

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 19 av 302

Scrum ? en fallstudie från lokala företags perspektiv

Through a case study, I wanted to find out what advantages and disadvantages local companies consider with scrum and what they think about its future. To find out what scrum is, I read the literature and scientific articles and then wrote surveys based on my thoughts. Further, I also wanted to find out if it?s possible to use scrum in a school environment and therefore I visited a high school class who used scrum in one of their projects. The result was good but could have been better as it requires more training of scrum to understand everything. The surveys were distributed to various local companies. After having received a lot of answers, I concluded that the clear priority was the most positive feature of scrum and the most negative was that it was difficult to get the rest of the organization to understand scrum, which creates problems. Both high school class and local companies believe in scrum?s future, even if they think scrum will be partially modified to adapt to the software-development in the future. According to the survey responses, the most important to get the projects to be successful both now and in the future is that everyone who work with scrum is right educated..

Framtidens konsumtion av digitala tjänster : En studie kring bruk av digitala tjänster på mobila enheter, baserat på ett Smart City-perspektiv.

Syftet med denna undersökning är att med hjälp av två vetenskapliga metoder, kvalitativa intervjuer och användardagböcker ta reda på hur användares mobila brukarvanor ser ut och vilka typer av tjänster kan de ligga till grund för baserat på ett Smart city-perspektiv. Arbetet kommer även att analysera och utveckla metodiken för fortsatta studier inom ämnet.Mobilen har under de senaste åren utvecklats till att bli en enhet där dess ursprungliga telefonfunktioner blivit sekundära egenskaper. Dess främsta ändamål är fortfarande för att kommunicera med andra, men i första hand genom andra typer av tjänster. Man kan idag även se hur utvecklingen går från ett bruk av digitala tjänster där varje enhet har specifika syften, till ett bruk där enheter samarbetar och delar ett gemensamt syfte. I och med att vårt bruk, och våra vanor, av dessa enheter förändras, så förändras även naturen hos tjänsterna de tillhandahåller.

Hestra Förskola. Rummet som den tredje pedagogen

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

Träd i stadens centrala rum :

The sum of this study is to examine where trees can fit into the city today..

Genus och jämställdhet bland tibetaner i exil

This work presents the way exiled Tibetans I?ve met view gender and equality. The world is becoming increasingly global and in order to educate future world citizens it is important to make sure that they learn about gender and equality. Males and Females have different cultures and where manly is the norm female is the exception, but it is important to try and level out these differences while children are still in school. This work originates from studies of literature and several interviews with exiled Tibetans in the Indian city of Dharamsala. They are Tibetans with different roles in the exile-Tibetan society and also of different generations and gender.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Arbetstagarorganisationers inflytande vid inhyrning av personal

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Smarta lokala energisystem, Vision-Teknik-Tillämpning

The energy sector is facing an impending paradigm shift. Today?s technology enables the end-user to generate their own energy locally at home. Furthermore, recently developed storage technologies make it possible to balance energy demand with stored energy and integrate district heating with the local power grid. This means that in the future heat and electric power will interact and energy flows is converted over energy boundaries.

Analys och förslag till reducering av slöseri i en utbildningsprocess

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

Förvärv av egna aktier : Ur ett associationsrättsligt perspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Grannskapstorg som fenomen - med fallstudien Axel Dahlströms torg

In the 1940s the Swedish town planning was inspired by the English city development with the concepts of neighbourhood and community planning. In order to promote democratic development and solidarity the ideal would be to create community centers with full service. Community centers are part of the building of the suburbs during the postwar period. The buildings in Sweden from 1940 - and -50s were built with the intentions to be good homes for all regardless of income, class and status. Collective solutions to individual problems were characteristic of the Swedish policy during this time.

Stadsmöbler för ungdomar :

The title Urban furniture for young people reveals that this paper handles two central phenomenon in landscape architecture; the form and content of the urban spaces, respectively the users and their need for an appropriate outdoor environment in the city. In this paper youth is referred to as 15-18 year olds and the paper is based on theories of their physical use of the city?s outdoor environment. Urban furniture refers to equipment and components in the public room which becomes furniture when people takes them in to claim and gives them a meaning and a function that is useful for the moment. The starting point is that the users, in this case youths, defi nes urban furniture as something signifi cantly more than traditional park furniture, bicycle racks and waste baskets. This paper aims to investigate how the city?s furniture can be developed to meet the youths need to see each other, move and make their marks in the public room. The theories about how youths uses the city are presented in the Theory chapter.

I väntan på något annat : en studie av tillfälliga platser ur ett planerarperspektiv

The term Temporary places could be used to describe a wide range of shapes, functions and not least different time sets . In this thesis, however, the intention of temporality should be seen as the main definition regarding this subject. This thesis is based on a literature study and the aim is to explore temporary places, their values and their functions. Furthermore, the purpose is also to highlight temporary places as a method to be used by urban planners, in order to create more flexibility in the city planning of today. The thesis describes the underlying factors and conditions creating an increased interest in flexible planning. Furthermore, a number of tactics and applications are presented, all drawn from current research on the topic.

Från ståtlig befästning till vittrande världsarv : En jämförelse av byggnadstekniska metoder för sammanbindning av skalmurar

This is a final year project considering constructional techniques for joining cavity walls. The project is related to an ongoing scientific programme about the restoration of The City wall of Visby located on Gotland. The programme was set by Riksantikvarieämbetet as a reaction to a collapse of the outer masonry wall shell which took place in February 2012.The City wall of Visby is a medieval fortification built out of limestone during the 13th century. The wall is constructed as a cavity wall with two separate masonry shells connected to each other through an intermediate core. During the 14th century the wall was heightened which lead to a higher stress, especially in the outer wall face.

Chefers upplevelser av eget och framtida ledarskap

The aim was to examinehow managers, based on similar education and policy background, perceive their leadership today, and how it according to them, maybe developed in the future. The sample consisted of younger and older managers within the same organization, with diverse experience in managementand leadership roles. Data were collected by two focus groups interviews and analyzed bya thematic analysis. The results indicated that managers, regardless of age and experience, have similar views on their management role and are in general positive regardingtheir leadership, despite stressand time pressure related issues. They have also suggested similar changes for future management and leadership roles.

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