

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 61 av 219

Utomhusbruk. Produkter formgivna för utomhusvistelser

My thesis was based on studying what really happens when Swedes move their beloved kitchen outdoors.?What kind of problems andpossibilities appears in this enviroment? First, I unbiassed examined the traditional kitchen in general to get a better view of how an outdoorkitchen could function in a country that have diffrent seasons. I intervjued an interior designer specialized in kitchenplanning to get abetter view. One thing that came up was that the experince of beeing outdoor sometimes puts functionality aside. I located different needs inthe outdoor kitchen enviroment and decided to work futher with one of them, outdoor lightning.The result became a 3d digital model of an outdoor lamp that creates both functionallight and moodlight.

"En skör människas verklighetsuppfattning" : en teoretisk diskussion kring positioner, sanningsanspråk och subtiliteter utifrån Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar

Genom en textanalys av författaren Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar undersöker uppsatsen skönlitterära texters möjlighet att förändra kvinnors positioner och potentialer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden redogörs för såväl historisk som nutida självbiografiforskning med fokus på diskussioner kring sanningsanspråk, textens konstituerande karaktär och specifikt feministisk forskning på området. Med betoning på hur förtryck kan beskrivas på alternativa och komplexa sätt för att i förlängningen skapa nya förståelser för kvinnliga subjektspositioner, undersöks Lundgrens försök att skildra subtila maktutövanden..

Caligula och den Aggressiva Pojken : En diskursanalys av Skolverkets utsagor kringlärare och elever som mobbar

The aim of this study was to analyze discursive patterns in publications and attitude researches on bullying published by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The focus was largely on whether there is a pattern in the narration of how teachers and pupils are portrayed as perpetrators in a situation where bullying occurs. The empirical material of the study was acquired by use of a qualitative method where publications published between the years of 2002 and 2014 were selected. Dictums concerning teachers and pupils as bullies have been compared and surveyed where differences in how they were depicted was the object of analysis. To enable such a study, Foucault's theories on discourse and power were applied on the empirical material in the analysis.The result shows that bullying in general almost always refers to the pupil as the perpetrator while teachers are under-represented in the same context.

Leken som ett verktyg för lärandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogue´s who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogue´s approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogue´s.

Chefers upplevelser av eget och framtida ledarskap

The aim was to examinehow managers, based on similar education and policy background, perceive their leadership today, and how it according to them, maybe developed in the future. The sample consisted of younger and older managers within the same organization, with diverse experience in managementand leadership roles. Data were collected by two focus groups interviews and analyzed bya thematic analysis. The results indicated that managers, regardless of age and experience, have similar views on their management role and are in general positive regardingtheir leadership, despite stressand time pressure related issues. They have also suggested similar changes for future management and leadership roles.

Ungdomsbrottslighet : En studie om lokala tjänstemän inom socialt och brottsförebyggande arbetes syn på brottslighet bland unga män i en svensk förort.

The purpose of this study was to examine if there are common factors that lead to young people committing crimes according to professionals in social work, crime prevention and the police. The study also aims to examine if juveniles in Swedish suburbs commit more crimes, the consequences that follows and what actions socialworkers have for these juveniles. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of five professionals in the area who were contacted from different units. In the analysis Goffmans (1971) theory of stigma was used and Goldberg's (2005) Conspiracy Theory. Some of the conclusions that could be drawn from the study was that there is not only one factor influencing young people to delinquency, but often combinations of different factors that lead to this.

Hjälper skolan elever i grundskolans senare år att finna svar på några av livets stora frågor

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

En valaffisch säger mer än tusen politiker : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Sverigedemokraternas och Feministiskt Initiativs valaffischer i valet till Sveriges riksdag 2014

The purpose of this paper is to compare the content and political message in the election posters of the political parties Sverigedemokraterna and Feministiskt Initiativ. This is achieved through a qualitative content analysis combined with text and rhetorical analysis as well as semiotics. Out of all the election posters from Sverigedemokraterna and Feministiskt Initiativ with national spread, eight were analyzed. The conclusions of this analysis are that both political parties prefer posters with high text content with the main purpose of gathering votes, and that persons were used as motives with the objective to present the party representatives and strengthen their perceived ethos..

Före och efter Lpfö, 98; Fyra förskollärares reflektioner om arbetet före och efter införandet av läroplanen.

Since 1998, the Swedish preschool has its own curriculum and with this the preeschool became the first step of a lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explore how preschool teachers perceive their work before and after the Swedish curriculum was inserted. A qualitative method was used in this study. Four different in-depth interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, all experienced working at least before 1993. The curriculum theory and curriculum history were used to analyze the empirical data.

Känsla av sammanhang på Samhall : Arbetare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga

Sense of coherence amongst employees with reduced work-capacity at Samhall.Sanela Jakupovic TrostekScientific essay in public health, 15 hp, Academy of Health and promoting Working Life, University of GävleThe aim of this study was to examine how employees at Samhall who has reduced work-capacity experienced their sense of coherence (SOC). The study includes gender, age and civil status in the analysis. The study includes 34 respondents which are divided as 20 men and 14 women. To measure SOC a quantitative method with a 29 standardized questionnaire was used.It was found that the employees felt, in general, low SOC, which means more difficult adaptation to their life situation. Noteworthy is that 70 % of the men in this study showed low SOC compared to 35,7 % of the women.One conclusion that can be drawn is that within Samhall, it showed that women had a higher SOC mean value than men which means they are more equipped to handle, understand and find meaning in their work life. Keywords: Antonovsky, Samhall, disability, work-capacity, sense of coherence (SOC).

Läs- och skrivinlärning : Om elevers läs- och skrivinlärning under de första åren

In contemporary Sweden political participation among foreign-born Swedes is viewed as low and it is well known that foreign-born individuals do not use their voting rights to the same extent as the general population. At the same time there are numerous ethnic associations around the country who work with various activities involving political, democratic and integration issues. This study aims to study how four members of a Somali association regard, relate to and work with politics, democracy and integration. The study is based on these four people, but also on their relationship with authorities and other agencies in the community. The conclusion of this study shows in brief that the desire to participate politically is great, but that democracy and politics is accessible to all, depending on the level of language skills and what political knowledge the individual has.

Realismens utveckling från Machiavelli till Morgenthau

Political realism is a general theory within political science focusing on the principle interest defined as power. The theory?s mutual standpoint is that states are inspired by power politics meaning that military and economic power or security stands in the centre while moral and ethics are placed in the periphery. This essay?s purpose is to analyze realism which helps to understand the development and change of the perspective.

The effects of Joint Ventures announcements on stock returns behaviour - An Event Study of the Stock Market

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of joint venture announcements on stock prices behavior and simultaneously to test the German stock market (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) for efficiency. We tried not only to analyze the general impacts of a JV-announcement but also to look for differences in the market response to announcements of different types of joint ventures, namely: domestic, international, horizontal and vertical. Our expectations of efficient market were confirmed during our paper, which employed the technique of the standard event study. The calculation of abnormal returns which are the signals for market efficiency or inefficiency respectively were based on the market model, establishing linear relationship between the return on the market and the return on an individual security. The parameters of the model were obtained through regression analysis..


ABSTRACTThe privatization of pharmacies in Sweden took place in 2009, in part with higher availability of medicines as justification. For a good adherence, the patients needs a good availability of medicines from pharmacies. The aim of the study was that two years after the pharmacy reform study older people?s opinions on drug supply and pharmacy services, and which pharmacy chains they know about and use. The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study and was conducted using questionnaires.

Infiltration of Waldheim

"Infiltration of Waldheim" är ett spel gjort av David Lindell (grafik), Andreas Persson (programmering) och Mathias Jönsson (ljud och musik). Målet vi hade med projektet var att ha en spelbar bana med minst en vapen typ samt fiender att eliminera, allt ackompanjerat med pampig musik och en massa ljudeffekter. Jag kommer i denna rapport beskriva arbetets gång samt reflektera över vad som har fungerat och vad som varit mindre bra under projektets gång. Mina planer för spelet var mest att lära mig mera om framförallt AI samt arbeta mera i 3d. Spelet ska mest vara för mig själv, men med lite putsning och mera innehåll eventuellt användas vid jobb ansökningar i framtiden..

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