

102 Uppsatser om Guilt - Sida 2 av 7

Att slåss mot en osynlig fiende - Kvinnors upplevelser av postpartumpsykos

AbstractBackground:There are three diffrent postpartum problems a woman can suffer after a childbirth, postpartum blues that is the mildest one that almost everyone are suffering. Postpartum depression that is substantial and above 10-15 % are suffering, the most servere is postpartumpsychosis that 1-2 women per 1000 deliveries are suffering from. Aim: Illustrate womens experience during and after a postpartumpsychosis. Methods: This is a literary review of scientific articel and biographies, they are analysed with latent content analysis. Results: Six themes were found after the literature review; experience of; ?unnatural frame of mind?, loss of controll, loneliness, feeling Guilt, living with a label and fear that there will be a recurrence.

Identitetsskapande mammor : på gott och ont

This is a qualitative social psychology study, which aims to describe how mothers with 1-2 year old children develop their identities, seen from Symbolic Interactionistic perspective. Five young mothers have been interviewed, through qualitative interviews and self reports. Through this data I have attempted to establish how these women develop their identities when they have been mothers for 1 or 2 years. The conclusions I have drawn is that the identities change radically with becoming a mother and all respondents take different decisions outfrom their identities as mother. There seems to exist a need of more knowledge about how to bring the identity of a woman and a mother together and create a new entity.

Betydelsen av skuldkänslor och kompetensbaserad självkänsla för livstillfredsställelse

 Självkänslan och skuldkänslor påverkar människan dagligen och kan ha betydelse för individens välbefinnande. Syftet var att undersöka om självkänsla som är avhängig på kompetens och status samt olika aspekter av skuldbenägenhet har samband med livstillfredsställelse. Etthundraåtta undersökningsdeltagare deltog i enkätstudien och resultaten visade att alla skuldaspekter; trait och state Guilt samt moral standards var signifikanta prediktorer för livstillfredsställelse. Dessa resultat gav stöd åt hypotesen och indikerade att skuldbenägenhet spelar roll för livstillfredsställelse. Dock var resultaten angående kompetensbaserad självkänsla mer motstridiga.

"I believe it." : En luthersk-teologisk analys av Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogi.

The aim of this essay is to examine what happens when Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogy is read with a lutheran theological pre-understanding. Using reader-response theory and lutheran theology written for and in a post-modern context, three lutheran figures of thought are presented as one way of understanding the trilogy. The conclusion is that it is possible to reveal lutheran ideas concerning justification, Guilt, forgiveness, mercy and self-sacrificing love in the Divergent-story. .

Abort n Go. : Med fullständiga rättigheter

ABORT ?n GO is a design project within the crossing boundaries of Critical Design and IndustrialDesign.The contemporary discourse on abortion is problematic, and infected by double norms. Thesenorms may cause feelings of Guilt and shame in women who have an abortion. The abortion rightis built upon conflicting standpoints; one is that women have right to have an abortion, withoutbeing questioned. Second is the notion that abortion is something that should be avoided, implyingthat you?ve done something wrong if you have had an abortion.With this project and physical product I want to explore and discuss the contemporary discourseon abortion in Sweden.

Barn till alkoholister som vuxna

The purpose of our essay is to describe and analyse the experience of adults growing up with alcohol abusing parents and how their adult lives have been affected by this. The essay consists of both theoretical and empirical studies and we have used a qualitative method. We used a semi structured interview where we interviewed eight persons. We used symbolic interaction to analyse the collected data. The result is to a large extent consistent with previous research.

Ungdomars upplevelse av autonomi i sin vardag : En validering av skattningsskalan SDAA: Self-determination autonomy for adolescence

This is a qualitative study where the purpose was to investigate what professionals experience to be the reason for an individual to become addicted to gambling and continues to gamble even though it leads to negative consequences. The purpose was also to investigate what the professionals experienced was of importance for an individual to recover from a gambling addiction. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field. The main findings of the study were that the motivation for individuals with a gambling problem to continue gamble was that they saw gambling as the solution to their problems by winning back lost money. It was common that gambling was an escape from anxiety, Guilt, shame, and other gambling-related problems such as financial liabilities.

Compassion Focused Therapy vid ätstörningar- en pilotstudie

Compassion Focused Therapy är en integrativ transdiagnostisk behandlingsform som syftar till att öka self-compassion och minska skam och självkritik hos individer med psykisk ohälsa. Skam och självkritik har i hög grad identifierats hos personer med ätstörningar, som också ofta anses svårbehandlade. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka huruvida CFT kan vara ett behandlingsalternativ vid ätstörningar. En single-subject design med upprepade mätningar användes (n=5). Studien visade på tvetydiga resultat men indikerar att en del individer kan vara hjälpta av denna behandling.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av abort

Background: How a young woman approaches an abortion and how she handles its emotional impact is influenced by many factors. Mixed emotions about terminating a pregnancy are common to women of all backgrounds and circumstances. Aim: To illuminate young women´s experiences of abortions. Method: The study wasbased on literature from online databases and printed materials and involved the analysis of ten articles and one thesis. Result: Women contemplating abortion experience mixed emotions before, during, and after an abortion.

Faktorer som kan påverka livskvaliteten hos personer med diagnosen multipel skleros. En litteraturstudie.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease whose course is capricious and unprediactable and the exact cause of the disease is still unclear. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors that can effect quality of life of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis. The results shows ten different factors that effect quality of life of people with MS: fatigue, activities in daily life, position of dependence, limits of the functional abilities, sense of Guilt and shame, comunicationdifficulty, social network, emootional factors, depression and degree of difficulty of the symtomes. Work has been shown to bee a major factor that can make people with MS feel worthy and experience quality of life. Nurs is an important keystone in care of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis..

Kvinnors upplevelser i samband med abort

The treatment that women get from health care staff can influence the experience of the abortion and how women manage to coping the experience emotionally. The aim of this study was to illuminate women?s experiences in connection with an abortion. The findings show that the women?s social situation led them to the decision of abortion.

Vinna eller försvinna : En kvalitativ studie om spelberoende

This is a qualitative study where the purpose was to investigate what professionals experience to be the reason for an individual to become addicted to gambling and continues to gamble even though it leads to negative consequences. The purpose was also to investigate what the professionals experienced was of importance for an individual to recover from a gambling addiction. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field. The main findings of the study were that the motivation for individuals with a gambling problem to continue gamble was that they saw gambling as the solution to their problems by winning back lost money. It was common that gambling was an escape from anxiety, Guilt, shame, and other gambling-related problems such as financial liabilities.

"En Svensson orkar inte en hel arbetsdag" : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsofrämjande arbete beskrivs i media

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the Guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

"Det finns ju ingen annan som skulle vilja anställa mig liksom..." : Om sex personers erfarenheter av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the Guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

Naturligt farligt : Hur visualiseringar av klimatförändringar är laddade med tecken och känslor

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the relationship between feelings and visualizations of climate change. A case study was done on visualizations of climate change from a web page concerning climate change published by the Swedish newspaper Expressen and from the American photographer Gary Braasch?s web page ?World view of global warming?. The thesis is based on the article ?Emotional anchoring and objectification in the media reporting on climate change? by Birgitta Höijer.

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