

53 Uppsatser om Handikappade - Sida 1 av 4

IT/Internet, ett hjälpmedel för handikappade

Det här examensarbetet handlar om på vilket sätt Internet/IT kan göra livet lättare för Handikappade. Arbetet grundar sig på mitt intresse för teknik och vad den kan göra för nytta för både pedagoger, lärare och främst elever i särskolan.Jag har bl a undersökt hur Internet/IT används av elever på olika särskolor i Sverige genom att skicka ut e-mail enkäter via e-mail. Med hänsyn till lärarna på särskolorna så har jag inte publicerat vare sig namn eller skolor i arbetet. Detta beror på att jag i min frågeställning inte brytt mig om att få med detta. Det var svaren och inte de svarande som var de väsentliga för arbetet.Jag har också tagit del av aktuell information som jag har funnit på Internet samt information från rapporter.

De handikappade och de normala: En studie om social identitet hos elever på riksgymnasium för rörelsehindrade

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the social identity of students at upper secondary school for physically disabled students. The youths I drew my attention to suffered from severe physical disabilities and therefore received specially adapted education in small classes, but integrated at an ordinary upper secondary school.By "social identity" I mean how the students view themselves as a group, how they value their membership of the group and how they relate to non-disabled students at school. I wanted to investigate the connections between these students' social identity and the problems of marginalization of disabled people in society.According to qualitative methods I interviewed five physically disabled students, aged 18-19, at upper secondary school level taking part of especially adapted education. The study showed that these students regarded themselves as a segregated group at school. None of them associated with non-disabled students at school.

"Dom kallar mig knäpp och cp"

I det svenska samhället finns det många regler, normer och krav på hur individer skall se ut,vara och bete sig. Är någon avvikande från dessa kriterier kan personen ibland erfara attmänniskors bemötande blir av en annan karaktär, än det bemötande som icke avvikandepersoner är vana vid. Denna uppsats kommer att handla om bemötandet av artonhundratalets?idioter? eller dagens förståndsHandikappade.Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka hur sex lindrigt förståndsHandikappade uppleverbemötandet från sin sociala omgivning och hur detta bemötande påverkar dem. Vidare ärsyftet att undersöka om stigmatiseringen, som ett handikapp kan innebära, är något somlindrigt förståndsHandikappade märker av i mötet med andra personer.

Gruppbostad : Från funktion till gemenskap

Gruppbostäder och andra boenden för Handikappade är ofta försummade av arkitektoniska värden, rationellt och billigt byggande har varit drivande genom åren. I min gruppbostad handlar det om individen och de aktiviteter denna typ av arkitektur borde främja. Att placera en gruppbostad i en social kontext ökar inte bara kunskapen om olika handikapp i samhället utan ökar också livskvaliteten för de boende..

Stationsgatan, Boden

I denna rapport, som är ett examensarbete, finner man information om trafikmiljö, trafiksäkerhet, lite om trafikanters olika beteenden och en kort redogörelse av olika korsningstyper. Informationen har hämtats ur böcker och rapporter vi tagit del av. Gruppens förslag på förändring och även förkastade lösningar på utformningen av Stationsgatan finns att läsa, en teknisk beskrivning enligt AMA98 och Väg 94, mängdförteckningar och ritningar för projektet redovisas också i rapporten. Vi har även i denna rapport ungefärliga totalsummor på utförandet av projektet. Bodens kommun är projektets beställare.

Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst

Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..

Valfrihet genom kundval : en studie av kundvalsmodellen inom hemtjänsten

This essay is a qualitative study on quasimarkets in the field of home-help service. The main purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the function of costumers choice from elderly persons point of view. The quasimarket in home-help service of Solna stad has served as an example. The questions raised in the study concerned the elderly costumers opinion of the information about the different producers, what had influence on their choice, their attitude towards the freedom of choice, and their ability to act as consumers on a quasimarket.The method used was qualitative semi structured interviews. A majority of the elderly consumers appreciated the possibility to choose producer of home-help service.

Träffpunkten : En plats att stråla samman

This essay focuses on a träffpunkts-activity within LSS's disability care, which started a year ago. The study has an evaluating perspective.The purpose of this essay is to describe the activity, study its intentions and to describe how far it has come reaching its intentions/goals. The questions we have focused on are: What were Träffpunkten's goals and how far has it evolved during the past year. Further more we have examined what kind of social interaction developing between guests and LSS-activity users and how much the activity's intentions show in it today.We used a qualitative method in this essay. To get answers to our questions, we have interviewed persons involved in Träffpunkten and others at Vård och Omsorgsförvaltningen.

Bemötande av äldre missbrukande vårdtagare inom hemtjänsten

The purpose with our essay was to describe and understand the treatment of the homehelp staff towards the elderly addicted caretakers within the care system. Both in a practical aspect as well as in an attitudinal aspect. In order to get the answers to our overall purpose of our essay, we had as a starting point the following questions:* What help is given to the elderly addicted caretakers?* Are the elderly addicted caretakers a stigmatized caretaker group?* What approach does the home help staff conduct towards the elderly addicted caretakers?* Is there a preparedness among the home help staff when it comes to as to whether or not a care taker has an addiction issue or not?When analysing the material we used a qualitative analytical method in order to understand the care givers treatment towards the addicted caretakers. We combined the interviews with the so called vinjett technique; furthermore we used various sociological theories as well as earlier scientific discoveries.The result of the essay was that elderly addicted caretakers are an exposed group.

Olika men ändå lika : funktionshindrade ungdomars syn på sig själva och sitt handikapp

This is an essay about how disabled young people look upon themselves and their handicap. The purpose of the essay was to illustrate how the identy and self-image of young disabled persons is formed during their youth, and also how they experience their handicap during this time in life when you compare yourself with friends and other significant persons.My questions were:1. In what ways is the identity and self-image affected by being handicapped?2. Which experiencies do handicapped young people have when it comes to how other people treats them?3.

Älskar dig för den du är: att adoptera äldre barn

The purpose of my study was to examine adoptive parents' experiences of adopting children older than three years of age. I wanted to look into what kind of information, help and support every adoptive parent had received. I also wanted to examine if the adoptive parents worried about anything concerning the children's emotional needs and in what way the adoptive parents prepared themselves for this, before the adoption. I asked the adoptive parents about their knowledge regarding the children's experiences from the time before the adoption and how things had been going since the children came to Sweden. To achieve my purpose I interviewed six adoptive parents from five families, with a total of eleven internationally adopted older children.The research findings of my study showed that a risk exists for older adopted children to suffer emotionally because of earlier experiences.

Omsorg i nöd och lust : kvinnliga och manliga anhörigvårdares upplevelser av att vårda sina makar

In using a qualitative method have I interviewed six women and six men taking care of their wives respectively husbands suffering from physical disease, disfunction or demental disease. The purpose was to find out whether male and female caretakers were differently influenced in their situation, relationship and in their partners, when they became caretakers of their spouse, depending on what the partner suffered from.The results showed that, when a husband or wife was hit by disease or disfunction, the caretaker was influenced both in the partners situation, the relationship and the role towards the partner. The couple still lived in a close relationship and could communicate. For the carers spouse suffered from a demental disease, there was no communication as before or possibility to remember. The carers also felt the loss of community, nearness and sympathy.


Our purposes with this essay was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home, their parents and the social welfare secretaries get an apprehension on their way of looking at the purpose of placement in a HVB-home agrees with the comprehensive view of the placement. We also wish to get a picture of what is of important to change in this matter. How do they experience the reasons for the placement, goals and purpose? What positive and negative experience do they have from their placement? What is relevant to change when you look at the different parties' ways of looking at change/progress in this matter? In what different ways do the parties look upon collaboration and how does that effect the treatment? Our qualitative study is built upon interviews with the persons mentioned, upon educational visits to HVB-homes and upon interviews of staff at HVB-homes. The staffs opinion has also been compared with the other perspectives.

Man med rörelsehinder - en intervjustudie om förhållningssätt till att uppfattas som rörelsehindrad.

Jag vill med min uppsats undersöka vilka handlingsutrymmen män med rörelsehinder upplever sig ha i förhållande till samhälleliga förväntningar på dem som män och som rörelsehindrade. Med grund i kvalitativa intervjuer och läsning av framförallt feministisk handikappforskning försöker jag tolka och förstå männens berättelser och ställningstagande utifrån sin kontext. Männen upplever alla negativa föreställningar om rörelsehindrade i olika sammanhang och måste utveckla strategier för att göra motstånd mot dessa. Genom att exempelvis hävda sig verbalt istället för fysiskt och omdefiniera oberoende, försöker de bryta de stereotypa bildernas makt över deras liv, samtidigt som de i sitt motstånd ibland drar fördel av att vara män. I direktkontakt med fördomar i sin vardag kan männen även välja att ha överseende med folks fördomar.

Organisation och marknadsorientering av äldreomsorgen : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Organisation and market orientation of elderly careThis comparative literature study is intended to describe how elderly care is organised and financed in Germany and Sweden. Furthermore, it analyses the degree of competition and market orientation in both countries' care systems. Important aspects in this context are the kinds of measurements which are used on the two markets and the question if there are quasimarkets.The theoretical backgrounds of the study are Esping-Andersen's "Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism" and Harold Wilensky's convergence theory. Esping-Andersen's theory describes Sweden as a social democratic and Germany as a conservative welfare regime which means that there are different conditions for the development of welfare. The use of Wilensky's theory shows that both welfare systems are converging since the end of the 20th century.

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