

3926 Uppsatser om Group auditor - Sida 52 av 262

Konstruktionen av alevitisk religiös identitet i turkisk media : - en diskursiv analys av de engelskspråkiga tidningarna Hürriyet DailyNews och Today´s Zaman

Alevism as such is both contested and difficult to define, despite the fact that nearly a quarter of the Turkish population can be said to identify with it (See egMarkussen, 2005; Sirin, 2013). Discussions regarding whether alevism should bedefined as a religious minority or not is going on both in the research communityas among the Alevis themselves. Also the meaning of Alevi religiosity as such isdebated and can be simply described as a discussion of whether alevism should beregarded as a part of Islam. The purpose of this discourse study is therefore to examine the construction of Alevi religious identity in two English-language Turkish newspaper, namely the Hürriyet Daily News and Today `s Zaman. With the overarching aim to achieve adeep understanding of the conditions that are given the Alevi group to form their own identity.

Uppgradering av reklamationssystem : Windows Presentation Foundation

Porsche är ett tysk bilföretag mest känt för sportbilar och är en del av Volkswagen koncernen. Volkswagen Group Sverige tillgodoser Porsche Sverige med ett reklamationssystem som heter PRT.PRT är en webbapplikation som är skriven med Active Server Pages och Visual Basic 6 komponenter. PRT är i dagsläget svårunderhållet och allmänt småbuggit att använda och jobba med. Systemet körs även på gamla servrar som Volkswagen Group Sverige vill sluta att använda. Detta har gett att Volkswagen Group Sverige vill avveckla detta system och skriva om PRT till en klient som kan nås remote istället för via webben.

Gymnasieelevers förståelse av enhetscirkeln och trigonometri : en undersökning av elevers förståelse av matematiska begrepp, samt vad lärarna anser att nyblivna matematikstudenter bör kunna när de kommer till högskola eller universitet

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Kundrelationer och kundlönsamhet: En fallstudie av ett modeföretag

This thesis studies the customer relationships and customer accounting methods used by a Swedish fashion company. The aim is to test the empirical applicability of the relationship based framework developed by Lind and Strömsten and to explain potential differences between empirical observations and theory. The framework is based on the categorization of four customer relationship groups and the appropriate customer accounting methods to be used for each relationship. The fashion company, that recently assessed the profitability of its customer base in an aim to implement a new customer strategy, is the object of the qualitative case study. The case study reveals that all customer relationships are to be found at Whyred, except the connective customer relationship.

Välfärd - ett begrepp i förändring : En diskursanalys av LSS

In this thesis, the results of a survey regarding grade progression between secondary and upper secondary school in a municipality in the north of Sweden serve as the starting point for a study of the experiences and expectations of a number of 16 year old girls who are in the first year of upper secondary school. The study is performed by means of focus group interviews with female pupils from the three largest upper secondary schools in said municipality in an attempt to gauge their experiences of grades, grade assessment, teacher practices and perceived differences in how boys and girls are treated. The results show that most of the girls are disappointed with upper secondary school so far. Many of them feel that secondary school was both more fun and more rewarding in a sense of learning. Their appreciation of how this more rewarding atmosphere affected their grades differed between the various groups.

Förekomsten av konglomerat i nyindustrialiserade länder i Asien : illustrerat med indiska Tata Group och sydkoreanska Samsung Group

Konglomerat är starkt diversifierade storföretag som är verksamma inom många olika affärsområden samtidigt. Vad som kännetecknar ett konglomerat är dess orelaterade diversifiering, ett företag kan till exempel tillverka både ketchup och bilar. Denna strategiform var vanlig i västvärlden kring andra världskriget och fick sitt uppsving under 1970-talet för att sedan alltmer försvinna på grund av undermåliga finansiella resultat. Strategiformen är däremot fortfarande vanligt förekommande i nyindustrialiserade länder och i synnerhet i Asien. Denna studie belyser konglomeratet som fenomen och söker generera en möjlig förklaring till varför denna företagsform alltjämt är vanligt förekommande i Asien och varför den är framgångsrik där.Studien har en teoretisk utgångspunkt och de teoretiska rönen illustreras sedan med hjälp av två fallföretag, indiska Tata Group och sydkoreanska Samsung Group, båda de största konglomeraten i sitt slag på respektive marknad.

Biblioterapi eller personutvecklande läsning? : Stödgruppen som bokcirkel för vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to find out whether bibliotherapy, in an unspokenform, is practiced in already existing group formations to be able to determine how practicalbibliotherapy can be seen in a Swedish context and thereby open the possibility for development.To fulfil this purpose I decided to do a case study on a nearby book reading circle for adultchildren of drug addicts. I made three qualitative interviews; two of the mentioned book readingcircle?s leaders and one participant/help leader. I used the following set of questions: What isincluded in the concept Bibliotherapy and how does that relate to practice? How has the bookreading circle examined in this case study proceeded, which methods were used and what kind ofliterature has been used and also what kind of effects did this reading circle have on itsparticipants.

Callenging Strategic Change in a Multinational Company

Sammanfattning Titel: Challenging Strategic Change in a Multinational Company- A Master Thesis Evaluating the Implementation Process of aNew Corporate Strategy Författare: Malin Kruse, Technology Management och Ekonomprogrammet, LundsUniversitetAnnika Nilsson, Technology Management och Kemiingenjör,Lunds Universitet Handledare: Christer Kedström, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Ekonomihögskolan i LundJan-Erik Rendahl, Institutionen för Designvetenskaper,Lunds Tekniska HögskolaFredrik Groth, Chef på ABS Group Problem: ABS Group har historiskt sett varit ett produktorienterat industriföretag meddecentraliserade dotterbolag, med varierande strukturer, system och rutiner. Föratt uppnå bättre konkurrensfördelar på den mogna marknaden inom ?wastewatertechnology solutions? har man arbetet fram en mer kundfokuserad strategi. Denkomplexa situationen inom företaget med decentraliserade dotterbolag världenöver komplicerar implementeringen av den nya strategin. Syfte: Det huvudsakliga syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera faktorer sompåverkar en strategisk förändring i huvudsak men med betoning påomständigheterna inom ABS Group.

Kunder lika lojala som fotbollssupportrar?! - En studie avseende hyperlojala fotbollssupportrars lojalitet applicerad på kommersiella företags marknadsföringsstrategi

As today, companies are facing an increasing competition; markets are expanding while customers are getting more informed and fastidious toward companies and their products. For this reason it is crucial for enterprises to create loyal customers, or at best hyper loyal customers. With today's prerequisite this creation is difficult and it is therefore of highly interest to examine possible and alternative ways for enterprises to attain this type of hyper loyal customer. In this thesis we have examine hyper loyal football supporters with the aim to identify mechanisms that create and characterize this type of loyalty. By means of a survey and a focus group we were able to identify six loyalty mechanisms; the ability to influence, vicarious achievement, self-esteem, group affiliation, family and social relations.

Principer för lagerstyrning hos GNT Group

GNT Group is a Nordic/Baltic wholesaler that distributes products in the IT, entertainment and home electronics sector. GNT is facing problems with inaccurate inventory levels which can lead to unnecessarily high inventory carrying costs or lost sales. Currently the decisions about when and how many to order are made somewhat arbitrarily by the responsible personnel. Their decisions are based only on some brief sales history and on experience. GNT wants to develop its ERP system to be able to support the purchaser in these and other related decisions.

Status i grupphierarkin : om barns sociala interaktioner

In this study the author attempts to identify factors that are determinants for why some pupils in Swedish grade school have high status in comparison with their peers. The study takes on the characteristics of both an ethnographic and a literature study by comparing the findings of interviews carried out with students of a first grade class with previous research. The study identify several tools for analyzing of how status may be understood in specific situations.The study also finds that important factors for gaining high status amongst children in aschool classes might be the ability to apply access strategies to get accepted in social interactions, such as game play, have the ability to create games that are enjoyed by peers and social skills, to name a few. Overall the study shows that children's game play with each otherare crucial for their social interactions and their social position. The study also show that children that have earlier established relationships with other children in a specific group alsohave a better opportunity to establish a high status position..

Al-Qaida - mellan tankeprodukt och reell fiende

The present thesis closer examines what has come to be known as al-Qaida, partly from what al-Qaida is considered to be, partly from the consequences a certain picture of al-Qaida might give rise to. Between 1988-2001 most of this thesis sources refers to al-Qaida as a small, organized core group with some degree of cell structure. From 1991 to present days, many of the sources enlarge the picture of al-Qaida. From now on they start to view al-Qaida as either a network in itself or al-Qaida as a part of a larger islamistic network, not only as an organized core group with presumptive bases in Afghanistan. The most recent of theories regarding al-Qaida looks at al-Qaida as an ideology in itself (al-Qaedaism) or al-Qaida as a part of previously existing ideologies (Islamism, Neofundamentalism and Jihadism-Salafism).Al-Qaida is being seen - by scholars, journalists and terrorism experts - as an organization with a core group, a network in itself, part of a larger islamistic network and an ideology of its own or as a part of already existing ideologies.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.


En varm sommardag kan det bli upp till 80 C i din bil! Låter mycket va? För en människa är den värmen outhärdlig, men för en hund är värmen dödlig! AirCon är lösningen på detta problem. Produkten som presenteras i denna rapport har tagits fram i ett examensarbete under hösten 2006/våren 2007, från idé till prototyp. Projektet startade utifrån en idé av Jonas Westberg, vVD på A2B Group, som upptäckte ett stort behov som hundägare när det blir varmt i bilen under sommaren och det inte går att lämna kvar hunden i en kortare tid. Då Jonas Westberg saknade både tid och kunskap inom detta område, lämnade han över projektet som sedan dess har finansierats av A2B Group och ALMI företagspartner.

Ett extra år i grundskolan

The basic idea behind an extra year in school was to offer students who have not read nine years in Swedish primary school an opportunity to prepare themselves to pass a high school. This first group that went an extra year in school consisted of eleven students who completed their studies and went on to high school. During the time the group expanded, the school received students from various schools in the same municipality. During the follow-up of these groups could be noted that there were many students who registered, but only few students completed their studies and went on to high school. The purpose of this study was to explore why leadership in the classroom is important for students.

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