

1947 Uppsatser om Globalization Generation Y Advertising Messages Channels - Sida 12 av 130

"Lite konstig ordföljd ibland men det funkar i stilnivå" : En undersökning om studenters kunskaper, uppfattningar och attityder till multietnisk socio-dialekt

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Betjäningskostnader i olika distributionskanaler: En fallstudie av ett svenskt bokförlag

In a time of economic turmoil and financial crisis profitability matters rise higher and higher on company agendas. Many companies are pressured to find profitability to avoid layoffs or even bankruptcy. Profitability essentially depends on the margin on the product or service sold and the costs associated with selling these products or services and hence these areas are of vital importance if companies are to improve profitability. Previous research has focused, for the most part, on product profitability while customer profitability has received less attention. This study is based on a case study of a Swedish publishing house and aims to investigate how the company?s Cost-to-Serve varies between its distribution channels.

Att blogga om hus : En studie om hur mäklare använder sociala medier

This is a study about how realtors or estate agents market their services in social media. Social media is an upcoming channel in marketing and is becoming more important every day. The user generated content on internet is a new way of communication where companies don?t have to be considered as soulless, if companies use it correctly. This study investigates estate agents efforts to market their services in these channels and how they do it.

Kosovar Albanian Identity within migration in the Swedish society

ABSTRACT Within migration and globalization the concept of ethnic identity, religious identity and belonging have come to play a significant role in both immigrants? lives and as well in social context. Sweden, as a multicultural society has been dealing with different ethnic groups of immigrants and the way these minority groups perceive themselves to be and how they are perceived by others in the society has also come to be of high importance. By migrating people also change their position. They often occupy inferior positions in the society when they settle down in the new country.

Kommunikationsverksamhet i ett föränderligt samhälle : En studie om hur Gällivare kommun bör kommunicera med sin befolkning under samhällsomvandlingen

The purpose of this study is to analyze which communication strategies andinformation- and communication channels that Gällivare municipality should useunder the urban transformation to communicate with the citizens. The studyconcentrates on the age-groups 16 ? 24, 25 ? 44, 45 ? 64 and people that are 65 yearsand older. This selection has been made as a segmentation of the citizens and is oneof the essay questions which refers to study the channels that each age-groups prefer.The study is a quantitative one and is based on a questionnaire survey directed to thecitizens and it?s 85 people who participated.

Svenska Generation Y:s drivkrafter i arbetet

Forskning på vad som motiverar Generation Y är begränsad då generationen är relativt ny på arbetsmarknaden. Trots detta finns det mycket föreställningar om hur denna generation beter sig. Dagens arbetsgivare står inför utmaningen att uppfatta vad den nya generationen på väg in på arbetsmarknaden drivs av i arbetet samt att kunna tillgodose detta. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka drivkrafter den svenska Generation Y upplever att de har i relation till arbetet. Undersökningen utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Skillnader mellan uppkopplad och uppkopplad : En jämförelsestudie mellan 1960- och 1990-talister

This paper aims to examine whether there are any substantial differences between a generation of users born during the 1960?s and younger generation born during the 1990?s regarding the use of digital technologies connected to the Internet. Based on Marc Prensky?s theories on people born before and after 1980 saying those born before are not as natural when it comes to using digital technologies. We used diaries as a qualitative method to gather data from 16 respondents.

Nätverkande, Deltagande och Interaktion : en studie baserad på Turismbranschens brukande av Social Media

This study is based on an inductive approach where the collected empirical data has been categorized in themes on which we have based the discussion in this paper. Using a qualitative method, nine appropriately selected respondents were questioned with an unstructured interview guide. The transition to a society characterized by interaction has caused a greater part for bilateral communication between consumer and consumer but also between consumer and company. The increased usage and integration on Internet has resulted in so called social media channels. User generated material is published on these media channels which leads to discussions about companies, products and services.

?På en femgradig skala så tycker jag en fyra? : En kvalitativ studie om turistföretags syn på marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler & målgrupper

Tourism is a growing industry that brings in a lot of money each year, range ofactivities increases and people travel more than ever before. More and more chooseto move from rural areas to larger towns, at the same time when people are travellingthey want to visit quieter places that can offer outdoor experiences in the nature. Thisis something that tourism businesses located in rural areas have a great advantage of.But when the range is large, it becomes important for firms to communicate with themarket, to make the tourists choose to visit them.The purpose of this study is to investigate which media channels and target groupsthat tourism businesses use and how they reflect on the importance of communicatewith the market. To find this out, interviews have been conducted with tree differententrepreneur, all located in Jämtland. The theory?s that has been used is strategiccommunication, public relations, market communication, media channels, socialmedia and target groups.The result shows that all companies think that thecommunication with the market is an important part in the work with the company.The communication gets the business a chance to be seen and it becomes more easilyto create relationships with the stakeholders.

Gerillamarknadsföring -Konsten att sprida ett budskap med knappa resurser

I genomsnitt utsätts vi för 3000 reklambudskap under en dag, men bara cirka 14 % av de okonventionella kampanjerna har någon effekt. Vi har blivit för medvetna om hur reklam påverkar oss och för kritiska mot media för att köpa dessa budskap. Jay Conrad Levinsons grundade för cirka 30 år sedan begreppet gerilla marknadsföring. Den här kreativa marknadsföringsmetoden var till en början tänkt för de företag som hade begränsade resurser. Metoden kan vara väldigt kostnadseffektiv och används idag flitigt bland både stora som små företag.

Krigföring - Manöverkrigföring eller en ny paradigm

Generations of war. William S. Lind and Thomas X. Hammes are two advocates of fourth generation warfare. Fourth generation warfare combatants uses all available tools to reach their goals.

Metoder för idégenerering : En kartläggning och utvärdering av metoder på ASSA AB

ASSA develops locks and integrated security systems for doors. ASSA is Sweden?s leadingsupplier of locks and security systems. ASSA AB worked during the master thesis withimplementing a common development process for all companies within the group. Ideageneration was one relative unexplored area for the group and the interest of finding effectivemethods was required, the company understood what an effective handling of ideas couldcontribute in the pursuit of more and pleased customers.The purpose of the master thesis has been to study and to map which methods are used inorder to carry out idea generation.

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn.

Influencer marketings effekt p? varum?rkeslojalitet. En kvantitativ studie om hur influencer marketing p?verkar varum?rkeslojalitet hos Generation Z

Brand loyalty plays a significant role in the success of a business through maintaining and retaining relationships with consumers. Despite companies' extensive use of influencer marketing in order to promote and create brand exposure within Generation Z, there is a lack of sufficient research on influencer marketing?s effect on brand loyalty. Therefore the purpose of this research is to investigate how influencer marketing affects brand loyalty within Generation Z. A quantitative research method was conducted by using a survey, whereby 193 respondents within the age of 18-29 participated.

90-talistens arbetsvärderingar. En studie om framtidens svenska arbetskraft.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en utökad kunskap kring generation Y, som definieras som bestående av 80- och 90-talister, och deras arbetsvärderingar. Genom att undersöka vilka arbetsvärderingar svenska 80- och 90-talister besitter diskuteras begreppet generation Y och om dessa båda grupper kan betraktas som enhetliga gällande arbetsvärderingar. En enkätundersökning genomfördes bland svenska högskolestudenter. Utifrån resultatet av denna samt ett teoretiskt underlag har vi gett förklaringar till 90-talisternas syn på arbetsvärderingar. Denna syn har sedan jämförts med enkätresultatet med avseende på 80-talister för att därefter jämföras med tidigare kunskap om 80-talisternas arbetsvärderingar.

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