

522 Uppsatser om Green IT - Sida 21 av 35

Nya sensorsystem för kombinationseffekter av antibiotika

Idag är antibiotikaresistens ett allvarligt problem. En tillfällig lösning på problemet är att utnyttja synergieffekter som kan uppstå mellan olika typer av antibiotika. Det innebär att antibiotika skulle kunna ha effekt mot bakterier som har utvecklat resistens.I denna rapport har flera olika metoder, för att mäta bakterietillväxt, utvärderats. Dessa metoder indikerar om antibiotikakombinationerna har en effekt. Däribland har både kommersiella och nyligen publicerade metoder undersökts.

Ett hållbart boende


Hållbar utveckling- En textanalys av miljöpolicy i lokal och nationell kontext

Sustainable development is a concept that has been interpreted in a multitude of ways in different contexts. This essay argues that the discourse of "ecological modernization" has strongly influenced the way in which the concept of ?sustainability? has been constructed in Swedish environmental policy. This interpretation of the concept of sustainability offers the possibility of combining economic growth with ecological sustainability which stands in contrast to the assumptions of Deep Ecology and Green Theory. The aim of this essay is to explore how the concept of sustainability is being formulated in environmental policy both on a national level and in the city of Malmö.Considering these issues in a specific context, this essay focuses on city planning that is as an important instrument to promote urban sustainability both on national and local levels.

Den Bortglömda Kanalen

The matter of CSR and sustainable products has gained an increased amount of interest in recent years as "green products" are becoming a trend with more "eco"-alternatives in the assortment of many retailers. However, among the increasing number of socially oriented customers, it seems that although they claim an increased demand for these kind of products, its easier to "talk the talk" that to actually "walk the walk". This is due to a discrepancy between attitude and behavior, called the attitude-behavior gap. The purpose of this paper is to examine how to overcome this gap by using three different studies to get a nuanced and reality-based view of the problem. The focus within these different studies is on the potential effects inside the store and how information provided has an effect on perceived credibility and purchase intention.

Förslag till illustrationsplan för Gartnerskolen ? Søhus, Odense, Danmark

Is it possible that by planning in a more sustainable way when building a new area, we can improve our environment?Most environmental problems are created in cities and therefore they should hold the solution. Through a more ecological urban planning a better foundation for sustainable housing could be created.This report follows the process in coming up with a proposal for a master plan for an area in Odense, Denmark. By going through principles for sustainable urban planning made by different organizations and persons and from these extract main principles, a background is founded to continue the proposal from.Denmark works a lot on expanding their green areas, maintain the existing ones and recreate what?s being destroyed as cities expand.

Att köra eller inte köra : En studie av miljömedvetna bilisters dissonansreducerande- och identitetsupprätthållande strategier

Att köra eller inte köra is a qualitative study aiming to show how environmentally conscious people who utilizes cars deal with their dissonant behavior, but at the sametime maintain an identity as environmentally conscious. The study is based on the fact that a third of those who drive cars in the municipality of Växjö would like to decrease their use of cars while at the same time having the infrastructural conditions to utilize other means of transportation. The study investigates inner obstacles in the form of habits and lifestyle, but also the different strategies the motorists use to reduce their cognitive dissonance and maintain a green identity. The indicators show that the reason the majority of the motorists continue to utilize cars is part due to inner obstacles (it's adeeply rooted habit, but also a big part of their lifestyles), part due to that the individuals have defenses for their use of their cars, defenses designed to have a dissonance reducing effect. The indicators also show that the motorists value their family higher than the environment, and in this way they can legitimize many of their car uses.

Inkludering kontra utanförskap inom Idrott & hälsa :  En kvalitativ studie gällande hur elever med funktionsnedsättning upplever ämnet

The subject-matter of the following essay is to investigate the relationship between what is commonly called Deep Ecology or Biocentric Philosophy, as articulated by the co-founder of the Deep Ecology Movement, Arne Naess, and later proponents of the biocentric school of environmentalist thought. I contrast Naess? concept of Self-realization as founded in his Ecosophy T to the ideas of american conservationist and co-founder of the radical green movement Earth First! Dave Foreman, and to the controversial finnish environmentalist and ecofascist Pentti Linkola?s ideological agenda of population-reduction respectively.According to some critics of the movement, especially the social ecologist Murray Bookchin and French liberal philosopher Luc Ferry, the Deep Ecology ideology is essentially misanthropic and totalitarian in structure. A central idea among deep ecologists is that ecosystems and natural entities have intrinsic value in themselves, even outside a human social context. This idea is thought of among deep ecologists to create a philosophically sound basis for counteracting the environmental global crisis.

Effekter av fysisk aktivitet på recept

En litteraturstudie om effekter av fysisk aktivitet på recept av Anneli Björk-Andersson och Jenny Bylund, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap Luleå tekniska universitet. Tanken med studien var att ta reda på effekterna av fysisk aktivitet, hur man arbetar med fysisk aktivitet på recept i Norrbotten samt hur det ser ut i övriga landet. En litteratursökning som innefattade 45 artiklar, rapporter och uppsatser samt fem olika läns landstings webbsidor genomfördes. Några av landstingen har kommit långt i sitt arbete med fysisk aktivitet på recept och eftersom det var lättast att hitta material om dessa valdes de ut. Resultatet var tydligt, man har mycket att vinna på att vara fysiskt aktiv.

Optimering av realtids-PCR för identifiering och kvantifiering av Humant T-lymfotropt virus

Human T-lymfotropt virus (HTLV) är ett C-typ onkovirus som tillhör familjen Retroviridae som huvudsakligen angriper T-lymfocyter och orsakar leukemi och andra autoimmuna sjukdomar. I den nuvarande kliniska diagnostiken används Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay och ibland vid screeningsmetoden uppträder ospecifika reaktioner. På senare tid har flera metoder baserade på real-tids PCR utvecklats för att bestämma halten av virala genom i patienter. Syftet med denna studie var att sätta upp och optimera en realtids-PCR för detektion av humant T-lymfotropt virus typ-1 och 2. Inför optimering av realtids-PCR extraherades DNA från MT-4 och MO-T cellinjer.  Under optimering av realtids-PCR användes SYBR Green och smältpunktsanalys där flera komponenter bl.a.

Vem köper KlimatEl och varför? : Kvantitativ undersökning av Kalmar Energis elhandelskunder

Private individuals can voluntarily buy EU Allowances (EUA) in order to remove them from the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System (EU ETS). It leads to progressive reduction of total carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. Kalmar Energi offers customers to obtain one EUA (equivalent to one ton of CO2) per year by paying 25 SEK a month as a KlimatEl-supplement. The purpose of this research is to examine the customers? attitudes in the issue of climate compensation and trying to define the reasons behind their choices.The results of the quantitative questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive and analytical statistical methods and have shown some correlation between customers? ages and decisions to accept or not the offer of KlimatEl.

Naturupplevelse och psykisk hälsa : Hur påverkar naturupplevelser människor med stress- och utmattningssymtom

Stress-related diseases in Sweden have doubled since 1997. Even longterm sickness related tostress has increased over the last decade. In future there is a need of alternative methods todecrease the amount of people being affected to gain a better population health. Natureassisted therapy (NAT) was shown to be a successful method as part of the therapy of stressand burnout likewise was nature an important factor to prevent people from mentaldisorders. The aim of this study was to analyse the latest research concearning nature and itshealth effects with focus on stress and burnout patients in order to plan health promotingactivities outdoors for these patients.

Miljöbyggnad, GULD värt? : En undersökning av fastighetsägares erfarenheter och tankar kring ett nytt certifieringssystem

During the past few years an increased attention has been paid to environmental issues in the construction and property sector in Sweden. In order to simplify the work with these issues a Swedish environmental certification system for buildings called Miljöbyggnad has been developed. This thesis aims to investigate the opinion of a selected number of selected property owners of Miljöbyggnad. From that basis recommendations and actions for the future work with the system will be presented.The investigation has been conducted through personal interviews with five property owners. The main issues that the interviews have been based on are their purpose, experiences, perceived complications and future prospects in terms of certification using Miljöbyggnad.The system intends to be cost-effective, simple and to offer a relevant environmental assessment of buildings and the result from the report indicates that this is largely fulfilled.

The rapid rise of innovation in green technology : biogas entrepreneurship

The development of farm-operated biogas plants in Sweden is increasing. This study investigates the process that firms go through in developing such ventures. The aim is to identify obstacles and opportunities that individual farmers have encountered during the implementation process, and through a comparative analysis find similarities and differences between cases. The overall goal is to increase understanding of the factors that influence farmers? development of farm-based biogas production, and more specifically, explore opportunities for support organizations to contribute to the innovation process. Findings indicate that the implementation process has changed over time.

Att förbättra utbildningen för en hållbar utveckling : Lärares utsagor om framgångsfaktorer i arbetet för en hållbar utveckling

För pedagoger är det viktigt att se det som skapar framgång och ger positiv perspektiv.Min undersökning kan hjälpa till att fördjupa förståelsen för vilka faktorer som främjar utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på faktorer som är viktiga för att främja och förbättra utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Enligt styrdokumenten är hållbar utveckling en nödvändig komponent i utbildning. Materialet erhölls genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 6 lärare, inkluderar förskollärare, grundskollärare, gymnasielärare, representanter från Håll Sverige Rent, Naturskolan som har av erfarenhet i praktiskt arbete med hållbar utveckling inom framgångsrikt Grön Flaggs certifieringsprogram. Det analyserades och sammanställdes sedan i löpande text.

Förslag till förnyelse av en villaträdgård i Limhamn, inspirerat av egnahemsrörelsens trädgårdar :

The population growth in Europe and with that in Sweden was enormous under 18th century. The results became housing shortage in large part of Europe. Tight residency/ inhabited, poverty and emigration were series of social questions in Sweden. Private house (egnahem) as in the beginning was an idea from England and Germany became a political measure and the answer at those miserable social circumstances in Sweden. The purpose with the private house (egnahem) was to help those new people moved in to towns with place to live and counteract movers to towns and emigration. With the governmental loan and land availability that some municipalities and wealthy people contributed with, could people get a place to live with the small garden. The city garden (trädgårdstaden) with their future idealistic idea/utopia, English gardens, ideas with roots in the old-fashioned gardens (allmogeträdgårdar) and lots of books and periodicals were the source of inspirations. From these the private house gardens (egnahemsträdgårdar) were born. Object for my study is my and my family?s own house in Limhamn, south west of Malmö which was built in 1912 under private house gardens era. The garden and the building have still trace and element from the time of private house. My suggestion is inspired by the private home style with a new thinking design that answers to daily need and the busy life style; a rather easy to maintain for green environment. A more relaxing and peaceful garden with simple design, a garden despite that it is surrounded by neighbours and streets invites in harmony and dreams..

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