

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 37 av 302

Bevingad service? : En fallstudie av företaget Ving och dess kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compare if a charter company's attitude and vision of service can be reconciled with the attitudes and visions that the customers have in the same area. In order to carry out the study a qualitative approach is used. The data has been collected by interviews, focus groups and observations. The framework is theories on the subject of customer satisfaction, quality of service at customer meetings, Self-Service technologies, quality assurance and gap in service.The study has concluded that the approach to service is relatively equal between the company and customers, but the future visions differ. Focus group participants have been thinking bigger and further into the future, while the company focuses more on specific functions.

Förutsättningar för skred i Huddinge kommun idag och i ett framtida klimat

It is imperative to provide more information regarding changed conditions resulting landslide events in a future climate. The aim of this thesis is to assess landslide susceptibility in Huddinge Municipality in middle Sweden. The main purpose is to produce a map, to visualize landslide susceptible areas, and to integrate the result with changes in physical factors such as climate change. Also, the thesis aims to analyze anthropogenic factors such as changes in land use and an increasing population in Huddinge Municipality. Methods used are GIS-analyses, interviews with staff of Huddinge Municipality, and field observations.

Bokmärken - En historisk redogörelse med en inblick i hur de förvaras och bevaras i museala samlingar

This thesis is intended to review and create a greater understanding for the history and originsof printed scraps from late eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century.A questionnaire survey was sent out to several Swedish museums, containing questionsconcerning their collections, possible exhibits, special difficulties and types of damagesconcerning scraps and their current storage. A visit to the Gothenburg city museum storagewas made to take a closer look at their scrap collection and how they were stored. Thisresearch resulted in an understanding regarding the current situation of printed scraps, whichunfortunately appears to be quite poor and inattentive. These results are presented in the firstchapter.The second chapter describes the history of printed scraps, followed by a chapter presentingrelevant printing techniques and technology. This is followed by various chapters dealing withhow the printed scrap has been used through the ages, history and development of motifs andthe album's significance.

Att mötas under en övervakningskamera - En studie av Malmö stads trygghetsarbete

This essay is about security and safety in the city. More precisely it is concerned about the role of the institutions that aims to raise the perceived security and safety and their understanding of these concepts. I study two of the municipality's project in this field in the city of Malmö. Documents concerning these projects are analysed with a discourse analysis inspired by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau as well as Michel Foucault. The two projects consist of one discourse each; the surveillance discourse and the discourse about meetings.

Behöver tillväxten en stad? Om Dublin som politisk arena, aktör och tillväxtmotor

This thesis intends to examine the role of the city, Dublin, in the Irish economic growth during the 1990s. It is a case study where Dublin is compared with current theories on post modern cities as growth machines and increasingly prominent actors in the global context. The study has an interdisciplinary approach but focuses on political science issues such as power distribution, global-local governance and local political organisation. It is a theory driven study that also intends to add aspects to the understanding of the cities of our time. I argue that Dublin has faced a lot of changes during the last decades in accordance with the post modern city.

Spelarens Värld : en fenomenologisk studie av hur individer som spelar Counter-Strike upplever sin nutida värld

The purpose with this qualitative interview study was to try to describe, through a phenomenological viewpoint, the meaning that Counter-Strike players put on there contemporary world. We started to explore this Game World with field research studies on the world?s biggest Game exhibition Dreamhack in the city of Jönköping. This helped us to develop our main question for this study.The thirteen participants of the interview were selectively chosen from a Game Café in the city of Karlstad. They were interviewed with five questions that dealt with their experiences of playing Counter-Strike and their experience of time perception in their world.

Stockholms stolthet: Stockholm Pride : En undersökning om Stockholm Pride festivalens påverkan på Stockholms besöksnäring.

In this thesis the survival and development of a yearly recurring event will be examined. The purpose of this work is to examine how the festival Stockholm Pride has developed and to find out what underlying factors and conditions that lays behind the development. Also being examined is how the event affects Stockholm city?s tourism industry. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative research has been used and two persons with allot of knowledge about Stockholm Pride and Stockholm?s tourism industry has been interviewed.

Fler mötesplatser i våra utemiljöer ? en länk i arbetet med ökad integration i Malmö?

I have in this essay, studied both the definition of the concepts segregation and integration and how you as an urban planner can promote integration, by working with increased feeling of security and more venues. The aim is to cast light on these two tools and how you within city planning can use them to create a more equal society. To gain a wide base of knowledge, I have studied both government and municipal reports as well as prior investigations where these methods have been used. I have also interviewed a landscape architect who actively works with questions regarding integration in Malmö, to get information as recent as possible about their work today. Malmö is today a segregated city with large gaps between the residential areas when it comes to economic possibilities and the composition of inhabitants.

Konstruktion av ränndalskap CPD08

Our Bachelor?s Thesies has been performed in co-operation with Cellplast Direkt AB inLaholm. Our task was to develop a construction that cuts gussets to ceiling disposition as isused to isolation.Our goal with our construction was to increase the degree of automation so that theproductivity increased and also meet the market which is getting tougher and tougher due tothe future business cycle.Cellplast Direkt gave us free hands in order to enable new ideas. A pair different principleproposal was developed and prepared to a final structure.The Bachelor?s Thesies resulted in one PLC - governed machine with three engines that runthree different moves, wich does that the degree of automation increases and the risk forerrors decreases.We have developed a complete production bases to Cellplast Direkt and our hope is that thecompany comes to produce the machine in the future..

Hållbar vattenplanering : en diskussion med utgångspunkt ur fyra bristområden

Billions of children, women and men lack access to safe water supplies, whichputs the affected in both social as well as economic despair. This paper willpresent some of the conclusions leading Non Governmental Organisations suchas the UN has presented recently concerning the terms of sustainability. Much ofit is true and important, but nothing can be done without extended cooperationbetween nations worldwide to find arguments that prevent short-term thinkingand economic wealth on the behalf of future sustainability.With a growing population and an increased competition for fresh water, theworld will soon face a severe shortage of good quality water for irrigation. This isbecause the distributions rarely match the demand, neither in Australia nor inAfrica. Important to notice is the major factor that the degradation of theenvironment is not one country?s problem to solve.

Visualisering ? ett verktyg för att illustrera långsiktiga konsekvenser av slutavverkning och naturhänsyn

Forestry in Sweden is currently conducted in a manner aiming at equating the production objectives and the biodiversity. To ensure that biodiversity is maintained, patches that are considered to be valuable now or in the future is saved in final fellings. How the tree retention areas will grow into the future forest stands is yet unknown.The purpose of this study was to visualize how different scenarios of natural consideration taken at final felling will evolve in a long term perspective, for two rotation periods. Projections of the forest conditions were executed with the decision support system Heureka and its applications PlanStart and PlanWise. The information about the projected forests was then used for the visualizations which were created in the software Visual Nature Studio.

"Man kan ju också bygga fler bostäder..." Om hemlösheten i Malmö, ur några kommunalråds och tjänstemäns synvinkel.

This is a qualitative study on bachelor level at the School of Social Work. The aim of the thesis was to describe how selected municipal commissioners and social workers in Malmö view the complex of problems, and different solutions, concerning homelessness.Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden, is struggling with serious problems concerning homelessness. Possible solutions are being debated, and the opinions differ widely, depending on ideological standpoint. We wanted to find out how selected municipal commissioners and social workers view the complex of problems, related laws and local guidelines, and measures to improve the situation. In order to have a free discussion, but within limits we used semi-structured interviews.Our results show that both the municipal commissioners and social workers regarded homelessness mainly as an individual issue, related to dissocial aspects of the individual.

Varför BIM?

Is the new technology always the best? This final project tries to determine if BIM is the melody of today, or if traditional 2D drawing is recommended. Perhaps a compromise is necessary, utilizing both methods.In order to answer this question, different views from the industry have been retrieved through reports, producers of software and users. The approach has consisted in building a 3D model of the school Råslättsskolan, house 01, along with interviews with people involved in the building process.When working in 2D it is hard to include the third dimension, mistakes are done and collisions happen that must be corrected, in most cases at the construction site. BIM is an incredible help since the model allows you to detect collisions and correct them.

Hallstatt - kriget salt

after a breef survey over the culutre of Hallstatt, I descibe the city of Hallstatt in Austria, with it´s mines and graves. I describe some of the wars in the area, the scythians, the greek and rom. I desribe some uses of all the salt including mumies. i assume that war needs much salt, because all warriers uses leather, and I give sopme exampels of this, romans, vikings..

Förutsättningar för småskalig solelproduktion i Australien

The study aims to investigate the feasibility of small-scale electricity production with solar electricity systems, also known as PV (photovoltaic) systems, in Australia. Due to the global warming, sustainable energy has in recent years become an increasingly important issue, both internationally and in Australia. With one of the largest dependencies on fossil energy sources in the world, the country's abundant solar radiation is a possible solution to this issue.Both the technical and the economic feasibility of small-scale PV systems were investigated. On the technological side, the electricity generation, distribution and consumption systems were studied. On the economical side, the parameters that drive the profitability of a PV investment were investigated.

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