

690 Uppsatser om Functional grammar - Sida 36 av 46

Tillgänglighet i flerbostadshus från 1990 till nutid : Analyser av projekt i Uddevalla

The built environment should be accessible for everyone. A residence shall be functional without creating a handicap for people who have a disability from birth, caused by an accident or of old age. A residence that is accessible creates equal conditions for everyone.In this report the accessibility of newly built blocks of flats in Uddevalla city from 1990 until today are interpreted. One project that is yet to be built is interpreted and compared with the already existing projects. The apartments of seven projects have been analyzed according to today?s regulations of accessibility.

En ny ateism eller ateism i en ny tid? : En idéanalys av de nya ateisterna och deras kritiker

This essay intends to examine the atheists Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Michel Onfray's arguments against religion, based on the themes of religion, atheism and the perception.of their present worldview. In addition, the research aims to find out whether it is suitable to talk about a new atheism. And, if so, whether such newatheism correspond with the definition represented by the Christian critics. The essay intends to contribute to a very limited research on the so-called new atheism without applying pro-religious arguments.Previous research and theory highlight the problem of defining the terms atheism, religion and secularism a concern that is reflected by the five critics troughout their arguments. What really united the critics were the idea about religion taking too much place in society, and the opinion that atheistic morality is at least as good as religious morality.

Mångfunktionella golfbanor : rekreativa och pedagogiska platser

The objective of this essay is, from the golf perspective including the golf courses' physical attributes, golf club management, members of the golf club and golf course designers, to explore possibilities for making existing golf courses more multifunctional. The purpose of this is to increase the understanding for golf courses' role as part of the landscape and comprehension regarding possible opportunities around them to exploit and develop.The increased pressure of population in peri-urban areas has resulted in a greater need for accessible recreation, particularly in the isolated farmland. As a result, land is sometimes used against landowners' will, which is a deficiency that is the basis for many conflicts between farmers and landowners.In the current situation, there is a negative trend in golf with reduced interest and fewer golfers than in the past. As a result, many of Sweden's golf courses have financial problems and are therefore trying to find new ways to avoid bankruptcy. Sweden's existing golf courses occupy about 30 000 hectares of land, of which a very large percentage are located in peri-urban areas.

Att säga det med ord eller bild : En kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan talad kommunikation och kommunikation stöttad av samtalsmatta för personer med Multipel Skleros

MS, multipel skleros, är en neurologisk sjukdom som kan leda till kommunikationsrelaterade problem. Personer med MS kan därför tänkas vara i behov av olika former av kommunikationshjälpmedel. Samtalsmatta är ett visuellt och bildbaserat kommunikationshjälpmedel som avser att underlätta för personer att visa åsikter och göra val. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda samtalsmattans effekt på kommunikation med personer med MS. Frågeställningarna rör huruvida samtalseffektiviteten påverkas av samtalsmattan, vilka för- och nackdelar samtalsmattan kan ha jämfört med verbal kommunikation och hur deltagarna uppfattar användandet av samtalsmattan. För att utreda detta har en kvalitativ metod använts.

Att leva med ADHD : en litteraturo?versikt av faktorer som pa?verkar funktionell fo?rma?ga hos vuxna med ADHD

BakgrundAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) hos vuxna a?r en neuropsykiatrisk diagnos som ofta bemo?ts med misstro trots att tre till fyra procent av den vuxna befolkningen i Sverige bera?knas leva med diagnosen. ADHD pa?verkar ma?nga aspekter av det dagliga livet och kan problematisera sociala relationer, utbildning, arbetsliv, ekonomi och ha?lsa. Fo?rsta?else fo?r individens funktionella fo?rma?ga a?r ett no?dva?ndigt verktyg fo?r sjuksko?terskan i omva?rdnadsarbetet.

Noggrannhet vid målinmätning : Analys av ett eldledningsinstrument med förbättringsförslag

This Master Thesis has been conducted as an assignment of the Swedish Defence MaterialAdministration and the Swedish Armed Forces and aims to examine the Target Location Error(TLE) of a Forward Observer System. The targeting accuracy of the system is vital if the systemis to be used as a sensor for precision munitions. The analyzed system, EOI (FOI 2000), wasdelivered to the Swedish Armed Forces in 2007. The targeting sequence starts with deciding theposition of the system with a GPS-receiver, continues with methods where the north direction issettled and ends by measuring the distance, direction and elevation to the target. When allparameters have been measured the system calculates the position of the target.

Handledning som arbetsverktyg för pedagoger

Malmö högskola Lärarutbildningen Skolutveckling och ledarskap Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning Vårterminen 2009 Abstrakt Malmgren, Therese (2009) Handledning som arbetsverktyg för pedagoger. ( Guidance as a functional tool for educators) Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola Syftet med denna studie var att försöka ta reda på hur pedagoger ville att handledning skulle vara utformad och vad den skulle kunna innehålla, för att kunna användas som ett regelbundet arbetsverktyg. Dessutom syftade den till att försöka ta reda på vad, om något, som behövde förändras på organisations-, grupp- och individnivå för att vara så meningsfull som möjligt. Jag valde att göra kvalitativa intervjuer med sju personer, med semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Av dessa sju var fyra stycken 1-7 lärare, två stycken 4-9 lärare samt en förskollärare. Resultatet visade att flera av intervjupersonerna ansåg att det var viktigt att kunna se sina fördelar och nackdelar, styrkor och svagheter, i ett handledningssamtal.

Flen : Om stagnation i skuggan av Stockholm

This thesis aims at analyzing why the municipality of Flen, in the eastern part of Sweden, has experienced strong depopulation for the last forty years in spite of its relative vicinity to Stockholm. The study uses current theories on regional developement, population theory and theories on regional enlargment to help explain and to evaluate the different regional factors that affect the developement of Flen on the local level. The thesis is primarily focused on the subject of regional policy and strategies to meet regional depopulation. The study also gives a presentation of the strategies of major regional institutions as well as analyzing what impact regional policy have on local policy in the municipality of Flen.Interviews with local officials, politicians and other people representing the population of Flen were carried out to achieve a better understanding of the specific challenges that the municipality faces and of the measures that are taken to meet them. Regional policy in Sweden prioritises measures that promote regional enlargment to link the housing and labour markets together with the regional infrastructure.

Fine-Mapping of Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies on horse chromosome 6

Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalities (MCOA) is a genetic disease that affects primarily Silver coloured horses of breeds such as the Rocky and Kentucky mountain horses. In these breeds the Silver dapple colour is very popular leading to an increase of affected horses. The major feature of the disease is ocular cysts of variable size. Large cysts also lead to a variety of secondary syndromes, for example retinal detachment. In previous studies the locus for MCOA has been mapped to an interval of 420 kb on equine chromosome six.

Levo : En lyftanordning för höjdjustering av manuella gåbarrar

The parallel bars is used in physical therapy and is mainly used for patients who have to train walking and balance after a stroke or an operation. It consists of two long handrails with two legs on each handrail. These legs go down into two ground-plates and are locked at the wanted height with a pin. The parallel bars is an appreciated device and is used on a daily basis in many care units.The main issue with the manual parallel bars is that it is very difficult and heavy for a single person to adjust the height of it. If a larger adjustment of the height has to be done, the legs have to be adjusted one at a time otherwise the they will be locked.

Klassifikationens roll på www: en studie av webbmiljöns påverkan på klassifikationens principer och funktioner

Principles that guide how a classification system should be structured have existed for more than a century. Traditional classification principles can be of great value for the design of classification schemes directories on the web. However, there are differences between the library context in which these principles originated, and the web. This thesis aims at investigating how changes in the context of classification affect the application of traditional principles of classification on the web. Another purpose is to see what implications this has for the design of classification schemes on the web.

Nutrient effects on microorganism communities in nutrient poor soils

Better, more efficient fertilizers with great productivity and economic returns are needed, but it is important today to find fertilizers that are also sustainable. It is also important to carefully monitor their impact on the environment, including potential side-effects. In this context, the microbial communities that carry out numerous essential functions contributing to a functional ecosystem are of particular interest. The present study is a complement to a pot experiment that investigated the potential of different waste products for use as fertilizers and how they affect the microbial community. In the pot experiment, the clearest treatment change in microorganism community function was found in the fully fertilized treatment used as a positive control. The question was whether this was indirect, i.e.

Kommunikationshjälpmedel Sound and Display Communicator

During the last year in the Innovation Engineering Program, at Halmstad University, a degree project was performed that was carried out during Fall semester in 2006 and Spring semester 2007. The project was performed by two students in corporation with LIC Audio AB, a company in Stockholm. The degree project was meant to result in a communication aid for people with a cognitive handicap. The project focused on people suffering from dementia because of the expressed need within this group. This aid should first and foremost help in a conversation between a person with dementia and another person, like a relative or nursing home staff.

Implementering av Balanced Scorecard ioffentlig miljö : en fallstudie i Tidaholms kommun

 Title: Implementation of Balance Scorecard in public sector - a case study in the community of Tidaholm. Course: Thesis in business administration, 15 p Authors: Marie Ohlsson and Ola Pettersson Advisor: Henrik Linderoth Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the balanced scorecard can be formed according to the backgrounds in the community of Tidaholm. Methodology: We have chosen a qualitative case study. We work on the supposition of an established theory. And switch between deductive and inductive method, with an abductive method as a result. Theory: We work on the supposition of the latest theories from the authors of the balanced scorecard, Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton.

Kristen djupmeditation som religiös praxis i Svenska kyrkan

The Church of Sweden has in recent years offered activities such as Christian deep medita-tion, mindfulness and health days. This may be a way for the Church of Sweden to reach the modern man who would not otherwise have come to the church, but there are critics who argue that new spirituality has made its entry in the Church of Sweden. The phenomenon of Christian deep meditation has become increasingly common in the Church of Sweden. In order to satisfy my curiosity about what a Christian deep meditation is, I decided to write an essay about this. My question is as follows: How important is Christian deep meditation as a religious practice in the Church of Sweden? This essay is a qualitative study and I have cho-sen to perform eight pieces of interviews, two of them are recorded.

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