

4 Uppsatser om Geschichte - Sida 1 av 1

Att rädda det förgångna : Om Walter Benjamins historiska materialism

The present essay concerns Walter Benjamin?s thought regarding history and temporality as he articulated it in his last work that was only published posthumously: ?U?ber den Begriff der Geschichte?. The purpose is to analyze Benjamin?s construction of historical materialism and to suggest a reading of it as directed towards an opening of history. For Walter Benjamin, every moment presents itself as a possibility of radical otherness: a possibility for things to be different.

Kritik som transformation : ett utvecklande av Walter Benjamins konception av kritik i relation till språk, verk och historia

The present essay concerns Walter Benjamin´s engagement with the concept of critique in four of his early writings from 1916-1928. It revolves around three main themes, or objects of interest: the critique of language [Sprache], the critique of the work [das Werk] and the critique of history [Geschichte]. The main objective of this study is to show how we can understand Benjamin?s conception of critique and how he develops it in regard to language, the work and history. The essay argues that this is a vital part to understand his philosophy in general as well as his later philosophy of history in particular.

Fenomenologi, ontologi, givenhet : Reduktion och filosofisk metod hos Edmund Husserl och Martin Heidegger

In this thesis I examine how the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger differ with regard to the phenomenological reduction, and in particular why there is no reduction in Sein und Zeit. I examine in what way philosophy is seen as an overcoming of the naïvete of a ?natural? attitude and how this natural attitude is understood, starting with Husserl?s descriptions of the phenomenological reduction, of the natural attitude of our daily lives and of his notion of transcendental subjectivity. By presenting these main aspects, I try to elucidate why, in Husserl?s view, laying the foundation of all knowledge must take form of a phenomenological first philosophy.

"En vandring genom tiden - med potatisen i handen" : En learning study om elevers historiemedvetande

Syftet med den fo?religgande underso?kningen a?r att fa? kunskap om hur undervisning kan fo?rba?ttra elevers la?rande vad det ga?ller elevers historiemedvetande. Metoden som under- so?kningen anva?nde sig av a?r en learning study, ett kollektivt samarbete mellan historiela?rare som riktar fokus pa? elevers la?rande. Genom utva?rderingen av det samlade datamaterialet besvarades underso?kningens fra?gesta?llningar Vilka a?r de kritiska aspekterna fo?r att elever i a?rskurs 8 ska kunna utveckla en ho?gre grad av historiemedvetande, och Vilka centrala punkter i undervisningens uppla?gg go?r positiv skillnad fo?r elevers la?rande? Resultatet visar att de deltagande pedagogerna identifierade tre kritiska aspekter som anses vara avgo?rande fo?r en undervisning med ma?let att utveckla elevers historiemedvetande: 1.