

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 11 av 302

?Jag diggar det!? Tolv ungdomars syn på biblioteket ? en studie på Stadsbiblioteket Dynamo

This thesis is based on a study conducted at the City Library Dynamo in Gothenburg where data have been collected through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15 - 25 years. Our intention was to examine what young people think about the City Library Dynamo as a venue, and how they perceive its activities and functions.In order to compare two different cultural venues for young people, where Dynamo is one, interviews were also conducted at a location other than the library, at Arena 29, a cultural activity house for young people in Gothenburg. Twelve qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect data which was then transcribed and structured. As a theoretical framework we have used the new model for the public library, developed by Hvenegaard, Jochumsen and Skot-Hansen 2010.Our result shows a thoroughly positive image of the City Library Dynamo, particularly as a meeting and study place. Young people stated that they felt welcome and that the City Library Dynamo was designed and tailored to match their needs.

Tanken om framtiden - Sociala och kulturella processer i skapandet av mentala bilder

The aim of this work is to gain understanding of how predictions and images of future are created and maintained and how they are changed in society. An interdisciplinary approach to cultural and social aspects is used to examine how collective images about future are created. The distinction between collective images and private images is problematised. The subject matter is extracted from a previous explorative examination about Do It Yourself and OpenSource culture which are concepts of collective learning. That work is described in the foreword.The question ?How is a collective image about the future created?? is central for this paper.The interdisciplinary approach is a cross reference synthesis of philosophies, educational studies, film studies, strategicstudies and future studies.

Trädens betydelse för gatan :

?The trees importance to the street? discusses just that, the trees importance to the street. The purpose of this paper has been to examine what influence the trees have on streets. By writing about good examples of how trees can add good qualities to a street I wish to inspire to more use of trees in Future City-planning. I have examined three streets in Malmö and three streets in Berlin and analyzed the trees influences there through the help of literature by three authors: Great Streets (1993) and The Boulevard Book (2002) by Allan B. Jacobs, Trees in Urban Design (1993) by Henry F.

?Somliga vill ju inte dricka, men de dricker ju bara för att andra gör det? : En studie om ungdomars inställning till alkohol med nedslag i glesbygd och storstad

AimThe aim of this study was to try to understand youngsters and their attitude to alcohol in the countryside and in a large city. The questions at issue have been: How do youngsters from the countryside, who drink, and do not drink alcohol, view the school- family- and friendsituation? How do youngsters from a large city, who drink, and do not drink alcohol, view the school- family- and friendsituation? Can we understand youths? attitude to alcohol on basis of the factors: School, family and friends? Are there any differences and similarities?MethodInterviews have been implemented with four youngsters in a large city and in the countryside. To gain as much as possible from the interviews a questionnaire was distributed to two classes in year nine in the countryside, and one class in the large city. The interview material was analysed on the basis from earlier research and two theoretical models.ResultsAccording to the youngsters that drink, both in the countryside and the large city, the most common view in school was that high demands are put on the youngsters and that they should study more then they do.

Norra Djurga?rdsstaden som nollstad : En studie av miljo?projektets sista etapp och dess potential

All around the world more and more people move from rural areas to live in the cities. Because of this, the urban areas have become an important part in the debate about the effects on the environment and sustainability. In many countries word wide initiatives have been taken to build sustainable cities and eco cities, the Stockholm Royal Seaport is one example. The vision for the district is to become a world class sustainable city based on the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and ecologic. The municipality of Stockholm has set requirements for the buildings? energy usage, emissions and amount of waste generated during the building process.

Malmö - möten och mångfald? En studie av bostadssegregationen i Malmö med fokus på Västra Innerstaden och Limhamn-Bunkeflo

This is a study about residential segregation in Malmö. The aim is to highlight the segregation that is taking place in the city as a whole. I therefore focus on two residential areas in Malmö which are not often mentioned when speaking about segregation; Västra Innerstaden and Limhamn-Bunkeflo. I present different theories on housing segregation and discuss them in relation to these specific residential areas. I investigate how the socio-economic and ethnic characteristics of the inhabitants in these residential areas are connected to Malmö being a segregated city.

Pratbubblan: den röda tråden : En studie av Karlstads Stadsnäts visuella kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Karlstad City Fiber Network visual elements in the form of a pair of speech bubbles fit into the organization's holistic external communication and branding. The study examines whether Karlstad City Fiber Network image of the organization and the speech bubbles match the stakeholders view and how the visual elements are perceived and recognized by stakeholders. The theory associated with the study is theories of corporate visual identity, image, identity and branding and visual communication. These three elements are important to be aware of when a generation of an effective external communications. Qualitative interviews with employees at Karlstad City Fiber Network and Karlstad municipality has undertaken to give an idea of ??what the organization wants to achieve and what their opinions are.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Vetlandas gatuträd : analys av trädens upplevelsekvalitéer

Street trees have had a prominent role in Vetlandas history from the turn of the century up to present day. Many trees have unfortunately been taken away through the ages, but most of them luckily remains and most of the streets in central Vetlanda are still tree lined. The comprehensive inventory that has been made shows that lime is the dominant species in Vetlanda with no less than 62 %. The age division is quite even with one peak at the turn of the century, one during the ?60s and another during the ?90s.

Staden som varumärke: en studie av city branding med Malmö som exempel

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Malmö stad arbetar med city branding och argumentera för att city branding kan användas som verktyg för att tillvarata resurser i staden. Analysen sker utifrån teori kring city branding och platsmarknadsföring. Jag använder mig också utav teori kring entreprenörsstaden då jag menar att den tillväxtkultur som entreprenörsstaden präglas av ger viktiga ledtrådar till vilka prioriteringar som görs i stadens varumärkesarbete. Mitt empiriska material består av intervjuer och strategidokument för Malmö stad. Jag försöker finna svar på hur brandingstrategierna för Malmö formas samt om och i så fall hur, staden verkar för att befintliga sociala och kulturella värden inkorporeras i varumärket Malmö.

Platskänslan på en innergård i Göteborg - En jämförelse mellan planerarnas vision och de boendes uppfattning

This case study, ?The sense of place in a courtyard in Gothenburg?, examines whether the city planners? vision correspond to the residents? perception regarding the sense of place and the physical environment in a courtyard in Gothenburg. By carrying out a questionnaire survey, the inhabitants? perception has been explicated, which we have then compared to the total vision for the design of the courtyard that we have gathered from doing interviews with the planning executive, the developer and the landscape architect as well as reviewing the development plan. The study has shown that the vision coincides relatively well with the residents? perception, but it differenciates when it comes to social aspects.

The vertical farm : varför har idén uppkommit och hur är den tänkt att fungera?

By immersion in the situation of the food production today and a historical study of how past development has led us to this point, one goal of this essay is to discuss whether the current way of farming can be applied in a sustainable future. Another objective of the essay is to study the vision Vertical farming as an alternative approach, and to focus on different aspects of this phenomenon in order to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible.The paper, thus, seeks to broaden the views for alternative approaches regarding a well-established method which we often take for granted. The aim is also to initiate a discussion around the need to also take radical ideas in regard if we want to face the future in a sustainable manner. The method is a qualitative literary study where scientific articles and papers have been used to discuss the issues: why has the idea of Vertical farming arisen, what is Vertical farming and how is the Vertical Farm meant to operate? Does Vertical farming have a place in the sustainable city of the future? For a long time us humans lived as one with nature, in a symbiotic relationship in which we gave and took as a functioning part of an ecosystem.

Trädgårdsstaden : från historisk idé till dagsaktuell verklighet

The aim of this study has been to make clear the conception of ?The Garden City?, and also to investigate why and how the garden city has come to be a more frequent and attractive form of settlement in our Swedish community. The essay is supported by a literature study about the garden city from its beginning (1890?s) to present time. To make a distinct explanation of the garden cities progress over time, I have studied the idea behind two garden cities of today, Tullinge and Vistabergs garden city.

Energieffektiv byggnad i stadsmiljö

This report will present an energy efficient building in the centre of Kalmar city. It willbecome energy efficient because of the worldwide goal to reduce our energy using in ourbuildings.The values of architecture have been given a great part in this report. The building is supposed to be placed in Kvarnholmen in a unique environment in centre of Kalmar city.Because of the placement it is very important to show respect to the surroundings and the history of Kalmar..

Stortorget i Lund : en kandidatuppsats om torgets utveckling från 1000-talet till 2007...

Abstract Squares, these public rooms have always fascinated me. I find them interesting because of their variety in shapes, functions, design etc. Stortorget in Lund is one of Sweden?s oldest squares, this essay is dedicated to this particular square. Of all the possible ways that you could approach Stortorget in Lund I have decided to do it from an urban design point of view.

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