

3276 Uppsatser om General anesthesia - Sida 12 av 219

Vad är det som skiljer vuxna med diabetes, i att bemästra sin sjukdom

Background: Diabetes is a common disease where the degree of self-management is of paramount importance. Individual factors influences both cooping and general wellbeing among diabetic patients. Glycemic control is known to be important but other factors ought to be considered. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how individual self-management influences the general wellbeing among adult diabetic patients. Method: This literature study is based on scientific articles.

Anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Patienter som står inför ett operativt ingrepp upplever ofta oro och stress i den perioperativa miljön. Oro förbrukar stora mängder energi som kan ge sig uttryck i huvudvärk, irritabilitet, olust och vanmaktskänsla. Tidigare studier har dock visat att anestesisjuksköterskan har genom det goda mötet möjlighet att lindra patientens lidande i dessa situationer. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med anestesisjuksköterskor som har minst fem års erfarenhet av perioperativt vårdande.

Entreprenörernas åsikter om Sydveds samarbetsförmåga :

This report is the result of a questionnaire survey done in cooperation with the company Sydved and their contractors. The investigation concerned all their ordinary contractors. The main goal with the study was to find out the contractors opinion about the current cooperation conditions with Sydved, their opinion about the future and how to improve the cooperation. All contractors got a questionnaire to fill in and return within a given date. The percentage of answers was 48 % at the first stage and further 11 % answered after reminder. The result of the investigation indicated that the contractors in general have a positive attitude to Sydved and the way that the company acts.

Att opereras och vara vaken : Upplevelser utifrån patientperspektivet

Det är vanligt att patienter som genomgår kirurgi får antingen lokal eller regional anestesi istället för att bli helt sövda. Denna anestesiform kräver mycket av patienten avseende samarbete. Den perioperativa omvårdnaden anpassas under varje operation efter den enskilde patientens behov. Denna studie har utförts som en litteraturstudie med syftet att beskriva patienters upplevelser under vaken kirurgi. Resultatet kategoriserades utefter tre teman; Upplevelser av smärta och obekvämlighet, Upplevelser av oro och ångest och Upplevelser av utsatthet eller delaktighet.

?Att man tagit dom på allvar är nog det viktigaste av allt?. Folkbibliotekariers uppfattningar kring bemötande utifrån ett allmänetiskt och yrkesetiskt perspektiv

The aim of this master thesis is to study the relationship between general ethics and professional ethics, to attain an understanding of which values that are given priority in the profession of the librarian regarding personal encounter towards library users. The posed questions are: How can fundamental ethical principles be understood through the view of public librarians? How can policy documents regarding librarian ethics be understood through the view of public librarians? How can policy documents regarding librarian ethics be problematized in relation to fundamental ethical principles? We used four focus groups consisting of public librarians. Three theoretical frameworks create the base of the analysis; four fundamental ethical principles, ethical guidelines for Swedish librarians and recommendations for Swedish librarians in the reference service. Three main issues emerge in the study; equalistic personal encounter where the principle of justice is emphasized but also problematized, library users? integrity which mainly coincide with the principle of autonomy and finally the librarian?s professional role which are being defined by librarian specific competence to refrain violation of the principle of injury avoidance.

Vilka faktorer påverkar patientens känsla av tillfredsställelse och komfort vid en bronkoskopiundersökning?

Många patienter som genomgår en flexibel bronkoskopiundersökning på operationsavdelningen känner sig inte tillfredsställda med upplevelsen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken forskning som är gjord på patienternas komfort och känsla av tillfredsställelse under en bronkoskopiundersökning. Studien är genomförd som en litteraturstudie. Sökning har gjorts i olika databaser som Cinahl, PubMed och PsykINFO med nyckelord som bronchoscopy, patientsatisfaction, adult, anesthesia local, information service och psyocological stress. Efter sökningen valdes åtta studier ut för analys.

Distribution av känslig data

Information Technology (IT) makes it possible to electronically distribute data between actorswho are in geographically diverse areas. Nowadays, information is sent less frequently throughtraditional correspondence in favor of faster electronic equivalents via the internet.Despite effective IT environmentand secure encryption techniques choose some actors to sendinformation through physical delivery. This phenomenon occurs in those working withconfidential information as it is handled by a number of rules and safety regulations.Based on a set of rules and requirements, we have looked over the possibility of sending sensitiveinformation electronically over the internet. The aim was to find general guidelines for howcompanies and organizations should manage and send sensitive information over insecurenetworks. This led us to our research question: How can information be exchanged betweenactors in geographically diverse areas be categorized and encrypted so that it can be transportedover the internet without security or integrity deficiencies?To answer the question, there was a case study at a defense company.

Sjuksköterskans postoperativa omhändertagande av patienter som genomgått generell narkos.

Tidigare forskning visar att patienter har olika behov postoperativt, det är sjuksköterskans uppgift att anpassa omvårdnaden till individen. Patienter har postoperativt ett extra stort behov av information. Sjuksköterskor och patienter har olika åsikter om vilka behov som ska tillgodoses först. Sjuksköterskan anser att kompetenta vårdgivare, smärtlindring och den behandling som vårdpersonal ger ska prioriteras först. Det viktigaste för patienterna var kompetenta vårdgivare, kommunikation samt god omvårdnad.

Biblioteken är det ingen som ifrågasätter. Om folkbibliotekens roll i kommunalpolitiken

The aim of this Master's thesis is to study what place public libraries have in local politics, particularly from the point of view of the politicians. To answer this, I have interviewed politicians, participated as a silent observer of a public debate, and studied articles on library politics in newspapers and other press. The results show that politicians in general have a positive view of libraries and good co-operation with library professionals, and that they have a fairly up-to-date view of libraries. They are, however, less interested in library issues in general, and are often complacent with the way things are already running. The newspaper studies show that library issues are usually only discussed when a specific library is somehow in danger.

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

Kartläggning och analys av tjänsteprocessen i IKEA-varuhus ur kundens perspektiv

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

Obehörig vinst

Unjustified enrichment is used as legal basis when a part claims compensation. Unjustified enrichment can be illustrated as: (A) made a profit on someone else?s loss (B) and if the profit is"unjustified"and has"no legal basis"it shall be returned, which then make it possible for B to claim compensation from A referring to the profit. B has in this case lost something that he owns. To be able to claim A for compensation must the loss of B also be a benefit for A.

"Det finns ett språk bortom orden" : en kunskapsöversikt av musikterapeutisk rehabilitering av skador i prosodi och pragmatik vid högersidiga traumatiska hjärnskador

AbstractBruzelius, E. (2010). Adolescents and sexuality ? Attitudes among employees at Juvenile receptions in Gävleborgs län. Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv.The aim of the current study was to examine and describe what perceptions and values of em-ployees at Juvenile receptions in the county of Gävleborg have about adolescents? sexual and general health.

Tredjemanskontroll - Säker rätt är säkert rättssäker : En studie med utgångspunkt i betänkandet Förbudet mot dubbla förfaranden och andra rättssäkerhetsfrågor i skatteförfarandet (SOU 2013:62)

SKV and Tullverket have several important tools and methods available in each activity to ensure that taxes and fees are paid and charged rightfully. Among other things they use tax or customs surcharges, targeted and general third party injunctions or targeted and general third party audits. The targeted controls, ergo targeted injunctions and audits, are targeted towards specific persons or documents while during the general controls these are not specified. The methods have repeatedly been the subject of discussions and attempts to simplify the tax procedure and increase the Rule of Law for the individual.The government appointed a commission on March 8 of the year 2012 with the assignment to prepare proposals to increase the Rule of Law in the tax procedure. The assignment was therefore to analyze the areas of tax and customs injunctions, reimbursement because of expenses and agents and also third party controls.

Fotbollssupporterns dramaturgi

What kind of self images characterise a football supporter? This question is the main focus of this thesis. Therefore, the thesis is trying to find distinguishing characteristic traits for football supporters. This work has been carried out through qualitative interviews with individuals who define themselves as football supporters. The interviews were mainly focused on two different types of supporters, official supporters and other supporters.

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