

1468 Uppsatser om Global hćllbarhet - Sida 32 av 98

Kravbalansering i produktutvecklingsprocesser: Kritisk granskning av en beslutsmodell för produktutveckling

The object for this study is a company developing and manufacturing vehicles for heavy transportation. The company distributes their products on a global market. Therefore the company is required to have efficient internal production development processes in order to successfully beat the competition. The purpose of this master thesis is to study how this particular company intends to implement their standardized theoretical product development process within their organization and how well it is done. We intend to identify and specify if the process has any unexploited capacity.

Inuit Circumpolar Conference, en till synes avvikande NGO - En fallstudie av en ursprungsbefolknings organisering kring miljöfrÄgor och deras sociala och kulturella rÀttigheter

With ever-increasing environmental problems in the world, I have with this thesis aimed at studying how the Inuit people of the Arctic organize themselves around the issue of environmental degradation. In focus for this thesis is the organization Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), an NGO that focuses on saving and protecting the social and cultural rights of the Inuit people, along with the environment in the four arctic regions. This aboriginal population has a strong connection to the environment they dwell in, as the area serves as a source of income and nutrition as well as an historically important place for their culture.I will in this thesis primarily investigate the methods of operation amongst NGOs, as well as their ability to influence and interact with the UN. These are three concepts that I, as a hypothesis, considered to distinguish ICC from other NGOs. With help from three theories about NGOs, I conclude that certain central elements of ICC differ from the average NGO, making ICC a new kind of actor in global politics..

Vad tror nior om klimatförÀndringar? ? En studie om niondeklassares och deras geografilÀroböckers tankar om orsaker till klimatförÀndringar.

Denna rapports syfte Àr att analysera vilka samband det finns mellan niondeklassares kunskaper om orsakerna till klimatförÀndringar och geografilÀroböckers förklaringar till klimatförÀndringar. De metoder som har anvÀnts för att komma fram till resultaten Àr: insamling av litteraturdata, analys av litteraturdata, enkÀtundersökning och analys av enkÀtresultat. De flesta av geografilÀroböckernas förklaringar till klimatförÀndringar Àr att orsaken Àr tvetydig. Majoriteten av eleverna erhÄller sin information om klimatförÀndringar frÄn media och likasÄ instÀmmer de flesta av eleverna ocksÄ delvis till att media, lÀrare och deras geografilÀrobok Àr pÄlitliga kÀllor. Eleverna Àr dock kluvna till orsaken till klimatförÀndringar ? Àr det en antropogen och/eller naturlig process? Resultaten av denna rapport visar att elever utvecklar sitt miljömedvetande, men pÄ vilket sÀtt detta sker Àr inte entydigt..

Erysave - en fallstudie i rött

Ideonföretaget Erysave Àr tvunget att gÄ till en global marknadsplats omedelbart efter produktens fÀrdigstÀllande för att skapa lönsamhet för sin produkt. Ett engagemang i en Strategisk Allians kan leda till en snabb etablering pÄ marknaden. Den stora strategiska frÄgan för företaget Àr nÀr detta skall ske samt hur samarbetet skall utformas. Erysave mÄste inleda ett samarbete med en partner som kan tillhandahÄlla de resurser som företaget saknar internt med mÄlet att stÀrka sin strategiska position pÄ marknaden. För att samarbetet mellan Erysave och den framtida partnern skall bli fruktbart Àr det vÄr bedömning att den öppna relationen mellan Erysave och partnerföretaget mÄste bibehÄllas.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhÀllets betydelse utifrÄn ett rÀttighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

Kommunikation av hÄllbarhetsfrÄgor : JÀmförande analys av hÄllbarhetsredovisningar frÄn SCA och Sveaskog

The aim of this study is to find out if there is any difference between how a state-owned company and a publicly listed private company communicate its sustainability performance in its sustainability report. It also aims to find out if the communication regarding sustainability has changed over time. The poll was conducted in two Swedish companies, Sveaskog AB and AB SCA, operating in the forestry industry and through a quantitative content analysis, the companies' sustainability reports from 2005 and 2010 were examined. To get a result, the reports has been examined by the GRI framework (Global Reporting Initiative) and an assessment of the communication was made based on a scale of 0-3. The results has been evaluated based on stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory and the growing interest in CSR. The analyses found evidence that there is a link between the form of ownership of the company and how it communicates regarding sustainability.

Att leva med HIV : det psykiska lidandet

Bakgrund: Att leva med HIV som Àr en obotlig virus sjukdom orsakar inte bara ett fysiskt utan Àven ett psykiskt lidande hos den smittade. HIV Àr en samhÀllsfarlig och global sjukdom som innebÀr livslÄng medicinsk behandling. HIV Àr belagt med skuld och fördomar pÄ grund av okunskap och rÀdsla. Det Àr kÀnslomÀssigt svÄrt för den HIV-smittade att berÀtta om sin diagnos. Syfte: Syftet med studien ar att belysa det psykiska lidandet hos en person med HIV.

Spelet mellan TrollhĂ€ttan och RĂŒsselsheim. En fallstudie om globaliseringens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ fackföreningar.

AbstractGlobalisation has lead to changes on many levels of our society; -industrial, technological, and corporate to name a few. This is an ongoing process which affects the society we live in today. The process is affecting the working-conditions for everyone through the changes of the relations on the working market. The unions have enjoyed a very special role in Sweden for a long time, but that role is now affected by these changes. The relationship between state and unions is changing, and the unions? influence in politics is decreasing.

Kulturproduktion och makt : En intersektionell analys av candombespelande kvinnor i Uruguay

This is a study of the way power relationships change when women start to play candombe in Montevideo, Uruguay. Candombe is a type of music, which is traditionally played by men within the black minority in the country. This study has been done with an intersectional point of view, taking the social categories gender, class and ethnicity in account. The method used was participatory observation in a field study made in Montevideo between November 2008 and February 2009.This study?s main conclusions are that the power relationships change with the participation of women in candombe in several important ways: The women legitimize an alternative way to be a woman when they take the men?s role as a drum player.

SÄromvÄrdnad med antiseptiska medel hos hÀst

Clinicians in veterinary practice have responsibilities for the development of global antibiotic resistance. In some cases, antibiotics are contraindicated or even useless in wound treatments and therefore other options are needed. Antiseptics may be another option but their use are controversial and may be questioned by owners. As professionals, it may be very difficult to be able to motivate this choice of treatment. The aim of this paper is to gain knowledge about four antiseptics; iodine, silver, polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) and honey to make it easier for veterinary nurses and other clinicians in veterinary practices to decide their potential use. The assessment will be made with consideration of the available evidence concerning the properties, usability and the animal?s experience. The results showed a lack of evidence in in-vivo studies in horses, particularly studies within the field of veterinary nursing.

Faktorer som pÄverkar sjuksköterskans följsamhet till riktlinjer : En litteraturstudie

Cross infection is a global health problem. The cost for cross infection increases every year. Florence Nightingale focused her attention on preventing cross infections by using good hygiene and as a nurse that is one of your more important tasks. Nurses have guidelines for how hygiene should be implemented in practice. The aim of this study is to investigate factors that influence nursesÂŽ compliance to guidelines regarding hygiene.

Estimering av GPS pÄlitlighet och GPS/INS fusion

The global Positioning System (GPS) provides location and time information as long as there are unobstructed lines of sight to four or more GPS satellites. However, when this is not the case the signal may be inaccurate or sometimes even completely blocked. In these situations the Inertial Navigation System (INS) is an appropriate choice for positioning.  An INS has already been proposed in a previous thesis by Erik Andersson and the objective of this thesis is to fuse the GPS with the INS in a proper way. A part of this project is to decide the reliability of the GPS.Three methods for GPS reliability detection have been proposed. One method based on the statistical properties of each of the separate systems, and two methods based on the statistical properties of the residuals between the GPS and INS.

VÀsentlig hÄllbarhetsredovisning : En kvalitativ studie om hur GRI G4 förÀndrat företags rapportering

HÄllbar utveckling Àr en viktig frÄga för samhÀllet dÀr företag har en betydande roll vad gÀller arbetet med att möta framtida utmaningar. MiljöpÄverkan, fattigdom och finansiella kriser Àr nÄgra problem som samhÀllet, företag och konsumenter blivit medvetna om och tillsammans kan göra en insats för. Företag Àr stora aktörer runt om i vÀrlden och dÀrför Àr det viktigt ta ansvar, varför studien Àmnar uppmÀrksamma insatser företag gör.Ett hjÀlpmedel för att mÀta och kommunicera hÄllbar utveckling Àr riktlinjerna som Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) bistÄr med. I Sverige Àr det Ànnu endast lagstadgat för statliga bolag att redovisa sitt hÄllbarhetsarbete. Trots detta Àr tillÀmpningen av dessa riktlinjer bland svenska börsnoterade företag hela 91 procent.

Attributionsstil och priming-effekt: En experimentell studie om vÀlmÄende

The aim of this study was to examine differences between happy and unhappy people, with respect to individuals interpretations, their attributonal style and in what way the priming effect is related to their attributional style and well-being. The participants were 74 senior high school and 21 undergraduate college students. Participants were asked to read a short story, some words were in bold type, and thereafter for their subjective perception of the words in bold type loading and memory of them in a recognition list. Attributional style was operationalized with an own constructed instrument. The results show that happy individuals interpreted more words as positive than negative in comparission with unhappy individuals.

Matematik och naturvetenskap i barnens fria utomhuslek - en observationsstudie

Title: Besparingar inom Barn- och utbildningsnÀmnden.Seminar date: 29th of May 2009Course: Degree thesis in Business Administration, bachelor thesisAuthors: Amela Smajlovic and Sten SundfeltAdvisor: Leif HolmbergPurpose: Our purpose is to explain the cost-saving process that many municipality organisations face because of the global financial crisis.Limitations: We have limited our study to the municipality of Landskrona and Kristianstad.Method: Our study has a qualitative approach. By using open interviews we have been able to get an open dialog with our respondents.Theory: We have compared with different theories, such as Rombach?s budget-theory and Wildavsky?s role theory.Empirics: The material is based on interviews and conversations with key figures in different levels of the organisations in Landskrona and Kristianstad.Conclusions: The success of a cost-saving process depends on the engagement, awareness and how inclined to changes the persons in the organisations are. Has everybody the willingness to take responsibility fore the organisation and the changes that the surrounding world claims?.

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