

1980 Uppsatser om Haemodialysis treatment - Sida 66 av 132

Ingreppsrelaterad rädsla hos barn med cancer - : Hur kan den förebyggas och lindras?

Barn med cancer måste genomgå många olika ingrepp vilket kan skapa rädsla.Syfte: Att sammanställa forskning kring hur den ingreppsrelaterade rädslan hos barn med cancer kan förebyggas och lindras utan psykofarmaka.Metod: En systematisk sökning genomfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och PsychINFO. Påträffade artiklar granskades och analyserades. Åtta kvantitativa studier inkluderades i den systematiska litteraturöversikten.Resultat: Rädslan i samband med ingrepp minskades genom att ge barnen möjlighet att tänka på något annat och få emotionellt stöd. Föräldrarnas beteende och engagemang visade sig påverka effektiviteten av avledningsmetoder.Slutsats: Eftersom rädslan i samband med ingrepp minskades vid användning av olika avledningsmetoder bör avledningsmetoder användas mer i klinisk verksamhet. Vidare forskning med större deltagarantal behövs för att resultaten ska bli generaliserbara.

Ingreppsrelaterad rädsla hos barn med cancer - : Hur kan den förebyggas och lindras?

Barn med cancer måste genomgå många olika ingrepp vilket kan skapa rädsla.Syfte: Att sammanställa forskning kring hur den ingreppsrelaterade rädslan hos barn med cancer kan förebyggas och lindras utan psykofarmaka.Metod: En systematisk sökning genomfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och PsychINFO. Påträffade artiklar granskades och analyserades. Åtta kvantitativa studier inkluderades i den systematiska litteraturöversikten.Resultat: Rädslan i samband med ingrepp minskades genom att ge barnen möjlighet att tänka på något annat och få emotionellt stöd. Föräldrarnas beteende och engagemang visade sig påverka effektiviteten av avledningsmetoder.Slutsats: Eftersom rädslan i samband med ingrepp minskades vid användning av olika avledningsmetoder bör avledningsmetoder användas mer i klinisk verksamhet. Vidare forskning med större deltagarantal behövs för att resultaten ska bli generaliserbara.

Vem är expert? : En kvalitativ studie om praktikers uppfattning av brukarinflytande inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård.

Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur praktiker inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård förhåller sig till brukarinflytande. Vidare undersöks hur brukarinflytande i relationell mening påverkar förhållandet mellan praktiker och klient. Studien utgår från en hermeneutisk forskningstradition med en kvalitativ ansats. Studien bygger på fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med yrkeserfarna praktiker inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård. Resultatet tolkades utifrån relationell pedagogik som det beskrivs av Jonas Aspelin och Sven Persson samt Moira von Wrights pedagogiska rekonstruktion av G.H.

Psykiatrisjuksköterskors upplevelser av patienters delaktighet

Introduction: Psychiatric nurses in the psychiatric care can meet complex situations if the basic knowledge is not enough. Therefore it demands research for secure, improve and develop care processes that will be benefit for both patients and nursing staff. Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight psychiatric nurses? experiences of patients' involvement in their own care. Method: Qualitative method was chosen for this study.

Ledarskap - ett kollektivt fenomen : effekten av Värmlands landstings stödinsatser för chefer

Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.

Orala hälsorelaterade livskvalitetsinstrument som har använts på äldre individer ? en litteraturstudie

Aim: Through the review of scientific articles, this study aimed to identify which oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used in studies to measure the oral health-related quality of life in older individuals and the application of such instruments. Method: The study is based on a systematic literature review, where 14 articles have been chosen and evaluated against a checklist. Result: The oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used on individuals, 65 years and older, are OHIP-49, OHIP-14, OHIP-20 or OHIP-EDENT, GOHAI and OIDP. The instruments are used to examine factors associated with the oral health-related quality of life. Significant associations have been identified, among other things, between the number of teeth in static occlusion, dry mouth and the quality of the dentures, and oral health-related quality of life. Social and cultural associations have also been revealed. Conclusions: Today there exist several well functioning instruments that are used for research purposes.

Vid vilken glukosnivå frisätter kor insulin? :

Six cows were subjected to an intravenous glucose tolerance test (GTT) to evaluate the amount of glucose that is needed to stimulate the release of insulin from pancreas. Four of the cows were in early lactation and two were non-lactating and not pregnant. Series of blood-samples were collected to analyze the concentration of insulin and glucose in the blood. The cows were given lower levels of glucose than have been used in earlier glucose tolerance tests. The levels of glucose given were 7,5 mg/kg BW, 15 mg/kg BW, 30 mg/kg BW and 50 mg/kg BW.

Spädbarnsanalys : När samspelet mor - barn inte fungerar

The aim of the study is to investigate the practice of psychoanalysis with infants, and its effect on mother and child. With psychoanalytical thoeries and contemporary research on infants interaction as a basis, five interwievs with psychoanalysts in practice has been done. Also taking part of a clinical meeting with nine psychoanalysts has been done. Two of the interwieved analysts where part of this meeting, therefor the total sum of twelve psychoanalysts who reports their thoughts about the process i infantanalysis. The study also includes three participating observations of infantanalysis.

Faktorer som påverjar uteblivande och återbud inom tandvården -en enkätstudie

Non-attendance and cancellations within dental care is a problem resulting in both financial and time consuming losses. The purpose of this questionnaire was to investigate different factors influencing non-attendance and cancellations. Six public and private dental clinics located in Skåne participated. Information about the clinics and patient-related factors were collected. Result: Totally 182 patients cancelling or not attending their appointment were registered.

De elöverkänsligas livssituaton : ur ett hälsopromotivt perspektiv

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Att berätta med ord och bilder: Relationen mellan återberättande och och bildsekvensering hos barn

Storytelling is a complex action that requires many linguistic and other cognitive abilities, like memory and attention. Resent research has shown a correlation between oral story retelling and picture arrangement among children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The present study analyzes if this correlation exists among a convenience sample of children from the general population. 77 children between 3:11 and 9:0 years old accomplished Bus Story Test and a picture arrangement task from WISC III. Significant correlations was found between picture arrangement and Bus Story Test?s subscores sentence length, subordinate clauses and information.

Hundägares och kattägares relation till sitt djur :

The relationship between the pet and it's owner is a very important and interesting issue. Unfortunately there is not so much research on this and in addition to that Swedish veterinarian education does not put much emphasis on pet's role in society or their pattern of behaviour nor treatment. This thesis is based on an opinion poll that 20 dog owners and 20 cat owners contributed. The main purpose of the thesis was to compare the relationships that the pet (dog or cat) and its owner can have. The issues such as the pet owner's attitude to his/her pet, how the pet owner percieves and interprets the signals from the animal, and what they think about the natural behaviours and needs that their pets (might) have. The results show that dog- and cat owners are people who generally love animals, that they used to have even other animal species in the past, but when it comes to choice between a new dog or a new cat they choose the one that they previously have had and that they are used to. Most of a dog owners choose the dog to be their pet because of the company while the majority of a cat owners choose cat because cats are independent and they are used to cats.

Vad är det för fel på den där då? : en fokusgruppstudie om studenters attityder till psykisk sjukdom och psykiska funktionshinder

Uppsatsens syfte var att få kunskap och förståelse för vilka attityder högskolestudenter kan ha till psykisk sjukdom och personer med psykiska funktionshinder. De forskningsfrågor som besvarades var: Hur resonerar studenter om psykisk sjukdom och personer med psykiska funktionshinder? Hur i det vardagliga talet reproduceras studenternas attityder till psykisk sjukdom och personer med psykiska funktionshinder? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes samtal i fokusgrupper med högskolestudenter från olika utbildningsprogram. Resultatet visade att studenterna hade ambivalenta attityder och att attityderna var situationsbundna. Studenterna associerade psykisk sjukdom som något negativt vilket de relaterade till medias påverkan.

Patienter med tyreoideacancer : livskvalitet och omvårdnadsbehov

Bakgrund: Tyreoideacancer drabbar cirka 400 personer årligen i Sverige varav kvinnor är överrepresenterade. Insjuknandet sker vanligen efter 50 års ålder men förekommer även i yngre åldrar. Syfte: Att få kunskap om omvårdnadsbehov och livskvalitet hos patienter med tyreoideacancer under och efter den medicinska behandlingen mot cancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie där 9 artiklar båda kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar har analyserats. Resultat: Resultatet pekar på att det finns omvårdnadsbehov under och efter avslutad cancerbehandling.

Mobil Bastu

This thesis is an addition to pictures and animation that has been developed using CATIA V5. The animation and the images are a market basis to test whether the product is of interest in the Nordic market. The thesis is structured with elements of the Fredy Olsson method. In this thesis there is also a short presentation of the company Tylö AB, which been chosen to market test the product. A product definition with the sub-headings; ?Description and use of product?, ?Environmentand users?, ?Economy? and ?Product inquiry?, are the basis for the product.

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