

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 18 av 302

"Från ungdomlig dekadens till den stora kärleken?" : Sex and the City från början till slut; en utvecklingsstudie

Denna uppsats är en utvecklingsstudie av TV-serien Sex and the city. Syftet är att med hjälp av narrativ analys samt Keith Selbys och Ron Cowderys metoder från boken How to study television studera det första och det sista avsnittet av serien för att därefter undersöka förändringar i avsnittens miljö samt karaktärernas dialog och kläder. Detta med hjälp av teorier om livsstil, subkulturer och mode inom populärkultur. Förändringen från första till sista avsnittet handlar mycket om karaktärernas sätt att se på sin egen livsstil. Huvudfokus i dialog och handling har flyttats från sex till kärlek och de fyra huvudkaraktärerna har alla utvecklats till mognare versioner av sig själva, någots om känns naturligt eftersom serien startade 1998 och avslutades 2004.

Tillväxt som strategi

Uppsatsen behandlar temat urbana tillväxtstrategier i svensk planering. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur översiktsplaner har påverkats av entrepreneurial city, platsmarknadsföring och kreativa klassen som alla är olika teorier om urban tillväxt. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fem kommuner med en översiktsplan från tidigt 90-tal och en aktuell plan antagen omkring 2010. Översiktsplanerna studeras utifrån de valda teorierna (entrepreneurial city, platsmarknadsföring och kreativa klassen) om urban tillväxt för att ge förståelse för hur strategierna i kommunernas översiktsplaner har påverkats av teorierna. Den genomförda undersökningen visar på en förändring över tid som pekar mot mer tillväxtorienterad planering..

Kalmars turismprofilering ur ett tidsperspektiv : En komparativ studie mellan två historiska platser

The world has become a globalized place in constant development and much of which is now taken for granted did not even exist 30-40 years ago, such as smartphones or Internet in common households. As new tourist destinations is continuously being created, it becomes increasingly important with effective place marketing to compete in the global market. Developing a good and interesting profile is thus a way for places to become more attractive for tourists. The main theory in the paper is "post-industrialization and the entrepreneurial city" which describes how cities in the global north have moved away from industry towards becoming post-industrial cities ? very often with a strong focus on tourism.

The Podcar Way : hur kan spårtaxi integreras i en urban miljö?

A new system of public transportation that can simplify and shorten the trips made throughout the city, anddo that both cheap and environment-friendly. Sounds like good news. This new system, though, require anall new type of infrastructure, differing from what we are used to see in our cities. Podcar, or PRT, as thesystem is called can become a transport revolution, possibly. If that revolution does happen it is crucial that webeforehand have studied the possible effects it can cause on our city environment, from a spatial point of view.This thesis thoroughly describes the function and essence of the PRT system and presents what is availabletoday and in what forms.

Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Bilderna i klassrummet : ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to examine what kind of pictures the children encounter everyday in their classroom. Furthermore, the idea was to immerse myself in how girls and boys are portrayed in these pictures from a gender perspective. Three question were set, to enable this study: What kind of pictures will second grade pupils encounter in their classroom, in a city school and in a rural school?How many girls and boys are illustrated in these pictures?How are girls and boys portrayed in these pictures?The examination was done by a field study of two classrooms, where all the pictures on the walls were documented using a digital camera. The collected material were examined, using both a quantitative analysis and a qualitative ditto.

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Mall förvaltningplan : Skolbyggnader

The aim of this thesis is to establish a ?förvaltningsplans? template to Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city. Further general information about the mission was given at our first meeting with Rolf Haraldsson, who happened to be our mentor and works at Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city.We agreed that using the software Excel was the most appropriate way to establish the template, because Fastighetskontoret also make use of Excel in their internal system, and also because Excel has a more friendly user interface and it is more easier to use compared to other software that have complex templates.One of the first things we did was to get in contact with different fastighetskontors around Sweden so that we could either take part of their ?förvaltningsplaner? or get referred to other material that could have been used. But this turned out to be an unsuccessful strategy.

Medborgarandans roll i demokratiskt institutionsbyggande : -Fallet Kosovo 1999 och framåt

AbstractThe purpose with the study is to see if it is possible to create well functioning and democratic government and parliament in Kosovo, within a near future thru social capital. I have some research questions that will help me reach my purpose: 1. Are Kosovo?s institutions effective and democratic today?2. Does social capital exist in Kosovo today?3.

Underlag för solcellsproducerad el i Stockholm : Potential och klimatpåverkan

The City of Stockholm has decided to invest in renewable energy and especially in photovoltaics. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the photovoltaic potential on roof areas that the city possesses and to further investigate some buildings of the Property Management Department. The thesis also compares some existing photovoltaic plants with the solar irradiance map which shows available roof area on each building in Stockholm. The report ends with a literature study about the climate impact and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaic.The total available roof area suitable for photovoltaic plants is estimated to 700 000 m2, with a potential electricity production of 110 GWh per year. This corresponds to 17 % of the City of Stockholm?s yearly electricity consumption.

Multitorget :

This is a final project which makes up 20 credits at the Landscapearchitecture programme at SLU in Alnarp. The thesis is design based. My final project is comprised two parts; of a competition entry for ? A New Square in the Centre of Täby? as well as a theoretical study that derives from the competition proposal. The competiton itself was announced on March 1st 2007 with the final hand-in date on May 28th 2007. The program of the competition asked for a flexible urban square that offers a diverse range of activities that can be used during both night and day, all year around. I became interested in the term ?mutlifunctionality? and I went on to use the subject as a base for my design approach.

Reklamlandskap : utomhusreklamens inverkan på stadsmiljö och stadsliv

Outdoor advertising is not very often discussed within city planning even though the commercial messages occupy much of public space. The advertising signs affects not only the physical environment but also social life. In this report I would like to acknowledge and question the presence of advertising in our everyday environment. Outdoor advertising is not a new phenomena, technical progress however, results constantly in new expansions in the environment. Today advertising occurs in all sorts of shapes in the cities, both as free standing signs and as signs attached to facades, incorporated in city furniture such as bus shelters and on vehicles moving along the city streets. Grouping advertising into two categories; local and national, reveals that the different categories have different impact on public space.

Integration av handel i ett platsvarumärke : en fallstudie av Västervik

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and investigate how the consumer-oriented commerce can be developed and integrated to the brand Västervik.This thesis has a qualitative approach and we have done a case study of the Swedish city Västervik. We have performed interviews, with eight selected respondents who have different backgrounds, but with competence in different problem areas that we investigate in this thesis.We have, in this qualitative thesis, found aspects that Västervik should consider if they want to succeed with an integration of commerce in the brand. We have through a model found common facets that commerce and tourism shares and which Västervik should consider in the process of branding the city.The results of this thesis are presented in chapter six, there we also have featured reappearing tendencies that consider the development of commerce and how the commerce could be integrated in the brand Västervik..

Confidence : The Shivray Udyan gymnasium and sports introduction centre

This project investigates how team sports can be used to include young women in public space aswell as how through the addition of a sporting facility adjacent to three schools can be used as a stepping stone for the young people of Dharavi to have a chance at a brighter future..

Prestationsmätning som medel för kvalitetsutveckling i tjänsteföretag

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

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