

352 Uppsatser om Front end - Sida 7 av 24

Tuftade golvsmycken och prydnadskuddar

This work is about getting to know tufting as a technique and to design tufted products for home furnishing.It all began in Finland, where during springtime 2004, I got in contact with the technique oftufting for the first time. A very pleasant meeting that resulted in two carpets and a longing to continueand learn more. It was then that an idea for my final project started to take form. My wish was to designtufted ?floor jewelleries? and cushions.I made a base for my project during a design project in autumn 2004.

Apparently obscure

Through wing pattern, posture and movement, a harmless moth of the family Brenthia imitates an eight-eyed jumping spider. When an octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus sense danger it can alter its appearance to that of a venomous sea snake. They are both drawing attention to themselves. Nevertheless, and because of this, they are protected. The mechanism is called mimicry.

Att inreda ett intranät : En rapport över framtagandet av en ny design för ett intranät

Denna uppsats beskriver utvecklingen inom projektet att skapa en redesign av en intranätmall till företaget Circuit i Stockholm. Denna intranätmall representerar de intranät som företaget producerar och används för att sälja in intranät till nya kunder. På grund av att många uppdateringar och nya funktioner tillkommit i de senaste intranäten som levererats vill företaget uppdatera sin intranätmall och som en del i arbetet skapa en ny design till den. Det som levererades inom projektet var slutgiltiga Photoshopskisser med syftet att beskriva designen i detalj, samt påbörjad kodmässig implementering i front-end med hjälp av ramverk för responsiv design..

Att läsa mellan raderna : En studie i grafiska elements roll som identitetsbärare på magasinomslag.

Hard competition amongst the editorial world of magazines today has led to increased differentiation of the content as well as the visual communication. In this study, the graphic elements of the magazine cover was analyzed to establish how the magazines character is being conveyed by the cover design. In a case study the covers of the Swedish publications of fashion magazine BON and ELLE was semantically analyzed.The conclusion was made that the logotype plays the biggest part in conveying the magazine?s character. Secondly, the front cover headlines shape and size matter a great deal for the overall impression.

En helt vanlig Idol : Identitetsskapande processer i Aftonbladet och Expressen

The aim of the study was to examine how Swedish tabloid journalism presented the contestants in the Swedish version of the reality show Idol 2009. We wanted to see which approaches tabloid news papers use when constructing the public identities of them. We have used text analysis to examine 37 articles and nine front pages with focus on the words, propositions, comparisons and parables that describe four of the contestants. In addition we have looked at myths and connotations shown in the pictures by using a semiotic analysis. The results show that the Swedish tabloids tend to describe the contestants in relation to their performances and personalities.

Kan en teaterproduktion vara socialt arbete? : en studie om KRAFT-projektet

This essay describes how theatre can be a tool in social work. The essay evaluates the Swed-ish KRAFT-project, a course for unemployed people with the goal to make them grow as in-dividuals by using drama exercises and performing a theatre play in front of an audience. The essay is a quantitative secondary study of the questionnaire used in the KRAFT-project. Through analysing the questionnaire the participants answered this essay tries to explain the results from a social psychological perspective. The essay also discusses how the participants? self-concept and self-esteem could have been affected by the KRAFT-project.

Svensk delnominering av Lundamaterialet och en undersökning av prepositioner och komparationsformer hos barn i åldrarna 3:0-5:11 år

The main purpose of the study was to collect normative data for Lundamaterialet,revised version, divided into phonology and grammar, for childrenaged 4:6-5:11. Another aim was to explore how children aged 3:0-5:11 had acquiredprepositions and different forms of comparison. 195 children with typicallanguage development participated. The children were divided into six groups,116 children from the three oldest groups participated in the normative data. Theresults showed an increasing mean value with age for both phonology and grammar.The older children had acquired the prepositions and the forms of comparisonbetter than the younger ones.

Gestaltung ist auch Information : En studie kring layoutens betydelse med Aftonbladet i fokus

In this thesis I'm trying to examine the meaning potential of visual elements and layout in a Swedish newspaper front page and the same newspaper's website's start page, drawing on theories about multimodality and social semiotics developed mainly by Theo van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress. The study is focusing on Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the website aftonbladet.se and compares these three different days. In this thesis I also try to examine what the newspaper communicate about its identity through the different visual components. My conclusion is that visual elements and layout have a great importance regarding what a newspaper communicate about how the news articles should be read, but what can be said about a company's identity mostly depend on the genre the newspaper belongs to and how well the reader knows that particular genre..

Vinnare och förlorare på biståndsarenan? : En analys av EU:s biståndsflöden

Aid effectiveness is a reoccuring theme in the social sciences. Maybe rightfully so, as development is slow in many parts of the developing world. Core literature on the matter seems to suggest that aid effectiveness is contingent on recipients? level of corruption. Assuming this to be true, I examine the EU?s disbursements of Official Development Assistance over the past decade by running regressions: is there a relationship between the level of aid received, and a country?s level of corruption? As the EU is one of the largest donors of foreign aid globally, and has the power to shape the global foreign aid agenda, this question puts to the test whether the EU is leading the way, or rather is an obstacle in front.

Bokprat - en pedagogisk metod for barnbibliotekarier

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the art of book talk. Book talk is when a librarian orally presents a book in front of a group of people, in this thesis, a group of children. The first part of the thesis treats book talk as a method and its development. It will also go through which role book talk plays in the daily work of a children's librarian today, and if they got any education in book talk during their librarian education. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare Lev Vygotskij's pedagogical theories on fantasy and creativity to book talk performed by children's librarians.

Så långt inuti, näst intill borta

Through wing pattern, posture and movement, a harmless moth of the family Brenthia imitates an eight-eyed jumping spider. When an octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus sense danger it can alter its appearance to that of a venomous sea snake. They are both drawing attention to themselves. Nevertheless, and because of this, they are protected. The mechanism is called mimicry.

Molntjänster : en studie av tekniska möjligheter

Datormoln, även kallat molnet, är teknik baserad på användande av applikationer och data över Internet. Molnet erbjuder olika typer av tjänster och resurser som t.ex. applikationer och datorkraft. Molntjänster kan underlätta för företag då de kan sänka den annars höga kostnaden för saker som personal, hårdvara, mjukvara och det utrymme detta kräver.Denna rapport kommer svara på frågan ?Vad är moln?? och grundläggande beskriva molnets struktur och funktion, samt olika typer av moln.

Termografisk undersökning med samtidig analys av rektaltemperatur, hjärtfrekvens, psykiska reaktioner och specifika blodparametrar av häst som behandlats med vibrationsboxen Vitafloor :

A number of studies in human medicine has documented positive effects of whole body vibration treatment in humans. The Vitafloor system, witch is based on treatment of horses with vibration, has the purpose to be used in training of healthy horses and as rehabilitation for horses with injuries in their musculosceletal system. The purpose of this study was to analyse what happens with a clinically healthy horse during treatment with Vitafloor. The methods used is mainly thermography before and after treatment, but also blood samples, measurement of rectal temperature, heart rate, clinical examination and observation of psychic reactions has been done. Statistic significant changes in skin temperature in hoofs and fetlocks of front legs has been observed after treatment with Vitafloor. Analyzing of the blood samples showed a tendency for decrease in Kalium, and two of the horses had changes in CK. No negative effect has been observed with the treatment of horses with Vitafloor, and the horses seems to like the treatment. .

Ljudreducering av värmepump

This degree project handles acoustic measurements of the heat pump EcoAir 107, made by Enertech CTC AB. The sound from the three sound sources of the heat pump, fan, compressor and four way valve, have been measured to find out how they affect the total sound level of the product.Measures to attenuate the sound level have been developed and tested. By comparing these with the sound of the heat pump, in its original state, we have found out the measures which have best effects.The best attenuating measures came to be: taped openings and holes around the compressor space, isolating the top and the bottom of the whole construction, support of the fan bottom part and shielding of the sound source with a screen at a distance of 110 mmThese measures have been tested together and an average attenuation of the total sound level with 3,9 dB have been accomplished. In the front of the fan where the continuous sound is the strongest, the attenuation was 4,7 dB.This project is meant to be used as a guide by Enertech CTC AB:s during their future developing process..


The number of locals in Stockholm who chooses the bike in front of public transport has increased significantly in recent years. The product purchaser of this project, Joakim Victorin at Sigma AB, has a keen interest in cycling, which resulted in a fairly obvious topic of this project; through a web application Sigma AB wanted to make it possible to handle results from professional as well as amateur competitions in cycling.The purpose of this web application is to simplify reporting and handling of competition for both small and bigger bicycle races. By providing the users of the system a platform independent client, any available device may be used.This thesis has followed the development principles which prevail on the ASP .NET MVC 3 concept. When developing the system the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 development environment was used. The framework and the pattern of ASP .NET MVC 3 is a prominent part of today?s web development.

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