

3454 Uppsatser om Högskoleförberedande program - Sida 56 av 231

En homogen grupp Àr inte svaret pÄ en lyckad klass : Pedagogers attityder till inkludering av sÀrskolans elever i ordinare grundskola.

The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.

Den reflekterande chefen - Ledarutveckling och chefers reflektioner

The essay examines managers reflection after attending a leader development program. When examining their thoughts the author starts out from the assumption that leader development programs with reflecting elements can create reflection on management/leadership and the organisations management behaviour. The examination is done whit help of a case study on a company in the paint industry. To test the assumption the author uses a combination of questioners and interviews on eight managers who has finished a leader development program. The result is analysed by bringing forward the managers general assumptions an by finding relations between opinions on needs, existing norms and preferred management/leadership.

VFU- en vÀg in i arbetslivet? : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar arbetsgivares vÀrderingar av erfarenheter frÄn verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the employability of newly graduated social workers is affected by the Supervised Practical Work Experience performed during the educational program. Four main questions were developed in order to establish an educated and concise theory: Does the newly graduated social worker?s choice of a specific Supervised Practical Work Experience affect their employability? Does the structure of the Supervised Practical Work Experience affect newly graduated social worker?s employability? What specific skills do employers within social work consider important for their organization? Is there a difference in how the representatives of various organizations within social work answer the aforementioned questions? The study was conducted through six qualitative semi-structured interviews. The people being interviewed work either as employers or recruiters in organizations from different areas within social work. Theories concerning organization and symbolic interactions were used during the analysis of the results.

"Jag vill göra det för min egen skull" : En studie i sÄngelevers motivation i relation till sÄnglektioner

Syftet med föreliggande studie Àr att utforska vad nÄgra sÄngelever pÄ estetiskt program pÄ gymnasiet anser motiverar dem under sÄnglektionerna. Metoden som anvÀnts Àr kvalitativa, halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra gymnasieelever vid det estetiska programmet har intervjuats om deras motivation relaterat till de sÄnglektioner de fÄr pÄ respektive skola. Det teoretiska perspektivet som studien baseras pÄ Àr ett motivationspsykologiskt perspektiv. I resultatet presenteras temat Att kÀnna sig ?bra? som summerar informanternas berÀttelser om den ökade motivation de upplever dÄ de kÀnner sig bra pÄ att sjunga.

K - 1 : ...varför lockar det tittare?

AbstractPurpose / Aim: The purpose of this study is to find out why people look at K-1. I wanted to investigate what it was about looking at televised martial arts, specifically K-1, that attracts peoples attention and interest, and what it needs it satisfies within the viewer.Material / Method: This study consists of three separate parts, where I investigate and analyse the producer side of K-1, the receiver side, and the program in itself as a media text. For the producer part I performed interviews with the chairman of K-1 Sweden, the production manager at Eurosport Sweden and the Eurosport K-1 commentator. As for the receivers I interviewed six people who watch K-1 more or less regularly, in order to find out why the watch the show and what it gives them. The program text analysis I performed on two K-1 programs from Eurosport, and I based it on previous studies done of similar and other kinds of programs.

FörÀldraprogrammet De otroliga Ären i klinisk praxis: En utvÀrdering med lÄngtidsuppföljning

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the parent training The Incredible Years in clinical settings. The study included 33 families in clinical practice. There were two parts to the study; a main part with a before and after measurement, and a follow-up study on 12 children one year later. On baseline the children (3-9 years) as a group were on the borderline clinical range, (M = 61.8), with 70 % of the children in the borderline or clinical range. The childrens emotional and behavioral problems were measured with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL).

Bemötandet av tvÄsprÄkiga barn efter inskolningen. :  Tre pedagogers arbetssÀtt & metoder. ? En kvalitativ studie med tvÄsprÄkiga barn inom mÄngkulturellt omrÄde

Thanks to preschool Bamse and the entire literature I have related to in my degree work I have both got an explanation for my question at issue, and a clearer insight for my main question "The treating of bilingual children after acclimatization". I have within the investigation chosen to study on the basis of the educationalists perspective on bilingual way of working. My question at issue on this investigation has been to see how a regular day of language development looks and how the group of children developed the Swedish language.The purpose with my degree work was to be able to get an insight in the educationalists way of working and methods and also to see how the educationalists treats bilingually individuals after the acclimatization. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews.Down here I will sum up the investigation in poles and describe the aspect the informants have pointed out under the interviews.Bilingually children?s develop the Swedish language with the educationalists by:Converse and communicate with the childName word and objectsUsing the body language at conversationsBuilding security in the group of childrenIntegrate the playing to a language development in the regular dayConfirm the child?s meaning at different connectionsCreate a god relation with the individualTake part of the mother tongue in the program to name single wordsGiving the individual the opportunity to express their thoughts freelyPlace the child at the center of attention among the group of childrenTake part of the parents experience with the mother tongueGiving space to create own imagination with the playing for the individualHave the language as an approachEven the theories mediate that the educationalists shall promote the work with bilingual children so that they control the purpose and see the meaning of activity.

Processutveckling av borstgradning

During the milling of Sandvik Coromant?s world leading Drill with replaceable inserts,the CoroDrill880©, burrs appear around the milled surfaces. The burrs are removedusing different methods, one of which is deburring with special brushing machines thatare integrated into milling cells. The machines of the type Sinjet, use a Siemensguidance system. The deburring results are not satisfying and manual deburring isrequired afterwards.

VarumÀrkning för smÄföretag

In this degree project a study of the importance of a graphic identity to companies has been done. A questionnaire among small companies in Dalarna has beenmade. From this, three sets of graphic profile-program have been formed andthese are suitable for new companies. Finally a practical application has been made on Greenfield in Mora, a graphic profile has been designed.To cause an identity is to prove that someone or something exists by individualizingand distinguish. Every individual or company has its qualities or charasteristics.The way to a desirable identity is going by a corporate identity-program that containsthe companies strategies, people, products, buildings, trademarks, graphic design.

Svenskundervisning med musik och drama integrerat

Syftet med vÄrt examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur musik och drama integreras i svenskundervisningen, inriktat mot de tidigare skolÄren. Vi som gjort arbetet har lÀst olika program i vÄr respektive utbildning dÀr den ena av oss lÀst Svenska i ett mÄngkulturellt samhÀlle vilken varit mer teoretiskt inriktad medan den andra lÀst kultur, media och estetiska uttrycksformer som haft en mer praktisk inriktning. PÄ detta sÀtt har vi upplevt undervisningen olika baserat pÄ den utbildning vi fÄtt i vÄrt respektive program. Detta har medfört att vi försökt att komplettera varandras sÀtt att uppfatta och utveckla undervisningen sÄ att det blir en bra, rolig och utvecklande mix av teori och praktik. UtgÄngspunkt i vÄr studie har varit styr- och mÄldokument för grundskolan och svenskÀmnet och som stomme för den teoretiska delen har vi frÀmst anvÀnt oss av begreppen radikal och modest estetik, samt funktionaliserat och formaliserat lÀrande.

Programmerning av en industrikap med GRAPH 7

This essay is divided in several different parts, but all are tied up together by a fact that we want to increase productivity. We hope to do that by programming the PLC and to reach this with a better security for the person how are going to handle the cutting machine under it?s cutting process. We should as well look for some other ways to come up with better instructions and way to work and handle yourself during work. This programming is done in GRAPH7.

Retorik i gymnsasieskolan. En granskning av lÀroböcker i svenska för gymnasieskolan

Denna undersökning utgÄr ifrÄn sex olika lÀroböcker för svenska pÄ gymnasieskolan. Böckerna blir undersökta utifrÄn retorikens grundtankar, med lÀroplanens mÄl om anpassning till situation och mottagare som en grundlÀggande bas. Syftet har varit att granska hur och i vilken utstrÀckning Àmnet retorik behandlas i lÀroböcker för svenska pÄ gymnasieskolan.De olika lÀroböckerna Àr riktade mot yrkesförberedande- och studieförberedandeprogram, men mÄlen som finns i lÀroplanen Àr desamma för alla program. Eftersom lÀroplanen stÀller krav pÄ anpassning till situation och mottagare i tal och skrift krÀvs det att eleverna fÄr lÀra sig metoder för att anpassa. Metoder att anpassa finns i retoriken, vilket bl.a.

Datorer och geografi i mellanstadiet : Pedagogiska dataprogram i undervisningen

I denna uppsats avhandlas problematiken mellan viljan att anvÀnda datorer i undervisningen för mellanstadieelever och de hinder som lÀrare har för att kunna genomföra detta. I skolans riktlinjer som Lpo 94 stÄr det att skolan ska ansvara för att eleverna lÀr sig om den nya tekniken som de senare ska behöva i arbetslivet och i samhÀllet generellt. LÀrarna kÀnner sig frustrerade dÄ de inte har tillgÄng till bra datasalar och pedagogiska program. Dessutom kÀnner mÄnga av dem att de sjÀlva inte har rÀtt utbildning i ITK som krÀvs för att göra ett bra jobb. För att det ska fungera behöver skolorna ekonomisk hjÀlp, It-support samt fortbildning av lÀrare.

Energieffektivisering av tvÄ flerbostadshus i VÀsterÄs, byggda 1963 : EnerigbehovsberÀkning med programmet VIP+

 AbstractThe background for this study is that there were a great amount of buildings constructed in Sweden in the years 1965-1975 in a program designed to create one million apartments in a time-period of ten years. These buildings are now, somewhat forty years later in most cases in very poor condition and the need for renovation is great and urgent. This has become a growing problem and more and more voices are being heard pointing towards the vast and extremely expensive task of renovating these buildings. Lately, it has also been more and more important for buildings to be energy-efficient and sustainable environment friendly.In recent years there has been an atempt to solve these problems by renovating such buildings but at the same time making them very energy-efficient. This is in some cases being done by isolating the shell of the building and changing the ventilation-system and so forth.

CRL2ALF : En översÀttare frÄn PowerPC till ALF

Realtidssystem stÀller hÄrda krav pÄ dess ingÄende mjukvaras temporala beteende. Programmen mÄste bete sig deterministiskt och ge svar inom satta tidsgrÀnser. Med hÄrda krav följer större behov av verktyg att testa koden med. WCET (Worst Case Execution Time)-analys har som mÄl att finna en övre grÀns för ett programs exekveringstid. SWEET (SWEdish Execution Time) Àr ett verktyg för WCET-analys utvecklat av en forskargrupp vid MÀlardalens Högskola.PowerPC Àr en klassisk processorarkitektur som utvecklades av Apple, Motorola och IBM och slÀpptes 1991.

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