

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 27 av 219

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeindependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing.By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school?s results as a whole.

Design av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt - Ett befintligt system i förändring för användarnas bästa

Detta kandidatarbetet är utfört på ett bolag som verkar i telekommunikationsbranschen. Operatörerna på kundtjänst arbetar med att ta emot samtal från Telekombolagets kunder, hjälpa dem med att lösa problem och ge tips och råd. En viktig del av arbetet är att operatörerna gör en analys av kunden för att kunna ge bästa möjliga råd. Rapporten behandlar hur en del av ett textbaserat program kan omarbetas till en grafisk applikation. Etnografiska metoder, i form av observationsstudier och intervjuer, och designtekniker, i form av mockup- och prototypmöten, har använts tillsammans med användarna av programmet.

Identitet under konstruktion : En studie om hur några gymnasieelever med syriansk kulturell bakgrund upplever sin identitet

The key purpose of this research has been to study and understand how young people with Syriac ethnicity experience their identity, when living in two different cultures. The Syriac minority is something of a special case when it concerns establishing the identity of an individual, since syriac´s do not have an official country.To be able to do this research an interview has been done with four young students with syriac ethnicity. The four of them is attending their final year at ?gymnasiet? in Sweden which is equivalent to USA?s senior year in high school.The multicultural school is today a fact and many immigrants attending the Swedish schools today feels misplaced when they meet the Swedish culture through fellow students and society. A clash between cultures occurs and most of the students, with non-Swedish ethnicity, live some kind of dual life.

Energideklaration- Vad är det och hur ska det hanteras i fastighetsbranschen?

AbstractThe Energy Declaration is a law that will come into effect October 1: Th 2006. This report has Värnamo municipality as principal and shall clarify what the estate owner in general and Värnamo municipality in particular need to know about this law. Another part that is going to be dealt with is how large the future need for energy experts in this field will be, and which competence that will be demanded for them.The work will in general deal with simplified energy declarations for apartment houses and public buildings, since these buildings are the first to be involved with energy declarations.The energy declaration will consist of a number of important components.? Energy power i.e. how much energy the building consume? If the ventilation control is done? If the radon measurement is carried out? Recommendations of measures to improve the energy power? Reference value to compare the buildings energy power againstAccording to the law the declaration shall been made by an independent expert, which will need certain information for this.

Marginaliserad kunskap? ? En kritisk studie av representationen av genusvetenskaplig litteratur i klassifikationssystem och ämnesordslistor

The main focus of this master?s thesis concerns the relation between subject representation, power and gender. Classification systems and subject heading lists are products of their cultural and social context and some subjects and disciplines are given a greater value than others. Our aim in this thesis is twofold; to discuss and critically analyse the prevailing gender norms that are expressed trough classification systems and subject heading lists and to examine how they manage to represent gender studies as a multidisciplinary subject in theory as well as in practice. We are also discussing the particular problems with the representation of multidisciplinary subjects in general.

Patienternas upplevelse av att vara fastande inför akutoperation

SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Preoperativ fasta har under många år varit en traditionell metod för att minska risken för aspiration medan patienten är under generell anestesi och för att eliminera risken för postoperativ illamående och kräkningar. Studier visar att trots riktlinjer och rekommendationer gällande preoperativ fasta fastar många patienter i onödan i flera dagar än nödvändigt. Detta kan orsaka skador och obehag hos patienten som till exempel: törst, huvudvärk, illamående, svaghet och trötthet.Syfte: Syfte med denna studie var att undersöka hur patienter upplever fasta mer än 12 timmar innan en akutoperation.Metod: Arbetet hade en kvalitativ ansats där 12 patienter som genomgått akut operation inkluderades. Data samlades in genom en semistrukturerad intervju, med hjälp av öppna frågor enligt en intervjuguide och analyserades med hjälp av manifest innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman.Resultat: Analyserna resulterade i fyra kategorier: Preoperativ information, upplevelse av fasta, hantering av preoperativ fasta och upplevelse av preoperativ tid och åtta underkategorier: Bristfällig information, tillräcklig information, bristfällig kunskap trots tidigare vårderfarenhet, fysisk påverkan, psykisk påverkan, strategi, väntetid och fastetid.Slutsats: Deltagarna i studien upplevde brist på information och kunskaper om den preoperativa fastans betydelse. Studien visade att patienterna som väntade på akut operation på akutvårdsavdelning fastade längre än nödvändigt trots riktlinjer och rekommendationer gällande preoperativ fasta från Svensk förening för Anestesi och Intensivvård (SFAI).

Sambandet mellan psykisk ohälsa och hälsorelaterade levnadsvanor bland kvinnor och män i en skånsk befolkning

Bakgrund: Daglig rökning och låg fysisk aktivitet på fritiden är betydligt högre bland individer med psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Att undersöka dessa samband i ett köns- och socioekonomiskt perspektiv, samt eventuellt finna bakomliggande orsaker. Metod: Använder data från en tvärsnittsstudie (Folkhälsoenkät, Skåne 2000) med en representativ population (n = 11 304) i åldern 18-65. Huvudvariabler är självrapporterad daglig rökning och låg fysisk aktivitet, samt psykisk ohälsa som bedöms via General Health Questionnaire-12. Analyser gjordes med logistisk regression för att få oddskvoter och kontrollera för möjliga confounders. Resultat: Samband finns mellan psykisk ohälsa och daglig rökning, respektive låg fysisk aktivitet bland båda könen, och bland socioekonomiska grupper. Kvinnor har signifikant lägre oddskvoter gällande båda sambanden. Individer med psykisk ohälsa har fler ofördelaktiga levnadsvanor än de med ej psykisk ohälsa, oavsett socioekonomisk status.

Prissättningen av bostadsrätter: Vilka faktorer påverkar priserna, vad är riktpriset för en lägenhet?: - En mikrostudie av Södermalm i Stockholm

Those who have invested in apartments, i.e. tenant-ownership, within the city centre of Stockholm have gained a higher than expected return on investment due to a buoyant real estate market. During the latest twelve-month period, the prices have risen more than 20 per cent in the city of Stockholm, resulting in an increased wealth together with a higher debt burden among investors. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which factors determine the prices from a micro perspective, and to what extent. An attempt is particularly made to estimate the degree of capitalization of the monthly fees; a factor which has turned out to be important according to other studies; but also to construct pricing models in order to set target prices for apartments.

Resultatet av 150 års samlande : en dokumentation av Gästrike-Hälsinge nations konstsamling

There is an old saying, that after Epaminondas nothing was ever the same again. In this thesis I will focus on three questions: "Epaminondas the man." Who was he? "Epaminondas the general." How did he change the technique of warfare that made it possible to beat the Spartans? "Epaminondas, founder of cities and wall-builder." How did he build the walls around the cities he initiated, that made them resist enemy attacks for many years to come?While seeking the answers to yhese questions I will make a contextual analysis to get the historical background to all the phenomina involved..

Bibliotek Plattan : en plats för inspiration, lärande och möten?

The main focal point of this study is about public libraries and its possible roles in today's society. Going from having had a clear educational orientation, public libraries has with time amassed several other roles, which all need to relate to the swedish law regarding libraries and other governing documents, as well as business plans. This thesis focus on a qualitative investigation, which was conducted through in-depth interviews with librarians and other staff at a public library in Stockholm, named bibliotek Plattan, to ascertain the prevailing opinions within this facility about the role of libraries and librarians. The choice of examine this particular library was based on the fact that bibliotek Plattan differs from the public library in general and only offers material for adults. Their collection of litterature is primarily based on fiction novels.

Miljö i fokus - En studie av de bakomliggande drivkrafterna för den ökade miljömedvetenheten inom svensk kemiindustri

BACKGROUND & During the last century, the Swedish chemical industry has developedPROBLEM: considerably in regard to respecting the environment. Following various discharges and pollutions during the first half of the 20th century, environmental concepts such as CSR, Responsible Care and REACH have developed in order to improve the situation. Today, environmental issues play a central role in the society, but what are the reasons behind this increased environmental commitment? PURPOSE & The purpose of this thesis paper is to study the driving forces behindDELIMITATIONS: the increased environmental awareness in companies. Is this mainly due to stricter legislations, or do factors like pressure from the general public, the industry or customers play a more vital role? Furthermore, do economic incentives exist, that make it interesting for companies to invest in environmental awareness? Since the chemical industry spans over a wide spectrum in regard to environmental issues, this paper will focus on a specific area of the industry.

Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan

In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.

XP ett stöd eller ett hinder?

Detta arbete är en reflektion över ett programvaruutvecklingsprojekt, WAIS, och den arbetsmetodik som användes för detta projekt. Arbetsmetodiken för utvecklings-projektet var Extreme Programming (XP) och vi ifrågasätter om detta val var lämpligt för ett projekt som WAIS. Projektet genomfördes vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola under våren 2004. Utvecklingsprojektet WAIS var en del av ett större projekt, AIS 42, som stöds av VINNOVA. Huvudprojektets bakgrund och syfte beskrivs för att läsaren skall förstå den roll projektet hade. Studenternas uppgift har varit att utveckla en prototyp för ett system som skall sprida information relaterad till logistik och transporter.

Samhällskunskap - ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av globaliseringens inverkan på samhällskunskapen

In preparation for the autumn term in 2011, the Swedish elementary school adopted newsyllabuses regarding,inter alia, the civic education (Sw. Samhällskunskap). The civiceducation has traditionally been a disciplinary subject with a main purpose of mediatingdemocratic values as well as providing general orientation in the society. Generally, the civiceducation intends to reflect the world in which people live in, being a complex society whichto a large extent is regularly affected by global aspects and developments.The purpose of this study is to review all the elementary school?s syllabuses relating to thecivic education with specific focus on the globalisation perspective.

Hvitoren - så får Ni tvätten ren och vit : en kvantitatif undersökning af nystafning och gammalstafning i tidningstext och annonser

There is an old saying, that after Epaminondas nothing was ever the same again. In this thesis I will focus on three questions: "Epaminondas the man." Who was he? "Epaminondas the general." How did he change the technique of warfare that made it possible to beat the Spartans? "Epaminondas, founder of cities and wall-builder." How did he build the walls around the cities he initiated, that made them resist enemy attacks for many years to come?While seeking the answers to yhese questions I will make a contextual analysis to get the historical background to all the phenomina involved..

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