

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 52 av 201

Vård på behandlingshem : -manipulation eller frigörelse?

In this study have I examined how treatment of girls with neuropsychological impairments is functioning? I have looked at the theories and methods of treatment on the base of the care program and how it is put into practice. In addition I have interviewed four girls who have undergone the treatment program.To gain perspective on institutional care as a social phenomenon, I have tried to give a brief historical retrospect in which particular care for women are described. I am also affecting certain gender aspects of institutional care. I have also tried to make a brief account of current research on the treatment.The study is a qualitative study in which I am apart from literature studies used participant observation in depth interviews as a method.My results indicate that a well structured treatment with CBT approach can work well to achieve lasting behavioural changes in students..

Intersektionalitet som pedagogiskt redskap? Ett nedslag i genuspedagogiska metodmaterial

Studiens syfte är att undersöka om ett intersektionellt perspektiv är integrerat i de två metodböcker som materialet består av; BRYT! från RFSL Ungdom och Tjejgruppskompassen från United Sisters. Detta undersöks genom att en diskursanalys av metodböckerna utförs utifrån Ernesto Laclaus och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori. Även en bildanalys görs av en del av materialet som består av bilder. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i studien är ett intersektionellt perspektiv på genus, samt de teoretiska antaganden som ligger titt grund för diskursteorin. Resultatet visar på att ett intersektionellt perspektiv existerar i BRYT!, men är frånvarande i Tjejgruppskompassen..

Valberedning och tillsättning av styrelse enligt Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning: En studie av könsfördelning ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

Since July 2005 the major companies listed on the Swedish stock exchanges are required to apply the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The code states that companies shall have a nomination committee responsible for nominating new board candidates and seek to obtain gender equality in the Board of Directors. This paper examines the trend of board as well as nomination committee composition among Sweden's 60 largest publicly traded companies between 2005 and 2008. Our overall finding is that neither the board nor the nomination committee composition has changed to a notable extent during the period and that the share of newly appointed female board members has actually decreased. However, the trends vary between different sectors.

Stridsyxekulturens bebyggelsemönster : En undersökning av samtida utgrävningar i Skåne    och hur ett bebyggelsemönster avspeglar sin kultur

The goal with this work is to study the settlement during the Middle Neolithic B. Looking at the settlement pattern of the Battle Axe C culture (BAC) in Scania we might be able to get a picture of how the social structure of the BAC looked like and how it differed from' earlier and later culture groups.. What can a change in settlement tell archaeologists today about this and what problems do archeologist have to take into consideration..

Styr genus valet av Cover Story? : En fortsatt studie på projektet Cover Story, där genusaspekten kommer upp till ytan på ett intressant sätt.

Cover Story is a project, which students at Lillholms - and Ekholms School worked in during spring and fall of 2009. Several school subjects were integrated in project; social studies, art and Swedish, to empower the students to create, implement and design a magazine. The purpose of the project was to give the students the opportunity to fantasize about the future and their dreams by creating their very own Cover Story. During the project I realized that the student?s selection of magazine genre had a direct relation to the gender of the students themselves.

Normering av Communication Attitude Test for Preschool and Kindergarten Children Who Stutter (KiddyCAT) för svenska barn 3?6 år

The main purpose of the study was to collect norm data forCommunication Attitude Test for Preschool and Kindergarten Children WhoStutter (KiddyCAT) for Swedish children. Sub purposes of the study were toexamine if the results on KiddyCAT vary depending on age and gender andexamine the reliability and validity for the Swedish version of KiddyCAT. Inthe study 119 children without known stuttering, 3:1?6:11 years, fromdifferent preschools in Gothenburg city participated. Neither significantcorrelation between results on KiddyCAT and age nor a significantdifference between the genders was found.

Den nya generationen: Dystopisk reproduktion : En tematisk genusanalys av Karin Boyes Kallocain, Aldous Huxleys Du sköna nya värld och George Orwells 1984

The three dystopian novels Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Kallocain by Karin Boye and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell have been highly discussed amongst literary critics and scholars. Although these works are well-known, some themes have had very little or no recognition. Biological reproduction is a recurring subject in dystopian literature. Although it is not the main theme in the novels, it is a very important part in dystopian culture and dystopian society. By focusing on reproduction and the structure of gender roles in these three dystopias, I hope to bring to light something that's been in the shadows for a long time i.e.

Det (o)möjliga föräldraskapet : Reproduktion och etablering av en god familjerelation

This theises focus on how a ideal parentship can be reproduced and established in an organization that is incorporated in the familycourt, provided by the social institution. The organization provides help for parents and children during and after a divorce or separation, the organization also provides help for families where violence has occured or in cases when parent and child doesn´t know one another. When a custodial dispute arise´s and one of the two is granted soul costody of the child, the guardian in most cases is the mother. Therefor this organization mostly handels fathers and their children. The study shows that gender, class and possesing of the right will are the three main aspects that have an effect on who ends up at the organization.

Förändringen av lipidskiktets tjocklek i tårfilmen mellan förmiddag och eftermiddag

Bakgrund: Symptom vid torra ögon kan vara en känsla av torrhet, irritation, okomfort, främmande kropps känsla och ökad produktion av tårar. Torrhetskänslan varierar under dagen men är mest påtaglig framåt kvällen. 3 av 4 som upplever symptom för torra ögon har ett tunnare lipidskikt. Diagnostisering av normala, måttligt torra och torra ögon kan dels göras med hjälp av en symtomenkät t.ex. TERTC-DEQ.Syfte: Att undersöka om lipidskiktet förändras i tjocklek från förmiddag jämfört med eftermiddag under samma dag.Metod: I studien deltog 6 män och 21 kvinnor med en medelålder på 23.3 ± 2.1 år.

Dåligt uppförande : Om identitet, genus och kroppens politik i Iiu Susirajas fotografiska självframställningar.

This essay examines Finnish artist Iiu Susiraja?s self-portraits in relation to Western traditions and tropes of the genre from the 20th century until today. I use an iconological/iconographic model to describe and to further interpret the images. The purpose is to find out which norms and conventions, within the art sphere and society as a whole, that Susiraja?s images reproduce or revolt against.

Idrottsmän och idrottskvinnor : Slaktar rekord och får folkets kärlek på kvällstidningarnas sportsidor

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study the construction of gender and to compare Media?s portrayal of male and female athletes.Material/Method: 140 articles covering seven famous Swedish male and female athletes were selected from two Swedish newspapers (Aftonbladet and Expressen). The articles has been analysed within the frames of Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis.Main results: Male athletes are often described in powerful ways and are framed as being strong and successful. Skills and strengths of women athletes are often devalued in comparison to standards of hegemonic masculinity and self-control. They are often framed as women and girlfriends in advantage of the fact that they are athletes..

Könsskillnader i upplevelse och användande av socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen

This study examines gender differences in the perception and utilization of social support in traditional female- and male workplaces. This study confirms results from earlier studies which suggest that there are gender differences. The survey instrument measures four types of social support: informational, instrumental, appraisal and emotional among 314 working women and men. Women report higher levels of social support on all four types. There is a significant difference in instrumental support between women working in female dominated workplaces compared to men working in male-dominated workplaces and between some of the trades.

Gymnasieungdomars hälsa : En jämförande studie av unga migranters och inrikesfödda ungdomars hälsa

Aim: The aim was to investigate and describe, how students on high school level in Kronoberg county self rated their health with relation to irritation, nervousness/anxiety insomnia and gender. An additional aim was to investigate if there are differences between students born in Sweden by Swedish parents, students born in Sweden by foreign-born parents and foreign-born students. Methods: A quantitative method was used to analyse data gathered from students (n=1936) on high school level in 2006. All statistical analyses were made with help of SPSS V-12. Finding: The findings showed that most of the students self rated their health as ?good?, however migrant students self rated their health as ?not so good? and they had more problems with insomnia. The overall findings showed gender differences. Particularly, foreign-born girls self rated their health as ?not so good? and reported more problems with insomnia. There was no divergence between the groups regarding irritation, nervousness/anxiety. Conclusion: School nurses and health workers must have deep knowledge about differences in gender, self- rated health and insomnia when they work with public health.

Gender on the raggedy edge of the 'Verse : En studie av maskulinitet, femininitet och våld i Joss Whedons Firefly och Serenity

Abstract/Sammanfattning Syftet med detta arbete är att med en narratologisk metod undersöka hur femininitet och maskulinitet representeras i relation till våld i serien Firefly och filmen Serenity. Detta görs med fokus på huvudkaraktärerna Malcolm ?Mal? Reynolds och River Tam. Som teoretisk grund används teorier om och kring representation, stereotyper, genussystemet, samt maskulinitet och våld. Våldet undersöks utifrån tre aspekter, hur karaktärerna utsätts för våld, hur de använder sig av våld och vilka motiven är i deras våldsutövande.

Det finns olika sätt att vara kvinna eller man på : - en analys av tre ungdomsromaner av Katarina von Bredow

This study aimed to find out whether or not gender related theories regarding the division between men and women can be applied to three novels written by Katrina von Bredow, Syskonkärlek (1991), Som jag vill vara (2007) and Flyga högt (2011). The theories used in this research were Yvonne Hirdman?s theory and R.W Connell?s theory. Hirdman claims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the society while Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to the writer, men and women are psychologically similar. The intent with this research was to provide a gender analysis of Bredows novels, because these novels have not been studied previously.

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