

175 Uppsatser om Hallćor - Sida 3 av 12

Privat och kollektivt : LÄs- och nyckelanvÀndning under sen jÀrnÄlder i MÀlardalen

The aim of this work is to give a broader and more nuanced picture of the use of locks and keys during the Iron Age, in particular the late Iron Age, in the Lake MÀlaren region. This has been done by comparing two buildings: the hall on Helgö and the living quarters in the garrison on Birka. Here we can see two very different areas where locks and keys were important parts of the daily life. The study also includes a typology of padlocks based on the findings from the same places as the building study and their surroundings..

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag pÄ saneringsÄtgÀrder gÀllande gjuteriet och plÄtverkstaden

The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where ?Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad? once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent ?plate-workshop? and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center. An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection agency guidelines of less sensitive land.

Size Hero : En attitydstudie om unga kvinnors instÀllning till tvÀrtomretuschering i magasin

Traditional retouching, where you make the body of a female model in a magazine thinner, has been common for a long time and is well known. Several studies indicates that showing ultra-thin images of female bodies in media can lower the body satisfaction of ?ordinary? women which in some cases can lead to dangerous eating disorders. But in 2010 Swedish female magazine VeckoRevyn introduced a new type of retouching: Making some catwalk models bodies bigger instead, which we decided to call opposite retouching. This kind of retouching is aiming to widen the ideal picture that is sent out of how the female body should look like, and therefore having the readers reach a higher body satisfaction and becoming more at peace with the own body.

StockholmsOperan, GalÀrvarvet : En smal sak

GalÀrvarvet Àr pÄ mÄnga sÀtt en utmÀrkt plats för en ny och framtrÀdande kulturbyggnad i Stockholm. Samtidigt utgöt operans komplexa och omfattande program en stor utmaning. I detta projekt löses konflikten mellan program och plats meddels en lÄngsmal byggnad som bevarar naturvÀrden och rörelsemönster..

GrÀfsnÀs dolda skatter

This paper examines how to use different kinds of source material for building surveys. The studyexamines how to use legends, construction archaeological surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) as source material, and use them against each other to ensure the reliability they have.As a starting point I used GrÀfsnÀs castle ruin in AlingsÄs, Sweden, as an example. GrÀfsnÀs castlewas probably built in the Middle Ages and was rebuilt through the ages until it became a ruin in thelate 1800s. The castle ruin is today AlingsÄs most visited attraction.The investigation has focused on three areas which are located in the very ruin; rescue tunnels, thecellar vault and the treasure.There are legends that describe how the castle lord of GrÀfsnÀs fled an attack of the Danes in 1612 ina rescue tunnel which ended at the beach. At the construction archaeological surveys carried out in1935-36 they found a sewer in the courtyard that was once served as rescue tunnel and ended in themoat.

Kulthus och deras hallar : Ett arbete om förhÄllandet dem emellan

This is a work about the relationship between cult houses and halls. In my essay I will go through four different places were cult houses and halls both exist. I will look at the findings and the landscapes were the settlements are located in. The places I have chosen are Lunda in Södermanland, Slöinge in Halland, UppÄkra in western SkÄne and JÀrrestad in southeast SkÄne. Because of that the cult houses and halls are occurring during the late Iron Age, it is during this time period that I will work in.

Summers of love- Hur New Hollywood gav filmen nytt perspektiv : En genusanalys av Bonnie and Clyde, Cabaret och Annie Hall

Under ungefÀr en tioÄrsperiod, frÄn den senare hÀlften av 1960-talet till den senare hÀlften av 1970-talet, producerade Hollywood filmer som inte bara tilltalade kritiker, utan Àven publiken. Dessa filmer var kreativa sÄvÀl produktionsmÀssigt som narrativt, och bröt ofta mot gamla traditioner samtidigt som man byggde vidare pÄ formler för berÀttande som grundats under studioeran.FrÄgestÀllningarna var dessa: Vilka hÀndelser skiljer den hÀr perioden frÄn andra perioder i filmhistorien? Hur skedde förÀndringarna pÄ olika plan? Och hur sÄg skildringen av kvinnor pÄ film ut, jÀmfört med tidigare? För att söka svar anvÀndes olika böcker inom sÄvÀl filmhistoria som genusstudier, samt lÀste texter som hittades pÄ internet. Dessutom gjordes en nÀrstudie av tre filmer frÄn denna period, ur ett genusperspektiv:Bonnie and Clyde, Cabaret, och Annie Hall. Dessa Är var Àven mycket hÀndelserika i samhÀllet i stort, och de olika hÀndelserna fÀrgade av sig i filmproduktionen pÄ tvÄ olika sÀtt.

Hackern som skurk och hjÀlte : Bilden av nÀtaktivistgruppen Anonymous i Dagens Nyheter, New York Times och The Guardian

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur gestaltningen kring nĂ€taktivistgruppen Anonymous rapporterades kring i Dagens Nyheter, The New York Times, och The Guardian mellan 2008-01-16 och 2015-03-30. Studien bygger frĂ€mst pĂ„ en kvantitativ innehĂ„llsanalys men har Ă€ven en mindre kvalitativ del dĂ€r en exempeltext frĂ„n varje tidning har analyserats. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur medier rapporterar kring, och gestaltar grupper som saknar traditionell hierarki. De frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som besvaras Ă€r följande: Hur tenderar artiklarna att gestaltas i form av sprĂ„k och valens, och skiljer det sig mellan tidningarna? Vilka kĂ€llor och aktörer tas med i artiklarna? Är artiklarna skrivna av egna reportrar eller externa nyhetsbyrĂ„er och skiljer det sig nĂ„got mellan tidningarna?Studien utgĂ„r frĂ„n den sociala konstruktionsteorin som Stuart Hall definierade den.

I studens hetta : Rapporteringen om kravallerna i Husby 19-24 maj 2013 i aftonbladet.se och expressen.se.

I denna uppsats undersöks medierapporteringen i expressen.se och aftonbladet.se under kravallerna i Husby 19-23 maj 2013, samt dagen dÀrpÄ, den 24 maj 2013. Fokus ligger pÄ olika gruppers förekomst som kÀllor, exempelvis poliser, Husbybor och organisationen Megafonen.Uppsatsen bestÄr av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning. Den kvantitativa delen fokuserar pÄ vilket utrymme olika grupper fÄr i egenskap av kÀllor. Artiklarna har samlats in och dÀrefter analyserats utifrÄn variabler som grupp, kön och citatlÀngd. I den kvalitativa delen undersöks pÄ vilket sÀtt kÀllorna framstÀlls i tre utvalda texter.

Identitetens rum : En studie av relationen mellan plats och identitet i Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea

My aim with this essay is to examine the relationship between identity positions and spatial positions in Jean Rhys novel Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). Through this I wish to show how Wide Sargasso Sea problematize the analytical cathegory "women", as well as classic western canon, and feministic eurocentric readings of the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte to which Wide Sargasso Sea correspond..

Kristianstad Kommuns destinationsutveckling : Utvecklingen utifrÄn tre hÄllbara aspekter

The ongoing construction of Kristianstad is a trade mall in the city center, the City Hall and the railway station neighborhood is rebuilding, new residential projects are planned and "The healthy garden", "Accessibility for everyone" and "ERA-farms" are also current. Kristianstad has always a sustainable way of thinking in the background during the development and they are trying to meet all three perspective of sustainability: economical, ecological and social. The municipality seeks knowledge both by sharing their own and takes part in other municipalities in the development process..

EnergikartlÀggning och driftoptimering genom behovsstyrning i befintlig fastighet

Energy supply in Sweden year 2011 amounted to 577 TWh. The final energy consumption for industrial, residential and service was 379 TWh. Sweden has energy policy goals to reduce energy use in buildings. One of these goals is to reduce the energy use by 20 % in 2020 compared to the year 1995. An important step to achieve this goal is to target energy efficiency measures in existing buildings.

PÄ vÀg mot rumsren rasism : En diskursstudie av SD-Kuriren

Sverigedemokraterna tog plats i Sveriges riksdag i valet 2010. I detta land, dÀr invandring lÀnge tillbaka har varit en naturlig del av samhÀllet och dÀr endast ett invandrarkritiskt parti tidigare suttit i riksdagen har nu ett frÀmlingsfientligt parti tagit plats. Denna uppsats söker att förklara hur texterna i partiets medlemstidning, SD-Kuriren, har förÀndrats.Genom att analysera 7 texter frÄn 1988?1994 och 7 texter frÄn 2008?2010 försöker jag att se hur denna förÀndring tar sig uttryck. Fokus ligger pÄ texter som handlar om invandrare och brott, Àven om nÄgra texter som ocksÄ tas upp kretsar kring den svenska identiteten.

Åt var bov efter behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av interners högskoleutbildning och lĂ€rande i skol- och biblioteksmiljö pĂ„ kriminalvĂ„rdsanstalten Hall

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraintsÂŽ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Identitet och kÀrlek : en studie i ungdomars identitetsskapande

This study is generated from a European Union project founded Barcelona, Spain and contents a questionnaire that is the same in the different studies, but with different questions or thesis in each of them. Our question is if there is an identity creation in the meeting with other people and if so, how that identity creation is constructed. The identity-creation-meeting in the study is a fictive love relation story. Two high school classes in the Stockholm area have participated in the inquiries.The work of Bjerrum-Nielsen & Rudberg (1991) shows that the two sexes differ in their opinion about what is desired in a relationship. The result of our study points out that both young men and women mostly prefers the same qualities in a relation in spite of that gender socialisation directs the informants towards stereotypical roles.

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