690 Uppsatser om Functional grammar - Sida 37 av 46
Innovativ utmatningsteknik : Mediumstor bulkförvaringslösning
This master thesis was done for a company called BRUKS which is active in woodprocessing,bio-energy and bulk material handling industry. The idea for the master thesis wasto develop a new reclaiming method for silos where wood chips are being stored. A mediumsegment of between 1000 ? 5000 m3was defined as the segment with the most sales potential.Two different concepts were produced, one for new constructions and one for rebuildingalready existing silos.In the beginning of the master thesis a lot of time was spent on visiting different BRUKSoffices and customers to get an overview of the industry and the product. This informationwas the basis when the idea generating phase began.
Sociala medier för Knowledge management : Företags användning av webb 2.0 baserade kollaborationsverktyg för kunskapshantering
Knowledge is today one of the most important resources for an organization to handle. But knowledge can also be difficult for organizations to manage. The internet is still growing and new tools take form that allows users to effectively share information. The purpose of this report was to describe how organizations can make use out of internal social media to facilitate knowledge management processes. Three issues involving mapping, coding and dissemination of knowledge to were produced to answer the thesis. The study was limited to examining the identification, coding and dissemination of knowledge through the internal social media plattformen, IBM Connections. The theoretical framework emphasizes how social networks can promote knowledge sharing, how a knowledge mapping can promote knowledge dissemination and sharing, how knowledge can be stored in data sources and how important interaction is to spread awareness. The theory has been supplemented by descriptions of how the system IBM Connections works. Surveys were conducted on four companies that use IBM Connections as an internal communication plattformen. The four companies were selected to illustrate how they use the plattformen of knowledge management processes and we chose to interview the people who were responsible for the introduction of the plattformen. The study identified several similarities between the different companies and that although there were some technical and cultural recalcitrant units against this new type of system within the organization so favored IBM Connections knowledge in several ways. The built-in search automatic created a map of knowledge through the plattform's user profiles. Saved files and documents could be found even after the employees left the company, which encodes knowledge into the company knowledge resources. The opportunity to interact with one another, often over great distances, favored the sharing of knowledge. A comparison with the theoretical framework provided us with the conclusion that internal social media can be used in several ways to Knowledge management through automated knowledge maps, the ability to store knowledge within the company and to communicate knowledge across functional and geographical boundaries in interactive discussions..
Hur ser barns yttranden ut? : Yttrandetyper, bisatser och yttrandelängd hos svenska 3- och 4-åringar
Children?s utterances have been studied in different languages; however, only a few studies refer to Swedish. The aim of the present study is to describe utterance types, subordinate clauses and utterance length for a group of three and four year old Swedish children without known functional impairments.The study included 29 children, 17 girls and 12 boys, in a larger city in the south-east of Sweden. The children, all native Swedish speakers, were aged 3;0 to 4;11. Sound recordings were made during a playing session with one of the authors in the children?s day care centers.The utterances were divided into the categories elliptical responses, incomplete and partly unintelligible utterances, imitative utterances and independent utterances.
Rekreationsanpassade skogsskötselplaner för friluftsområdena Mellsta och Skräddarbacken i Borlänge :
This Master thesis is performed at the request of the forest company Mellanskog and the local municipality of Borlänge in Sweden and aims to establish recreational adjusted forest management plan for the areas of Mellsta and Skräddarbacken in Borlänge.
In all types of urban forestry it is very important that the management plan are accepted by the general public. To make sure that also these plans of future measures, pass in the public, interview studies have been performed in which the public wishes and interests have been examined and applied in the management plan.
To make sure that future measures in the forest may be accepted by the public when the forest harvester enters the woods, it is very important that a well functional work of information has been made. The people living close by the forest shall have been informed a couple of weeks before the time of measures and it must also be good information available that explains what is to be done and why.
Urban Vindkraft : ett nytt element i bebyggd miljö?
This paper aims to explore the phenomenon urban wind energy, its visual effect on built environment and the factors that affect the opinion towards new elements in the city. A place study of the city Gävle serves as a complement to the theoretical part of the paper. The theoretical discussion opens with an account for the technical and economical conditions of urban wind energy. It presents the technical basics, different types of turbines and a discussion occurring wind related techniques in built environment. Today, the knowledge of how the wind moves and acts in the rural landscape is quite good.
Det glokala kompetenslandskapet : Den regionala kunskapsuppbyggnaden vid Växjö universitet samt dess val av hemregion.
Abstract and summaryThe glocal province of competence.The regional building up of knowledge at Växjö University and its choice of home region.The aim of the study is to give views on knowledge and to describe and discuss which home region Växjö University has chosen as its context. Taking my point of departure in the literature and in examples, I illustrate, discuss and examine how three different disciplines at the university have chosen their home regions. The disciplines are history, economics and biology. The study covers the last 33 years.The empirical study, with its focus only on regional matters, is based on four sources. 1.
Vaccinering mot galtlukt ? ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris
In 2012, about 1.3 million boars were surgically castrated, most of them without anaesthesia. Castration is performed to avoid the occurrence of boar taint and aggressive and sexual behaviour. There is a growing concern about the welfare of the piglets and the Swedish Board of Agriculture is working to find efficient and functional alternatives to castration without anaesthesia. The aim of this study was to obtain an overall picture of the latest research about the alternatives to castration without anaesthesia, with focus on vaccination against boar taint, and how they affect the welfare of the pigs.
The alternative methods that are available today are surgical castration with anaesthesia and/or analgesia, rearing entire males and vaccination against boar taint.
Det växer så det knakar! Vad påverkar konsumentens val av återhämtningstillskott
Syfte Vi har för avsikt att öka förståelsen för hur valet av återhämtningstillskott styrs av konsumentens beteende och analysera i vilken grad olika faktorer påverkar detta val. Vår förhoppning är att denna insikt skall kunna bidra till att minska det informationsbehov som företag i denna bransch ställs inför där de idag kan ha bristfällig information. Metod För att besvara de frågeställningar som uppkommit under problemdiskussionen har vi använt oss av både primär och sekundär data. Vi har utgått från den sekundärdata vi insamlat för att få en teoretisk bas att stå på. Den primärdata vi insamlat baserar på kvalitativa djupintervjuer och samtal med sakkunniga.
Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige
During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g.
Arkiverad men inte tillgängliggjord : En studie av upphovsrättslagen, kollektiva avtalslicenser och tillgängliggörande av digitaliserat arkivmaterial
This study focuses on the Nordic model of Extended Collective Licenses (ECL) and how this model can be used in the process of digitalising and publishing archival material such as photos, letters, maps or films. The question that this study aims to deal with is what advantages, and disadvantages, there are for archives and copyright holders when an ECL is being used. To help answering this question the ?theory of the knowledge commons? has been applied. The research question has been answered through a text analysis based on legal texts including Swedish law.
Ägarlägenhetsförrättningar ur ett kostnadsperspektiv : Hur utvalda faktorer påverkar förrättningskostnaden och den framtida förvaltningen
The purpose of this study is to get the cadastral procedure for condominiums to become more affordable. The aims of the study is to examine how the number of condominiums, the number of joint facilities and the number of joint property units that are formed in a condominium cadastral procedure in Sweden influences the cadastral procedure cost. To get an overall perspective the study also explores how the chosen forms of co-operation have worked out in association management.A condominium is a type of three-dimensional property unit, which may only contain one residence. This form of property formation has been allowed in Sweden since 1 May 2009. At the end of 2014 less than 1000 condominiums had been formed despite the legislator?s expectations for 3000-5000 condominiums a year. The property unit can have access to necessary facilities, not available within the property boundaries, by establishing joint facilities or form joint property units.
Kultur hela livet : Om vikten av samarbete mellan bibliotek och äldreomsorg
This two year master thesis reviews the possibilities for how public libraries and geriatric care can cooperate on a long-term basis. By using a project called Prosit the study shows which approaches and actions that worked in order to create this kind of successful collaboration, and which ones that didn't.The theoretical framework consists of the sociocultural perspective developed by psychologist Roger Säljö in meaning to emphasize how these two departments can learn from each other. The theory also underlines the fact that both public libraries and geriatric care can develop their own way of improving the elderly?s daily life by working together. The thesis method is qualitative and based on Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke?s thematic analysis.
Textil halksula
De senaste årens långa och kalla vintrar har lett till ett ökat antal halkolyckor. Genom att undersöka halkolyckors utsträckning samt halkskydd som fanns tillgängliga konstaterades det att ett behov av nya halkskydd fanns. Enkäter för att ge svar på användning av halkskydd togs fram och svar från personer i åldrarna 20-65 visade att man överlag inte använde halkskydd. I stor utsträckning berodde det på halkskyddens dåliga kvalité och den negativa stämpeln som fanns på dem . Textila material undersöktes för att finna lämpliga egenskaper.
Kostrelaterade egenvårdsmetoder och dess effekter för patienter med Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Funktionell Dyspepsi : En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) och Funktionell Dyspepsi (FD) är två syndrom som många personer lider av och som det inte finns någon botande behandling för. Då syndromen bara går att symptomlindra tar många av personerna som lider av dessa till egenvårdsmetoder som ofta är kostrelaterade. Att stötta och vägleda patienter i sin egenvård är en uppgift som sjuksköterskor i allmänhet har, och i synnerhet för dessa patienter eftersom ingen botande behandling finns. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva kostrelaterade egenvårdsmetoder för patienter med Irritable Bowel Syndrome och/eller Funktionell Dyspepsi där upplevda och/eller observerade effekter beskrivits. Syftet var även att beskriva de valda studiernas datainsamlingsmetoder.
Balanced Scorecard identifieringens dolda dilemma
The use of balanced scorecards have spread explosively throughout the world during the last decade. This management tool have become very common in a vide spread variety of organisations on all continents. Many balanced scorecard fails though and scorecard theorists often blame the identification- and implementation process as they claim that these lay the foundation for the use of the tool. As my literature study shows, academic research on the area is rare. Particularly the effect on the implementation process from organisational dynamics and organisational structures needs further research.