

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 36 av 302

Branding Södertälje : en studie av förutsättningarna för samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förutsättningarna för ett samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna i en stads varumärkningsprocess.Utifrån uppsatsens syfte har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts i form av sju intervjuer med intressenter inom den varumärkesbyggande processen i Södertälje. Vetenskapliga teorier med inriktning på främst varumärkning av städer och samarbeten har används vid analys av den inhämtade informationen.De slutsatser vi har dragit i denna uppsats är att samarbete som strategi är möjlig men att denna kan inneha sina begränsningar när en stad skall varumärkas. Genom att undersöka den varumärkesbyggande processen i Södertälje har vi uppmärksammat den komplexitet som föreligger hos varumärkning av en plats med flera intressenter. Förutsättningarna för ett samarbete mellan de interna intressenterna inom turism- och besöksnäringen i Södertälje anser vi vara möjligt genom engagemang, delat ansvar och kommunikation. Vi anser dock att det ur ett större perspektiv, då en hel stad skall inkluderas, kan uppstå motsättningar om näringar som inte kände en naturlig roll att deltaga skall inkluderas i den varumärkesbyggande processen..

Den yngre generationens delaktighet i det lokala utvecklingsarbetet : En fallstudie av dialogprocessen i utvecklingsarbetet "Skellefteå 2030"

The ambition to involve younger people in future planning processes in order to get full participation of all groups in the society requires a deep and well-planned dialogue. Although, participation not always means inclusion. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the younger generation in the society is included in the future work. This is based on a case study of the developmental work in the municipality of Skellefteå.Questions that were answered were how the municipality has made the participation possible? To what extent has the younger generation been involved? How did this group experience their participation? The methodology consisted of mixed methods that include observations, surveys to the session leaders and to the participants in the dialogue and three interviews with two participants and one municipal civil servant.The result showed that the open information didn´t reach the younger generation to the open dialogues although the dialogue design gave good conditions for participation.

Entreprenörernas åsikter om Sydveds samarbetsförmåga :

This report is the result of a questionnaire survey done in cooperation with the company Sydved and their contractors. The investigation concerned all their ordinary contractors. The main goal with the study was to find out the contractors opinion about the current cooperation conditions with Sydved, their opinion about the future and how to improve the cooperation. All contractors got a questionnaire to fill in and return within a given date. The percentage of answers was 48 % at the first stage and further 11 % answered after reminder. The result of the investigation indicated that the contractors in general have a positive attitude to Sydved and the way that the company acts.

"Jag bara tar ur skafferiet det som passar..." : En undersökning av hur lärare och barnbibliotekarier arbetar med skönlitteratur på lågstadiet

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the methods used by teachers and childrens' libra­rians concerning their work with fiction at the junior school level. Based on a series of qualitative interviews and by compiling a list of short summaries of literature relevant to our thesis we wished to reflect on the manner in which the respondents see themselves in their teaching roles.We also wanted to discover what problems they had in their work and what visions they held for the future. The methods used by the teachers were mainly: reading- both aloud and individually, process-oriented writing, use of fiction in thematic studies and dramatization. The teachers' aspirations for the future included a centrally situated school library and further education in children's literature. The teachers take the needs of their pupils as a starting point and build on these needs - using many years of literary teaching experience as a foundation."Booktalks" for the children and intermediaries (teachers ...)and education in books and library systems are the childrens' librarians main literaturepedagogic methods.

Att stå och stampa ? eller få flyt: Tre universitetsbibliotekariers berättelser om framtiden

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to explore university librarians? thoughts about the future. The analytical focus is thus on the librarians? representations of the future. The theoretical framework used is narrative theory with a social constructionist viewpoint.

Effektiv tillsyn av pågående verksamheter i Piteå kommun med MIFO fas 1 som verktyg : Underlag för strategival

The purpose of the study was to investigate how inventories of suspected polluted areas as a part of the planned control of existing companies cab be designed in order to achieve as great effect as possible. The study was conducted in cooperation with Piteå municipality. An analysis of regional inventory projects, local municipal strategies and a pilot study in Piteå was conducted. The experience from both the regional projects and the pilot study was that in order to achieve an effective control a number of factors were inportant: an efficient selection of companies, a good dialogue between the controlling agency and the companies, sufficient resources, education of municipal inspectors and guidance for decisionmaking. Another inportant result was that the municipal planning can prevent an efficient inventory if the control of city development projects is allowed to take time from the planned control.

Balanced Scorecard i Abetong : Prototyping av ett ekonomiskt styrverktyg

AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : en kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter av utslussning från skyddat boende

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

En jämförande studie av IPv4 och IPv6

The Internet protocol of today has been used for over 20 years. A new version of the protocol has been developed to replace the old one. This is a direct result due to the explosive growth of the usage of the Internet. This follows by new demands which needs new solutions. This report brings up the old protocol IPv4, the new protocol IPv6 and shows what kind of changes that has been developed to meet the users demand.The report brings up two important aspects; internet security and mobility.

Virtuell 3D-modellering som verktyg : vid kommunikation av Gruvstadsparken

3D modeling is a common tool in landscape architecture. Today, there have been new ways in which virtual 3D models are successful tools in the dialogue with the public. These new methods involve children and young people who are groups that is hard to reach and engage in citizen dialogues. The purpose of this work was to investigate how a virtual 3D model works in the landscape architect?s communication with the public through the project Gruvstadsparken in Kiruna. Through workshops, I wanted to communicate Gruvstadsparken to get ideas from participants on how the park can be used and be revisited.

Bokbuss på 2000-talet ? hur och varför? En studie baserad på intervjuer med personal inom bokbussverksamhet

This thesis is about the bookmobile service in Sweden of today. The purpose is to examine how the staff motivate the existence of the bookmobile. Other purposes are to study the goals of the service, to describe ?daily life? of the bookmobile, examine the changes of the service during the years and discuss possible changes in the future. The study is based on interviews with thirteen staff members from six Swedish communities, of both rural and urban character.

Jämställdhet ur ett employer brand perspektiv : - Vad efterfrågar framtidens arbetskraft?

AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.

Varumärket som strategisk resurs : Fyra värmländska varumärken och deras koppling till regionen

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how four companies in Värmland, Sweden, are working strategically with their brands. This is a qualitative method in which we have used a combination of interviews and literature review in order to investigate the link between brands and the Karlstad region.Even though there is a huge interest in brands, there are only a few companies who can describe clearly what their own brand represents. This probably due to the fact that the brand is still regarded as a tactical tool, rather than as a strategic one. Because of this we find it very interesting to investigate how organizations in Värmland think about this issue. Are brands regarded as a strategic resource, and how strong is the link between their brands and the region?The result indicate that organizations are working strategically with their brands, but they can still get better.


During the past few years an increased attention has been paid to environmental issues in the construction and property sector in Sweden. In order to simplify the work with these issues a Swedish environmental certification system for buildings called Miljöbyggnad has been developed. This thesis aims to investigate the opinion of a selected number of selected property owners of Miljöbyggnad. From that basis recommendations and actions for the future work with the system will be presented.The investigation has been conducted through personal interviews with five property owners. The main issues that the interviews have been based on are their purpose, experiences, perceived complications and future prospects in terms of certification using Miljöbyggnad.The system intends to be cost-effective, simple and to offer a relevant environmental assessment of buildings and the result from the report indicates that this is largely fulfilled.

Energisystem med utnyttjande av restprodukter för gödsling av Salixodling för energiproduktion : studier av kretslopprojektet i Enköping och dess applicering på en kommun i Ryssland.

The purpose of this work is to study a circulation project in Enköping municipality, where the society?s rest products are used to make beneficial products. In Enköping the rest products from waste treatment plants and private sewers are used to fertilize and irrigate Salix plantations that later are harvested and burned at the local combined heating and power plant, ENA Energy AB, to produce electricity and heat. Possibilities to apply this kind of project ona municipality in Russia are also explored.Guryevsk municipality in Kaliningrad region was chosen since there is a need to improve energy systems and reduce emissions to water and air. This municipality strives to become environmentally friendly.

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