

414 Uppsatser om Graphic Designer - Sida 9 av 28

Verkligheten från en annan vinkel. NIPIS-en produkt av en fiktiv värld

The project has sprung out of my imagination. I wanted to find out what happened to my creativity, and my way of making product design if I used the method of putting myself into a fictive world. The project has taught me to rely on myself and my knowledge as a designer.I have made a chair which closes out sounds and gestures in public places. A chair which provides you with peace and quiet in a busy environment..

En undersökning av ljus av ljus - den omvända skuggbildningen

This work is an exploration of a method and how to find balance between it and its contents. One part consists of a technical study on how to use UV light to yellow distinct surfaces on paper and the other is about how to find use of the method. The common denominator is determined as the consequence of the relationship between light and time. The result is three images that shows various traces of time with time as a graphic expression..

Northern Stories. Ett narrativt videokoncept

Northern Stories is a narrative video-project, mixed between how to work with the movieformat and the programs involved. As well as the complexity of how it can be to work in collaboration with a company and an investigation in how to evolve my design process. This from a designer?s point of view and with the intention to produce a finished product..

Skapandet av en modernistisk trädgård :

Examensarbetet "Skapandet av en modernistisk trädgård" är resultatet av ett samarbete mellan en TRING odlare och en TRING designer som bestämde sig för att arbeta gränsöverskridande och dra nytta av varandras specialområden för att skapa en vacker och hållbar trädgård i modernistisk anda till ett fritidshus i Stora Rör på Öland..

Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot

This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.


Jag har i mitt examensarbete skapat ett cykelmärke. Syftet har varit att fördjupa mig i grafisk design och skapa en komplett grafisk profil till ett företag och samtidigt att lära mig mer om hur man skapar en varumärkesidentitet. Det konkreta målet var att ta fram tillräckligt mycket material för att cykelmärket, komet, ska kunna lanseras på riktigt. Alltså ett identitetsprogram med grafisk profil, en provcykel, kommunikationsmaterial, en hemsida, en katalog, ett event etc..

Leksaker för alla : Kiwi Bird Box

Utifrån temat Hållbart Samhälle och aspekten Socialt Hållbart Samhälle, är denna uppsats en berättelse om ett examensarbete som tagit sig an leken i förhållande till funktionsnedsättningen autism hos barn och där frukten av examensarbetet blivit en leksaksprodukt.Med hjärta, hjärna och engagemang har jag undersökt utifrån mina användare hur jag kan skapa en artefakt med potential att ge mina användare förutsättningar som de behöver för att leka, samspela och kommunicera. Men även andra barns behov i lek, samspel och kommunikation har varit viktiga att tillgodose då målet har varit att möjliggöra det sociala samspelet mellan båda dessa parter. Med andra barn menas barn oavsett funktionsnedsättning eller ej. Målet har därmed även varit att formge en leksaksprodukt som möter dessa två parters behov, såväl till form som funktion. Visuellt ska leksaksprodukten inte ge något uttryck av hjälpmedel, utan ska snarare vara en leksak som dolt kan tillgodose behoven hos barn med autism.Examensarbetet har även varit en möjlighet för mig som designstudent att få lära mig om hur företag arbetar med design för barn, vilket har lett mig till företaget BRIO AB som givit sina erfarenheter samt åsikter till leksaksprodukten.

Redesign av en hemsida : Med sökmotoroptimering och användbarhet i fokus

This paper describes the redesign of a site (Kolonn.se). Some of the problems with the site were a lack of structure and a design that was unclear both visitor and search engines. The site now has a new design and structure that has been taking form in Axure prototypes that has been tested and applied into WordPress. The results are a site with a new main menu, new graphic profile and logo. Also SEO-adapted content such as correctly structured headers, meta tags, descriptions and key words that has been implemented in the content.

Från mönster till utställning: En illustratörs sökande efter nya utmaningar

Jag har som examensarbete valt att inrikta mig på två olika saker. Dels har jag lärt mig att formge mönster, och gjort en kollektion med fem olika mönster. Jag valde att kalla kollektionen för Dreamhouse, då den visar olika delar av mitt drömhus jag bär med mig i mina tankar. Jag har även valt att visa upp min bredd som designer och illustratör med en utställning, där jag visar upp verk som jag gjort under min utbildning i mediedesign..


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.

Styrsystem : För en forskningsutrustning

The division of Engineering Materials at Linköping University, department of Management and Engineering, conducted a research project concerning Fatigue life of thermal barrier coatings during 2009. During this project equipment to provoke these fatigue failure by rapidly heating and cooling test subjects in cycles, was ordered.Design and manufacturing of the equipment was handled internally at LIU.The equipment was built using a furnace that is lowered and raised over the table where the test subject is placed. To keep the temperature of the furnace a lid slides in place to close the downward facing opening of the furnace when it is in the raised position. On this door there is nozzle that is used to cooling of the test subject by air.To make sure that the equipment can work independently you need an automation controller that can evaluate if movement can occur without danger of collisions. The control system also needs to monitor that all elements are performed according to plan.This degree project is based on a modular system from OPTO 22 and includes the configuration of a PLC that will be supplied with logic and a user interface.The degree project resulted in a graphic interface in which a user can set desired values for different parameters and get information about current values for them.

Grafisk utvecklingsplattform för signalbehandling - Design och implementation

We have different kinds of signal processing everywhere around us in our everyday life, in our cellphones, when we are listening to music, watching TV etc. This makes signal processing a very interesting and important technical area, where the demand of skilled engineers sets the limit of what is possible.Working with signal processing requires in-depth knowledge in areas such as mathematics, physics, electronics, and other related areas. For this, it has traditionally been demanded by a talented developer to also master the advanced programming languages such as C / C + + and Assembler.This has begun to change; today there are several companies that offer graphical development environments for signal processing, environments where programming skills are not needed anymore, and the focus can be on signal processing instead.The goal with this project is to build a corresponding graphical development environment to reach an understanding of what is required of these systems, and also to grasp what opportunities that are available within graphic programming. Inspiration for the work has partly arise from some of the tools available on the market, and partly from previous theses that have been written about graphic programming.The challenge lies in creating a program that can execute signal diagrams in real time from given signal blocks, and be able to handle feedback loops in an efficient way and to do so at the lowest "cost" in terms of clock cycles as possible. This should also be compared against to code, compile and run a complete signal diagram directly.To increase the usability it should also be possibility to externally manage in real time the parameters of the signal diagram during execution.The interface is a separate program, which is to some extent similar to Matlab Simulink, where a signal diagram is drawn up graphically by connecting wires between different signal blocks.

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.

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