

82 Uppsatser om Gift - Sida 2 av 6

Doby?ins fokus : Detaljerna och debatten om Gud i ?urkina rodnja

Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop 1914 - 1931, understands his role as bishop from an integrated theological conception that episcopacy is a Gift to the church and the apostolic succession a heritage of utmost value. Episcopacy is an important tool to make the churches come together. in his work for peace during the Great War it was through his position without any power that he could approach the politicians. His calling was not only for Sweden; he had a responsibility for the whole world. In the Ecumenical Cope for the 1925 Stockholm meeting Söderblom expressed his views on the importance of the Uppsala see.

Min nådiga pappas Uprigtiga Vän och fiolliga flicka : Julie Ekerman/Björckegrens brev till Carl Sparre lästa utifrån frågor om makt och identitet

I uppsatsen behandlas brev skrivna av Julie Ekerman, Gift Björckegren (1765-1800), till Carl Sparre (1723-1791). Samlingen omfattar sex brev skrivna 1784, då Julie var Sparres unga älskarinna i Stockholm, och 53 brev skrivna 1789-91, då hon Gift sig med Nils Björckegren och var i färd med att installera sig som borgmästarhustru i Linköping. Mina frågor till breven kretsar övergripande kring makt och identitet, kring vem brevskriverskan uppfattade sig vara och önskade sig vara, kring vem det var möjligt att vara där hon befann sig och hur brev tjänade som identitetsskapande redskap och maktfaktor i denna process. Såväl biografiska och kulturella/socialhistoriska som textanalytiska infallsvinklar har använts för att diskutera dessa frågor.I de brev Julie Björckegren skrev från Linköping till sin forna älskare står livet som borgarkvinna i förgrunden, både den hon enligt sin egen förståelse är och den hon vill bli. Innehållsmässigt kretsar brevskriverskan kring fem teman: husmoderskapet, kroppen-hälsan, det sociala livet, brevskrivandet samt tacksägelserna och behovsframställningarna.

Civilstatus inverkan på EU-medborgares fria rörlighet

Ett lands lagstiftning återspeglar nationella värderingar, värdemoralen. EU-samarbetet baseras delvis på medlemsstaternas gemensamma nytta av fri rörlighet av arbetskraft, nyttomoral, därför skall hinder för denna fria rörlighet undanröjas. EU-medlemsstaternas nationella lagstiftning är underordnad EG-rätten (inklusive EG-domstolens rättspraxis). EU-medlemsstaternas lagsystem skall harmoniseras med EG-rätten. Skulle nationell lag stå i konflikt med EG-rätten har den senare företräde.

Gåva av utdelning

The swedish rule concerning the treatment of employee stock-options have changed and the new wording of the rule will be applicable for the first time in 2010. The previous wording of the rule stated that the employee shall be taxed for the stock-option when moving abroad, even if the option is not exercised. The Swedish Skatteverket and Regeringsrätten have found that this rule is in conflict with the free movement of persons within the European Union. The new wording of the rule states that the employee shall be taxed when the option is excercised, no matter where the employee is situated. A state`s right of taxation of a stock-option determines wheter and to what extent the employee stock-otion derives from that state..

Gröna generationsskiften : Särskilt om samäganderätt och mjuka frågor

Within the near future Sweden will be facing a large number of successions of ownership  within the agriculture and forestry sector, which is why it is important to acknowledge the question of alternatives for transfer of ownership. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the existing law as well as the various options for how to transfer the ownership concerning succession of ownership within family-owned agriculture and forestry businesses. This thesis pays particular attention to the complexity of problems that refer to joint ownerships and the great importance of the emotional questions that arise when a succession of ownership is being implemented.A succession of ownership can be planned as well as unplanned. When implemented through inheritance the transfer to the younger generation is unplanned. There are several effects of an unplanned succession of ownership and these effects can be harmful for the company as well as the family.

Fridens och kärlekens ord : Nathan Söderbloms gestaltning av ärkebiskopsämbetet 1914- 1931

Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop 1914 - 1931, understands his role as bishop from an integrated theological conception that episcopacy is a Gift to the church and the apostolic succession a heritage of utmost value. Episcopacy is an important tool to make the churches come together. in his work for peace during the Great War it was through his position without any power that he could approach the politicians. His calling was not only for Sweden; he had a responsibility for the whole world. In the Ecumenical Cope for the 1925 Stockholm meeting Söderblom expressed his views on the importance of the Uppsala see.

From US, to Uganda, Handle with Care : en analys av USA:s HIV/AIDS bistånd till Uganda

This paper deals with the question: "Why does the U.S. aid project to cambat HIV/AIDS in Africa, called PEPFAR, use a strategy that has been shown to be couterproductive?" The author uses an anthropological approach, based on theory of "aid as a Gift" inspired by work of Mauss and Stirrat& Henkel. The study demonstrates that the interests that lie behind PEPFAR have had a greater influence on the choice of strategy than the declared goals. It is concluded that evaluations of development assistance should focus as much on the background interests of the givers as the declared objectives..

Mot en museologisk värdeteori : Varför vi ger och varför vi samlar

The foundation for a museum is the collection. To collect, preserve and display is what constitutes a museum. But the process of deciding which object´s should be saved, and which objects should not, are based on values. It is also values that make people inclined to donate objects to museums. How and why we value a museum determine if and why we donate.Objects themselves could be said to have a biography just like people.

Förpackningsproduktion samt studie om hur reumatikervänliga förpackningar är idag

AssiDomän Frövi board mill has in cooperation with students from Graphic Technologyat the University of Dalarna a degree project that involves developing package solutionsin carton material from AssiDomän Frövi. This year the basic condition was to use theweights 270g/m2, 300g/m2 and 330g/m2 and choose between Frövi Bright, Frövi Lightand Frövi Carry.The packages were supposed to be in the segments industrial products,chocolate/sweets and beauty products/cosmetics. Two packages were produced in thesegments industrial products and beauty products/cosmetics.The first package, produced in the industrial segment, contains textile color and templatesand the second package is a Gift package and contains nail polish.The investigation part of the project deals with how the packages today are fit forrheumatics in opening purpose..

Kvinnors roller i det vikingatida samhället : Spår av kvinnor i text och ting

This paper deals with rights of women and their social role during the Viking Age. The method is to compare things and written material.In the written material, three cases of rape have been identified. How each of these cases where looked upon differs; legally the punishment for rape was exile. Violence against wives implied their right to divorce, whereby they were entitled to take with them a great part of the family´s capital, namely their dowry and morning Gift.A husband and wife did not inherit each other but a widow could inherit from her children if they died without offspring.Women buried in boat graves indicate that they had a function or were closely involved in the cult. From two graves, the Aska Grave and the Oseberg Grave, the findings can be interpreted as indicating a change in the social behaviour.

En studie om hur invandrarkvinnor upplever integrationsprocessen i Sverige

Syftet med denna undersökning är att fördjupa förståelse för invandrarkvinnors upplevelser av integrationen i Sverige. Undersökningen syftar på enbart invandrarkvinnor som kommer till Sverige genom äktenskapsmigration. Detta är en kvalitativ undersökning som har genomförts med hjälp av nio intervjuer med invandrarkvinnor som har Gift sig med svenskfödda män och flyttat till Sverige. Vi har valt att använda Grundad teori och har kommit fram till olika faser som innefattar faktorer som kvinnorna upplever vara viktiga för integrationen. Genom att analysera de olika faserna kom vi fram till vår kärnkategori som är arbete.

Ideellt engagemang - en osjälvisk handling? : Motivationsfaktorer bland ideellt engagerade

Volunteering involves performing tasks without receiving any compensation for it. Interest in this idealistic commitment to non-profit organizations is growing and the primary reasons for this is to help other people, pursue their interests and contribute to the organization.The purpose of the study is to examine what it is that motivates individuals to commit to non-profit organizations. This study will only examine aid organizations. In order to answer the question four different theories have been used and these are the most fundamental theories in this field. These theories are Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Hertzberg's two-factor theory, Self-Determination Theory and The Gift.

Det politiska beslutsfattandet under Tsunamikatastrofen: Vilken roll spelade media?

In December 2004 an earthquake coursed waves that hit Thailand. Over 5000 people died, and Sweden was the tourist country that has been effected the worst. The catastrophe precipitated Sweden in crises and the demand became high for Swedish government to act. Swedes followed the development via media, why media became the crucial element for how the public perceived politicians? acting.

Jag smakar Min Själs Höghet och hjärtats känslor dem skrifver jag : Om Ulrica Carolina Widströms liv och dikt

I uppsatsen behandlas Ulrica Carolina Widströms (1764-1841) författarskap, insatt i ett idéhistoriskt och litteraturhistoriskt sammanhang. Widström skrev framför allt rokokoinspirerade pastorala dikter som lovprisar kärleken och ungdomen. I analysen läggs särskid tonvikt på dikten "Korgen" som ingår i samlingen Erotiska sånger (1799). "Korgen" skildrar en förförelse besläktad med våldtäkt. Den läses som en problematisering av den idyllvärld som författarskapet i stort bygger upp.

Pensionerade äldre mäns livssituation på landsbygden : En studie om fyra pensionerade mäns syn på sitt liv i Jämtlands län

Studiens syfte är att få en inblick i hur det kan vara att leva som ensamstående pensionerad äldre man på landsbygden i Jämtlands län. Alla fyra männen i denna studie har varit Gift men är nu skild eller änkling. Två av dem är yngre-äldre (ca. 65 år) och de andra äldre-äldre (ca. 80 år).

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