

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 27 av 42

Kundvärden i förändring? : En studie av mobiloperatörer.

The objective of this study has been to examine which significant values are of importance in the telecom sector today, and in a continuing perspective yet to be. To ensure the factors of relevance in the study, we have identified three purposes: - Our first purpose is to clarify the eminent values in the competitive market of the mobile phone operators today, and the reason for its importance.- The second purpose is to understand the function of the brand regarding to value creation and loyalty in the sector of mobile phone operators.- The third purpose is to explore the potential approaches for mobile phone operators to increase value.In this study, our approach has been a qualitative methodology by conducting seven interviews with respondents related to the telecommunication sector.As a result of the process, we find the need to divide the concept of value into two dimensions, which we entitle organizational related values and customer related values. We have found the values related to the characteristics of the market in aspects of its infrastructural features but also in regards to the homogenous core service.Our findings in the empirical data with support to our theoretical frame of reference, is the current highly important organizational related value of constant high result quality (well-functional technological aspect), and the value enhancer by a low price; the strategy of bundling also results in higher value. This result in customer related values that perceives as safeness, availableness and convenience. The brands are a significant source of customer related values with identity value, image value and assuredness. A continued advancement in process quality and individualization will imply greater customer related values of closeness, freedom and flexibility. .

Värdering av handelsfastigheter : En undersökning av värderingsmetoder, bedömningen avdess parametrar samt problem som kan uppkomma

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Effekten av e-handelns framgång på hyresmarknaden för köpcentrum : En analys av utformningen för hyresavtal

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

 Rullstolshandtag som möjliggör ögonkontakt ? ett produktutvecklingsprojekt

?Dementia is an umbrella term for several symptoms of impaired brain function. The person's behavior is affected when mental functions such as memory, attention, concentration and language are affected and the dementia patient can have difficulties to interpret sensory input. Communication is based a lot on body language. It is therefore important for the caregiver to seek eye contact with the patient in order to simplify communication and it can be of great help to show with the whole body what they mean and be able to point out things.

Riskanalys av elsystem med funktions-FMEA

Riskanalysverktyget failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) som analyserar kompo-nenter och signaler är beroende av att designen av fordonets elsystem finns tillgängligt och utförs därför sent i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem. Detta medför att vissa fel inte analyseras i tid och kanske måste designas bort i efterhand vilket kan leda till ökad sy-stemkomplexitet samt längre och dyrare utvecklingsprocesser.Målet med examensarbetet är att genom en litteraturstudie ta reda på om det finns me-toder eller arbetssätt som gör att Scania tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem kan genomföra funktionsanalyser i sitt riskanalysarbete med FMEA samt analysera dessa.Resultatet av detta examensarbete visar att det är möjligt att påbörja FMEA-arbetet tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem om ingenjörerna utgår från ett funktionsperspektiv i riskanalysarbetet där de listar och rangordnar de funktioner som tillsammans realiserar en eller flera funktionaliteter samt deras felmoder, feleffekter, feldetektering, allvarlighet, sannolikhet och frekvens. Med hjälp av en FFMEA kan ingenjörerna tidigt i utveck-lingsprocessen av elsystem snabbt och effektivt hantera de identifierade säkerhetskritiska funktionerna.En befintlig funktionalitet på Scania har brutits ned i funktioner och en FFMEA har genomförts på dessa som en demonstration på hur en FFMEA kan genomföras och se ut..

Perenner i offentlig miljö : en samling exempel och erfarenheter

Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.

Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet

This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.

Det beslöjade partiet : En diskursanalys avsverigedemokratiska texter

The Veiled Party: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden Democratic Texts aims to further the understanding of the underlying ideology of the Sweden Democratic party, by revealing whether or not there is any ideological content that include race, racialization, and racism in the party?s political texts. The study offers a background description of the discursive change in the social and political climate of debate in Sweden, which opened a policy window for xenophobic agenda setting. In addition, the study delivers a presentation of the public debate regarding the Sweden Democrats, as well as statements by party representatives.Through a social constructionist and discourse analytic framework, the study aims at understanding how the application of racial ideas are done and mapped. The core of the theoretical framework is a critical race and whiteness theoretical approach.

Vem får arbete? : En kvalitativ studie om nätverkets betydelse för ett aktivt arbetsliv efter gymnasiesärskolan ur ett aktörperspektiv

Genom kontakt med studie och yrkesvägledare inom gymnasiesärskolan blev vi uppmärksammade på att de uppfattade arbetsmarknaden för gymnasiesärskolans elever som problematisk. Detta ledde till att vi ville undersöka hur andra aktörer i nätverket kring eleverna uppfattade utslussningen av eleverna till arbetslivet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka nätverkets resurser kring utslussning av gymnasiesärskolans elever till/i arbetslivet. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka hur nätverket kan bidra till ökad integration mellan elev/elever och arbetsmarknaden. Genom detta ville vi framhäva elevernas möjligheter till ett aktivt arbetsliv. Resultatet torde kunna användas som ett underlag i utvecklandet av samarbetet mellan involverade aktörer. Utifrån 5 kvalitativa intervjuer kunde respektive aktörrepresentanterna uppfattning utskiljas och ett resultat formades.

Variationer i normal språklig förmåga hos vuxna jämfört med neural aktivitet

Since the brain is an important prerequisite for human language there is a great interest to gain more knowledge about healthy brain activity during language mediated communication. This study examines variations in high level language ability relating to demographic factors like gender and age and relates language ability to neural activity.Eighteen individuals in ages between 22 and 64 were included and divided into groups in relation to gender and age. The material used to assess language ability was derived from Testbatteri för Bedömning av Subtila Språkstörningar (Laakso, Brunnegård, Hartelius & Ahlsén, 2000), Swedish Lexical Decision Test (Almkvist, Adveen, Henning & Tallberg, 2007) and a reading test (Högskoleprovet). The results were correlated with measured brain activity using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and language paradigms. ANOVA was applied to discover possible demographic variances in language ability as well as in brain activity.The results showed no significant differences in language ability.

Den viktiga historien : Historiesyn och historiemedvetande i studentexamensuppsatser från åren 1877 och 1929.

The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyse the view and consciousness of history present in essays written by Swedish high school students in 1877 and 1929. A theoretical framework was established in order to accomplish this, based on the theories of Peter Aronsson and Jörn Rüsen (through Lars Andersson Hult) that defines consciousness of history through a matrix that expresses a progression as well as a scaling complexity. Furthermore, the theories of Knut Kjelstadli and Magnus Hermansson Adler were adopted to establish two different types of view of history: one adhering to a view of history where groups and individuals are seen as integral to the progression of history, and the other explains historical process through more functional explanations, such as dependant on cultural and social structures.This framework erects ideal-types of different types of view and consciousness of history, and the thesis at hand strives to categorise the different kinds of view and consciousness of history found in the studied essays in accordance with these ideal-types through two different models based on the above mentioned theories.The findings presented here largely point to a view of history that is largely centered on an actor-oriented view of history, where individuals such as kings and generals are given a central position when historical events are being narrated, and is present in both 1877 and 1929, with some shifting nuances. As for the consciousness of history the lion part of the analysed texts can be seen adhering to a more traditional type of consciousness in 1877, although a slight shift can be seen towards a more complex type of consciousness in the texts from 1929..

Avlastningsarmstöd till Grip-it : Optimal positionering av övre extremitet vid gripstyrkemätningar

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

En möjlig väg till arbete för unga med psykisk funktionsnedsättning, sett ur ett brukarperspektiv

Att inte veta om att man har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan påverka individens självbild, vilket även kan resultera i utanförskap i samhället. Detta kan ha lett till att man aldrig fått kontakt med arbetsmarknaden eller brytt sig om att ta kontakt med Arbetsförmedlingen. Syftet med denna uppsats var att utforska om det fanns en gemensam nämnare till att personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning som deltog i projektet Unga till Arbete i Gävle fick ett arbete, samt att öka förståelsen för hur de upplevde mötet med myndigheter generellt och med Arbetsförmedlingen i synnerhet.  Fyra intervjuer med personer som hade diagnosen psykisk funktionsnedsättning, varav två av dem kvinnor och två män genomfördes och bearbetades med induktiv tematisk analys. Ur analys av intervjumaterialet genererades följande övergripande teman: bristande uppmärksamhet, oförståelse samt undermålig samverkan mellan myndigheter och professionella, vilka gällde och följt deltagarna från tidig skolgång fram till vuxen ålder. Resultatet visade att projektet Unga till Arbete i Gävle hjälpt respondenterna att få stöd och därmed ett arbete.

Översättning och validering av pVHI : för barn 6 till 10 år

Studies indicate that between 6-9% of all children has some type of voice problems. Voice problems in children may have different etiology and can affect all ages. In Sweden, there is a lack of a standardized questionnaire addressed to children with voice problems and their legal guardians. The purpose of this study was to translate and validate the Pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI) in Swedish children aged 6 to 10 years. The study was carried out through an internet-based assessment form for children referred to speech and language pathologist/ phoniatrican due to voice disorders in Sweden and a matched control group of children without voice problems.

Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling

Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965 the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only the area surrounding the old buildings remained, turned to a park.

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