

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 10 av 302

?Roll up! Roll up for The Magical Mystery Tour!? : om upplevelseindustrin i The Beatles Liverpool

During the 19th centaury Liverpool was an industrial city of great magnitude owing to the well-established communication and infrastructure in the area. During the 1950?s the industry decrease swiftly - and although Liverpool as a city gain interest as a result of the sensation of the Merseybeat and The Beatles - the reduction continued through the 70?s and during the 80?s the people of Liverpool suffered from great unemployment. Today Liverpool is a post-industrial city with a growing experience economy that mainly benefits from The Beatles tourism and the Merseybeat-era. The focus of these studies is the experience economy in Liverpool as a result of globalization and production in the late modernity.

Visioner och planer för framtidsstaden Ulriksdal. En studie om planeringen av en ny stadsdel.

The centre of attention in this essay is on public-private-partnerships in Swedish city planning. It discusses the phenomenon and tries to identify the problems and possibilities that may appear when private and public actors are trying to work together to plan new cities or parts of cities in a process with network structures. The main questions that is asked is ?what vision for the city can we se, and who's vision is it?? together with the question of where the actual power to make the city plan and the vision can be find. The soon-to-be-built area Ulriksdal in Stockholm were Peab AB and Solna Stad stands as main actors has been chosen to illustrate the possible problems and is analysed from different angles, but the writers intention is also to say something on the matter in general.

Framtidstankar hos unga kvinnor som skär sig

The number of young women who self-mutilate in different ways has increased dramatically in recent years. Self-mutilation is a way of trying to feel better for the moment. People who self-mutilate often have some other underlying illness such as borderline disease. Women are overrepresented in this group of people and their behaviour is often rooted in a history of childhood trauma, sexual abuse, and psychic maltreatment. The aim of this study is to reveal thoughts about the future among young women who self-mutilate.

Kontorsvakanser i Malmö city - en fallstudie

Vakansgraden på kontorslokaler i Malmö har traditionellt sett alltid varit hög och legat omkring 15 %. Enligt NewSec Nordic City Report spring 2006 uppgår vakansgraden till 16 % på kontorsfastigheter i Malmö city. Störst vakansgrad finner man i de gamla fastigheterna som har vakanser på uppåt 25 %. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att analysera och undersöka vilka strategier fastighetsföretagen, som äger och förvaltar kontorsfastigheter i centrala Malmö, har för att sänka vakansgraden. Det vi har kommit fram till är att företagen ser på kontorsvakanserna i city på olika sätt, beroende på sina individuella situationer och affärsidéer.

Uthållig estetik i landskapet - om att synliggöra sitt förhållningssätt till hållbarhet : Sustainable landscape aesthetics - to demonstrate ones attitude towards sustainability

Abstract In my work, I have tried to define and clarify the conception of sustainability seen from my perspective as a landscape architect. With a basis in literature studies, I have analysed and commented on different applications, contents and meanings of sustainability and endurance. This compilation is based on how a number of writers, researchers and authorities consider the importance of integrating ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability in city planning. My perspective has mainly been founded on the anthologies and compilations from the 80´s and 90´s where Per G. Berg and Björn Malbert acted as editors.

På egna ben? En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers framtidssyn.

AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to examine how young people who are about to graduate from high school define and value their future. We also wanted to se which emotions they associate with their future and what or who influences them in their choices in life.The questions for our study were:What does it mean for these youths to become an adult?What images do they have of future education, profession and unemployment?What or who influences the picture they have of their future?What kind of attitude do they have towards the future?We approached the research with a qualitative method and interviewed ten youths in high school. Our conclusion was that the youths had an ambivalent attitude towards becoming adults; it was scary and yet exciting. The youths had the impression that education was important in order get a good job and to avoid unemployment.

En ledande vision - En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur Helsingborgsfestivalen arbetar inom ramen för city branding.

Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet city branding, där undersökningen har för avsikt att bidra till en djupare förståelse för en mindre del inom denna varumärkesskapande process. Genom att sammanföra befintliga teorier inom ämnet city branding presenterar vi en ny teoretisk modell som framhåller betydelsen av att en stads styrande aktör överför sin uttalade vision, värden och framtidsplaner till dess sub-brands. Detta för att kommunicera ett enat budskap, då sub-brands utgör en del i styrande aktörers varumärkespositionering. Den nya teoretiska modellen tydliggör förhållandet mellan varumärkesidentitet och varumärkespositionering genom det vidgade begreppet ledande vision, som i komplexiteten inom citybrandingprocessen kan fungera som ett styrverktyg. Fallstudien utgår från staden Helsingborg, där vi undersöker hur Helsingborgs Stads kommun som en styrande aktör överför sin ledande vision, innefattande uttalad vision, värden och framtidsplaner, till dess sub-brand Helsingborgsfestivalen.

Brist på själslig insikt? : Utomjordingar och deras forskning kring människan i Dark City

The paper examines how human inner properties and the interpretation of the external worldare explained and presented in Dark City (Alex Proyas, 1998). Aspects as the relationship between the body and soul/consciousness, body snatching, memory transferences and dystopian cities are analyzed. The field of study is compared to a general science-fiction film perspective regarding the aspects. Dark City contains an alien race with a common mind, but who lacks soul and individuality. They represent what humanity can become if the scientific development goes too far.

Synen på och stödet till Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1961

This master's thesis asks two main questions concerning the history of the City and UniversityLibrary of Gothenburg: what was the prevailing view of the library and its role? Whateconomic support did the library receive and from whom?By critically examining extensive source material mainly from the library archives and cityand state records, these conclusions are drawn: the City and University Library was regardedas a purely scientific library by all involved except the state as early as the 1920s. The state didnot express this view until 1946. The support came almost exclusively from the city ofGothenburg, the state not extending support on a larger scale until 1946 and then onlysporadically. The widely-held view of the library as a scientific one was ignored by the statein its repeated refusals to grant the library support both before and after 1946.

En stad. Många skuggor. : En studie av Sydsvenskans rapportering i Malmö

The purpose of this essay has been to study if all the districts in the city of Malmoe get to be seen in the city?s biggest newspaper, Sydsvenskan. Is the reporting proportional? What images is the newspaper offering the citizens? Do they match the reality? Or are some parts of Malmoe in the dark, in a media shadow?Research done in the past has shown that Stockholm in many ways is in a media shadow. The same pattern was shown in Gothenburg.

Produktutveckling i stadens tjänst : en explorativ studie om design av souvenirer

It is increasingly important for cities to attract visitors, potential new residents and businesses. Jönköping is one of the cities working with place marketing, a strategy that intends to mediate a positive image of the city, in order to accomplish just that.People often have a need to preserve the memory of a trip into something tangible. Anyone visiting Jönköping encounters a souvenir choice, much like the one in many other cities. Linked to the idea of positive place marketing, our work aims to investigate how we as product developers can create a product that en¬hances the image of Jönköping based on the thought that all residents are con¬sig¬nors. Accordingly, we develop three different products from the residents' own image of the city.Our research questions are:Based on the photographs, what image of Jönköping do the ambassadors mediate of their own city?As designers, what in Jönköping's history versus the image of Jönköping today, can we seize in order to give products for visitors a sense of authenticity?As designers, how can we use knowledge of place branding in the development of souvenirs?We performed interviews within three different aspects: history, souvenirs and place branding, all focused on the city of Jönköping.

Vem ska laga dina tänder?

Polska tandläkare i Sverige och svenska tandläkare i England. Gränserna i Europa öppnas alltmer. I den här artikelserien om framtidens tandvård berättar en polsk tandläkare om sin flytt till Sverige. Du möter en tandläkarstudent som blivit av med sin tandläkarskräck och en klinikchef som inte tycker att han är särskilt bra. Vi börjar på lågpriskliniken City Dental, som satt igång debatten..

Kan man minska bilåkandet i staden? : sett ur ett stadsplanerarperspektiv

The reason why this essay is written can be parted in two, whereas one would be the global trend of urbanization that occurs to this moment and forward, whereas the other would be the debate of how motorism has come to be an issue of sustainable management of our cities and our environment. In purpose to deliver a thorough understanding of how the car and its capacity has come to shape the society of today, and to emphasize the problems it´s brought, a historical survey has been made, followed by the report of problems to the society formed by the needs of the car, discussed in several environmental issues, such as jamming, noise and air pollution. This is followed by the discussion of potential solutions for how city planning could return to the focus of the human scale and perspective, in purpose to correspond with the issue of ways to decrease the car use in towns. In conclusion, the given solutions are discussed, where examples like shared space, investment in public transport, mobility management and the theory of the assembled city are included, with aid from literature, to finally conclude the essay with personal thoughts of how the planning of today, or the given solutions, really are the result of sustainability for city planning from a human perspective.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Volvo Ocean Race Stockholm 2009 : Planeringen av ett evenemang i världsklass

It has become increasingly common for a city or region to use sporting and media events to promote themselves. But what is behind these events? What kind of organisation is necessary to plan and run them? In the summer of 2009 the internationally known Volvo Ocean Race will arrive in Stockholm. The race is eight months long and will be hosted in Stockholm for almost the whole of June. The City of Stockholm is behind the event and Stockholm?s marinas will be responsible for making sure that everything runs smoothly and on schedule.

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