3582 Uppsatser om Future Financing - Sida 8 av 239
Slaget vid sjön Hjorten : The unknown battle of the Dacke war which settled the future of Sweden
The Battle of Lake HjortenThe unknown battle of the Dacke war which settled the future of SwedenArgumentaion on the basis of various types of sources.
Framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar om studier och yrken : En fallstudie om gymnasieungdomars kulturella kapital
Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om vad 18 ungdomar, som läser det sista året på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet, har för framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar vad gäller studier och yrken de kommande tio åren. Studien avser att undersöka om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar ungdomarnas syn på framtiden vad gäller studier och yrken samt om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar vilka yrken som innesluts i ungdomarnas kognitiva karta. Eleverna har fått besvara enkätfrågor samt skriva två mindre uppsatsuppgifter. Undersökningen analyserar ungdomarnas skildringar kring deras framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus kulturella kapitalbegrepp samt Linda S Gottfredsons kognitiva karta över yrken. Resultatet visar en tendens att ungdomar med akademikerföräldrar har en kognitiv karta med mer prestigefyllda yrken inneslutna än vad de andra eleverna har.
Vem styr mitt arbete? Förändrade arbetsuppgifter vid datorisering av körschema
Abstract This report is our bachelor thesis. Our work has taken place at a galvanising company in Sölvesborg. The company faced major changes, of which one was a computerisation process. The new system could involve changes in work practice and in specific tasks, affecting the workers. If the coming system was to support work, from the production personnel?s perspective, we felt a legitimate participation in the development and design of the future work practice, was a requirement that was not met.
Varför ger inte fler svenska företag ut konvertibler?
The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of why convertible bonds are a relatively uncommon financing method in Sweden. The aim is to find the explanatory factors for this situation. The analysis is based on interviews conducted from three perspectives; the investor?s, the adviser?s and the issuer?s. The main finding is that the Swedish financial market has characteristics that inhibit the development of a convertible bond market in Sweden, leading to the fact that most convertible bonds are issued under special circumstances.
Försvinn. Påminn. Eller återvinn? : om det industriella kulturarvets framtid genom Norra Sorgenfri
This essay deals with the industrial past, present and future and begins with the impact and importance the industrial revolution has had on us humans, socially, economically and structurally.
Today's society has developed from industrial production of goods to the production of services but the industrial sites remains. The essay examines issues concerning the protection of the industrial environment, their status as a cultural heritage, what is done with our industrial heritage and the opportunities it has for the future.
Malmö has a great industrial history and now one of the cities oldest industrial sites, the north of Sorgenfri, will be transformed. The essay compares the plan with guidelines for future development from the Town Building Office with an antiquarian investigation for the same area.
Norge - finansieringen av den åldrande befolkningen
As most developed countries Norway has an ageing population meaning that the number of pensioners is predicted to grow rapidly over the coming years. As a consequence the Norwegian pension system will not be able to provide for these future pensioners. Meanwhile, a rising number of early retirees and disability pension claimants is diminishing the real retirement age. Also the individual pension amount is growing while the pension system itself reaches maturity. In short, major reforms are needed in the Norwegian pension system.
Vad är det som skiljer vuxna med diabetes, i att bemästra sin sjukdom
Background: Diabetes is a common disease where the degree of self-management is of paramount importance. Individual factors influences both cooping and general wellbeing among diabetic patients. Glycemic control is known to be important but other factors ought to be considered. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how individual self-management influences the general wellbeing among adult diabetic patients. Method: This literature study is based on scientific articles.
Word of Nextopia - en djupare förståelse av Nextopia och hur det påverkar Word of mouth
The purpose of this study is to further develop the understanding of Nextopia, the belief that the next product will always be better, and the effects it has on Word of mouth, both oral (WOM) and electronic (eWOM), and investigate possible causes of this effect. This has been made through an experimental study of responses to two mineral water ads, with a manipulated time frame. First, this thesis supports the fact that there is a general Nextopia-effect on customers being exposed to a future product, which makes them evaluating the product higher in terms of feelings, attitude and intention. Further this study shows that there is also a Nextopia-effect on WOM and eWOM, by customers being more likely to recommend a future product rather than a current one. This propensity to recommend the product also has a relationship with responsibility, which correlates much stronger with WOM than eWOM.
Bibliotekariestudenters attityd till marknadsföring på bibliotek
: This bachelor thesis explores library students? attitudes towards marketing in libraries. The aim is to find out if they are interested in working whit marketing questions in their future workplaces. To perform the study the author used a questionnaire survey and 48 students completed the survey. The answers where converted into present form and 10 charts were created to show the result.
Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.
Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.
Biblioteket, bibliotekarien och framtiden
During my time as a student at the School of Library and Information Science in Borås there was an ongoing discussion regarding whether or not the library and librarian were facing an identity crisis and what future consequences this may lead to. The discussion was and still is of interest to me since it most likely will have an impact on the identity I soon will make part of my self as a professional librarian. This master?s thesis is an attempt that to through discourse analysis seek clarity in what the future identity of the library and the librarian may consist of. I do so by examining articles from the two library journals Ikoner and Biblioteksbladet.
Betygsskillnader på Kallingeskolan : - ett attitydsproblem?
It?s not a new occurrence that girls have higher grades than boys. Statistics show the same at the Kallinge school in Ronneby. There is a great difference between boys and girls in their grades from the ninth class. There are many different factors that affect the pupils.
Våga tro? ? en studie om förortsungdomars tankar kring framtida karriärval
Nowadays in our society we find it hard for some groups of people to integrate in society. It?s known by media, that the suburbs are presented by a negative view, which often highlights the social problems in these suburbs. We can see that the suburbs still get associated with social problems such as segregation, different attitudes and behaviors, cultural conflicts, poorness etc. This kind of presentation of the suburbs affects not only the society but also the individual living and the personal perception of the individual.
Samtiden och framtiden: En studie av mottagandet av två svenska dystopier och deras samtidsförankring
The aim of this Masters thesis is to deepen the understanding of how society affects literary criticism by studying the reception of two Swedish dystopian novels and their contemporary anchorage. The questions that we answer here are concerned with how critics have drawn parallels between the novels and events occurring in the contemporary society, and how the critics outlook on the future are connected to ideas about the future in the novels. The first novel, Kallocain 1940 by Karin Boye has been interpreted as a critical statement directed towards totalitarian ideologies. The second novel, After the Flood 1982 by P C Jersild, has been seen as a warning against nuclear warfare. This qualitative study is based on 41 reviews from Swedish daily press.
Malmö stadsbibliotek och framtiden ? En diskursanalys av två stadsbibliotekariers tankar och visioner
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses aboutthe future of Malmö City Library expressed by the chief librariansSven Nilsson and Elsebeth Tank. Furthermore, our intention is tostudy the relation between the two. The questions posed in thestudy are: how does chief librarian Sven Nilsson express the futureof Malmö public library between 1989-1997? How does chieflibrarian Elsebeth Tank express the future of Malmö City Librarybetween 2008-2010? How does Sven Nilsson?s and ElsebethTank?s thoughts and visions of the future correlate?Our theoretical and methodical building ground is in the discourseanalytical field, with Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?stheories about discourse and society, as startingpoint.