

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 15 av 50

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Before 1944 homosexuality was an act of crime and you could be sentenced to prison for up to 2 years. This law only included men, women where not thought having homosexual activities. Although homosexuality was not a criminal act after 1944 it was still on the list over Swedish diseases, a list maid by the Swedish board of social affairs.The years between 1978 and 1984 a study of the homosexual life in society was maid. The most important thing that this study showed was that homosexuality means that you love someone of your own sex, and that you aren?t different from the rest of the society, except that you choose to love someone of the same sex.The work for equality between these two groups started after 1979 when the Swedish board of social affairs took homosexuality of their list over Swedish diseases.

Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

Juventus IF : Interaktion inom ett marknadssystem fo?r ett amato?rlag

Inledning/Bakgrund: En division 3-klubb har under fyra sa?songer va?rvat na?stan 70 spelare och har samtidigt uppma?rksammats i media fo?r deras engagemang i Sierra Leone, med ett va?lgo?renhetsprojekt vid namn ?Fotboll kan hja?lpa?. Det gjorde fo?rfattarna nyfikna, hur a?r det mo?jligt att en amato?rklubb i fotboll kan va?rva spelare utomlands i dagens fotbollsmarknad. Med utga?ngspunkt fra?n Charles E.

Utan vägtullar på information highway. Vetenskaplig publicering i Open Access-tidskrifter ? en intervjuundersökning med musikforskare

This thesis aims to explore how musicologists reason about publishing their articles in open-access journals. What is the challenge they face and what are the possibilities musicologists are concerned about? For the method I used open-ended and structured interviews based on four factors: trustworthiness, accessibility, reaching the readers and status of the publishing media. Musicologists are positive to the open-access concept and are willing to submit their papers to open-access journals. They think that the accessibility of the articles is going to increase when they publish them in open-access journals.

Videoupptagning i vårdsituationer : Konsekvensen för den enskildes rätt till privat- och familjeliv enligt artikel 8 EKMR

Inledning/Bakgrund: En division 3-klubb har under fyra sa?songer va?rvat na?stan 70 spelare och har samtidigt uppma?rksammats i media fo?r deras engagemang i Sierra Leone, med ett va?lgo?renhetsprojekt vid namn ?Fotboll kan hja?lpa?. Det gjorde fo?rfattarna nyfikna, hur a?r det mo?jligt att en amato?rklubb i fotboll kan va?rva spelare utomlands i dagens fotbollsmarknad. Med utga?ngspunkt fra?n Charles E.

E-handel av dagligvaror : En undersökning kring konsumentens attityd

Branschen fo?r e-handel av dagligvaror i Sverige uppvisar idag en negativ tillva?xt och endast en marginell andel svenskar har na?gon ga?ng handlat dagligvaror pa? internet. Tidigare forskning har visat att attityder a?r tillfo?rlitliga fo?r att fo?rutspa? individens ko?pbeteende. Konsumentens attityd och uppfattning till branschen kan da?rfo?r vara en del av fo?rklaring till dess negativa tillva?xt och svaga sta?llning.

Från miljöbistånd till hållbart bistånd : - En historisk studie

AbstractWith this c-composition, I am trying to give a view over what has happened in the political area and the issues that concerns environmental aid. My analyze starts in the 60-ies when the environmental debate took of. It continues trough the 70-ies, 80-ies and ends in 1994 with the report that considers the UN-conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992, ?Sustainable Aid? and what the results of the more and more important issue ?sustainable development? has offered the Swedish government ant there work with environmental aid.The question issue is: At what time in history, did the Swedisch government start to addrsess environmental aid? How did the environmental aid come to be addressed and developed in the political area from the Brundtlandreport ?Our common future? from 1987 to the UN-conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992?The result is that the environment is getting more and more important in the political arena as the knowledge about the escalating crises with the environmental problems are being taken more seriously. The problems with the environment has to be considered together with the rest of the aid- and developing questions like economy and the struggle to reduce poverty in the world.

Vara och Kristinehamns folkbibliotek - en jämförelse av folkbiblioteken under år 1994

The aim of this essay is to try to find the differences and similarities of two public librariesin the town of Kristinehamn and the rural community of Vara during the year 1994. Especiallyinteresting was if the different political traditions of the two communities -left wing majorityin Kristinehamn and right wing in Vara- have influenced the forming of the public libraries.The comparison contains accounts from the annual reports produced by the libraries between1987 and 1994, a more thorough study of the activities and interviews with decision makers in1994. The interview with the decision makers indicates that there is a distinct difference betweenthe librarians and the rest of the informants, this distinction shows, that in a tight budgetsituation the librarians prefer not to cut down on staff while the other informants actuallyfavour to make cuts on the procedures handled by the librarians. The general opinionthough, is that they all agree that the role of the public libraries is to defend democratic rights.The final conclusion is that the material of this essay supports the opinion that the idea ofpublic libraries is stronger than the political differences in Vara and Kristinehamn..

"Ett lika fritt folk bör äga lika rätt" : Om förändringarna i jordägandet i Öja socken före och efter 1789 och 1809/10

During the time between 1660-1680 the nobility in Sweden came to be a gigantic landowner with 65 % of the total amount of land, but only 20 years later they lost almost half of their possessions. The eighteenth century was on its way ? a period in history were ?ordinary? people started to question the nobility?s right to be excused from tax, at the same time as farmers and the ?middlegroup? started to appropriate more and more land from the nobility and the Crown.Through King Gustav III:s document of 1789, land became free to own to whoever it was ? except from the prime nobility?s land; but the Swedish Parliament followed the wind of change, and 1809/10 this land was also free to own. At the end of 1840, the nobility owned about 19 % of the land in Sweden, and the farmers and middlegroup owned 69 %. The tide had turned...But Öja parish showed a different development compered to the rest of Sweden.

Ingmar Bergman och musiken : En audiovisuell analys av SÃ¥som i en spegel, Tystnaden, Persona och Vargtimmen

The research on Ingmar Bergman is comprehensive, however, there is one aspect of his artistry that has been regrettably neglected ? his use of music. Music always played a huge part in Bergman?s life, and it was also a great source of inspiration. The music was a structural component in the creating process and he often referred to his films as pieces of music and his actors as musical instruments.

Upplevelser av att leva med övervikt : En systematisklitteraturstudie

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Patienters upplevelse i samband med MR-undersökning.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless diagnostic method. The patient may become concerned, suffer from anxiety and experience the examination as unpleasant. Detailed information and a good treatment can reduce anxiety and distress for the patient. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the patient?s experiences in connection to MRI, and to describe the patients needs for information and treatment.

Videoföreläsningar som resurs i matematikstudier : En undersökning om studenters användande av videoföreläsningar på KTH

De fo?rsta a?ren pa? civilingenjo?rsutbildningen besta?r till stor del av matematik och utgo?r en viktig grund fo?r kommande kurser i utbildningen. I en studie fra?n Sveriges Ingenjo?rer uppma?rksammas det dessva?rre att genomstro?mningen pa? de inledande matematikkurserna a?r relativt la?g. Samtidigt observeras det att anva?ndandet av internetbaserad undervisning, sa? som videofo?rela?sningar, o?kat markant bland ingenjo?rsstudenter de senaste a?ren.I denna studie underso?ker vi hur studenter pa? medieteknikprogrammet pa? Kungliga Tekniska Ho?gskolan anva?nder sig av videofo?rela?sningar i sina matematikstudier.

Familjemedlemmars upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med schizofreni.

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

8263 kilometer: En studie i avståndets påverkan på styrsystem

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the effects that geographical distance have on the control systems in a scattered organization and how this, ultimately, affects the employees in terms of loyalty and motivation. In order to do this, a case study has been conducted on a multinational travel group and its local branches in Thailand. The study is based on a selected number of theories focusing mainly on control systems in multinational contexts as well as on theories regarding communication and autonomy. The conclusion of the study is that geographical distance has led to a rather large autonomy for the local branches and that the headquarter to a large extent rely more on formal control.

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