

3508 Uppsatser om General obligation to inform - Sida 24 av 234

En anpassning till ett kyligare klimat? : en studie av orsaker till den förändrade synen på fornfynd i Riksantikvarieämbetets föreskrifter och allmänna råd avseende verkställigheten av 2 kap. 10?13 §§ lagen (1988:950) om kulturminnen m.m. år 2007

In the year 2007 the Swedish National Heritage Board released directions for how the contractarchaeology in Sweden should carry out their work. These directions stressed that a differentapproach to the archaeological finds should be used ? that would lead to a higher degree ofselection than before. The purpose of this essay is to find the reason why this change indirections occurred, and this is done by a study of the history of the rescue archaeology inSweden. The other purpose of this essay is to examine if the excavation strategies inarchaeological excavation reports from different times, correlates with the general guidingprinciples for the contract archaeology in Sweden of that time.There are several reasons why the change in directions occurred, but it seems as the mainreasons are practical.

"Det är lättare att lyfta på luren om det finns en specifik person att ringa till" : En kvalitativ studie om handläggare och förskollärares syn på samverkan när barn far illa eller riskerar att fara illa

The aim of this study is to examine how social workers and pree-school teachers resonate about their experiences of cooperation with each other, in relation to maltreated children and the duty to report. Several studies show that there is a difference between how many children that is suspected of maltreatment and how many that are reported to social service. In Sweden, pre-school staff are obliged to notify the suspicion of child abuse according to 14: 1 SoL, but previous research indicates that the obligation to declare is not used to the extent that it should. One reason for the low notification rate is  the interaction between preschool and the social services shortcomings.Therefore, we believe it is relevant to examine how the cooperation really looks like between the organizations, when the child is being abused or at risk of suffering. The results of the study are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers and four administrators.

Den kulturpolitiska forskningens intellektuella bas och inriktningar ? En författarcociteringsanalys av artiklar publicerade i International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002-2007

The aim of this thesis is to map the intellectual base, and identify the general research interests, of Cultural Policy studies. In addition to this the thesis also aims to trace the uses of theoretical and conceptual approaches within the identified research interests. This is done by analysing citations from 130 articles published in the leading scientific journal International Journal of Cultural Policy between the years 2002-2007 using the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA). The results of the ACA confirm the overall notion that the research field of cultural policy studies is an ambiguous one, even when it?s studied with a quantitative method specialised in uncovering hidden structures within a given field as ACA.

Motivera elever till fysisk aktivitet- skolsköterskans perspektiv

Introduction: In the past years children in primary school age has become increasingly sedentary. One of the school nurses' main task is to provide tools for students to make healthy choices. During the health visit, the school nurse gets the opportunity to inform and talk about health and physical activity with the students.Aim: To describe how shool nurses? work to motivate students to physical activity.Methods: The authors have conducted a pilot study that will form the basis for a large-scale study. Four nurses were interviewed using an interview guide based on open-ended questions and a qualitative content analysis was used when the interviews were analyzed.Results: The analysis revealed two categories and four subcategories.

Socialiseringsprocessen i revisionsbyråer : En studie om skapandet av organisatoriskt engagemang

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge regarding the connection between the socialization process and the organizational commitment perceived by junior accountants. Based on Van Maanen and Schein's (1979) model, we intend to identify and describe how selected socialization strategies affect junior accountants? perceived affective, continuous and normative commitment during the initial five years in the firm.Research methodology: Semi-structured interview was chosen as the key approach for gathering essential data. Interviews were conducted at three major accounting firms with a total of eight interview participants. The study has a qualitative approach because of the ability to go in depth on the studied phenomenon.Conclusion: The socialization process consists of individual, informal, sequential, fixed, serial, and investiture strategies.

Kunskapsbedömning i historia på gymnasienivå : En analys av fyra skolors bedömningsunderlag

As technology have continued to develop over the latest decades and become more advanced the pressure on the general citizens understanding of technology becomes a essential part to live in our society today. The transition have affected our society in great ways and have made a great impact on different groups, one of them being the elderly population in our society. The purpose of this study is to examine how the fast technological development in the latest decades have affected the elderly in our society. This from their perspective by gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with elderly people involved in the Agnes-project, a research project focused on improving the general quality of life for older people and increase their knowledge about technology. The study has shown that after the older peoples time involved in the Agnes-project their quality of life had improved in different areas. Areas such as increased cognitive activity, increased interest in new technology and an improvement in their communication with friends and family.

Vårdnadstvister : Beskrivning av vårdnads regler då det råder samarbetssvårigheter mellan ett barns föräldrar

The swedish law of contract is fundamental within several civil law areas, among others labour law. The labour law contains more explicit legislation specificly adapted to the relation between employers and employees. Sometimes the labour law needs to rely on more general regulations, such as the law of contract. When the situation contains a specific contract relation dilemma it is logical to use the law of contract, when for example the law of employee protection does not reach an acceptabel solution.Transfer of undertaking is a situation were the employee protection is disregarded. The Euro directive 2001/23/EG prescribes, by its implemented rules in the law of employee protection, that rights and duties, such as employement agreements, passes on to the earner of the business.

Förväntningsgapet : Vad revisionsinsatsen i HQ Bank innebär för förväntningsgapet

Problem: That the stakeholder?s expectations don´t answer to what auditors can and may do have been a problem for several years. This problem was defined for the first time by Liggio at 1974. Since 1974 there have been several researches about the expectation gap for auditors.Purpose: The purpose of our study is to research what the audit effort in HQ Bank means for the expectation gap.Theory: The theories in our study discuss the audit profession, the definition of the expectation gap, how trust develops between individuals, the regulations that the authorities discuss and a review of earlier researches in this subject.Method: We have done a qualitative study in which we interviewed approved auditors at PwC and Convensia in addition we interviewed the chief lawyer at the Swedish financial supervisory authority to answer our purpose.Conclusions: The conclusion of our study is that the expectation gap exists between the auditors and the stakeholders. Another conclusion is that the incidents in HQ Bank have influenced the expectation gap in a negative direction, to reduce the expectation gap we suggest that adjustments of the regulations must be done and that the auditors themselves must inform their stakeholders what auditors can and may do..

Kryptografi och kryptering

This work is about cryptography in general but also how the encryption works, and what's needed for encryption to work. I will also take up a little around the history around the encryption..

Djurskyddslagen och renskötseln

The aim of this literature review was to discern which legislations and regulations related to animal welfare that comprises reindeer and their significance in reindeer husbandry. The Swedish Animal Welfare Act (1988:534) was enacted July 1, 1988 and its main purpose is to ensure a good animal health and environment. Animals that live in a good environment with good health is considered to have good welfare, which can be described as an individual's condition in relation to its surroundings. Reindeer herding is an extensive form without daily management. In reindeer husbandry there are eight specific seasons over the year and reindeer are handled as they migrates between pastures, get earmarks, are sorted for transport and slaughter.

Obligatorisk arbetslöshetsförsäkring och förhöjd finansieringsavgift

The question about how the unemployment insurance should be designed is today a veryinteresting topic. In 2007 the Swedish government introduced an increased financial fee formembers in the unemployment benefit societies. Since this the number of members in thesesocieties has decreased dramatically. At the same time Sören Öman was appointed head of acommission whose obligation was to investigate the initiation of compulsory unemploymentinsurance. In May 2008 Öman delivered a separate report describing how the initiation of theinsurance should be dealt with.

Citeringsanalys och citeringsteorier: En kritisk granskning

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make an outline of different methods and theories within the field of bibliometrics and critically review their strengths and weaknesses. The author studied literature that discussed bibliometric methods and theories. The number of empirical studies that are based on bibliometric methods and theories are numerous and where principally excluded, but some empirical studies were included as part of the argumentation for and against different methods and theories. The author first gives an outline of which methods and theories there are and describes their different strengths and weaknesses. Citation analysis has many different fields of application such as information retrieval, mapping science, evaluative studies and monitoring literature.

Tandvårdsrädsla, generell oro och självkänsla : Dental fear, general anxiety and self-esteem

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur coachning kan ses som stöd för elevernas lärande på en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige. Studien belyser coachning utifrån perspektiv på lärande ur ett fenomenologiskt inspirerat angreppssätt. Insamling av data har gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Totalt intervjuades åtta personer varav dessa var 4 lärare och 4 elever i årskurs 3.Undersökningen visar att coachning kan ses som stöd för elevernas lärande dels genom att det medvetandegör elevens egen potential till att utveckla sig och dels att lärarna blir medvetna om vilka fungerande strategier eleven använder sig utav för att optimera bästa möjliga lärandesituation. Arbetssättet innebär att elever får stor frihet att välja kunskapsinnehåll utifrån kursplan.

Kulturpolitikers syn på folkbiblioteket ? en studie i Västerbottens inland.

The main purpose of this Master thesis is to illuminate the understanding of local politicians regarding the public libraries and the librarians. We argue that the local politicians´ opinions regarding public libraries and librarians influence the way they act and react in their roles as politicians.In order to achieve the aim of this thesis we focused on following questions:What are the opinions of the politicians:- regarding themselves in relation to the public library?- concerning public libraries in general and its functions especially in the municipalities of their own?- concerning the librarians and their work in a public function?What are the conclusions to be drawn regarding the politicians´ interest and commitment to public libraries in the politic daily-life of the municipalities? Our empiric material consists of qualitative interviews with six politicians elected in two municipalities in the interior of Västerbotten, a northern sparsely populated district. In order to distinguish the various opinions that emerge from the material, we apply a phenomenographic approach. The analysis result we present in three conceivable categories in order to express the different opinions.In general our study points at a positive and favourable attitude to the public library, and all the respondents assume that the municipality ought to offer this service.

HBT-certifiering av Sollentuna bibliotek

The public libraries in Sweden has an obligation to serve all of its citizens, but despite of this they often fail to include their LGBTQ-patrons. Since the year of 2008 RFSL (the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights) have arranged a specially designed certification-process based on normcritical criterias that a chosen institution should fulfill to make their work more inclusive for LGBTQ-people. Sollentuna is the first municipal in Sweden to certificate all of their libraries. This study aims to examine what the certification have meant for the public library in Sollentuna and how a normcritical view can contribute to include LGBTQ-patrons at the library. As a method we used a qualitative interview-study to get a full picture of the certification-process and its influence on the public library of Sollentuna.

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