6448 Uppsatser om Gender perspective. - Sida 33 av 430
Pop, identitet och genus i Kamratposten och Julia
AbstractIn this essay I am examining the representation of popmusic with particular focus on gender and identity in two youth magazines called Kamratposten and Julia. Using the method of Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis I have studied ten interviews with popmusicians from each magazine based on the theorys of representations, discourses within popularmusic and queer theory. The intention with this study was to examine how popularmusic is represented in youth magazines. If the magazines were reproducing femininity and masculinity in the interviews with the musicians, and in the representation of popmusic in the magazines. And also if there were any differences and similarities between the magazines regarding the representation of popmusicians.The analysis lead to the conclusions that how popmusic is represented in the magazines depends on what the magazines wan´t to represent on the basis of their target groups and ideologies.
Pojkars maskulinitetsskapande i samtida skönlitterära ungdomsböcker
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine boys?/young men?s forming of masculinity and gender identity and how discussions around gender stereotypes and conceptions represents themselves in contemporary youth novels. Gender theory based upon R.W. Connell?s theoretical framework which discusses masculinities in plural is used.
Gender segregated or gender integrated workgroups?
Malmö högskola
Skolutveckling och ledarskap
Vårterminen 2006
Filimon Fasola, Magdalena (2006) Könssegregerat eller könsintegrerat grupparbete? (Gender segregated or gender integrated workgroups?) Malmö: Lärarutbildnnigen
Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken inställning till arbetet i könsintegrerade respektive könssegregerade grupper eleverna har i de klasser jag undervisade i under min vft. Undersökningen gjordes i två klasser, en sjua och en åtta. Arbetet avgränsades av tre frågeställningar:
? Vilken inställning har eleverna till arbetet i könsintegrerade respektive könssegregerade grupper?
? Har vanan att umgås med det motsatta könet utanför skolan någon betydelse för hur eleverna ser på arbetet i könsintegrerade respektive könssegregerade grupper?
? Har gruppsammansättningen någon betydelse för hur eleverna arbetar?
Arbetet grundar sig på litteraturstudier och en kvantitativ undersökning som består av en enkät.
Min slutsats är att både pojkarna och flickorna i undersökningen föredrar könsintegrerade grupper.
Nyckelord: Genus, grupparbete, könsintegration, könssegregation
Författare: Magdalena Filimon Fasola Handledare: Elna Johansson.
Påverkas ledarskap i en kvinnodominerad organisation av könsrollsstereotyper - En studie av skillnader i ledarskap mellan män och kvinnor i en kvinnodominerad organisation.
Research within gender and leadership has often focused on leaders in male dominated work areas, but quite recently interest has arise for examine leadership in female dominated work areas. This thesis analyzes possible differences connected to theories about gender stereotypes that may exist among male and female leaders within a female dominated organization. Further, possible underlying reasons to why or why not differences between genders might be found are investigated. The research question is addressed through a single embedded case study design at the Swedish public organization Försäkringskassan. The primary focus is middle managers, and twenty qualitative interviews were conducted with leaders and co-workers at two local offices and at the organizations headquarter.
Hur svårt kan det va´? : Från formuleringsnivå via transformeringsnivå till realiseringsnivå i ämnet Dansgestaltning på gymnasiet
This report is a hermeneutic analytical study of a practical pedagogical situation. For three occasions I observed my own practice as a dance teacher and how a moment, choreographic approach in the governing documents for upper secondary school GY11 was executed in a group of dance students. The part is formulated in the course objectives for the courses on the arts program under the topic Dansgestaltning with focus on choreographic approach. The study is based on a socio-cultural thinking but also takes into account the prevailing gender theories and focuses on how the process of formulation level, through the transformation level is portrayed in the realization level of the dance regarding choreographic approach. The study illustrates educational research from both a dance perspective and a school development perspective.
Gränsen mellan positiv särbehandling och diskriminering
Positive action is measures that usually constitute discrimination but which are justified when achieving the purpose of an effective equality between people of the society. Positive action regarding gender is regulated in primary law, secondary law and case law of the EU whereas positive action regarding other discrimination groups is regulated in secondary law and negligible regulated in case law.There is a boundary between positive action and discrimination. Primary law gives little guidance on determine that boundary. Secondary law provides more advanced guidelines of how to determining were the boundary is.When determining were the boundaries lays between positive action and discrimination the guidelines given by the European court of justice in case law can be used. The majority of these guidelines are focused on positive action regarding gender.
"Brandman är mitt första mål" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om ungdomars framtida studie- och yrkesval utifrån ett sociokulturellt och könstillhörande perspektiv
Sweden is a country based on democracy and equality. As a result, both men and women areencouraged to aspire equal career opportunities.The aim of this study is to explore how social and cultural contexts, as well as gender aspects,affect Swedish Upper Secondary Class pupils when they choose career. The study focuses onstudents who have chosen an ambitious school curriculum.As method, the study uses both qualitative interviews with students and a quantitative survey.The theoretical framework is based on gender theory and on the social and cultural contexttheory of Bourdieu.The result of the study shows that gender and social as well as cultural context affect students?ambitions and career choices..
Kvinnligt eller manligt? ? En genusstudie av karaktärsgestaltningarna i några av dagens populäraste bilderböcker för barn
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how gender is described in some of the most popular children?s picture books in year 2007 and 2008. The theory used is based on Berger?s and Luckmann?s theory about Social construction, Bjerrum Nielsen?s and Rudberg?s theory about Gender socialization, Gens? theory How girls becomes women and boys becomes men and Hirdman?s theory about Gender contracts. The method used is an analysis of ideal types.
Språkmönster i elevtexter : En undersökning av elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv
The aim with this study is to conduct a text analysis of 40 texts from www.skrivbanken.se . The texts were written by fifteen year old boys and girls in the school subject Swedish. The texts were analyzed from a Gender perspective. The differences in contents, the use of concepts, attitudes towards the imposed information and formality were examined.. The theoretical background on expectations on gender roles was used to construct a framework for analyzing the text. The result shows that there were more differences between the individuals in every sex group rather than between the two groups.
"Det blev för mycket Strindberg" : -Lärares resonemang kring sin litteraturundervisning
This study aims to show how teachers talk about their teaching with regards to gender in relation to literature.We have interviewed four teachers of Swedish for upper secondary school to discover how they feel about, and understand, the fact that gender is a factor in the teaching of literature and that they should present to the students literature written by both male and female authors. To analyze the interviews we use Sannersted's (1991) theory about teachers as street-level-bureaucrats ("närbyråkrater"). He states that teachers are persons who have to follow what politicians have decided but they are fairly free to choose how they do it, but to be able to follow a decision as closely as possible three qualifications have to be met. The teachers have to understand the decision, be able to follow it and want to follow it. We find that the teachers that we have interviewed are aware that they discuss gender issues with their students and they all claim that they present a variation of authors to their students.
Bilden av kvinnliga och manliga elitfotbollspelare i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter : ? en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av fotbollsVM 2002 och 2003
Author: Camilla AnderssonTitle: The depiction of female and male elite soccer players in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter ? A quantitative and discursive analysis of the World Cup 2002 and 2003Level of education: CSubject: Media and Communication Studies Umeå University: Department of Culture and Media Studies Term: Spring 2004 Pages: 70 The purpose of this essay is that from a gender theoretical and critical discourse analysis perspective study how the image of the Swedish football national teams and players in the 2002 World Cup (men) and 2003 (women) were constructed in the media coverage. I analyze articles published in Dagens Nyheter, Swedens biggest morningpaper and Aftonbladet, biggest eveningpaper. The method is based on a quantitative content analysis, and critical discourse analysis in which I use van Dijk's analytical approach. Issues :1. What constructed the World Cup in 2002 and 2003 players and teams, from a gender theoretical perspective in the mediatexts?2.
Det är viktigt att eleverna känner igen sig i boken : Om normer kring kön och sexualitet i fem svenska barnböcker och urvalsprinciper i grundskolans tidigare år
The purpose of this study is to understand how the school manages to question norms, and in doing so might prevent its students from being subjected to discrimination and other degrading treatment. This has been done with a focus on how gender related norms are represented, reproduced and questioned in children?s fictional literature. Two methods have been used; a survey and an literary analysis. The survey was conducted on primary school teachers with the intent to collect information related to their thoughts when choosing books to use in their classrooms, and also to source commonly used fiction.
Jens är het och Anja kämpar : En jämförelse av genusrepresentationen i SVT:s Sportspegeln och Lilla sportspegeln
This report is an analysis of the gender representation in Swedish sports media, a comparison between sport in public service television for adults and children. The study explores the differences between the number of male and female sports in the matter of air time and also the number of male and female appearances in the TV shows. The programs studied in this report are the Swedish SVT?s Sportspegeln and Lilla sportspegeln. When we began this analysis we were under the impression that men would be over-represented, but that representation in sports television for children would be more gender equal than the adult counterpart. The result of the analysis confirmed previous studies stating that men dominate the sports programs in Swedish public service television.
Den enda likheten mellan könsblandade och kvinnliga nätverk är att det serveras bulle och kaffe : En studie om betydelsen av kvinnors relationer till professionella nätverk
Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.
Marginaliserad kunskap? ? En kritisk studie av representationen av genusvetenskaplig litteratur i klassifikationssystem och ämnesordslistor
The main focus of this master?s thesis concerns the relation between subject representation, power and gender. Classification systems and subject heading lists are products of their cultural and social context and some subjects and disciplines are given a greater value than others. Our aim in this thesis is twofold; to discuss and critically analyse the prevailing gender norms that are expressed trough classification systems and subject heading lists and to examine how they manage to represent gender studies as a multidisciplinary subject in theory as well as in practice. We are also discussing the particular problems with the representation of multidisciplinary subjects in general.