

6448 Uppsatser om Gender perspective. - Sida 11 av 430

Talande Toner : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar angående tidig språkutveckling.

Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine how children perceive the relation between play and sex and analyse it from a Gender perspective. This by answering the questions: "Is the children?s choice of place, materials and company in play dependent on gender?" and "Is there a significant difference between the sexes and/or ages?" The study was done through twelve focusgroup interviews with three children in each group except two groups of two children in each. Eight boys and nine girls of six years old and nine boys and eight girls of nine years old were interviewed. Boys and girls were interviewed in separate groups and the questions were open ended and followed up.

"När jag blir stor vill jag jobba som...." : Om genusmedvetenhet och vägledning i skolans tidigare år

Vår studie, som omfattar sex intervjuer, fokuserar på genusmedvetenhet hos vägledare. På vilket sätt de arbetar med genus i mötet med elever för att vidga perspektiv och på vilket sätt de kan tänka sig att arbeta med att skapa en genusmedvetenhet hos elever i år 4-6. Vårt resultat visar att genusmedvetenhet är ett svårt begrepp som har olika betydelse för vägledarna. Vägledarna menar att de inte arbetar på ett planerat genusmedvetet arbetssätt idag men vi ser att de omedvetet arbetar med genusperspektivet genom olika aktiviteter. I arbetet med elever i år 4-6, vill vägledarna bidra på olika sätt med att vidga elevernas perspektiv gällande självuppfattning, yrken och arbetsmarknad.

Lärarens jämställdhetsarbete : Ordval & Litteratur i genusöverblick

The aim of this thesis is to show gender equality in school for teacher's choice of words with gender-sensitive language related to children's literature "Do you know Pippi Longstocking?". Work has focused on preschool and grade 1. The theme of the thesis is that the teaching profession should look human. The study provides a literature review of the teacher's choice of words in the gender order as the words hen, man, gender, sex, etc., and a review of Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren on the basis of the related concepts.

Genus och informationsteknik ? En studie av kön/genusrelationer bland bibliotekspersonal

The purpose of this study is to examine sex/gender relations amongst staff in public libraries who have taken part in projects related to information technology. This is done through e-mail surveys and telephone interviews with staff who have participated in the development of the two library websites Mina bibliotek and Biblioteket.se regarding their experiences. The theoretical basis for the analysis is two gender theoretical perspectives with reference to technology. The first perspective is represented by Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning the gender system, in which women and men are kept apart and in which there is always a hierarchy where men are higher up, and Hanna Westberg-Wohlgemuth?s theory concerning sex marking of job-tasks.

En (o)jämställd organisation : En studie om kvinnliga polisers upplevelse av dess arbetssituation och karriärmöjligheter

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to examine the work situation and career opportunities among women police. We use a gender perspective as a guideline during the examination. Despite words of being, and work to create, gender neutral organization, women police is greatly underrepresented. The interviewed women gave a picture of an organization in which they had to work harder than their male colleagues to advance. The biggest problem seems to lie in the hierarchy dominated by male police officers and the fact that women, during pregnancy, are missing out on valuable time at work, and thus, also essential experiences for future career advancement.

Barnbokens karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv : normativt eller normutmanande

The aim of this paper is to examine how gender roles are described in two children's books and compare the results against the curriculum Lgr11 's values. The compared books have different aims though one of the analyzed books claimed to go against the gender roles and the other one isn?t. The method of analysis is discourse analysis and deconstruction of the text by using Nikolajeva´s (2004) pattern for stereotype gender descriptions and Kåreland´s (2005) analysis of story actions based on gender representations in children's literature. The analysis of the texts shows that there are differences between how the two books characters are described depending on gender. What emerges is that in one of the books femininity is valued high but instead it lacks equality between the sexes, while in the second book the main characters are described as equal even though the other characters are described in a stereotypical way.

Interkulturellt förhållningssätt i förskolan : ambitioner och paradoxer

Background: Sweden has become a society with a multicultural population. Many children start preschools with different backgrounds and experiences. Teachers today face the task of meet those children in the best way. Södertörn University has a special profile on their teacher education, the intercultural profile.Aims: My report focuses on teachers who have been working in preschools for about one to two years after graduating from the intercultural education at Södertörn University. The report aims at finding out more about their experiences and thoughts about the intercultural approach after having worked in the Swedish preschool with a special focus on the intersectional perspective on cultural phenomena class, gender and ethnicity.

Mot alla odds : en studie om Kristina av Sverige ur ett genusperspektiv

Queen Kristina of Sweden (1626-1689) was in many ways an interesting, fascinating but also a very complicated woman, who has been studied widely by historians and other scholars throughout the years. However, there are few people who have considered the queens attitude towards the male norm which characterize Sweden, and most of Europe, during the seventeenth century.My purpose with this essay is therefore to apply the historian and gender expert Yvonne Hirdman´s theory about the gender system and the hierarchical order, where the male is the norm and representative of what is considered to be normal in the society, on literature regarding Queen Kristina of Sweden. The historical method of this essay will be historiography, as a result of the fact that my study is based on other historians and scholars research. Moreover, my intention is to include Kristina´s entire life in Sweden, from her birth as far as to her abdication from the Swedish throne and study this through the gender perspective introduced above. With this mentioned my essay therefore is named Against All Odds.

Ännu en genusanalys? En granskning av hur kvinnor och män framställs i islam och hinduism.

The aim of this Bachelor essay is to examine the portrayal of women and men constructed in two textbooks aimed for religious studies. The aim is also to examine how the image relates to the curriculum directives on gender equality. The theory consists of gender theory based on work by Catharina Raudvere, Jeanette Sky and Yvonne Hirdman. Previous research on gender and textbooks has shown that male perspective often dominates and that the female perspective is insertions in the rest of the text.?Genustrappan? (gender stairs) are used as analysis method.

Kvinna eller man- spelar kön någon roll? : En genusstudie av LVM-domar.

The aim of the study was to see how men and women taken into custody care byLVM were described in the sentences through a Gender perspective. The aim wasalso to lay more focus on young substance abusers and see in which extent youngsubstance abusers are judged to institutional care through custody care by LVM.Through a documentary study of 77 LVM sentences in Småland in Sweden, theintention of the study was to see whether women and men are judged and treatedequally or if gender makes a difference and in which way the judgement is different?The questions are in witch extent men and women are judged to institutional carethrough custody care by LVM and how the social indication LVM 4 § 3 b) are usedin the sentences when it is younger men and women that are substance abusers. Thestudy also covered a survey about how women and men are described in the sentencethrough a gender perspective and more focus is laid on younger substance abusersunder 30 years old. The methodological approaches that were used in the study areboth qualitative and quantitative with focus on the qualitative method.

J?mst?lldhetsperspektiv inom det svenska klimatanpassningsarbetet: En kvalitativ inneh?llsanalys av offentliga myndigheters handlingsplaner f?r klimatanpassning

The climate crisis represents a serious threat to both people and nature and it will exacerbate existing inequalities, especially for women and girls who are most at risk yet have contributed least to the problem. Climate adaptation is critical to addressing the challenges of climate change, and it requires integrating a gender perspective to take into account the specific vulnerabilities faced by women and girls, as highlighted in the Paris Agreement. This study examines the implementation of gender perspectives in Swedish governmental climate change adaptation strategies. By applying a qualitative content analysis to 24 government agencies? action plans, the study investigates how gender equality is addressed in the context of climate change adaptation.

?Vi kanske glömde ställa frågan till killarna??- Skolkurativt stöd till killar med självskadebeteende: Definition, problembild och förståelse

The main purpose for this study was to examine how boys with destructive and self-harming behaviour are perceived and comprehended by school counsellors and literature. The study assessed how boys who harm themselves are defined both in practice and in theory by using a social constructivist point of view and a Gender perspective. The study was divided in two parts concerning gathering knowledge of the matter. The authors, using a method called qualitative semi-structured interviews, interviewed nine school counsellors. To acquire scientific knowledge, the authors implemented a literature review and researched books and journal articles regarding boys who self-harm.

Huddinge kommun ur ett genusperspektiv : Bild- och textanalys av Huddinge kommuns personaltidning

The aim of this paper is to critically examine and analyze how the informal performance about masculinities and femininity are being expressed and produced by the text and pictures in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration. The concrete questions are:By which patterns constructs the performance of gender in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration?Are the femininity and masculinities being expressed in a static way or have it changed in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration throw the examined years 1985, 1995 and 2006?A quantitative and qualitative method is used. The point of departure is organization theory in a Gender perspective. With the gender organization theory we examine the structures, leadership, symbolics and changes through the examined years.

"Killarna spelar mest fotboll. Tjejerna leker bara tillsammans hela tiden typ" : ? En studie av barns uppfattning av relationen mellan lek och kön analyserat ur ett genusperspektiv

Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine how children perceive the relation between play and sex and analyse it from a Gender perspective. This by answering the questions: "Is the children?s choice of place, materials and company in play dependent on gender?" and "Is there a significant difference between the sexes and/or ages?" The study was done through twelve focusgroup interviews with three children in each group except two groups of two children in each. Eight boys and nine girls of six years old and nine boys and eight girls of nine years old were interviewed. Boys and girls were interviewed in separate groups and the questions were open ended and followed up.

Queera läckage i Henry & June ur Anaïs Nins ocensurerade dagbok

The study analysis Anaïs Nin's work, Henry & June from a queer theoretical perspective. The purpose is to show what the work makes with text and how it produces ambivalence with sex and gender and thereby demonstrate the queer leakage in heteronormative performativities. The first part analyzes how it is working with self-representation in diary form. In order to view the work historically and linguistically the work has been related to analyzes and essays by other researchers mentioned in the analysis. The analysis shows that the writer Anaïs Nin has a clear agenda with her work.

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