

3001 Uppsatser om Gender pattern - Sida 27 av 201

En upplysning om sexualitet : diskursanalys av det svenska samhällets syn på ungdomars sexualitet

The purpose of this essay is, using discourse analysis, to define how the Swedish society sees sexuality and how this is conveyed to young people. The questions at issue are; How is the term sexuality defined and delimited? How are the young people described in relation to sexuality? Are young people ascribed to different needs and qualities in relation to sexuality depending on their gender?There is previously a lot of research with great multitude about the sexuality of the youth. The research methods vary but text analysis within the subject area is unusual. The material used in this discourse analysis have been published by normative public institutions.

Jämställdhet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares resonemang om genus och jämställdhet utifrån styrdokumenten

The purpose of my study is to find out how preschool teachers reason concerning their work withgender equality from outside of the curriculum. I propose the following questions: If there is apositive view over the relevance of gender equality from outside of the curriculum? Does thepreschool teachers think themselves to work with gender equality from outside of the curriculum?Does the preschool teachers have any thoughts on whether working with gender equality will have apositive or negative effect on the children? In what way does the preschool teachers reason on theirown meetings with boys and girls? The method chose to use is a qualitative study that is based oninterviews. I have interviewed four preschool teachers in a small society called Katrineholm. Afterthe interviews I have analyzed the material and split it into themes that has been processed.

Småbarnslitteratur sedd ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate if gender stereotypes are mediated to children between 0-3 years through books suitable for their age. This thesis concerns books that are available in public libraries. The content will be analysed by using a combination of methods, both content analysis of all the books in our study and a qualitative analysis of a smaller number of these books. With inspiration from both Robert Connell and Yvonne Hirdman and their theories of gender and gender stereotypes, this material was read and we wanted to examine if books for very young children might establish stereotypes. Our analysis showed that many known stereotypes are common in these books.

Överläkare i ortopedi och kirurgi : Likvärdiga arbeten med lika löner?

This investigation is a pilot survey whose main purpose is to investigate with work evaluation and attitude analysis whether the orthopedists and surgeons work can be equaled, why the wages differences exists between women and men, and also which preventive measures the organization can use to even out the wages differences between the genders. In relation with the investigation I have applied the reflexive way of thinking to establish which difficulties come up in the work of gender-equality.The result?s from work evaluation displays that the works are equivalent but the salaries are not, which can depend on value discrimination,gender discrimination and the organization theory.Wages differences between women and men depend on, according to the informers, partly by historical explanation and partly by the old directors who was allowed to retain regular salary when theypost transformed. The common point of view is that men have a larger work experience and therefore a higher salary.The managements attitude towards gender-equality issues is of absolute importance in order to achieve and bring a change within the organization.The measure positive special treatment is proposed to be used as an improving method to achieve (gender)equality between the posts and to even out the wages difference between the sexes.To establish whether or not gender discrimination exist in the investigated organization there needs to be done a whole lot supplementary studies like a complete wage (salary) mapping which includes all supplements and more interviews among the organizations all occupation groups..

Duktiga tjejer läser. En studie av relationen mellan läsning och skapandet av feminina genuspositioner

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how young women create their feminine gender positions in relation to their reading. Using qualitative research methods the empirical material has been collected through so called reflexive interviews with eight young women aged 15-17. From their statements the empirical material has been divided into five themes that are important to the young women, as well as to the formulation of the problem. This constitutes the model of analysis. The analysis has been conducted through an examination of these themes from a gender theoretical perspective and through the application of theories about reading and gender.

Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark

The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia.

Självet, begäret och etiken hos Judith Butler  och Jessica Benjamin : (O)möjliga möten mellan modern genusteori och psykoanalys

The gender theory of Judith Butler is based on both philosophical and psychoanalytic notions of the self. Although greatly inspired by both early and contemporary psychoanalytic thinking, Butler has also questioned some of its core notions such as the meaning of gender complementarity and conceptions of desire. In a dialogue in Studies in Gender and Sexuality she discusses these and other theoretical and ethical issues with the influential psychoanalyst and gender theorist Jessica Benjamin. The exchange is a unique example of an attempt at dialogue and theoretical reflection between a prominent contemporary gender theorist and psychoanalyst. It reveals disagreements and theoretical difficulties I will show to be directly attributable to radical differences between Butler's and Benjamin's conceptions of the self.

Bortom Könet : Om unga transpersoners villkor i skolan ur ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv

This essay discusses the students? thoughts about the teacher's response to their gender identity. The students discuss their right to have an intergender identity which means that they don?t identify themselves in the traditional sexes, man and woman, and the gender role each category has. They want to be called with a neutral pronoun and not be seen like boys or girls.

Arbetsvärdering : en möjlig väg till jämställdhet i arbetslivet? En kvalitativ studie av ett arbetsvärderingsprojekt med jämställdhetssyfte i en kommun.

The purpose of this degree project is to study a work evaluation project in a municipality, on the basis of key participants. The municipality is the employer, per-forming the workplace project and the chief objective is to reach gender equality between the employees. Equal pay for equal work. Through work evaluation is it pos-sible to find out which of a lot of different jobs, which have equal requirements. The jobs, which have equal requirements, should have equal pay.

Stress och genusspecifika mönster bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie utifrån professionella aktörers upplevelser och erfarenheter av ungdomars stress

The aim of the study was to understand professionals? perceptions and experiences of adolescent stress. In the study I interested myself further if you can identify gender-specific patterns in the professional stories about young people's stress and stress related illness. Five interviews were conducted with professionals in psychiatry and social work. The thesis took its incipience in social constructionism.

Den lekfulla kungen och den ansvarfulla modedockan : En studie i hur genus gestaltas i livsstilsmagasin

The purpose of this work is to examine gender rols in lifestyle magazines. In order to do this, two magazines were used and analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. In addition the authors also analyze the advertisements for each gender. Interviews in King of Sweden and Elle are also analyzed. The thesis is examined on the basis of gender theory, and theories about stereotypes and myths.

Drogmissbrukare och psykisk hälsa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental illness and socioeconomic factors such as education, age and gender among drug users. Descriptive and ANOVA analysis were performed to 68 structured interviews (Addiction Severity Index basic). Analysis addressed associations between drug usage and level of education, age and gender. Results showed gender differences in self-rated mental health with women drug users rating their mental health lower than men. In addition, there was no association between age, educational level and self-rated mental health.

En annan värld? En analys av sex fantasyromaner ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in fantasy novels. The theoretical framework is based on Yvonne Hirdman?s theory on gender system, primarily the two basic principles: the principle of dichotomy, of separation between the sexes, and the principle of hierarchy, of man as norm. The method used is idea analysis which is a form of textual analysis.

Att färdas i symbios : ett gång -och cykelstråk anpassat efter trafikanternas rörelsemönster och behov

The aim of this paper is to examine the layout of public spaces and its effect on human behavior with focus on the relation between pedestrians and cyclists movement patterns in a specific path. The study emanates from the security aspect of pedestrians and cyclists, and builds upon previous theories and empirical studies about perception, security, information design, environmental psychology and behavior. The result shows that individual behavior and movement pattern differs with age, purpose, physical- and other conditions, and layout of the surroundings. A design proposal for improved layout of a path and a node between different oncoming paths has been developed to aid the users? needs, where a separation of walkways and bike lanes forms zones of security for the purpose of better orientation and a better flow between the users..

Hjälp eller maktutövning? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om klientskapandet och dess effekter på missbruks- och beroendevården.  

The focus of this study has been to plumb social workers experiences regarding their work methods in two institutions regarding unaccompanied children through a perspective of gender. In this study, four semi-structured qualitative interviews has been contrived in purpose to gather in material which has been presented in five themes to ease an analyse focusing of gender. In all the interviews both authors participated with one in charge and one taking notes. One of the main focuses has been the relations between both social workers and their clients and between colleges in the institutions. The other main focus has been the activities, both planed and spontaneous, which the clients been offered, for example football, bowling and boxing.

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