1478 Uppsatser om G-factor - Sida 39 av 99
Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem
Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.
"En inställd spelning är en spelning det också..." : Ulf Lundells olika realiteter och identiteter i romanerna Jack, En varg söker sin flock och Värmen
Ulf Lundell is one of the most famous songwriters and authors in Sweden. He has written fifteen works of fiction and they?ve all same theme ? a lonely man trying to look into his own past life. They are all built on a character, writing from an I-perspective, having a bit of Lundells own biography in there?s personality. The aim of his thesis is to find out how Ulf Lundell presents him self in his fictive characters, and will trace the authors development from a psychological point of view.
Pain in the ass eller samhällets hjälte- En studie om lekmannaövervakares arbete
The aim of this study is to explore the effects of probation officers and their work. The following questions have been asked to come to a conclusion: How do probation officers view their work and the purpose of it? What are the effects of probation officers work? The approach of the study is of a qualitative nature and has been conducted by interviewing three officers of the correctional service system, three probation officers and two ex-criminals that have been on probation. The selection is based on a snowball type selection. To analyse the results of the study we have applied previous research and phenomenological theory to examine the experience of correctional service officers, probation officers and ex criminals.
"Jag vet att det inte är någon semester att vara föräldraledig" : en studie kring hemarbete och föräldraskap utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv
The following study was undertaken in the spring of 2005 in Helsingborg, Sweden.It presents a study of the experience and values six young couples have related to parenting and gender equality. Twelwe people, six women and six men, were interviewed about the above mentioned topics related to their new found role as parents. How did these women and men choose to assign or elaborate their role as parents in terms of household chores and parental leave? Did they consider their parenthood to be equal or did they feel that their role as parents had already been assigned based on their gender? What were the decisive factors, if any, that determined their parenting roles?Although this study is relatively limited, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that young parents of today, without consideration to their gender, have a traditional view on parenting. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established by traditional values, norms as well as sexualgender.
Hälsobudskap i hälsotidningar : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys
The aim of this study was to categorize and analyze articles in health magazines, how health messages about health is being described. Using a qualitative content analysis the researcher answered the aim by three research questions: What kind of health messages about health factors do the magazines describe? Do the health magazines talk about risk factors for unhealthy behavior? What kind of commercial messages do the magazines provide? The result from the content analysis showed that health magazines presented social support, self-esteem, acceptance, equality and strategies as health factors. They tried to change readers? perceptions to get a healthy lifestyle.
Motionsvanor bland gymnasieflickor - En enkätstudie om motionsvanor samt faktorer som bidrar till regelbunden motion
Individuals of today are living in a community that encourages an inactive life. For many individuals exercise is an important part in their life and can be a health factor and contribute to the joy of living. Some environments in the individuals? everyday life are of supportive character. These supportive environments can make it easier for the individual to make healthier choices.
Motivational factor for physical exercise in elderly people
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de skäl som motiverar äldre människor att motionera och att undersöka hur tillgången till idrottsanläggningar påverkar deras motivation till motion.
Metod: Tio äldre människor (60-72 år) intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer.
Resultat: Resultaten av intervjuanalysen bidrog till att identifiera flera huvudteman som skäl till att motionera. Dessa teman är: Fysiskt välbefinnande, Psykiskt välbefinnande, Socialt tillhörighet, Synliga resultat och Ändrade livsförhållanden. Resultaten visade också att närheten till idrottsanläggningar är av stor betydelse för äldres motivation till motion.
Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis tycks äldre människors motivation till motion vara knuten till deras känslor inför dem själva, de positiva effekter motionen hade på deras hälsa och andra aspekter av deras liv. Studiens resultat bidrar med förslag till åtgärder som kan vara viktiga att tillämpas som motivationsfaktorer. Dessa förslag kan hjälpa att motivera äldre människor att motionera..
Utmattning av vägbroar i armerad betong enligt eurokoder
Since 1 January 2010 it is a requirement to use the European standards, Eurocodes, in Sweden when constructing bridges. One chapter that has caused an extra amount of problems for the engineers is the one about fatigue analysis, which resulted in us doing this thesis.To do this we had to read all of the Eurocodes that direct, or indirect deals with fatigue and calculating of such. We have read the background documents for the Eurocodes and master?s thesis in the subject. We also studied the calculations of bridges constructed by different construction firms.We have chosen to limit the thesis to discuss only road bridges made of concrete due to the lack of method for verification of concrete in the national appendix.
?Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det? : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitet
During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm.
Musik inte bara roligt utan även nödvändigt - En studie om ungdomarnas relation till musik
Music not only fun but also necessary. This paper investigates how young people describe their relationship to music. The young people - students - in this study are coming from two different districts of Malmö: One with a population with mainly ethnical Swedish background and the other with a multicultural population. The research question is how we can describe young people's relationship to music on the one hand from the social theories which are presented and on the other hand from own experience as a music teacher. Group interviews are used to get the young people's own descriptions.
Affärsmodeller inom IP-telefoni
When communications traffic increasingly turned into data, IP telephony became a disruptive technology for the telecommunication business. IP telephony was a hot topic when voice over IP services started to become available to consumers in the 1990s. The new technology changed the rules of the game and many new actors entered the market.The purpose of this study is to describe, study, and analyze how the business models of the Swedish telecom sector developed in the middle of the 2000s. The study is delimited to the Swedish consumer market for telephony.The study is built mainly upon deep interviews with 24 prominent persons in the telecom sector in 2006. To aid understanding, two telecom companies that have been chosen to represent different kinds of actors are described and analyzed more closely.
Simhall i Viskafors
Today, the catering personnel are an essential part of the safety organization on board Swedish passenger vessels in ferry services. Their responsibilities for the safety on board have increased in connection with the changes in regulations made on the shipping industry. These changes have been mostly related to human factors and structural leadership in the last 25 years.A well-functioning safety organization requires competence and commitment from every individual. Previous researches on Swedish passenger ferries concerning the safety organization have raised issues regarding the catering personnel?s perception of the safety on board.
Europaparlamentets syn på jämställdhet - En undersökning om det finns några samband mellan EU-parlamentarikernas ideologiska bakgrund, nationella identitet, samt kön, och deras syn på jämställdhet
This paper is a statistical examination about how the European Parliament views questions about equality between women and men. It focuses on how the members understand gender equality depending on ideological standpoint, nationality and gender. In other words, it focuses on whether the politicians have different point of views depending on which parliamentary political group they belong to, which member state they are coming from or which gender (man/woman) they have.Equality between women and men is a complex problem. This paper is concentrating on two questions; the problem about setting up a European gender institute and the problem about gender mainstreaming.The examination, which is a statistical examination about how politicians were voting in both questions, shows that all variables, ideological standpoint, nationality and gender, are determining factors for their voting behaviour in questions about gender equality. Ideological standpoint is the most important variable, second in place is gender and the least important factor is nationality..
Nya trädgårdsväxter för ett allt varmare Sverige
The aim with this work has been to examine the climate changes and what these has meant, and will mean during the present century, for plants that have not been hardy in Sweden. A lot of new species can probably be grown today in Sweden's most southern parts, due to an increase in the average annual temperature by 1?C. There is a need of information about these new species and their hardiness. The insufficient information about the subject has been the background to this work.
Är fiberarmerad sprutbetong motiverad ur bärighetssynpunkt? : En jämförelse med traditionell släntning och jordspikning
This thesis is written on behalf of Skanska, Väg- och Anläggning Stockholm Mälardalen, vid Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset i Solna, NKS. The report has resulted in recommendations for the method of soil stabilizations of soil nailing, excavation of slope and fiber reinforced shotcrete, which is the most suitable method from a safety and a cost point at the NKS.The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether fiber reinforced shotcrete increases slope stability, with the focus being on the total stability. The main goal was to investigate which method of soil stabilization is the most suitable for the slopes that are analyzed in this report. Through studying literature, the authors have gained an understanding about the theoretical background for the given problem. Through calculations and analyses of the slopes, safety factors have been acquired.