

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 20 av 302

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This paper intends to examine how two newspapers, one local and one national newspaper, reported the gang-related homicides in Malmo in 2011, and compares these two news reports to see if there are any similarities and differences. Another aspect of this study is to elucidate how these two newspapers constitute Malmo as a city. Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis is applied in this study, where I analyze the two newspapers? news coverage based on their content. The content is analyzed by studying the text?s vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, structure, transitivity and modality. One similarity is the use of objective modalities, where both newspapers have a tendency to make interpretations and speculations as fact.

Tillgänglighet ? ett isolerat behov : Elva personer med synnedsättning beskriver erfarenheter av tillgänglighet i Stockholms stads offentliga miljö.

The purpose of the study was to learn how social structures can enable accessibility, by asking persons with visual impairment about their experiences of accessibility in the public environment in the city of Stockholm. Eleven adults with visual impairments, living in the city of Stockholm, were interviewed using two separate focus groups. The study was carried out with the objective to allow for the participants to be involved in the research process. The resulting data was analyzed on the basis of Nancy Fraser?s theory on social justice, focusing on the conceptions; needs, politicised needs, redistribution, recognition and misrecognition.

Från önskemål till bedömda behov inom äldreomsorgen

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Johanneshov / Gullmarsplan : en nod i framtidens närförort

This is a thesis on how to develop and densifythe suburb of Joanneshov south of Stockholm.Based on Stockholm?s urban history,Stockholm master plan in 2010, the currentdensity and sustainability debate, literarystudies, as well as a variety of analysisof the site it all ends up with a proposal onJohanneshov. The goals have been workedout during the work and has resulted inthat we want to extend the inner city streetand linking Johanneshov with surroundingdistricts, but we also want to create a wellused, diverse, urban area where the humanis in focus and a district that is easy to read.Much of the work is devoted to show howStockholm has developed historical and totry to put the future in a context, but also a lotof work has been put in the information andthe analysis of the site chapter. The plan proposalis still considered to be the work focus.Johanneshov is surrounded by Årsta inthe west, Hammarbyhöjden in the east,Enskede in the south and Södermalm inthe north. Gullmarsplan is a typical 40thcentury area with a functionalist structure.Johanneshov is with Gullmarsplan,the Globe an the Slaughterhousearea, an important node for the southernsuburbs as a place for communication,sports, entertainment and shopping.Today Nynäsvägen divides the area intoa western and an eastern part.

Hem och Mode- en kvalitativ studie om identitet i heminredningstidningar

- En granskning av Kairos Future. I Säffle sparar kommunen pengar genom att släcka var tredje gatlykta utanför centrum och tänker flytta delar av gymnasieskolan till Åmål. Samtidigt har kommunen lagt flera hundra tusen på ett pågående visionsarbete i samarbete med konsultföretaget Kairos Future..

Mälarens vattennivå i ett framtida klimat

The discharge from Lake Mälaren is regulated to keep the lake water level within limits set by a water decree. Despite this, in the year 2000 the lake water level rose above the upper limit. Studies conducted at the climate modeling unit Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) indicate that the inflow to the lake may increase in the future. A flood in the area will, among other things, strike infrastructure and residential districts.The aim of this study was to investigate the water levels of Lake Mälaren in future climates. In addition to this possible future expansion of the lake discharge though the sluice gates in order to keep water levels below limits set by the water decree and to prevent flooding of the shoreline were discussed.

AP7 och fyra storbankers Sverige- och Östeuropafonder  : En riskjusterad utvärdering  2003-2009

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Bruka utan att förbruka - när andra intressen än ekonomin får styra

To have a forest area close to the city is of great importance for the city population?s well being. Children develop their motor skills, concentration and imagina-tion and the adults have a place to shake of the stress from work. Forest areas are used to exercise at, play in and to find a moment of peace and silence. The urban forest and the old farming pastures at Markussonvallen and Per-Isakssonvallen already has natural assets worth to preserve and a great potential to create more. The goal is to develop a forest with a variation of tree species and ground vegetation that will appeal to the human senses and different animal species such as birds, insects etc.

Materiallogistik vid innerstadsprojekt : En fallstudie av ett innerstadsprojekt i förbättringssyfte av materialflödet

The construction industry is always looking for ways to make the work more efficient aswell as minimize the waste of money in general. At the same time the industry is showing alow awareness of logistics which has to increase in order to improve the industry in thesekind of questions. Projects located in the inner city have high demands on the logistic andthe handling of material due to the so often limited space for storages of the material. Dueto this the purpose of this report is true a case, study and analyze what kind of factors thereis to take into consideration during the materials way from the supplier to the workstationin a project located in the inner city. The data for the report was collected with the help of acase study, and in three different ways.

Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv

Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes.The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well.

Tillväxt som strategi

Uppsatsen behandlar temat urbana tillväxtstrategier i svensk planering. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur översiktsplaner har påverkats av entrepreneurial city, platsmarknadsföring och kreativa klassen som alla är olika teorier om urban tillväxt. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fem kommuner med en översiktsplan från tidigt 90-tal och en aktuell plan antagen omkring 2010. Översiktsplanerna studeras utifrån de valda teorierna (entrepreneurial city, platsmarknadsföring och kreativa klassen) om urban tillväxt för att ge förståelse för hur strategierna i kommunernas översiktsplaner har påverkats av teorierna. Den genomförda undersökningen visar på en förändring över tid som pekar mot mer tillväxtorienterad planering..

Utvecklandet av en portabel solcellsmodul i miniformat lämpad för Nordiska klimatförhållanden : Teoretiska, praktiska och beräkningsmässiga analyser

The construction industry is always looking for ways to make the work more efficient aswell as minimize the waste of money in general. At the same time the industry is showing alow awareness of logistics which has to increase in order to improve the industry in thesekind of questions. Projects located in the inner city have high demands on the logistic andthe handling of material due to the so often limited space for storages of the material. Dueto this the purpose of this report is true a case, study and analyze what kind of factors thereis to take into consideration during the materials way from the supplier to the workstationin a project located in the inner city. The data for the report was collected with the help of acase study, and in three different ways.

Nelly, monsteragenten & Kalles nya klänning. : En studie om hur genusperspektivet används i böcker för åldrarna 6-9 i boklådor från stadsbiblioteket i Karlstad kommun.

This work addresses how the book boxes that are shipped to different schools, that don?t havelibraries themselves, from the city library are composed in Karlstad municipality and whatbooks they may contain. A case study is made to find out which books can be included in theboxes. An interview with staff from Karlstad City Library is made and two different kinds ofbook boxes are analyzed. There is one book box with children books that have a genderperspective and one with fiction children books.The books are analyzed and the conclusion of this work is that it is important to know whatthe children are reading and how books can influence them.

Äldres resande i vardagen - Möjligheter, begränsningar och inställning till hållbara stadsvisioner

Everyday life mobility of elderly people ? opportunities, restrictions and sustainable urban visions aim to examine and describe elderly people?s movement patterns, their opportunities and restrictions of reaching high mobility and accessibility, and their attitude towards various sustainable urban visions. This paper is based on an approach of time-space geography as it covers the topic of movements in time-space, explained and developed using the concepts of mobility and accessibility. To examine elderly people?s attitude towards sustainable urban visions, this paper also takes approach on theories such as New Urbanism, mixed-use and the compact city.The method used in the study is an interweaving of a time geographic diary and qualitative interviews, where the respondents are six retired people between 68 and 77 years old living in Gothenburg city.

Hoten mot länsstyrelsen - En analys av dess agerande i en föränderlig omgivning

The purpose with this master thesis is to analyze how the Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) acts in an environment that changes fast with more regional actors than ever before. There are also proposals regarding new public authorities and eventually a reduction of the Swedish County Administrative Board.By studying a report issued by the Board in December 2005 the aim is to find their intentions and actions for the future. By using three diverse theoretical concepts - the public organisation, the instrumental perspective and two separate perspectives from new institutionalism - the expectation is that I will have the possibility to analyze the intentions of the organisation in many different ways.In this case study I also want to take into consideration the central discourses in the regional debate, shall we decentralize or shall we keep on having a strong state even in the future? What kind of regional policy does the Swedish County Administrative Board prefer?The result shows that the Swedish County Administrative Board struggles for a strong state even in the future, but it does not propose any huge changes. In many ways it seems like they act as they are supposed to - as an instrument for the government - but despite that it is obvious that the Swedish County Administrative Board tries to show that it has the traditions and knowledge.

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