public efforts result?.

En symbol går i graven - en studie av förslaget om Utlänningsnämndens nedläggning och införandet av en ny instans- och processordning i utlänningsärenden

Motives and reasons behind a decision to change the asylum process in Sweden are the central concern for this thesis. A symbolic political perspective will be applied in order to elucidate the symbolic factors that have influenced the decision process.The Aliens Appeal Board in Sweden will close down at the end of March 2006 and all pending and future cases will henceforth be decided by three administrative courts. This will be done in order to enhance the principles of legal certainty by making the process more transparent and oral. It is an extensive reform, but since very few amendments are made to the applicable substantive law it raises questions about the actual motives behind the change.One reason that seems to have had a major impact on the decision to close down the Aliens Appeal Board is the fact that the board is perceived as a symbol for an inhuman asylum policy. Transferring the process to the courts might ease the attempt to increase the legitimacy of the asylum process.

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