

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 32 av 56

The capability to understand customer value - A case study of Metso Mining over continents

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how the mining equipment producers on a global market manage to Handle the changing conditions concerning customer value. Our approach has been a comparative analysis between two different sites in order to answer the purpose. The case studies at Metso Mining have been made through interviews and visits at two geographical markets, South America and Scandinavia. The theoretical framework applied on our empirical findings is based on Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value and Resourced Based View. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with Metso Mining employees at Sorocaba in Brazil and Kiruna/Gällivare, Trelleborg and Staffanstorp in Sweden.

Granskning av en ridskolas hästkunskapsmaterial

Equestrianism is a big sport in Sweden with many practitioners. It is a dangerous sport and it is important for the rider to be aware of the risks, to study equine ethology and know how to Handle the horse, to avoid accidents. Today most people have their first contact with a horse through a horseback riding school. Ölmstad rid- och körsällskap is a riding school that provides their pupils with a different kind of lessons. The lessons are 90 minutes long and contain both riding and horse-knowledge education.

"Hur ska jag nu bli känd?" : En orientering i ett föränderligt medielandskap

The music distribution in Sweden and the world is rapidly changing. The music industry, however, has been reluctant to change the way they distribute music. The consequence has been that illegal music files have been available for downloading to anyone with an Internet connection. Because of the illegal downloading a new law have been implemented in an attempt to stop this behaviour. Our theory is that in implementing the IPRED-law, the sites that were hosting most of the illegal material will experience a severe decrease in traffic.

Optimering av påstorkning : Från behov till färdig konstruktion

This thesis describes the redesign ofequipment designed for drying bags thatis used in Fresenius Kabis´manufacturing of their nutritionmedicine in Uppsala. The need of thistask arise during the start of thedevelopment of a new packaging line werethis equipment were meant to be used. Anevaluation of the bagdryers capacity andcapability was necessary.The work started with gathering ofinformation from suppliers of the usedcomponents and from the responsibleengineers for this equipment. Aneducation to learn how the equipmentworked and how to operate it were taken.That was followed by the creation of astudy plan were the tests were plannedto test different parameters effect onthe drying result and to see if thebagdryer managed to Handle the bags ofthe correct format in the pace that theequipment should be designed for.The test results detected a need ofdesigning a unit with a function thatholds the bags in place while passingthrough the dryer in order to attainhigh quality results. The results werelater used for optimization of thedesign.

Lönediskriminering : Förekommer det lönediskriminering inom svensk handboll?

AimThe purpose of this dissertation is to find out what discrimination of salary means and if the legislation that exists in Sweden, regarding same salary for the same or similar work, effects sports and if the way that the sportindustry divide salaries are acceptable. The purpose is also to find out if discrimination of salary exist within swedish handball and if this is a reason why swedish ladies handball is not professional. The framing of questions that have been processed is:1. Does discrimination of salary occur in swedish handball?2.

Avfallsförebyggande arbete i Norrbottens läns kommuner : En studie om kommunal avfallshantering och avfallsdirektivets påverkan

This study aims to evaluate the waste management in Norrbottens municipalities in key areas such as possibilities to reach the two national waste goals, information to the public, the effect of legislation, future of waste management and differences in geographic- and demographic areas. The Waste Framework Directive (WFD) issued by the EU and incorporated into Swedish law plays a major part in waste management by defining a hierarchy in five steps how waste should be treated. Interviews conducted with each of the fourteen municipalities aimed to find out what step in the hierarchy they are at and what effect the implementation of EU-legislature into Swedish law has had. Based on the interviews a diverse range of answers was found in relation to the questions asked, generally the more populated municipalities saw a more positive future of waste management, mainly because more developed infrastructure to Handle waste is already in place. However the smaller the municipality is the harder it is to allocate resources for waste management and problems arise in the form of expensive transports of waste.

Generationsväxlingen ? De gamla ska man ära, de unga ska man lära?

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine how managers apprehend today's leadership and how they believe that future leadership will be influenced and developed when the people bourn during the nineteen forties pass on their management positions to a younger generation.Method: I share the hermeneutic view on science. I believe that knowledge is born with in the person who seeks to obtain it. I have chosen to conduct my study using a qualitative and inductive approach. I use an inductive approach as I answer my questions by using interviews in order to respond to my question at issues, and assumes from the empiric in my study.Result & Conclusions: The leadership role has changed from being? the one who decides?,? the director?, to becoming less peculiar and prestige.

Möjlig kvittblivning och eftermarknad av ridbaneunderlag - topplager

The aim of this study is to find information about what to do when riding arena footings are worn-out. Especially, the surface layer of riding arena footings is very interesting because of its importance of giving grip in every step for the horse, as well as shock ab-sorption. Generally, surface layers are containing several different parts in order to achieve desirable properties. These different parts can consist of organic material or in-organic material (mostly gravel). Gravel and many other materials in the top-layer are environmental friendly, and therefore, easy to get rid of.

Det manliga köttet: Om köttets roll i skapandet av maskuliniteter, och den svenska hållbarhetsdiskursens genus(o)medvetenhet rörande ekologiskt hållbar köttkonsumtion

Several studies indicate that Swedish men consume more meat than women, more frequently appear in advertisements for meat and more often than women Handle the grilling of meat. Production of meat is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions and thereby poses a challenge for ecological sustainability. Several Swedish politicians and authorities have argued that reduced meat consumption is necessary to prevent continued global climate change. To understand and change consumption patterns we need to understand the consumer. This essay uses textual analysis to examine how Swedish men through text and images in three cookbooks use preparation and consumption of meat to construct different masculinities.

Mångfaldsarbete : En jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga sektorn

The aim of this thesis is to study whether social welfare secretaries experience occupational pride and what affects this feeling. Previously made research indicate that occupational pride is essential for performance and work-related health. Research has also shown that social welfare secretaries often experience unhealthiness due to working conditions and a lack of professional self-esteem.This thesis is based on four qualitative interviews which have focused especially on critical incidents, according to the critical incident technique. This study has a hermeneutic, interpretative approach. As a theoretical framework, Pierre Bourdieu? s theory on social space and positions aswell as Aaron Antonovsky´s theory on Sence of coherence have been used. The result shows that the interviewed social welfare secretaries do experience occupational pride.

Upplevelse och behov av stöd i ledarskapet-- en kvalitativ studie bland första linjens chefer

The aim of this study was to gain understanding and knowledge about first line manager?s need for support in their leadership and to get more insight into how they Handle and perceives their work.The research method is based on studies of relevant theories and qualitative interviews. Eight respondents were interviewed with a structured 40 question questionnaire about how they experience their work and the support they get. The study shows that there are three important categories of people that are most significant to the managers in their need of support. They are their own manager, colleagues and co-workers.The conclusion is that it is important to create conditions for leaders to have good relationships with their closest manager, colleagues and co ?workers.

?E-mobbning finns inte på vår skola?- En kvalitativ studie om e-mobbningens plats i skolans antimobbningsprogram.

The purpose of this study was to highlight cyber-bullying and its place in today?s schools. Our aim was to research how schools with bullying prevention programs are equipped to Handle and take action against cyber-bullying. Furthermore this study focuses on whether or not schools are responsible for cases of cyber-bullying. We also aimed to present teachers? general views and knowledge regarding this phenomenon.

Utveckling av en Multi-Zonsmodell för NOx Bildning i Diesel Motorer

This thesis work is the last part of the Master of Science education inmechanical engineering at KTH, Stockholm.The aim of this project was the development of a Multi-zone modelfor NOxformation in Diesel engines. Because of the stringent emissionlegislations, great effort is made to decrease the fuel consumption and theharmful emissions of internal combustion engines. Computer simulationsplay a decisive role in this context because they substitute the expensiveand time-consuming laboratory tests.The model is based on a multi-zone approach and uses the wellknownExtended Zeldovich Mechanism which gives a relation to calculatethe NO formation rate using the concentration of different gas speciesinvolved in the process.All the most important phenomena involved in the Diesel combustionhave been modelled. A special attention is then paid to the equilibriumconcentration calculation; this is a significant part of the model whichstrongly influences the following steps.A Simulink model has also been developed. This second version isbased on the previous model and it is made especially to allow theconnection with other external softwares, GT-power in this case.

Kloridutlakning från flygaska : möjligheten till en lokal hantering

In Sweden, there are limits to how much leachable substances waste must contain in order to be deposited as hazardous waste. Fly ash from waste incineration often end up over the limit, mainly due to the chloride content. Fly ash is therefore often deposited abroad. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility to Handle fly ash locally. To clarify how the law is applied, environmental reports and permit documents from ten waste sites with permission to deposit fly ash were studied.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

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