

522 Uppsatser om Green IT - Sida 22 av 35

Offentlig upphandling av ekologiskt producerade livsmedel : Ludvika kommuns, Borlänge kommuns respektive Smedjebacken kommuns erfarenheter av gruppcertifiering enligt KRAV

The Swedish public procurement correspond to approximately 400 milliard Swedish crowns every year which corresponds to about a fourth of the Swedish Gross National Product. Setting proper demands in the procurement is a useful tool to drive the development towards more environmentally adapted products and provisions. The Act on Public Procurement (Lagen om offentlig upphandling, 1992:1528) gives the municipalities opportunities to consider environmental properties during the procurement. This combined literature and empirical study investigates the experiences made by the three municipalities Ludvika, Borlänge and Smedjebacken during the process of certifying their school kitchens as organic in cooperation with KRAV. The main conclusion is that without compassion and curiosity for developing a green public procurement changes can be hard to implement.

Optimering av ett småskaligtvattenkraftsystem

This master thesis covers the seasonal planning of a small scale hydropower system. The system in this study is owned and operated by Mälarenergi Vattenkraft AB. The total system consists of 4 different main rivers with 24 hydropower stations and several dams. The total installed power in the system is 43.75 MW. Most of the hydropower stations are regarded as small scale hydropower stations and thus entitled to green certificates.In this report the issue of planning is formulated as an optimization problem.

Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling

Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965 the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only the area surrounding the old buildings remained, turned to a park.

Miljöanpsassad metod för hjultvätt

In order to avoid harmful substances ending up at the municipal sewage treatment plants, it is important to purify the wastewater at the source. One such source is the wheel washers available in many tire garages which are used to wash the wheels on our vehicles when we change between summer and winter tires. It is important to wash the wheels before storage, to extend the tires lifetime. The purpose of this study is to find a green innovative solution for reduction of emissions of heavy metals at the source, so that the sludge from the sewage treatment plants can be used as fertilizer. The target is to find a wheel wash method which leads to compliance with the guidelines for car washers, and that also provides a better washing result than with the existing method.

Energianalys mellan programmen IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) och Enorm

An increase interest of new methods and tools has begun to grow in the real estate business, this new trend causes an increase in new programs that aim to simplify processes of energy-efficiency and environmental issues.After consulting with Björn Alsmark from Bjerking AB, an architect and engineering company, we made a decision that the Degree Project is going to examine the program IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) with some integrations from Revit Architecture application.To be able to examine IES, we got access to a completed project from Bjerking. The project is a nursery school in Uppsala. An application has been handed in from Bjerking to make this project to a Green Building-certificated project. According to Bjerking own calculations (with the energy-calculation program Enorm), the consumption of energy of the nursery school is 48 percent lesser than required by BBR.An evaluation of IES and Enorm has been made with an aim to compare these two programs and find out if IES is an appropriate program to replace Enorm. Does Enorm or IES come up to BBR´s recommendations?The Degree Project cover 15 ECT, that required several adjusting and delimitations, and the study sketch ended with a literature study.After finishing the study sketch the modeling of the nursery school began.

Maximerande av ekosystemtj?nster i urbana kulturmilj?er: En fallstudie om tr?dval i Pommerska tomten i Mariestad

The purpose of this work has been to explore what ecosystem services a small green area in an urban environment can offer and whether specific trees can be used to maximize regulatory ecosystem services in a cultural-historical environment. Additionally, it investigates whether there is any difference in ecosystem services depending on whether these trees, or trees that better fit into the cultural-historical environment, are used. Through simulations and comparisons with existing trees in Pommerska tomten, Mariestad, Sweden, a pocket park within a national interest area, different hypothetical tree planting options are analyzed and evaluated. To measure ecosystem services, the website My-Tree, developed by the US equivalent of the Department of Agriculture, was used. By inputting data about the tree, such as location, species, vitality, stem diameter, and solar exposure, My-Tree calculates some of the ecosystem services the tree provides.

Why UK rain when you can go to Ukraine? : En studie av svenska tjänstebolags etableringsstrategier på den ukrainska marknaden

Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka externa respektive interna faktorer som påverkar valet av etableringsstrategi då svenska tjänstebolag etablerar sig på den ukrainska marknaden. Med etableringsstrategi menar vi valet mellan uppköp(acquisition), kapitalallians(joint venture) eller nyetablering(green-field). I teoridelen redogör vi för de faktorer vi valt att utgå ifrån och vad tidigare forskning säger om deras inverkan på val av etableringsstrategi. De externa faktorerna är kulturella skillnader, marknad, landsrisk och produktion. De interna faktorerna är kontroll och risk, produkten och resurser.Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts på plats i Kiev med fem representanter som haft ledande positioner innan och under etableringen.

Marknadens reaktion på bolagskoden - Wall street walk eller Wall street talk?

Titel: Marknadens reaktion på bolagskoden ? Wall street walk eller Wall street talk?Framläggande: 31 maj 2006Ämne: Kandidatuppsats, Redovisning 10 pFörfattare: Björn Arvidsson & Per HultgrenHandledare: Carl-Michael Unger & Erling GreenNyckelord: Corporate governance,Aktieägare,Internkontroll,Svensk kod för bolagsstyrningSyfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilken vikt marknaden fäster vid Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning och hur den eventuellt reagerar gentemot bolag, som man inte anser följer koden på ett tillfredsställande sätt.Metod: Kvalitativ metod. Semistrukturerade intervjuer per telefon.Teoretiska perspektiv: Corporate governance med fokus på agentteorin och shareholder activism, Slutsatser: Marknaden fäster endast mindre vikt vid koden, bortsett från att man ser den som en kvalitetsstämpel. Man vill alltså enbart ha reda på om koden följs eller inte samt om förklaringen till eventuell avvikelse är godtagbar. Eventuella konsekvenser av att inte lämna en godtagbar förklaring är betingat av storleken på ägaren.

Perceptions of domestic solar systems : a study on non-adopter views of a new technology

The world is currently facing a huge severe challenge in handling the issue of climate change. One of the ways to lower the green house gas emissions, which is seen as one of the main contributor to the climate crisis, is to use renewable technologies such as for example photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV-systems are also suitable for so called micro production, small scale energy production facilities, since it can be placed on practically any rooftop with the right solar conditions. In Sweden the usage of PV-systems has not yet gotten any wider spreading, even though the solar radiation conditions are very similar to countries that produce a lot of solar energy, as for example Germany. The aim of this paper is to describe non-adopter perceptions of PV-systems. The study holds a qualitative approach using deep interviews for data collection.

Härliga hagar och skrämmande skogar : om våra känslor för landskapet och vad de beror på

Do our imaginations of real landscapes get affected by works of art such as paintings, myths and literature? They often give very colourful descriptions in words as well as pictures. Do they actually change our feelings for the landscapes we are in and carry around as images inside? Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine that you are leaning against a wooden fence a mild summer evening.

Det antropocentriskt styrda Sverige : En undersökning om riksdagspartiernas miljöideologiska närings-, miljö- och jordbrukspolitik under mandatperioden 2002-2006

This essay examines the environmental ideological direction of the Swedish parliamentary parties through the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture during the governmental time from 2002 to 2006.The environmental ideologies explained is anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrism. Based on the ideas of these three ideologies main points the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture, also matching the search words environment and energy, was compared and analysed.What has emerged is that all parliamentary parties express a desire to create an energy production and producing guide lines which are stringent environmentally and matches the safety requirements. Although the approach to environmental and safety standards differ significantly between them. Basically all Swedish parliamentary parties are more or less anthropocentric in its arguments, which in short terms means that they estimate natures and animals value through their usability for humans or based on their contribution to human feelings of wellbeing.The Centre Party and the Green Party shows hints of weak ecocentrism because in many cases they put animal intrinsic value high, but the human value higher. Moderates are predominantly anthropocentric but they also express some hint of biocentrism in one statement concerning research in order to reduce and rebuild environmentally destroyed areas.

Människan i naturen : om etiska gränsdragningar och djupekologins kritik av antropocentriska naturuppfattningar

The subject-matter of the following essay is to investigate the relationship between what is commonly called Deep Ecology or Biocentric Philosophy, as articulated by the co-founder of the Deep Ecology Movement, Arne Naess, and later proponents of the biocentric school of environmentalist thought. I contrast Naess? concept of Self-realization as founded in his Ecosophy T to the ideas of american conservationist and co-founder of the radical green movement Earth First! Dave Foreman, and to the controversial finnish environmentalist and ecofascist Pentti Linkola?s ideological agenda of population-reduction respectively.According to some critics of the movement, especially the social ecologist Murray Bookchin and French liberal philosopher Luc Ferry, the Deep Ecology ideology is essentially misanthropic and totalitarian in structure. A central idea among deep ecologists is that ecosystems and natural entities have intrinsic value in themselves, even outside a human social context. This idea is thought of among deep ecologists to create a philosophically sound basis for counteracting the environmental global crisis.

Avskogningen av Amazonas

Organic agriculture is financially promoted in Sweden by special environmental support and as consumers we are all encouraged to buy organic food. At the same time scholars at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences claim that organic farming does not provide any environmental benefits. The main criticism is that organic farming has lower yields than conventional, which means that more land is needed to produce the same amount of food as in conventional farming, leading to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. As for climate change, the critics claim that the significantly higher productivity in conventional crop production compared to organic, releases surplus land, which could be used for bio-fuel production and thereby replace the fossil fuels. The critics also claim that organic farming causes higher nutrient leaching than conventional.

Det hemsökta vardagsrummet : Gestaltning och förmedling av ockulta fenomen i TV-serien 'Most Haunted'

In the 19th century, photography was often employed in attempts to objectively capture evidence of paranormal phenomena. With the advent of television, this tradition came to be coupled with the apparent mystery of distant communication through electromagnetic waves. The television set has often been depicted as intrinsically occult or even haunted.It is therefore natural that television has proven to be an ideal medium to present beliefs, tales, and investigations about paranormal phenomena. Most such presentations have been openly ficticious, but in television the distinction between fact and fiction is often blurred, and the emergence of shows where the crew claims to pursue a serious investigation was inevitable. One of the most successful such shows is the British Most Haunted, airing since 2001.

Åre kommun och klimatförändringar : En studie kring hotet mot Åre kommuns vinterturism och dess anpassning till framtida klimatförändringar

Today?s climate research shows that the climate may increase its temperature. One sector that is being threatened by global warming is the winter tourism of the Swedish municipality A?re. Tourism is an important economical source of income in A?re and is now threatened by a shortened winter season.

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