

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 60 av 219

Toleranszon och kundtillfredsställelse i tjänsteföretag

The aim of this thesis is to describe how service companies through adjustment of the customer?s zone of tolerance can influence customer?s perception of the service during the processes of service delivery and create customer satisfaction. The method used was case study approach utilizing personal interviews, which were conducted at two service companies. The study showed that the aspects of the service that have greatest importance for the customer?s assessment of the service and customer satisfaction among others are personal treatment and that personel behave in the way that makes the customer feel itself taken good care of and unique.

Den fysiska miljön och skapandet av tjänstekvalitet hos frisörföretag

This paper exemplifies how the physical environment affects clients? experienced service quality and how companies work with the physical environment. In the empiric study, we conducted a case study and studied two hairdressing saloons. The study showed a connection between physical environment and experienced service quality in the business of hairdressing. Owners of hairdressing saloons perceive that a combination of the personal meeting and the physical environment influence the clients? general impression and their experience of quality.

Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen

Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses.

Kan ett modeföretags varumärke gynnas av marknadsföring med pälshandel som del av deras CSR-arbete?

Corporate Social Responsibility, eller CSR har blivit något av en självklarhet hos företagenidag. Konsumenter accepterar inte barnarbete och de är miljömedvetna. Att ett företag haretiska och moraliska värderingar är inte bara viktigt ur just etiska och moraliska perspektivutan även för att kunna bygga och bevara ett starkt varumärke. Vi tycker att handeln med pälsär ett stort problem. Det finns allvarliga brister i den här branschen.

Att planera, markera och dokumentera tid

For a long time I have felt that there is a lack of time planning productson the market that attracts me to use them. Therefore I wantedto explore the possibilities of developing something that I reallywanted to use.At first I tried to come up with a more general tool for planningand structuring time, different from the products that are alreadyavailable. But soon I found it more interesting to see myself as theprimary user. This way I felt that I could experiment more and Ididn?t have to take things like production, cost and possible targetgroups into consideration.As I set out with an aim to try and understand my own problemswith planning and structuring time the project became a very personalone.

Vatten- och avloppssystem i klimatförändringarnas tidevarv : - en studie om VA-situationen i Karlstads kommun, dess sårbarheter och anpassningsförmåga

This report is about the impact climate change has on the water and sewage systems in general, and the situation in the municipality of Karlstad in particular. Which vulnerabilities are linked to water and sewage systems with regard to climate change and extreme weather situations, what are the possibilities to adapt the system to this and what significance does climate adaptation of the water and sewage systems have in relation to sustainable development?To answer these questions I have studied literature on the subject and interviewed several people who work with these types of questions. The answers I have received state that there are a multitude of vulnerabilities linked to the water- and sewage systems, but that there are also many strong interests which strive to take measures and adapt to a changed climate. I have also come to the conclusion that the starting points and views of the possibilities to act differs between the people that I have interviewed, but that theses problems are built into the concept of democracy..

Journalistikens inriktning och fokusering? -en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av pressens rapportering av fyra partiledares öppningsanförande

Before the general election 2006 all of the Swedish parties represented in the Parliament held their political party conference. At each political party conference, the leader for respectively party held their opening speech, a speech that was covered by the press. This essay deals with how the press covers these speeches. Analysing how the different speeches were covered by the press, some tendencies regarding how the press report could be visualised. In this comparison the ?quantitative content analysis? was used.

Roligt eller lärorikt? : En studie om barns attityder till spel i skola och hemmiljö

This report investigates digital games with focus on differences and similarities between children?s point of view when it comes to games focusing on learning compared to those focusing on entertainment. The approached group was children, 7 years old. The study contains investigations and analysis of how these children used games in both school and home environment. The most used theory ?8 theories of fun? by Marc LeBlanc (2004) raises the most important parts making a game fun.

Bosnienkriget och ICTY : -tidens rättvisa?

When Swedish authorities are to purchase or rent something, public procurement is used as a means to an end. Authorities as well as suppliers are subjects to the fact that Swedish law regarding public procurement regulates the form of procurement in one set of particular regulations (LOU) and the form of contracts in another set of general regulations (AvtL). Suppliers and purchasing authorities close a contract regarding the subject of procurement and the law of public procurement regulates when such a contract can be closed, simultaneously the law of contracts regulates when parties are held to contracts and when contracts are to be rescinded. I investigate in this essay what these two types of regulations can result in for the contracting parties. As it is today agreements that have been entered into wrongfully still are valid, even if a court of law nullifies the procurement and sentences the purchasing authority to make a new public procurement.

Programmerbar signalanpassning

The data acquisition system COMET developed by Saab AB contains a unit for signal conditioning and A/D conversion, called KSM. The varieties in signal conditioning constitutes of a number of specific PBAs and maintenance as well as reconfiguration of these are complicated not to mention costly. This thesis has aimed to investigating whether the signal conditioning circuits can be replaced by a general purpose, programmable solution. If so, how can this be done? The development has been carried out by evaluating ideas through the use of a laboratory environment and has resulted in an analog design for laboratory purpose.

Shakespeare : Levande eller död i skolan?

Shakespeare- Dead or alive in school?The purpose with our degree project is to examine if Shakespeare still is alive in school and in what way he is being used. Our study is based on these following questions:Does Shakespeare exist in school today?How are the other classic books being used?Which teaching methods are used?How is Shakespeare received by the pupils?The methods used to be able to answer the questions are interviews with teachers and focus groups with the pupils. We carried out the interviews with six Swedish teachers and four focus groups in four different upper secondary schools.The main result of this study shows that teachers and pupils still think that Shakespeare is an important author.

Glukosamin som fodertillskott till häst

In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.

Levande vikt vid olika åldrar och sambandet med bröstomfång och mankhöjd hos SRB och SLB :

Live-weight at different ages for Swedish Holsteins (SLB) and for the Swedish Red and White Breed (SRB), and the correlation to heart girth and height at withers. The aim of this investigation was to study the live-weight changes and mature weight for the Swedish Red and White Breed (SRB) and for Swedish Holsteins (SLB), and to estimate the correlations between body weight and body measurements such as heart girth and height at withers, respectively. The material used was from one of the experimental dairy herds (Jälla) of the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. It included recordings on 293 dairy cows with information from 7142 weight occasions and recordings on 275 dairy cows with information of 557 heart girth measurements and 560 measurements of height at withers. The registrations were done during 1993-2002. There was a large variation in live weight between cows in different ages and lactation stages.

Talet om talen : Vuxenmatematikens retoriska vändning

This is an empirical study of how the mathematical talk of adult learners constructs/reconstructs different mathematical discourses. The study is to be regarded as an attempt to develop a discursive approach within the field of mathematics education and to complicate the status of mathematics in education and in society in general. My theoretical underpinnings consist of three possible mathematical discourses ? coercive, regulative and emancipative mathematics. From a discursive psychology perspective, I let these discourses function as analytical interpretive repertoires in relation to the adult learners? rhetorical use of mathematics and their claiming of mathematical subject-positions, named the coerced, the self-regulating and the responsible mathematician.

Om Gud vill får jag stanna ? en studie av hur nyanlända asylsökande upplever det mottagande de fått i Sverige.

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how newly arrived asylum seekers experience their first month in Sweden. The focus has been on the introduction week that is given within the first month of their arrival, although the study aims to treat the reception that is given in general. This is important because the refugees are in a sensitive state, leaving their country for different reasons, and coming to a new place wich they know nothing or little about. The questions at issue has been the following; * What are the refugees´ views of the information and the treatment they´ve been given during their first month in Sweden? * Which are the possible reasons for the refugees experiencing the reception the way they do? The methods I´ve used have been observation studies during the introduction week, plus interviews with participants of this introduction.

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