

3283 Uppsatser om Granger Causality test - Sida 11 av 219

Överpronation kopplad till ryttarens sits

According to ?Fotförbundet" (2012), Overpronation occurs frequently (80 %) in the Western World and furthermore overpronation of calcaneus influences the position of the pelvic and thorax (Fotförbundet, 2012; Behnke, 2008). The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not it is possible to connect overpronation of calcaneus to the problem in the rider?s seat as observed by the instructors of Strömsholm. The study will also investigate if the riders seat problems as noticed by the riding instructors are comparable with the problems found by the analyst during testing. One purpose with the study is to raise the instructors and riders awareness that anatomical deviations in the rider might influence the rider?s position in the saddle. The questions of the study are: - Is it possible to see seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus? - If it is possible to see more seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus, do the instructors in the study considers the seat problems be similar with each other? - If there are seat problems in the study, is it the same according to the instructors and the analyst in human biomechanics? The hypothesis of the study is that overpronation of calcaneus has an effect of the rider?s position in the saddle. The study is conducted as a blind study where the test subjects have been filmed (from knees down) as they walked barefooted and later while riding.

Drumtest : Ett verktyg för testkörning av cykelfälgar

In this thesis you will be able tofollow the design work of a drumtest. A tool that by having a rotatingdrum with equally positioned obstacleswill simulate the conditions a mountainbike rim will pass through.Initially there is a specification ofsome parameters and requirements thatthe design had to fulfill. There is alsosome brief background information aboutwhy a drum test is required for abicycle rim manufacturers and about thecompany Innolite Design AB that thisthesis is done for. After that itfollows an extract from conceptgeneration with the chosen concepts andsolutions but also some of the conceptsthat were not chosen.The thesis also contain a part where thereader cangain a deeper understanding of how thedesign works as well as some moredetailed facts about how the choice ofmaterials, their thicknesses, etc. havebeen made.

Hjärtfrekvens och kortisolkoncentration hos valpar under olika typer av valptest :

The aim of this study was to find possible relations between behaviour and physiology for puppies during different parts of a puppy test. This work deals mainly with the physiological part of the study. Thirtysix puppies, från five litters, were tested in a behaviour test where heart rate was measured and saliva samples were collected before and after each part in the test. Saliva and urine samples were analyzed for corisol concentration as an indicatior of stress. The tests were performed during two consecutive days in the breeders' home when the puppies were seven weeks old. In addition, heart rate and cortisol levels were also measured in the bitch since we were interested in finding out if there were any relations between physiological levels in bitches and puppies.

Verbbenämning hos svenska barn i åldern 3;6 till 5;5 år : En studie av prestation på Action Naming Test

Verbbenämning innebär förmågan att benämna en bild utifrån den aktivitet som bilden illustrerar. I tidigare studier har det visat sig att barn tidigt i språkutvecklingen har svårare för verbbenämning än substantivbenämning (Gentner, 1982; Kauschke, Lee & Pae, 2007). Detta förklaras delvis av att verb är mer lingvistiskt komplexa än vad som är fallet för substantiv (Gentner & Boroditsky, 2001), samt att de är svårare att illustrera (Masterson, Druks & Gallienne, 2008). För att undersöka benämningsförmåga används oftast bildbenämningstest och för verb saknas ett svenskt test för barn. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka verbbenämningsförmågan hos svenska barn samt att utröna om den svenska översättningen av Action Naming Test (ANT) är tillämplig på svenska barn.

Testarbetets svåra val

När det talas om test pratas det på ett sätt som om det vore ett nytt fenomen, men i själva verket kan rötterna spåras tillbaks till 1978. Det är först på senare år som test har börjat etablera sig mer och mer och nyttan med test bland systemutvecklingsorganisationer respektive testorganisationer. Människan omges ständigt av information vare sig det är av elektronisk, fysiskt eller annan form. Det är därför inte så konstigt att tidsåldern människan befinner sig i kallas för ?informationsåldern?.

Kontext, utvärdering och användarupplevelse : En studie om kontextens påverkan på användarnas respons vid utvärdering av användarupplevelse

In this paper we explore the relations between context and feedback generated in three user-centered evaluations of a flash-based game. Whether it?s the social context, the physical context or the degree of intrusion from the evaluator, they all contribute to the quality of the feedback received. The selection of test subjects is a narrow process, which gives the above mentioned factors different meaning. Contextual factors have shown to influence the feedback given within both usability and user-experience.

En simuleringsstudie för test baserade på Maximum Likelihood- och Maximum Spacingskattningar

Om vi har ett stickprov med X1, X2, ..., Xn oberoende lika fördelade observationer från en kontinuerlig fördelning med fördelningsfunktion F?, där ? är en okänd parameter, är Likelihoodkvottestet (LT) ofta en bra metod för att testa nollhypotesen H0: ? = ?0 mot HA: ?? ?0. För vissa typer av fördelningar saknar dock Likelihoodfunktionen övre begränsning (Ranneby, 1984) och (Ekström, 2013) vilket innebär att testet inte går att tillämpa då. Detta test jämförs med två nyare test, Ekströmtestet (ET) (Ekström, 2013) och Fidelitytestet (FT) som är ett modierat ET, som vi vet fungerar även i dylika fall. Under vissa generella villkor så vet vi att de tre testen är asymptotiskt ekvivalenta.

Kontextmedvetenhet som ett sätt att reducera Information Overload : Designriktlinjer för kontextmedvetna smartphone-applikationer

The main topic of this thesis is to evaluate the impact on the usability of web pages when using responsive web design, a concept for developing web pages whose design adapts to the screen size being used. This is done by creating a responsive prototype based on an existing web site. A number of usability tests are conducted on the two versions of the site in order to compare the time to complete the tests and to observe the behaviour of the test participants. The tests are conducted on desktop as well as on mobile devices with varying screen size.The number of test participants was relatively low, and so the quantitative result is not statistically valid. However, the conclusion is that the most effective combination is to use either of the sites on desktop format.

PSQS ? Power Supply Quality Simulator

Kitron had wishes to be able to test and measure how disturbance affects their vehicle electronic units before they have been verified by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås. This work started with the writing of a demand specification together with Kitron for a product PSQS, Power Supply Quality Simulator, which can generate some test pulses according to a standard for electronic units to Volvos vehicles. A design proposal was developed with the help the demand specification and was verified with the help of simulations. All electric schematics was designed with the guide of the design proposal. The pulses realized in the works of this thesis are those which Kitron experienced that they have a need to test in their own premises and which are possible to generate with the means available.

Betydelsen av tidig hantering av nyanlända försökshundar till en försöksdjursavdelning :

AstraZeneca in Mölndal (AZRDM) uses beagles bred at Rååhöjdens kennel in Örkelljunga for their research purposes. The staff wishes to have mentally stable dogs to work with, sine stress can effect the research results. The purpose of this study was to put together the testresults from dogs delivered 2003 and 2004, to see if there is a connection between delivery age and testresult. We have also worked out a method to test if early planned handling of the dogs makes a difference on how the dogs later respond in a testsituation, and tried this method in a pilotstudy. The data that we have based our calculations on is 172 dogs, divided into 108 males and 64 females. We found a significant connection between the age at delivery and the testresult in contactability for female dogs delivered in 2003, where increasing age led to decreasing grades in the test at AZRDM. When looking at the difference in testresults between test number two at the kennel and the test at AZRDM we found a significant connection for female dogs delivered during 2003, ie the difference takes on a more negative value with increasing age at delivery. We found a difference between the two sexes in our calculations.

Testning och parprogrammering : Går det att effektivisera testning med hjälp av parprogrammering?

The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of streamlining the test process by utilizing pair programming. During the process, pair programming has been practiced as is defined by the Extreme programming (XP) software development methodology, with the other aspects of XP discarded. The focus of the testing itself has been toward unit testing. The methods applied has been with an experimental approach where 93 cases were attempted to be solved by either single programmers or pair programmers. What has been investigated in these experiments was the time needed to complete a case, how many test attempts were needed to solve the case, and how high a percentage of the cases were solved.

Hur unga flickor i åldrarna 12-19 årpåverkas psykiskt av media, i förhållande till sina kroppar : En litteraturstudie

Inom disciplinen kognitiv ho?rselvetenskap tilla?mpas en integrerad ansats da?r taluppfattning beskrivs ur ba?de ett auditivt bottom-up-perspektiv och ett kognitivt top-down-perspektiv. Studien underso?kte hur taluppfattning varierar med, respektive utan top-down-sto?d och vad de kognitiva fo?rma?gorna uppma?rksamhet, minne och inhiberingsfo?rma?ga hade fo?r inverkan. Taluppfattningsfo?rma?ga utva?rderades med hja?lp av ett Speech-In-Noise-test (SIN-test) som bestod av tre deltest da?r enstaviga ord presenterades i en ofo?rdelaktig miljo? besta?ende av ro?ster som talande i mun pa? varandra.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av amningstidens längd i relation till vårdtidens längd : En retrospektiv studie

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka nyblivna mödrars uppfattning av amningstidens längd och vårdtidens längd relaterat till bakgrundsvariablerna ålder, utbildning och paritet. Datainsamlingen skedde under hösten 2000 och våren 2001. Insamlat material infördes i det statistiska programmet Stat View. Materialet bearbetades därefter i olika statistiska test som t-test, korrelations test och Chi-två test. Resultatet för den exklusiva amningen visar att kvinnor som är högutbildade och omföderskor ammar längre än de lågutbildade och förstföderskor.

En psykometrisk utvärdering av det arbetspsykologiska testet Predicting Job Performance

Ett psykologiskt test används främst inom utbildningssammanhang och kliniska sammanhang, men även inom rekrytering, urval och organisationsutveckling. Det finns idag ett flertal personlighets- och begåvningstest som mäter olika aspekter som kan vara relevanta för en organisation. Predicting Job Performance, PJP, som har sin utgångspunkt i femfaktormodellen, är utvecklat av Psykologiförlaget AB och består av två delar som mäter olika dimensioner av personlighet och begåvning. I denna studie har psykometriska beräkningar utförts för att utvärdera instrumentets reliabilitet samt validitet, främst genom test-retest-metoden. Undersökningsdeltagare var 49 psykologistudenter vid Stockholms Universitet.

Sensory studies of an energy dense drink for elderly people

The average length of life is increasing in the western world, hence the older population is growing. A common health problem among the elderly is malnutrition. Malnutrition causes decreased body strength and is associated with an amplified risk of infections, depression, fractures and increased mortality. The health care system is therefore faced with the challenge to prevent malnutrition among the growing population of elderly. This could be done by providing nutritious foods developed to meet the specific needs of elderly. The overall objective of this project was to test a healthy energy dense drink based on oats targeted for the elderly consumers as a strategy to prevent malnutrition among elderly.

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