

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 6 av 42

Livskvalitet hos personer som genomgått en total höftledsplastik - en litteraturstudie

The purpose of the study was based on scientific literature to describe the quality of life of persons who have undergone a total hip replacement. The method was a descriptive literature review. The results showed that pain was the most obvious change after surgery. Mild pain before surgery was strongly associated with mild pain after surgery. But despite less pain were experienced early, it took 1 year to achieve the full benefits of improved physical function.

Sambandet mellan ?A nine test screening battery for athletes? och hopphöjd, sprinthastighet och speltid hos basketspelare i svenska ungdomslandslag

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sambandet mellan A nine test screening battery for athletes (NTSB) och prestationsparametrar för basketspelare i de svenska ungdomslandslagen.Studiedesignen var en tvärsnittsstudie där data från Svenska basketbollförbundets årligen utförda tester av kvinnliga och manliga ungdomslandslagsspelare i åldrarna 15-20 år analyserades. Totalt ingick 96 personer, varav 53 var kvinnor och 43 var män. Av dessa 96 personer deltog 49 vid europeiska mästerskapen (EM). Resultat Korrelationsberäkningar genomfördes mellan summascore på NTSB, NTSB:s enskilda tester och 10-20-30 m sprint, counter movement jump med armsving (CMJ(a) samt speltid vid EM. Total poäng på NTSB har i denna studie ett lågt samband mot prestationsparametrar.

Functional Food : Funktionellt för konsument eller producent?

Att hälsa är en ny och växande marknad i Sverige är inget som undgått vare sig producenter eller konsumenter. Medvetenheten hos folket kring hälsa ökar och den svenska befolkningen har aldrig varit så hälsomedveten som den är idag. Trots detta blir vi enligt statistiken allt fetare. Det verkar motsägelsefullt, att sjukdomar som fetma och diabetes kraftigt ökar under samma period där marknadsföringen av nyttigare livsstilar och livsmedel är massiv. Fettsnåla och sockersnåla alternativ bland livsmedelprodukterna ökar och produktionen av hälsosamma produkter har varit på uppgång de senaste åren.

Funktionell test på hundar med artros

The field rehabilitation in veterinary medicine has expanded over the past ten years. Animalswith disorders in the musculoskeletal system are often treated. The methods used lacksufficient scientific documentation; however claim to affect the animal's function in a positiveway. In order to investigate the efficacy of different rehabilitation modalities, it is important touse validated evaluation tolls. Therefore, a literature study on pain, pain-scales and functionaltest was performed together a pilot study on a functional test.The aim of the present pilot-study was to investigate a functional test, "Bioarth functionalevaluation scale", used in veterinary medicine.

Duk i buk : Functional Resonance Accident Model i en vårdrelaterad kontext

Ett stort antal människor dör på grund av skador som de fått inom vården och som hade kunnat förebyggas. Det finns siffror som pekar på att dessa vårdskador överskrider antalet döda i trafiken. Vid Östergötlands landsting finns sedan år 2005 en fast enhet som arbetar med patientsäkerhet. En av deras uppgifter är att, tillsammans med berörd verksamhet, utföra händelseanalyser inför anmälningar av Lex Maria-fall. Den analysmetod som används av patientsäkerhetsenheten är uppbyggd på en epidemiologisk olycksmodell.Syftet med denna studie har varit att använda analysmetoden FRAM (Functional Resonance Accident Model), som är en systemisk analysmetod utarbetad av Erik Hollnagel, i en vårdrelaterad kontext, någonting som inte har gjorts tidigare.

Effekter av funktionell träning och medicinbollkast för att optimera kinematic sequence och x-factor stretch i golfsvingen

The interest for functional strength training in golf has grown the last decade and scientists are always trying to find training stategies to improve the biomechanical aspects of the swing. Kinematic sequence contains a proximal-to-distal sequence order towards impact, and an effective kinematic sequence in the down swing begins with a rotation in the pelvis and follows by an activation in thorax, arms and club in the respective order. The rotational torques in the proximal segments wanders through the body and to the more distal segments to create an effective energy ? and power transfer at impact. The x-factor stretch is the seperation between the rotation in the pelvis and the thorax at the top of the back swing and at the beginning of the down swing.

Förbättrad hållning kring axelleden genom funktionell träning - En studie på kontorsarbetande kvinnor

Eight out of ten Swedes has once in a while pain in the back, neck or shoulders. This often depends on inactivity and monotonous work under a long time. Pain affects us mentally since the body and mind affect each other, which can lead to an evil circle of pain and depression. A typical imbalance in an office worker with the arms in front of the body while working is that the muscles on the front of the trunk will be shortened, since they never work with their full length and become strong because of the constant use. On the other hand, the muscles on the back of the trunk will be weakened and elongated, since they are working in an extended and static position.

Elektronstrukturbaserad magnetiseringsdynamik

In this project a method used for performing accurate simulations on magnetization dynamics based on constrained field density functional theory has been validated and used for performing computations on a few magnetic materials. The method has been shown to simulate systems consisting of iron well, but there are still problems with simulations of alloys containing both magnetic and non-magnetic materials..

Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar

The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development of language and stimulate reading. From this point of view we have examined why the children´s departments in public libraries offer CD-ROM games which are based upon characters from the literature, how they are used in the daily activity and how they can contribute to the development of the children´s department.We have made literary studies and empirical investigations including interviews, observation studies etc. The results from this studies shows that both young and adults appreciate the CD-ROM games.

ROLL UP! Produkten som förenklar hanteringenav en dragfjäder : Ett examensarbete som startade med en enkel idé och utvecklades till en prototyp

This report presents an independent thesis corresponding 15hp and was carried out on Högskolan in Halmstad during the spring of 2014. The thesis is the final course which ends a three-year mechanical engineering program with focus on technical design.The thesis started in an operation which electricians are exposed to every day. The operation in question is cable laying or wiring. The tool they use is called a tension spring and is a long and stiff wire, usually made out of nylon or fiberglass. The tension spring is fed through pipes in the walls and brings the desired cables with it on the way back.

Den geografiska, funktionella och processorienterade organisationen : en fallstudie av Holmen Skog, SCA Skog och Sydkraft Vattenkraft

This thesis reports on a case study of two different organisational forms in the Swedish forest industry; the geographic and the functional organisation. The work in the geographic organisation is carried out within districts under the supervision of an overall responible district manager, where as in the functional organisation the work has been divided into functions headed by function managers. Forest magement, logging and wood purchases are examples of such functions. The general idea of the functional organisation is having the functions working over a larger geographic unit, without subdividing district boundaries of the region. Also a third organisational form of current interest for the forest industry; the process orientated organisation, is analyzed in the case study. Here, a company outside the forest industry has been analyzed, since no forest company was considered to have made as much progress of changing organisation to process orientation. In the report I present the results from qualitative interviews, where I give the reader a picture of the motives behind each organisational form, what the form implies for some of the company?s interested parties and the organisations? views on future organisational development.

Att främja livskvalitet hos vuxna med Downs syndrom. En litteraturgranskning och analys av Carnevalis modell för funktionell hälsa relaterad till dagligt liv

The study describes how to support quality of life for adults with DS using Carnevali´s model of nursing care, daily living and functional health..

Functional Cuts

Our everyday life is becoming more active and the activities we perform influence the way we dress. Due to an increase in activities undertaken in an urban environment, demands are changing and the need for active wear that meets the new demands follow suit. The four characters represented in the research can be seen as a reflection of the functional features needed, including base layer, mid layer/insulation and shell.Despite the increase in activities, most of our clothes are still constructed on static dummies or drafted on a table in 2D and the main developments within the active sportswear field is driven by material innovation. By creating garments on a body in movement, my aim is to develop new functions and expression in active sportswear through construction.Construction methods in active sportswear are examined and understood through observations and reconstructions and constitute the foundation of a study of movement for a design recovery.The movement and features required for leading an active urban life sets the direction of the development of new func- tional garments. A series of trial and error sessions and draping fabric on a live model in movement created the prototypes used in functionality tests to establish their feasibility.

Implementering av Funktionell Familjeterapi: en kvalitativ studie av implementeringen av en evidensbaserad behandlingsmetod inom socialtjänsten på en ort i södra Sverige

The ambition to use evidence based treatments has spread within the field of Swedish social work. The number of treatments with claim to being evidence based has grown but the research concerning implementation; the procedures being used to introduce new methods in organizations and assure that the method is being used appropriately and continuously, is scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the implementation of Functional Family Therapy (FFT), being an evidence based treatment, in an organization providing social services in the public sector, in Sweden. We used a qualitative research design and conducted interviews with persons involved in the implementation of FFT in the social services in a town in the south of Sweden. We used the practice guidelines provided in Evidence Based Practice (EBP) together with recently published meta- analyses of implementation research, in the field of social work, to examine the implementation of FFT, as being an evidence based treatment.

Diagnostikmetoder för ångreglerventil med servomotor

In this bachelor thesis, diagnostic methods for one of Siemens stem inlet control valves have been developed. The work has taken place during ten weeks at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB in Finspång. The company produce steam- and gas turbines and also provides service and maintenance. The purpose with this project has been to develop diagnostic methods that oversee the health of the control valves. By using the developed methods you will know when it?s time for maintenance.

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