

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 13 av 219

"LIA eller morfin spinalt vid primär total höftplastik". : en långtidsuppföljning av effekter för postoperativ smärta och mobilisering.

Vid operation av primär total höftplastik finns det olika metoder för postoperativ smärtlindring. En tidigare genomförd studie på ett mellansvenskt sjukhus (nedan kallad ?höftprojektet?) visade att ?Local infiltration analgesia? (LIA) initialt minskade postoperativ smärta, underlättade mobilisering samt förkortade vårdtiden, jämfört med spinalt morfin. I denna studie genomfördes en långtidsuppföljning av höftprojektet med mätningar efter 6 respektive 12 veckor. Studiegruppen hade fått LIA vid operationsslutet och kontrollgruppen spinalt morfin.

Krav på kraven - Varför kravspecifikationer inte uppdateras och vad det kan ge för konsekvenser

Detta magisterarbete fokuserar på kravhantering i systemutvecklingsprocessen. Mer specifikt handlar det om uppdatering av kravspecifikationen då nya krav tillkommer. Detta är en aktivitet som ofta förbises och jag har velat se varför samt vilka konsekvenser det kan leda till. Det referensföretag där undersökningen utfördes är ITT Flygt i Emmaboda och Solna, som har intern utveckling av system för sin verksamhet. Tillvägagångssättet i undersökningen har främst varit intervjuer, men även studier av de dokument som finns i verksamheten.

Att mötas i mitten. : En studie om romska föräldrars samarbete med sina barns skolor.

That parents should be a part in their children?s education is something that we educationalist wish for the future. Research show that if you have a good relation between parents and school, it can help a student's educational process. In this study I have concentrated on the Swedish minority group Roma. The study is qualitative and based on interviews with Roma.

Individens upplevelser av arbetslöshet : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar hur arbetslösa upplever och hanterarsin situation och hur dessa upplevelser kan förklaras

That parents should be a part in their children?s education is something that we educationalist wish for the future. Research show that if you have a good relation between parents and school, it can help a student's educational process. In this study I have concentrated on the Swedish minority group Roma. The study is qualitative and based on interviews with Roma.

Ungdomars syn på islam : En undersökning vid fem gymnasieskolor i Kalmar och Jönköping

With this essay I have tried to give an image of some Swedish teenagers opinions about Islam. I have also done research on how the Swedish school depicts Islam and how the media in Sweden and other western countries describe Islam and Muslims. I have come to the conclusion that the media do not give a positive image of Muslims and their religion. One the contrary, Muslims are talked about in relation to negative subjects. This is an image that seems to have influenced how young people in Sweden look at Muslims.I have handed out a questionnaire at schools in Kalmar and Jönköping, Sweden.

Hur känner du inför att bli sövd? : Patienters upplevelse inför generell anestesi

Tanken på att komma till en operationsavdelning kan upplevas som främmande och i visa fall även skrämmande. På en operationsavdelning ska flera operationer genomföras under en dag och flödet av patienter och operationer ska ske effektivt. För att patienten ska uppleva trygghet och få god omvårdnad i den situationen är det av stor vikt att få ta del av patientens tankar och känslor inför generell anestesi. Syftet med studien var just att beskriva patienters tankar och känslor inför generell anestesi. För att bäst kunna besvara syftet har en öppen kvalitativ induktiv intervjustudie med livsvärldsperspektiv använts i den här studien.

Friluftslivets inverkan på hälsan : En intervjustudie med friluftsaktiva individer

Lot?s of reasons are showing that outdoor life has a positive influence on the general publics health and studies are confirming this theory. On the other hand there are a few amount of Swedish science project?s regarding outdoor life. The aim of this study was to examine how people feel that their health influences by outdoor life.

Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmiljö i primärvård och en kartläggning av arbetstidens innehåll

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorism

The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next.

Bevarande av dagstidningar i Sverige en probleminventering

The main purpose of this thesis has been to identify and discuss problems connected with the preservation of newspapers in Sweden. Another purpose was to see if the preservation of newspapers has been influenced by the fact that preservation studies in general concerns printed monographs and digital materials. This qualitative study is partly based upon interviews with four librarians experienced in working with newspapers and preservation. The thesis deals with cultural heritage in general and on a more specific level with newspapers where the following questions are dealt with: Why preserve? Who preserves? How to preserve? and What is preserved? Strategies used for preserving newspapers such as paper, microfilming and digitization are described as well as legal deposit, the Swedish microfilming programme and TIDEN, a digitization project of newspapers.

Intranät En kommunikationskanal för alla?

Intranet is today a common technical groupware to communicate in many organisations. People can interact through the Intranet and communicate within the organization and get relevant information according to their workplace. It can be difficult to get everybody to use the Intranet as an information- and communication tool. This causes problems when people want to reach out with information. With these thoughts we entered our work at Luftfartsverket at Arlanda airport.

Att be om hjälp utan att fråga

This report is our Master thesis. Our work has taken place at a one-stop-shop in Sölvesborg during the spring of 2002. We have conducted ethnographical studies concerning the one-stop-shops frontdesk and telephone exchange. During these studies we became aware of some differences under which the daily work was to be carried out. When operating the switchboard the staff usually work alone and perform the tasks individually.

Artefakter i utveckling - Om designartefakters betydelse i en utvecklingsprocess

Genom att föra samman människor med olika bakgrund och utbildning kan åtskilliga idéer skapas, nya metoder utvecklas och mer kreativa och originella designlösningar produceras. Baksidan är, att ju fler olika människor med olika bakgrund som är involverade i ett projekt desto svårare blir det att kommunicera inom gruppen av olika individer och svårare att komma vidare i en design- och utvecklingsprocess. Vi har under våren deltagit som en del i ett större programvaruutvecklingsprojekt och skapat och använt oss av flera olika designartefakter som medel för att främja samarbete, kommunikation och designarbetet av den produkt vi utvecklade. I denna uppsats beskriver vi hur dessa designartefakter har kommit till, förändrats och hur de har påverkat oss och vårt designarbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa på vilket sätt man kan integrera metoder från olika discipliner i ett programvaruutvecklingsprojekt och framförallt hur arbetet med, och kring designartefakter spelar en viktig roll i utvecklingen av en produkt..

Läcksökning med penetrant ? kvalitetssäkring av

Vacuum box leak testing is, because of geometrical problems, not always possible andtherefore an alternate test method with dye penetrant is used. DEKRA Industrial has identifieda need for quality assurance of the method and development of a written procedure withguidelines that lead to more uniform ways of testing.A literature study was done to get a general overview of nondestructive testing (NDT) and tosee how the method is used in different applications. European and American standards werestudied. Analytical and numerical solutions, involving flow simulation, were deemed to berather difficult and beyond the scoop of this project. Thus the problems had to be solved byusing experimental methods.

Genusperspektiv i barnbibliotekariers arbete ? Vilka attityder har de till genusfrågor i förmedlingsarbetet?

This Master?s Thesis aims to examine the attitudes concerning gender issues among children?s librarians. The main purpose is to examine what their views on the subject are, and if they consider gender issues when acquiring and mediating books. We are also interested in their opinions about gender stereotyping in children?s books.

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