

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 7 av 42

PÅVERKAR ÅLDER, KÖN OCH TRÄNINGSMÄNGD FMS? : En tvärsnittsstudie mellan Functional movement screen samt sf-36v2? Health survey

Regelbunden fysisk aktivitet motverkar en rad fysiska och mentala sjukdomar. Hälsovinster av fysisk aktivitet är bland annat en högre funktionell muskulär- och kardiovaskulär kapacitet samt en högre livskvalitet. Stillasittande och inaktivitet kan leda till övervikt, kardiovaskulära sjukdomar, cancer, psykosociala problem och metaboliska sjukdomar.Mellan män och kvinnor finns fysiologiska skillnader som visar sig i kroppsstorlek och muskelmassa. Detta ger generellt sett kvinnor mer flexibel fysik medan män är fysiskt starkare.WHOs rekommendationer om daglig fysisk aktivitet är 150 min/vecka av moderat aerobisk träning eller 75 min mer ansträngande aerobisk träning. Styrketräning som involverar större muskelgrupper rekommenderas i åldrarna 18-64.

Mångfald i bilderboken ur ett litteratursociologiskt perspektiv.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how diversity takes shape in children?s picture books published in Sweden. Twelve picture books, which touch the aspect of diversity in the categories of gender, ages, culture, nation, ethnicities, language, class, sexuality and functional disorder, were chosen from the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs catalogue for youth and children?s books 2006. They have been analysed with the conception of ikonotext and with the theory of Pierre Macherey?s image in the mirror, of how literature reflects the reality of society.

Infärgning och samarbete på Elprogrammet

This work is about collaboration and staining in the upper secondary school Electrical program. How should the coloring go to in order to increase students' motivation and thus facilitate students' learning is the main subject with the work. The study has shown that there is a functional co-operation today, and that students believe that if the cooperation would increase. It would also in-crease their motivation to improve..

Kartläggning av nyckelkompetenser - En studie om vilka kompetenser som identifieras som mest viktiga för inköpare på ett byggföretag

The concept competence is considered to be difficult to define. Therefore, it may be problematic to define competence in business and to evaluate the level of skills of employees (Thomsen, 2010). In this study the aim has been to identify key competencies for employees working as purchasers for Skanska Nordic Procurement Unit (NPU). These key competencies will afterwards help Skanska NPU to evaluate purchasers? level of competence.The theoretical framework of the study consists of three different parts.

Avelsarbete med mjölkproducerande getter ? fokus på Norge och Frankrike

The main part of the goats in the world is located in developing countries, whereas active breeding programs are mainly restricted to Northern America and Europe. Goat milk can be processed to several products and goat cheese is the main product. An organized breeding program is carried out in France and Norway but is not present in Sweden. Important selection traits for milk producing goats include milk, protein and fat yield along with protein and fat content. Functional traits have been more important the past years and they have large economic importance for the farmers.

Analys av energiförbrukning, Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals AB

The main purpose of this project was to make a survey of the steam and electricity consumption at Akzo Nobel Functional Chemistry AB and give suggestions of how to minimize them. These three different areas were focused on. First to make a survey of all the most important consumers, second to find the electricity consumption of the air compressors and the amount of waste heat produced from them. The third area was to calculate a model of how much fresh water that is used during a cooling sequence in the water based heating/cooling system of the reactors and give a suggestion of a suitable reuse for this water.The main result is a total survey of the energy consumption in steam and electricity. The survey shows that the second largest group after drying is heating of ventilation which gives big potentials of reducing the total steam consumption if there is a way of being self supporting in ventilation heat.

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

AbstractThis essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants? (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better.This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants? (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated.

IAS - påverkar de nya normerna kreditbedömningen?

Teorierna säger att organisationer är svårföränderliga och att individer inte anpassar sig, eller anpassar sig successivt efter ändrade redovsningsmetoder. Hypoteserna förkastades vilket motsäger teorierna. Resultatet tyder på att kreditgivare är flexibla och förändrar sin kreditbedömning, på grund av en förändrad redovisningsinformation, vid införandet av IAS..

Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market

Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods. The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.

Språkutveckling med hjälp av Tragetons metod; möjligheter och hinder : Att skriva sig till läsning med dator och surfplatta

The purpose of this study is to describe some primary school teachers understanding of language development and approach of first and second language speakers with Arne Tragetons Writing to reading, for pupils in early ages.By using a qualitative method with interviews and participant observations and informal conversations, the basis for the survey was collected. Four teachers in three schools participated. The proportion of second-language pupils at each school was 35%, 17% and 0%. My theoretical starting point in the study was the hermeneutic research tradition, which has been used to interpret and understand the collected material. Theories of behaviorism, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective has been used in the analysis part of this study.

IBS-patienters upplevelse av låg FODMAP-kosten

IBS patients experiences of eating the low FODMAP-dietIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, functional gastrointestinal tract disorder. The disease is benign but may cause much suffering for the individual. The treatments available are used to relieve symptoms. One nutrition therapy is to exclude fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide and polyols, so callde FODMAPS, from the diet. This diet is proven successful and even significantly better than the standard nutrition advice for IBS.

Sittande i väntan på hållbarhet - Nyhaga vilfåtölj

The Sitting while waiting for sustainability project goal was to make a functional model for a resting chair and to make it by using furniture and artefacts as material. A try of understanding the process of re-design and to use it to design was driving the project through. The result was a prototype made out of a bed frame and 18 pair of jeans and with details made out of leather..

Den ultimata träningsmetoden?

Crossfit is a recently developed form of training which is based on a number of functional resistance exercises performed at high intensity, often to the point of muscular failure. Crossfit has since its introduction 30 years ago, reached vast popularity all around the world, including Sweden. Its practitioners considers Crossfit to be an effective training method for achieving a functional and total trained physique thru improvements in VO2max, muscle strength, endurance, balance and speed. Few scientific studies has been published in the subject which is why this study sets out to examine the effect of Crossfit on VO2max (measured with Åstrands submaximal cyclingtest), maximal strength capacity in lower- and upper body muscles (measured with 1 RM tests in bench press and leg press), rapid strength capacity and strength endurance capacity in upper body muscles (measured with push-up test in 30 seconds) and explosive strength capacity in lower body muscles (measured with sergeant jump test). Five women with an average of 33(±5) years of age all new to Crossfit, performed these tests at two separate occasions with a training period of four weeks consisting of 12(±3,67) Crossfit sessions in between.The result showed a significant improvement in the maximal strength capacity of the leg extension muscles (p=0,025).

När LSS krockar med AML : Enhetschefers upplevelser av åtskilda rättighetslagstiftningar som möts inom utförandet av personlig assistans

The aim of this study was to examine how heads of unit in charge of personal assistance (PA)for the disabled experience and handle ethical dilemmas and situations within theirworkgroups when The Work Environment Act and The Swedish Act Concerning Support andService for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments collide with each other. The methodof the study was to use semi-structured interviews based around three main topics; the head ofunits opinions about the value and purpose of The Work Environment Act in theadministering and implementation of personal assistance services, the problem solvingprocess and the head of units own individual experiences of ethical dilemmas or workenvironment-related conflicts or situations within their workgroups. Four heads of unit wereinterviewed for this study. The results of this study showed that the interviewed heads of unitexperienced a lack of clear and factual information about how they were meant to solvedilemmas emerging from the two laws conflicting with each other regarding the rights of thecare recipient to layout their personal assistance to their liking, versus the rights of thepersonal assistant to have acceptable working conditions. The heads of unit could not rely onlegislation and/or other specific directive documents when work environment-relatedproblems arose.

Varumärkning inom B2B : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och risker med etisk ingrediensvarumärkning

Branding is becoming increasingly important to companies within the B2B-sector and they put a lot of effort and capital to develop and strengthen their brands. One way of working with brands is through ingredient branding. An ingredient brand is an alliance between two brands where the ingredient brand is applied on a host brand and works as an ingredient on the product. The purpose of ingredient branding is to create competiveness, differentiation and to create quality associations. Ingredient brands can be divided into emotional and functional categories.

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