

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 26 av 42

Talsyntesen ? Dyslektikerns glasögonoch ett stöd för många läs- och skrivsvaga

According to the National Agency for Education 06-06-2010 are approximately 115 000 students graduating from Secondary School in the year of 2010.Out of these students, we know that thousands of them are hampered by reading and writing disabilities in various degrees. Have these students been given the best support needed when it comes to writing and reading?Compensation may be perceived as a goal for the pupil to catch up with the rest of the educational group or as a vehicle to go round the difficulties. In Sweden, diagnosed dyslexics are not allowed to use speech synthesis, a compensatory technical aid, during the 9th degree national tests.This study?s purpose is to discover if the usage of speech synthesis during the national test of Swedish and reading comprehension might work as a motivation booster for the students and consequently increase their test scores.This is a quantitative study including study including 15 pupils with diagnosed reading and writing disabilities.

Total Cost of Ownership - en papperstiger: En studie av svenska industriföretags beslutsunderlag inför sourcing

Evaluating and choosing suppliers based on price alone, has traditionally been the dominant strategy for supplier selection within the purchasing function. With the origin of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)-concept in the early 1990s, a new philosophy dawned that promoted the importance of knowing the effects of supplier performance on the buying firm?s internal costs. Since then, scholars have been arguing the case of TCO as a viable model for making purchasing decisions and conducting supplier evaluation. Still, after two decades little is known about its penetration and impact on the practices of buying corporations, leaving the questions of which costs are included in the purchasing organisations? decisions unanswered, and even more importantly why certain costs are considered and others not.

Maktspelet på den svenska bolånemarknaden : vad påverkar bankernas marknadsandelar?

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Incitament för att bygga arenor när kalkyler bedöms olika : En studie om två arenor

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Vad kan förklara skillnader i direktavkastningskrav? : En jämförelse mellan Stockholm CBD och förort

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Säg något intressant! : En kvalitativ studie av marknadskommunikation på Facebook

ABSTRACTElin Johansson, Hanna Johansson, Camilla Nilsson Say something interesting! A qualitative study of marketing communication on Facebook                               Pages: 36With the emergence of social media, new ways has been created for companies to reach out to its audience. From being dependent on journalists to provide information, companies today have the ability to self-publish information in the open media channels. The use of social media should not replace traditional marketing communication though, but works best as a complement. It is a new environment that requires the company to adapt its working methods. Although the work is different, it is important that companies see social media as part of the overall marketing communication and not as a separate project. The purpose of this paper is to study recipient?s experience of company?s communications in social media. We have chosen to relate this to the instructions on methods of marketing communication and social media marketing as found in literature on the subject. This is to examine whether firms achieve the desired effect of the methods that are considered most appropriate. Does the message reach out? The focus of this study is marketing communication in the social media Facebook. The study consists of qualitative interviews to illuminate the recipients' views and experiences, as well as a literature study from the theoretical perspective of the sender of marketing communication in social media. The results showed that business as well as audience must interact in a functional relationship in social media. Companies should be more like the customer they are trying to reach. If companies choose to expose themselves in social media, time must be given to this, which is what the audience expects. Key words: Marketing communication, social media, social media marketing, Facebook, recipients, sender.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med hjärtsvikt : En litteraturbaserad studie

Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt är ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd som ger symtom som andfåddhet, trötthet och hjärtklappningar. Hjärtsvikt kan orsakas av flera olika anledningar där ischemisk hjärtsjukdom och hypertoni är vanligast förekommande. För att ange graden av hjärtsvikt används funktionsklassificering enligt New York Heart Associaton Functional Classification (NYHA I-IV). Lidande kan uppstå vid sjukdom där sjukdomslidande, livslidande och vårdlidande är tre olika former. Egenvård är en viktig faktor för att vidhålla hälsa och välbefinnande.

Hur små företag kan uppnå lönsamhet på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

The interest for children´s clothing has increased in society. More and more children are born and parents are older when they have children. Education has become a natural feature in most people´s life, just as both parents often work today. The households have therefore better economy and thus greater consumption opportunities. Parents are, in greater extent, looking for personal and different clothing with focus on quality and, to some extent, exclusivity rather than just a cheap and functional garment.

Dismodernitet och Insektspolitik : En studie av genus, (o)begriplighet och (dys)funktionalitet i Franz Kafkas Förvandlingen

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

De akademisk utbildades bemötande av Aspergers syndrom inom visst yrke

Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur akademiskt utbildade inom ett visst yrke bemöter personer med Aspergers syndrom samt vilken kunskap de utbildade personerna har inom ämnet. Vi har valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i vår uppsats, utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Vi har valt att intervjua akademiskt utbildade som arbetar och möter personer med Aspergers syndrom inom människovårdände yrken. Dessa akademiskt utbildade personer arbetar på olika sätt beroende på vilken myndighet de jobbar på, därför har vi intresserat oss för hur man bör bemöta sina klienter/patienter som professionell utifrån ett professionellt etiskt perspektiv. Våra valda informanter jobbar inom differenta organisationer i Norrtäljekommun.

Goda levnadsvillkor eller skälig levnadsnivå... efter 65 år : En jämförelse av omsorgsmodeller enligt LSS - lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade och SoL -socialtjänstlagen

The level of help and support given to elderly people over the age of 65 has been regulated by two separate laws; 1-the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and 2- Act of Social Services (SoL). Recent changes in the legislation could cause local authorities to deal with these issues in different ways. The aim of this study was to examine and evaluate possible differences in the level of support for the elderly, dependant on which of the two laws was used in the decision process.The questions raised in this paper are· What are the major differences in the purposes of the two legislations?· How will the decisions be influenced dependant on what law is used? Do the decisionmakers identify the difference between the quality levels "good" and "fair"?· How is the process of care organised and managed within each of these legislations and how is the personnel used?· Are there differences in quality regarding freedom of choice, your own right to decide, influence, comprehensive view and continuity in the efforts given?· What development can you see in these fields of care.As a method I have used a case study involving four big cities in Scania. The most interesting and essential knowledge in the study was obtained from qualitative interviews with eleven decision-makers in the four communities.The result of this study indicates that there are more similarities than differences in the purposes of these laws.

?ÄNTLIGEN!?- En lysrörsarmatur för det egna hemmet

The aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately.

Kommersiella fastigheter på auktion : En kartläggning av auktionsformatets för- och nackdelar

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Förbättrad balans hos kvinnliga innebandyspelare efter fem veckors balansträning i relation till skaderisk. : En kombinerad litteraturstudie och empirisk studie

Introduction: Balance is a complicated term which includes a static, dynamic and functional part. These parts have, during a long period of time, been included into the existing training programs through several different balance exercises, which aim to prevent sports injuries mostly focused on the knee and ankle. In floorball these injuries are common and a sports injury prevention program is required.Purpose: The purpose is to explain the balance term and relate it to injury prevention training and the existing theories. A second purpose is to see whether five weeks of balance training increases the balance ability in female floorball players and thereby increase the test values in the two tests.Method: Twenty female floorball players participated in the study and were divided into a training group and a control group. They performed a Star excursion balance test (SEBT) and a Multiple single leg hop stabilization test (MSLHST) before and after a five week training period, containing exercises of balance.Results: The training group showed improvement after the training period, however only one significant result was found.

Faunapassager : How animals cross roads

A fauna passage is a way for animals to cross roads separated from the traffic. In Sweden, there are an unknown number of passages with different functions and appearances. These passages would, with the question ?Which fauna passages can be found in Sweden, and how well do they work?? as a base, be compiled in a comparable way. This would be done with a number of questions asked to the different regions of Vägverket.

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