

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 47 av 302

Nya vägar i en föränderlig tid En fallstudie av ett folkbiblioteks bemötande av idén om utkontraktering av urvals- och inköpsfunktionen

Abstract: In this Master's thesis our aim is to study the situation and process regarding the decision to use outsourcing of the media acquisition function in a Swedish public library. By using New institutional theory, focusing on ways of organising and values in the organisation we are able to analyse this phenomenon. Skot-Hansens theory about three different culture political argumentation schemes, humanistic, sociological and instrumental (or market oriented), gives us the opportunity to place statements and facts into a functional theoretical context. The market oriented scheme is further clarified with the concept of New Public Management. The role of values in the institution, regarding aims and goals is stressed.

Den fysiska planeringens påverkan på människans rekreationsmiljöer : tillämpning av de åtta parkkaraktärerna inom balanseringsprincipen

The development of our time, is due to great progresses in technology and an enormous ex-plosion of knowledge, has lead to an increased effort of our attention as a result of a boundless torrent of information . Higher productivity and efficiency in our workplaces and homes crea-tes fewer opportunities for rest, leading to a community where stress has become a national disease. Recreation is an important part of our lives in order to be able to deal with stress and is now considered to be an essential resource when it comes to sustainable development. Green spaces are therefore today viewed to play a considerable roll for the national health. Nature has proven to have positive influence on man which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in power of concentration and lowered production of stress hormones.

Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems.

Framtidsoptimerad livscykeloch hantering av versioner : för Scanias Fleet Managementavdelning

In the haulage business customers are constantly requesting new features. Hence thedevelopment department must constantly update their system which ultimatelyresults in a variety of versions of the system. The large number of versions creates acomplexity which often reduces product quality and extends the developmentlifecycle time.The work on the following thesis has taken place at Scania?s Fleet Managementdepartment, which develops tools for hauliers to track their vehicle fleet in real time.The purpose of this thesis was to examine how Scania can handle an increasedamount of versions of the Fleet Management System which Scania expect will be seenin the future. The investigation was conducted by preparing a number of differentscenarios that formed the basis for a discussion of what these different scenarioswould mean for different parts of Scania?s business.

Framtidens energilagring : en studie av befintliga samt potentiella metoder fo?r lagring av fo?rnybar el pa? ett ha?llbart sa?tt

In today?s society there is an increasing demand for renewable energy sources such as sun and wind power. These sources are intermittent, and energy storage is therefore needed to ensure a constant power supply. This report compares pumped hydro energy storage (PHES), compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, batteries, super magnetic energy storage (SMES) and hydrogen energy storage.The opportunities for further development are limited for PHES and CAES in comparison with the other technologies. Lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen energy storage are considered to have the most potential in the future.

Möten i det offentliga rummet : att planera för sociala interaktioner

Människor får möjlighet att ses och mötas i stadens offentliga rum. För att försäkra att staden på ett hållbart sätt planeras för dess invånare, behövs kunskap kring hur det sociala livet i offentliga rum fungerar och även hur vi kan bibehålla och utveckla dess funktion som mötes-, aktivitets- och uppehållsplats. De offentliga rummen i en stad är till för stadens alla invånare oavsett kön, etnicitet, ålder, ekonomi osv. Dess användning skiljer sig genom tiderna och domineras idag främst av frivilliga aktiviteter dit bland annat sociala aktiviteter räknas. Det finns varierande sätt att ta det offentliga rummet i anspråk. Konflikten mellan föreskrivna och unika användningar genererar en social friktion som främjar mer öppna och tillgängliga offentliga rum för fler grupper. Genom litteraturstudier med utgångspunkt i det offentliga rummet studeras det sociala livet och dess förutsättningar.

Beräkningsmodell för massbalanser för Slottshagens reningsverk

In the next few years the pollutants loading at the Slottshagen wastewater treatment plant in Norrköping is going to increase due to the reason that one of the waste water treatment plant in the district will be shut down.A survey of how these different pollutants are divided in the treatment process is therefore necessary for mapping out both the loading and treatment efficiency.This can be achieved by studying mass balances.Mass balances were carried out for the water treatment process for the mechanical/chemical,biological and the chemical stage.The mass balance studies show that the treatment efficiency was very good. However in order for the mass balances to be quite consistent and to ensure complete coverage of results and conclusions i.e. more reliable results, sludge samples should be collected and taken at different times per day and the influent rate should be investigated.In this work mass balance has been set up in order to illustrate and identify the factors that should be considered and taken care of for further estimation using mass balances in the future. Furthermore this survey results in a calculating model for the mass balances at thisplant.This calculating model is used as a tool to facilitate future calculations for mass balances for the water treatment process at Slottshagens wastewater treatment plant.Moreover it provides a basis for carrying out further estimation of the treatment process in the near future.In this project the importance of some operating parameters was also taken in consideration.This calculating model can be modified so that calculations of such operating parameters i.e. sludge loading and sludge age can be easily performed.Such information can be used further to evaluate different operation alternative in order to ensure an optimal use of the treatment process with in the plant..

Ungdomars attityder till det omgivande samhället : En enkätstudie av 35 ungdomars attityder analyserat utifrån socioekonomiska faktorer, uppväxtmiljö samt fritidsvanor

Youths tend to have a bad reputation. Their outspokenness and spontaneity are two of many reasons to why they are seen as rude and disrespectful. The creativity, curiosity and not least the courage to have opinions and attitudes are in such young age not yet weakened. Youths, their thoughts and attitudes change quickly. This essay will deal with a selected group of youths and their attitudes to the surrounding society.

Urinsorterande toaletter : rensning av stopp samt uppsamling och attityder

It is important that the current urine separating systems are evaluated to allow improvements to be made and consequently increase their future propagation. In order to increase the knowledge about urine separating systems this study was made. It included, among other things, measurements of amounts of urine as well as of the composition of urine collected at Nytorgsgatan 4 in the city of Hallsberg. The study was increased after an inquiry that also included the district of Understenshöjden in the city of Stockholm. In the inquiry, the users were asked questions about odour, cleaning of toilets and occurrence of blockages in the urine water locks etc.

Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad

The number of new estate agent offices is increasing yearly and each year many hundred new estate agents graduate. The comparing of estate agents by sellers has perhaps been most common in larger cities, but as competition has increased even in smaller towns we experience that it has become a common phenomenon even there. We both come from a small town but are not afraid of the idea of moving to a larger city as newly qualified estate agents. We ask ourselves, which are the determining factors in the choice of a estate agent in a large city as opposed to a small town? Can we see any differences? The purpose with this essay is to give us added knowledge about which factors private persons consider to be important in their choice of an estate agent when selling a house.The body of information is based on two parallel surveys, one in Hudiksvall and one in Stockholm, together with interviews of people in this line of business.

Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö

The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following:How do homeless people want to live?In what sort of houses do they want to live and where?How do they look upon their situation and their future?What obstacles can occur if they for example got an apartment to live in?Are there any proposals to solve the problems?Most of them had been living outdoors for five to ten years, perhaps more, and they were worried and sad about their future.

Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank

This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.

Den ständigt avvikande förorten : Medias diskriminering av förorten Andersberg

The emerging Swedish suburbs of the 1960- 1970s started out as a utopian vision: a new city for the modern people. Media presented a different view and emphasized the inhuman livingenvironment and the social problems of the suburbs. Nationwide there have been local attempts to avoid this negative publicity by adjusting identified suburban problems. Due to medial presentation the suburbs are still associated with segregation, criminality and social problems. The presentation of suburbs and immigrants affects not only the process of integration and the general public idea of integration processes, but also the individual perception of themselves and their living.

Granföryngring på tallmark, hur ofta förekommer det? :

This survey was made during the summer of 2004 and the spring of 2005, on commission from the National Board of Forestry. The aim of this report was to investigate how often Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), is planted on poor Scotch pine (Pinus Silvestries) sites and if it affects the yield of Norway spruce? In order to investigate this, data from 29 stands witch had a lower site index than T24 was collected. The investigated stands were situated in the southern-eastern Sweden. In 20 plots in each stand, the highest tree, age, number of seedlings, site index and tree species per stand were measured.

HUR KAN VI REDUCERA DEN INTERNA ÖVERGÖDNINGEN SAMT REGLERA ALGBLOMNINGAR FRÅN ATT NÅ EGENTLIGAÖSTERSJÖNS KUSTZON ?? : En vision om att återfå en balans i Östersjön genom att skörda algöverskott och använda biomassan som en framtida råvara.

The Baltic Sea is one of the world?s most polluted seas. Increased discharge of nutrients due to greater populations of people, together with a slow water exchange, creates great stress on the sea. Too much nutrients leads to increased growth of algae and causes problem in the ecosystem. Even if we reduce nutrient discharge the problem still exist in the ocean. When algae dies and sinks, more nutritional substances is produced called "internal eutrophication". This phenomenon will grow in the future due to a warmer climate and the problem is spreading towards the coastal zone, which is an important site for fish recreation. By removing the abundance of algae, the nutritional and toxic substances are reduced and the algae biomass can be a future resource for biofuel production..

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